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“They don’t seem to make it real easy to exercise your rights under the Constitution here.” – NRA Lobbyist Todd Vandermyde in Chicago City Council to take up gun proposals today [at]

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  1. The takeaway from this article should be that this flurry of legislative activity is all eyewash. It’s a lot harder to forgive a politician for proposing new regulation when it’s so clear that it’s being done in bad faith.

  2. That Hi Point in the video link looks so sad next to all those other guns. But I suppose it’s better than their handguns.

  3. Mr. Vandermyde does have a way with words. He also has a way of getting sh1t done. IL gun owners thank God for Todd.

  4. The funny thing is that Chicago just passed a new AWB and a safe storage law like the one Heller knocked down: Trigger locks, or broken down and non-functional, ammo stored in a separate location.

    This is their silly response to CCW passing in Illinois.

  5. let the lawsuits begin !

    I want to see another check from tiny dancer to the 2nd amendment foundation

  6. “Safe Passage routes through neighborhoods to $1,000 to $5,000 and at least 30 days in jail for a first offense, $5,000 to $15,000 and 90 days to six months in jail for a second offense, and $10,000 to $20,000 and at least six months in jail for a third offense.”

    They put monetary fines like the people doing these shooting have money. Jail time for six months is free room and board with your best friends. Add air conditioning in the jail this time of year and its a win win.

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