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NYPD officer Brendan Cronin (courtesy

“When it comes to cops who break the law in this country, they don’t get held accountable. They get paid vacations.” – ‘Blackout drunk’ cop shoots innocent man six times, gets paid leave for over a year [via] [h/t andypantera69]

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  1. C’mon, the gun went off six times, he didn’t shoot an innocent guy, it was the gun that did it. Probably a Glock (no manual safety and all), and hell, he was blacked out drunk. It’s not his fault. And a year of cop pay isn’t all that much in the grand scheme of things….

    • I’m sure the guy was back talking and the cop told him to hush up. Gotta enforce your respect.

      If there’s not video it didn’t happen.

      • The gun went off 14 times, and there is video.
        And it was after a day of firearms training.

        This is why I don’t believe in minimum training standards.

        • Well obviously the problems is that they weren’t all slobbering drunk at the range. This is why you have to train like you fight.

  2. I can only hope the victim sued the living $hit out of the cop and the NYPD and took both to the cleaners. I am sick of criminal cops getting treated like they are somehow better than the common criminals that they arrest. Violent criminals need to be in jail whether they wear a badge or not.

      • My guess is that at some point, under the right circumstance, a victim of over zealous cop will successfully prevail in an argument that officer was working outside the bounds described by job, or by using tactics outside what is accepted, thus making the public employee officer personally liable for his actions. In this case, clearly by being drunk, it could be argued the cop was no longer working under the rules and guidance of department authority, and thus also personally liable. (Need the facts of course)

        • In this particular case the officer was off duty so suing the department might be a stretch. But if there is an angle the lawyers will be all over it. The first rule of litigation is find the deep pockets.

  3. LOL.

    On the pro-cop posts we get one set of commenters and on the “cops need to be accountable” posts we get a completely different set of commenters.


    • Hmm. They will. But that’s human nature. Human nature is pretty funny, if not crazy. Alot a bit of both.

      What’s the song? “G-d is great, beer is good, and people are crazy”.

      I’d agree with that.

    • Not necessarily, myself and many others post in both. I have serious issues with broken systems, dirty cops, and ridiculous laws.

      That said, it’s a job. It’s a function required in a civilized society, and decent cops can be very conducive to perpetuating a civilized society. The more good decent cops we have, the fewer eh-holes like the (apparently) above captioned murderer we will have.

  4. Anonymous: it’s not like we are a divided nation or anything…not like the LEOs have set themselves apart from non-LEOs…they call us “citizens”…but it sounds derisive when they say it. More like “stupid children”.

      • Agreed. In fact, at least in the case of Texas state troopers, they’re specifically trained to approach citizen contacts and control those encounters verbally in terms of a “parent/child” paradigm.

        I always found that disturbing because it imposes an inherent disrespect on the relationship between adults. It sets the citizen up as automatically and universally subordinate to the officer ( the State), as opposed to establishing a level of professionalism and courtesy by which both officer and citizen are bound.

  5. “On Tuesday, Cronin pleaded guilty to two felony counts of attempted murder, two felony counts of first degree assault, and one misdemeanor DWI count. Under his deal, he will spend nine years in prison…”

    So, to suggest he hasn’t been held accountable is false. Though nine years for attempted murder seems kinda light to me.

    The seventeen months of paid leave is the result of liberal politicians sticking their noses into the rear ends of union bosses and caving to their contract demands, in exchange for endorsements. The solution here is to put an end to unionized government employees.

    • This story isn’t about cops. It’s about government unions and their death grip on the Democratic Party.

    • The single best thing we could do to start repairing our country’s problems is get rid of public-sector unions at all levels of government.

      • Even FDR was against unionization of public employees, at least in terms of their having collective bargaining power over wages. (He was ok with govt. workers organizing to communicate their views to management, partulicularly around safe working conditions and review of grievances.)

      • Nope then I don’t get to hear all those unionized federal employees bitch, in all seriousness, about the evils of socialism, quotas, picking the best for the job, lazy unions, golden parachutes and generous pensions.

        Me: “You know you’d lose your job”
        Then: “Nope that socialism etc. etc. is a OK, I’m essential because reasons”

        That always cracks me up and I need a sense of humor to deal with the government or I’d go insane,

        How the TSA expansion from low number ex-LEO, ex-Mil trained law enforcement to hiring off of pizza boxes had to of went.

