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 Caracal C 15-round ammunition magazine (courtesy The Truth About Guns)

Rhode Island gun rights advocates are working on their testimony for the Senate hearings on civilian disarmament. Thursday’s the day. As you might expect, the Little Rhody-based rabbi’s prepared a comprehensive document shooting down gun control canards and reality-checking ridiculous regulations. S0859 is your basic “assault weapon” and “high capacity magazine” ban bill. Check this: under its provisions, if cops catch someone in Rhode Island possessing an ammunition magazine that holds more than 10 cartridges (that was manufactured after July 1, 2013), the offender faces no less than 10 and no more than 20 years in jail. The rabbi puts that in context . . .

“If you compare the 10-20 year jail sentence to penalties for real violent crimes, its ridiculousness becomes clear.

If someone commits first degree robbery in RI they can get as little as 10 years (11-39-1)

It is just as much a crime to steal, than it would for an otherwise law-abiding citizen to simply possess a piece of metal or plastic made after an arbitrary date.

Is someone is convicted of driving to endanger with death resulting the crime is not more than 10 years (31-27-1)

It is less criminal to kill someone with your car than it is for an otherwise law-abiding citizen to possess a simple piece of metal or plastic made after an arbitrary date.

If someone commits 1st degree sexual assault they can get as little as 10 years (11-37-3)

It is just as much a crime to rape in Rhode Island than it is for an otherwise law-abiding citizen to simply possess a piece of metal or plastic made after an arbitrary date.

If you commit arson, you can get as little as a 5-year sentence.

Burning down a building is less criminal than for an otherwise law-abiding citizen to possess a simple piece of metal or plastic made after an arbitrary date.

Assault with dangerous weapon in dwelling house can get as little as 10 years. (11-5-4)

Actual violence is just as much a crime than it is for an otherwise law-abiding citizen to simply possess a piece of metal or plastic made after an arbitrary date.

Battery by an adult upon child ten (10) years of age or younger causing serious bodily injury can get you as little as 5 years. (11-5-14.2 )

Beating up a child and causing serious injury is less of a crime to RI than it is for an otherwise law-abiding citizen to simply possess a piece of metal or plastic made after an arbitrary date.

Murder in the second degree can get you as little as 10 years. (11-23-2)

Do you really think murder is less of a crime than simple possession of a piece of metal or plastic that was perfectly legal if it was manufactured the day before?


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    • NO JOKE. Get OUT. I betcha once you leave, you’ll never, ever be able to find your way back to Never-Ever Land…

  1. Wow, so RI is preparing to go full retard. Great. We could use another test case for the SCotUS to strike down. The crazier they make the provisions the more likely it is we will win.

    • I am working hard. I have written 25 pages of testimony that will be presented by 10 people.

      We are going to beat this thing to death.

      • Rabbi I’m a ri resident currently on active duty in Alabama, but if there’s anything I can do to help with this cause let me know.

      • Good luck, with your 45(I believe) you should be safe(most don’t hold much) at least for now, Randy

      • Send some pages my way Rabbi….
        I have been writing some stuff tackling the financial standpoint of implementing, enforcing, and suffering by these bills would cause the state but I can use a little more snarky bite to my bit.

        As illustrated in what I am working on there are a number of financial setbacks that RI can not afford with these bills:
        1) The money they will need to budget to enforce the laws
        2) The money that will be needed to create task forces as presented in the bills
        3) The tax revenue lost by businesses that will fail or leave due to restrictions on what they can sell/deal in
        4) The tax revenue lost by the state by citizens leaving the state (gun owners leaving the state will be job-holding individuals/skilled laborers whose positions will be difficult to fill)
        5) Revenue lost by hunters boycotting RI as they have pledged to do so in NY, CT, and CO
        6) Revenue lost by passing these bills and therefore putting off any possibility of RI attracting any of the businesses who manufacture/deal in firearms and firearms accessories (If even one of the larger companies could be persuaded to come to RI it would means thousands of jobs through both direct hiring and runoff financial benefits from having well-employed workers in the state)….
        7) Don’t forget lawsuits

        I think the politicians in RI will respond better to threats to their wallets more than rhetoric involving gun rights….in RI cash is king and everything else is secondary

  2. The penalty isn’t as bad as I had expected from my local fools. I was expecting the DEATH PENALTY. These morons are going to stick it to us really good this time around, and our new laws will be far stricter than anything CT. RI will finally be number 1 at something besides handing out welfare.

