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“On Tuesday morning, hundreds will gather as they do each year to affirm allegiance to the right to bear arms, an event organized by the state’s arguably number one conservative lawmaker, Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-Butler County.” You can almost hear’s John Baer’s head shaking in disapproval as he banged that out on his keyboard. He made sure to put illustrate how ill-timed and inappropriate the whole thing is in the very next sentence. “This year’s event comes less than a week after a majority of U.S. senators supported but (because of Senate rules) failed to adopt a measure expanding criminal background checks for gun purchases,” . . .

The event is held on the Capitol steps and serves each year as a reminder that any effort to get any gun control measure through the Legislature faces insurmountable odds in the form of strong bipartisan opposition.

This year it coincides with efforts to match the attempt at the federal level to expand background checks.

Still, the the GOA’s Larry Pratt will be there to deliver a stemwinder, along with various Pennsy pols looking to cement their pro-2A bona fides in the minds of the state’s voters.

If history is a guide — and in Pennsylvania is usually is — the measure (to close the gunshot “loophole”) has less chance of passage than the measure proposed in Congress. And PA’s annual gun day is a reminder of that reality.

All feedback is good feedback. And the more state legislators hear that they could face electoral problems after an anti-gun rights vote, the better. Will you be there?

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    • If so, I hope the crowd has brought tar and feathers! Toomey can FOAD! He is NO FRIEND OF THE 2A!!!

      • If you followed the PA AG race, and Kathleen Kane’s victory, if you watched Arlen Specter change parties right after his last election, and reflected on the balance in PA politics, I think you would reasonably cut Senator Toomey some slack. PA politics is not what it was twenty years ago, and this is not the time to hammer a politician because he’s only 98% better on 2A rights than his likely opponent. Just my view. Please vote.

        • Deal with it in the primaries. A vote against Toomey doesn’t have to be a vote for an anti-gun nut. Just have a new candidate that truly embraces the Constitution.

  1. I’ve lived in Pennsylvania off and on for many years (born and raised) and one of this state’s most redeeming features is its uncharacteristically reasonable and realistic gun rights.

    Except for Philly. But who goes there anyway…

    • Roberts’ Rules of Order, as perverted by the Senate.

      The power of the filibuster was the subject.

  2. Unfortunately I wont be able to attend ( wife recovering from surgery ), but I already let every politician in Pennsylvania know I will do EVERYTHING I can to make them lose their seat if they ever vote against any right of the people.

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