  3. WOW. Real basket case of a carry prohibition. Making criminals out of law-abiding pistol owners. Incidentally, how do they propose to ascertain the Manufacture Date of the magazines in question? Rabbi?

    • Divining and voodoo magic, the same way they created these laws. Or they kept rolling 20 sided dice and took the average to come up with 10 years.

  4. I hate to bring up this point and I definitely do not advocate this BUT what would you do if you are stopped and the officer finds this ammo magazine on you? Suddenly you’re faced with three options; A) Hope you get an understanding cop B) Get hauled in and hope that you have a lenient judge or C) Shoot it out and try to get away because you know you’re not going to be able to handle imprisonment for from 10-20 years as well as not being able to take showers without getting clumsy and dropping the soap by mistake. I believe this will do nothing but put a cop’s life in danger since I am older and really don’t give a shit anymore and there’s a lot of people like me that do not feel this is a viable reason to go to jail. Sorry, old person’s sentiment, never been to jail and don’t care too.

      • Sounds like a helluva an idea except for the living in Mexico part, you might as well go to the middle-east since living in either place is just so much more desirable. I suppose I could head to Bolivia, like Butch and Sundance, as long as I didn’t run into any military patrols, then I’d just be “Uno Yanqui”.

  5. You RI folks need to do a 1 or 2 million man march with arms on the homes of the people who are trying to take your rights away. Shame on them to hell ! I hope these commies who draft this stuff get hit by a f’king bus ! Don’t ask me how I really feel, I just might tell you !!!!!

    • Seriously, this is just about the point where ppl should be marching with arms to the state Capitol to explain exactly how they feel.

    • I would suggest 5,000 or more people show up on July 4th and every one of them is carrying a 30 round magazine loaded but no weapons of any kind and see what they do…..and tell them they bought them on July 2nd. What are they going to do? I doubt if RI has enough space for 5,000 new felons for the next 10-20 years.

  6. really , it leave you with 2 choices if you live in RI. first is to get rid of all mags that hold over 10 rounds . you cannot risk 10-20 years of your life on being able to prove you had it before the law was passed . for most of fowgs it would be a life sentence. then you go cowboy and buy revolvers and leverguns.
    the other choice is to treat this as an eviction notice. the reality of spending the rest of your life in prison is nothing to joke about . The thing is , the 10 years is a minimum . A gun hating judge could give you 20 .

      • I thought the law was against detachable magazines. fixed are not covered, at least they weren’t inder the old AWB.

  7. What is it with these idiotic states trying to “one-up” each other on gun laws?
    Reminds me of spree killers’ desire to top previous nut jobs.

    • Their real wish is to eliminate our culture. This is just standard operating procedure; i.e. make owning firearms an activity fraught with very real consequences and nasty legal traps, and a lot of people will say “It’s not worth it, I give up”, or at least that is the antis’ train of thought.

  8. Hey, the government made marijuana possession illegal so what’s to stop them from making standard capacity magazines illegal?

    “First they came for the pot smokers and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a pot smoker.”

  9. What is going to happen on July 1? Same arbitrary date as the Colorado ban…

    Wonder what the big federal play will be, require date and serial number for manufacturing? “common sense for tracking criminals and terrorists” and all… Only way it becomes enforceable

    • So if your mag has a serial number and date it’s illegal but if it has none you are ok? Hmmmm

      • I’ll have a few dozen “time traveling” pmags I can donate the the cause come July. Good luck proving any of them were out of the state June 30th.

  10. The high penalties are a distraction designed to sap your energy and attention; it’s not like one year in jail would be a picnic. They’ll “compromise” on the penalties in the end, so don’t fixate on those and lose track of the big picture – 10-round magazines are not enough to cover all reasonably common self-defense situations and are thus constitutionally suspect, given that Heller and McDonald expressly affirm the right to self-defense with a handgun. If you can’t sink the very idea of a magazine size limit, at least fight for it to be 15 or, better yet, 20.

  11. This could have a silver lining… With such severe punishments for simply possessing an inanimate object, and given the overcrowding of this country’s prison system, perhaps these extreme sentences will make the law worthless. I.e. mattress tag laws. Laws are nothing without law enforcement… And then there is the Eighth Amendment (cruel/unusual punishment), which might nullify any prosecution under these laws.

    • “This could have a silver lining… With such severe punishments for simply possessing an inanimate object, and given the overcrowding of this country’s prison system, perhaps these extreme sentences will make the law worthless. I.e. mattress tag laws. ”
      I don’t think that idea is going to work. Our policymakers making these laws to curtail Second Amendment rights; they will let a murderer, rapist, etc. out before they let a Second Amendment “criminal” out of prison to reduce overcrowding.
      They are already picking and choosing which laws to enforce and punish people for, illegal immigration anyone?

  12. We haven’t seen what the jury’s will do yet. I’d hate to be in with the first test cases though. If the jurys won’t convict they have no mag law & just expensive trials, Randy/// The real criminals say, put us in jail, fu.k your laws & they let em out with an ankle bracelet, Randy

  13. the NYT reported that the evil rifle that the Boston bombers had was an M4 carbine. huh, criminals with illegal guns and pipe bombs. maybe RI should ban those. oh, wait..

    • There’s an exemption though: The Mob is welcome to stay. That’s the other industry, vying with civil servants and higher education in RI.

      • Any gun maker, especially a manufacturer of so called “assault weapons” who stays in one of these new AWB states deserves to be boycotted and driven out of business if they refuse to move. It is immoral as a gun owner to buy firearms made in a state where their possession by the common folk is illegal.

  14. Sounds like what the NY Führer and his minions shoved down our throats in the middle of the night. Only he make any magazine over 10 illegal, even old ones and we can only load 7 in a 10 shot magazine. Nearly all infractions are felonies so even if they go lighter on the sentence you loose all gun and voting rights forever (probably their real plan).

    Good luck RI.

    • The legislation that went down in New York makes Colorado look good (I know that ain’t saying much).

  15. The problem is we always run. Weve been running for so long now that its basic instinct. The answer is not to get out, to run. It is to fight.

    • +1
      If we don’t fight, we don’t deserve to keep what we have. We need to go on the offensive. Try to repeal some of the older laws like the NFA or the Brady Bill. You don’t win a war by fighting defensively.

    • I dunno,there’s something to be said for consolidation. I suppose the greatest fantasy is all liberty-minded folk come inward to the middle states. When the coastal leftist states go bankrupt, fail, and becomes fascist hellscapes because all the earners and taxpayers have now left, their leftist refugees will flock inward like a disease that’s finished feasting off a dessicated body. That’s when the 2A comes in handy to beat them back.

      But, yeah, a fantasy.

    • Fight how? I would assume the majority of voters in R.I. would go along with this. They did elect a bunch of leftists after all right? I would assume the dems have super majorities right?

  16. I’m looking forward to the part where the state and federal courts start striking down all these laws.

  17. Nothing frightens the Marxists more than a well armed citizen. Matters are obviously at a point where disarming us is more vital to them than ever before.

  18. The race to the bottom has now been officially joined by the nation’s most corrupt state. What can we expect from a legislature made up of bag men and municipal union shop stewards?

    Unlike some states, the bottom-of-the-barrel RI cops will enforce these crazy laws like crazy. RF, of all the people in RI, you’re the one with the biggest target on your back. Turning your back on RI was a wise decision.

    • I don’t know Ralph. I’d kind of like to see something along the lines of “Farago vs. State of Rhode Island” in the SCOTUS, with a win for our side. Sure, it would be a hassle for Robert, but hey, it’s not like I’d be the one in the dock. Take one for the team. I’ll kick into the legal defense fund.

      Besides, I sure will miss our trips to HSC after Robert migrates to the Lone Star State and you scoot off to the Silver State. I’m really bummin’ Man.

      Who knows, maybe he’ll make it up there with the pantheon of Heller, McDonald, and maybe even Vanderboegh v. Connecticut.

      • You’re assuming that they would take him alive. But you know as well as I do that in RI, the cops will kill you for running a red light.

        • Well, there IS that problem I suppose. You lawyers are such sticklers for details and reality.

        • Greg, what makes it even worse is that RI’s governor is a moron. And I don’t mean that colloquially. He’s actually a moron, with a mental age of about 10.

        • Governor Howdy Doody in an INCREDIBLE idiot. You don’t even have to see him in person to look into his eyes, and see the echo chamber behind them. Who voted for the dick? I sure didn’t.

  19. Soooo glad I no longer live there — would never consider going back, given its taxes, corruption, welfare pandering, union domination, ever-declining economy (caused by the items preceding it in this list). And now this.

    What’s the penalty going to be for having an unregistered pressure cooker?

    What a bunch of Democrat morons … but I repeat myself.

  20. The cancer of the Progressive Fascists is spreading. The trinity of evil (Bloomberg, mainstream media, and the White House) will not stop until all gun owners have been shamed and turned into criminals. To my brothers and sisters in arms in Rhode Island, I wish you luck in opposing this legislation.

  21. How is it that there are citizens that are willing to let corrupt politicians disarm the public? That makes no sense.

  22. I go shopping in RI often & I visit restaurants there very often.
    If this bill passes I’ll be boycotting RI.

  23. Oh good, another reason to dislike this state. I’m born and raised in RI but you wouldn’t know it by certain things I enjoy. You know, fairness, freedom, working for a living, etc.

    I lived in South Carolina for a short time. Some family is still there. Maybe it’s time to think about heading back. The town I have ties to is a bit slow compared to what I’m accustomed to being around. The job situation is the main issue. Moving can often be easier said than done.

    I’m hoping for the best. With Rhode Island’s track record I think we, as gun owners, are going to see a tough and crappy road ahead.

  24. if that’s what the people of Rhode Island want, more power to them. As far as I am concerned, the more enemies they make the better. Karma and all…

  25. As a simple point of inquiry,
    what primary factor has provided those in government such unlimited powers as to have clearly abandoned the ideas, ideals, principles, standards and values embodied as that of that of the American Constitutional Republic — and set government on a course to willfully and intentionally devolve it into its most natural state of tyranny and despotism?
    Therein resides the most rudimentary solution to what may otherwise seem to be an irresolvable problem.

  26. Hi. I’m Nick, I’m from North Providence, and I’m pissed. I beg your pardon.

    As a Massachusetts native “escapee” – I fled the state (not to escape prosecution, but the oppressive state itself) at my earliest opportunity. Unfortunately, I’m starting to see that our little state that I once loved fall prey to the same types of people and trains of “thought” as our northern neighbors.

    As I’m sure you’re well aware, Mass is completely hell-bent on passing laws for the sake of passing laws. Apparently Mass isn’t “progressing” unless laws are being scribbled out on a friggin’ Starbucks napkin, and swiftly pushed through. Politicians rushing to pass un-researched and emotion-fueled legislation to feel a sense of accomplishment are crushing out rights as Americans. It’s no longer by the people, for the people. It’s by me, for me and the other people who are like me. Forget everyone else.

    These clowns envision something as detrimental to their own self-involved lifestyles, so certainly it’s a detriment to “anyone else right-minded”. Laws will take care of that detriment! They’ll make (my idea of) the world a better place! Wow! I am saving the world! There. Done. One less thing to worry about! OK! WRITE AND PASS NEW LAW! Check! What’s next on my ever-so-important busy schedule for today?

    OH NO! IT’S TIME FOR SOCCER PRACTICE! No time! Gotta go! Load the kids into the van, we’re late!

    Unfortunately, and to the credit of nobody, our modern society doesn’t stop to “smell the flowers”, to stop to research, to stop to think. This self-important hurried culture plagued with a Twitter-esque mindset is eroding our rights at an alarming pace. If the details of something – anything – take more than a few seconds to review, then it’s a bother. In Mass, laws are written and passed in the same way, and it starting to happen here in RI as well. First impression, primary emotion, uninformed opinion and kneejerk reaction far too often become final decision.

    It’s a waste of their time to take a second to learn about what they think is wrong. The mind’s made up! No time to waste! Onward to the PTA meeting!

    Gone is consideration of how the results of these kneejerk reactionary measures will affect anyone else. What a complete inconvenience.

    I’m a grown adult, and have been for a few decades now. I’m responsible, I’m law-abiding, and I will be god damned if some lazy-ass imposes their condensed, under-informed, and hurried “what works for ME” agenda on me. Lawmakers – do or don’t do what you want within the confines of your own home. I’ll do or not do what suits me behind my doors. I assure you that what I do will not interfere with your ever-so-busy schedule and your superficial life.

    Do you actually want to reduce gun violence? Slap those mandatory 10 and 20 year terms on crimes with illegal weapons. Not just guns. Any weapons that the person is not legally eligible to have. I don’t give a good god damn if it’s a butter knife. Double the terms for repeat offenders. Mandatory. No room for wiggling out, no room for shirking responsibility for your own actions. It likely won’t stop crimes from happening – criminals don’t give a F about laws. What it will do, however, is remove criminal scum from our streets, and away from people like us and our families. It’s a start.

    Leave my “assault military semi fully automatic evil gun tool rifle death weapon” alone. I sport shoot a lot. I also retain my weapons for the sake of defending myself, my home, and the ones that I love.

    Illegal guns are already on the streets. Politicians have vastly failed in keeping illegal handguns off the streets. It’s in their job description that they are to write and pass effective laws that work for the people. Obviously what was in place didn’t work. We’re constantly dealing with the effects of their failed laws, and failed policies. Penning new laws that criminalize law-abiders as a reaction is ludicrous. Why should we further pay the price for lawmakers’ shortcomings? Absolutely ridiculous.

    Some of the more extreme results of said failed policies are why you and I need guns to defend ourselves in the first place. As it is we’re forced to deal with a culture where we can’t let our kids play outside anymore without fear. Neighborhoods just a few minutes away from home that were not-so-long-ago working-class neighborhoods are now crime-filled cesspools full of, yep, illegal guns. And quite a few illegal aliens with quite a few illegal guns.

    Stop, Rhode Island lawmakers. STOP. Take a friggin’ breath and actually learn about what you’re trying to do, what negative connotations it’ll have, who it really affects the most, and what, if any, positive result is likely after all is considered. Banning sporting rifles with “high capacity magazines” is going to have zero effect in reducing gun violence in Rhode Island. Such legislation isn’t going to stop a couple of big bad guys with illegal guns who are high on crack from wandering a mile up the road into to my neighborhood. It’s definitely not going to stop them from breaking into my home if that’s their intent. It’s absolutely not going to stop them from trying to steal my belongings, and potentially threaten or harm my family in the process. What it will do, Mr and Mrs Lawmakers, is leave us vulnerable, to face the crime that your policies’ failures have created, without the ability to properly protect ourselves from such threats.

    Stop. Just stop. “Block out” ten minutes on your… iPhone calendar…. whatever. Put down your latte, and realize the real and long-term effects of your actions. We can only hope that this happens. I “pray” that it does. Atheist. Unrelated to point…

    Anyhow, with all written, and this may be a cliche at this point, out of my cold dead god damn hands. I did my time growing up, having been told what to do, regardless of if it was right or wrong. I complied.

    As a Massachusetts native “escapee” – I fled the state (not to escape prosecution, but the oppressive state itself) at my earliest opportunity. Unfortunately, I’m starting to see that our little state that I once loved fall prey to the same types of people and trains of “thought” as our northern neighbors.

    As I’m sure you’re well aware, Mass is completely hell-bent on passing laws for the sake of passing laws. Apparently Mass isn’t “progressing” unless laws are being scribbled out on a friggin’ Starbucks napkin, and swiftly pushed through. Politicians rushing to pass un-researched and emotion-fueled legislation to feel a sense of accomplishment are crushing out rights as Americans. It’s no longer by the people, for the people. It’s by me, for me and the other people who are like me. Forget everyone else.

    These clowns envision something as detrimental to their own self-involved lifestyles, so certainly it’s a detriment to “anyone else right-minded”. Laws will take care of that detriment! They’ll make (my idea of) the world a better place! Wow! I am saving the world! There. Done. One less thing to worry about! OK! WRITE AND PASS NEW LAW! Check! What’s next on my ever-so-important busy schedule for today?

    OH NO! IT’S TIME FOR SOCCER PRACTICE! No time! Gotta go! Load the kids into the van, we’re late!

    Unfortunately, and to the credit of nobody, our modern society doesn’t stop to “smell the flowers”, to stop to research, to stop to think. This self-important hurried culture plagued with a Twitter-esque mindset is eroding our rights at an alarming pace. If the details of something – anything – take more than a few seconds to review, then it’s a bother. In Mass, laws are written and passed in the same way, and it starting to happen here in RI as well. First impression, primary emotion, uninformed opinion and kneejerk reaction far too often become final decision.

    It’s a waste of their time to take a second to learn about what they think is wrong. The mind’s made up! No time to waste! Onward to the PTA meeting!

    Gone is consideration of how the results of these kneejerk reactionary measures will affect anyone else. What a complete inconvenience.

    I’m a grown adult, and have been for a few decades now. I’m responsible, I’m law-abiding, and I will be god damned if some lazy-ass imposes their condensed, under-informed, and hurried “what works for ME” agenda on me. Lawmakers – do or don’t do what you want within the confines of your own home. I’ll do or not do what suits me behind my doors. I assure you that what I do will not interfere with your ever-so-busy schedule and your superficial life.

    Do you actually want to reduce gun violence? Slap those mandatory 10 and 20 year terms on crimes with illegal weapons. Not just guns. Any weapons that the person is not legally eligible to have. I don’t give a good god damn if it’s a butter knife. Double the terms for repeat offenders. Mandatory. No room for wiggling out, no room for shirking responsibility for your own actions. It likely won’t stop crimes from happening – criminals don’t give a F about laws. What it will do, however, is remove criminal scum from our streets, and away from people like us and our families. It’s a start.

    Leave my “assault military semi fully automatic evil gun tool rifle death weapon” alone. I sport shoot a lot. I also retain my weapons for the sake of defending myself, my home, and the ones that I love.

    Illegal guns are already on the streets. Politicians have vastly failed in keeping illegal handguns off the streets. It’s in their job description that they are to write and pass effective laws that work for the people. Obviously what was in place didn’t work. We’re constantly dealing with the effects of their failed laws, and failed policies. Penning new laws that criminalize law-abiders as a reaction is ludicrous. Why should we further pay the price for lawmakers’ shortcomings? Absolutely ridiculous.

    Some of the more extreme results of said failed policies are why you and I need guns to defend ourselves in the first place. As it is we’re forced to deal with a culture where we can’t let our kids play outside anymore without fear. Neighborhoods just a few minutes away from home that were not-so-long-ago working-class neighborhoods are now crime-filled cesspools full of, yep, illegal guns. And quite a few illegal aliens with quite a few illegal guns.

    Stop, Rhode Island lawmakers. STOP. Take a friggin’ breath and actually learn about what you’re trying to do, what negative connotations it’ll have, who it really affects the most, and what, if any, positive result is likely after all is considered. Banning sporting rifles with “high capacity magazines” is going to have zero effect in reducing gun violence in Rhode Island. Such legislation isn’t going to stop a couple of big bad guys with illegal guns who are high on crack from wandering a mile up the road into to my neighborhood. It’s definitely not going to stop them from breaking into my home if that’s their intent. It’s absolutely not going to stop them from trying to steal my belongings, and potentially threaten or harm my family in the process. What it will do, Mr and Mrs Lawmakers, is leave us vulnerable, to face the crime that your policies’ failures have created, without the ability to properly protect ourselves from such threats.

    Stop. Just stop. “Block out” ten minutes on your iPhone calendar, put down your latte, and realize the effects of your actions. We can only hope that this happens.

    With that written, and this may be a cliche at this point, out of my cold dead god damn hands. I did my time growing up, having been told what to do, regardless of if it was right or wrong. Don’t make us pay. Don’t encourage more crimes on more working-class families.

    • I don’t know what happened. I apologize. Most of my post doubled. Sorry to flood the page, my sincerest apologies.

      I think in the 84209384092384092 words I typed, though, my point’s been made.

  27. I don’t understand why all of these laws aren’t ruled illegal by the fact that they clearly violate the second amendment. The amendment says “shall not be infringed”. It’s like all these idiotic lawmakers don’t own a dictionary, or worse, they do and choose to ignore it. “Infringed” means limited, the second amendment clearly states that our right to keep and bear arms shall not be limited. Every gun control bill/law ever written attempts to limit some aspect of the weapons, or ammo we choose to use to defend ourselves. All of the writers of gun control bills need to tried, and hung for treason…..or better yet a public firing squad.

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