        Security expert: We could change SOP and have the pilots lock the doors.
        Talking head security “expert”: Your not taking account for ninjas or those bringing full OxyAcetylene setups in carry-on.
        Government: JOBS PRRRRRROGRRRRAMMM time, TSA, TSA, TSA.

      • that’s not even close to the most important thing we can do. unions don’t control criminal courts or whether a grand jury indicts a cop.

        some much more important things we can do are to eliminate civil asset forfeiture, set strict limits on no-knock raids, and crack down on police cover-ups.

      • Thug Mike Brown is not the poster boy you are looking for.

        Even Holder’s justice department found no wrong doing on the part of Wilson.

        Brown assaulted Wilson and tried to take his gun, and got shot.

        Find a better cause to support.

        • If you actually read the article it was in regards to the statistics of cops escaping indictment in general, not one specific case.

          But it is rather amusing that bootlickers totally ignore the crimes of police by pointing out that Michael Brown was a shoplifting *suspect* (as if that equates to proven guilt), meanwhile cops are caught on camera murdering people and they get a pass.

    • I’m still waiting for someone to explain how unions influence criminal courts, prosecutors and grand juries.

      sure, unions sometimes protect scumbags from being fired. but that doesn’t explain why this scumbag only got 9 years.

      • Gee, it’s not like unions can wield political influence to pressure elected officials such as judges and prosecutors. Is that so hard to understand?

  6. I bet he gets credit for time served (the paid leave), time off for good behavior, and time off for keeping his mouth shut about his supervisors’ role in the events proceeding the CRIME.

    • I bet Stoopid, you take screen shots of your posts here and then post them over at HuffPo under a different name to prove how Stoopid gun owners can be.

    • This happened in Pelham, NY, where all the subjects are dutiful servants of King Cuomo. They are disarmed, defenseless, and entirely unable to “take out” anyone. But they have complete faith that their government will provide justice.

    • “I’d of”, seriously?

      You can always tell who learned the language predominantly by hearing it, as opposed to reading it, and the proficiency of the speakers in their childhood household.

  7. This story would NEVER make it on Twitchy or Hot Air. The boot licking on those sites is absolutely surreal.

  8. Officer “Get drunk and try to murder people” was not put on paid leave because of the power of a public sector union. His paid vacation was designed to provide liability and political cover for his department’s administrators and their political bosses. The NYPD like any bureaucracy will cheerfully sacrifice truth, justice or innocent life to protect itself.

  9. Are we sure we have all the facts to this one?
    Just sounds off to me.
    I pray the system does more than this, any mention of protests, street riots?

  10. I’m sure that Cronin will get along very well with the rest of the bums in prison. I hear that cons love cops.

  11. I feel very uneasy about disliking police as much as I do. In my own experiences, it has appeared that about 30% of police I have interacted with were power tripping pricks. On the other hand about 30% were courteous and professional. What bothers me more than the apparent over-representation of a######s is indeed the special status they get from yet another public sector union run amok. I imagine that if you eliminate said union protection the portion of good to bad would likely improve. This fellow drawing a salary as he has is so absurd that even the police themselves should be smart enough to know that they are inviting a can of backlash.

  12. This action by a government agency is not usually a “police” thing, it is a union thing. There are tens of thousands of government workers who have committed atrocious crimes that are still on the payroll. Even if their managers want to fire them, the unions make it near impossible.

    • please explain to me how unions have any influence over criminal proceedings in a court, which is completely seperate from the administrative retention procedures of whatever agency they work for.

      • easy. union tells top cop they will not guarantee line cops will not take adverse action (blue flu, slow downs, simulated equipment failures, whatever) if the DA brings tough charges. So, the city/county/whatever, works a plea deal for much less than a non-copper would get. line cops understand they are protected, peace and safety are maintained, everyone goes home happy.

  13. I am not particularly pro or anti cop. I just don’t like bad cops. Yeah I generally don’t weigh in on the flag-waving hyper “cops can do no wrong” screed I see on the many FB gun groups I belong to. Leaving my real name ya’know… Likewise at the very large Baptist church I attend(“GOD ordains authority OVER us”). And Ralph-he ain’t spending a day in the joint…

  14. He has plead guilty to several felonies, and is therefore disqualified from possessing firearms Without firearms, he is disqualified from being a police officer. How can he still be employed?

    • Large agencies sometimes have positions to fill by cops who can’t have firearms (often termed things like the ‘rubber gun rooms’).

  15. How many examples of this do we need before we uniformly begin screaming at our local governments to take severe action to rid their cop houses of these thugs (notice, application of “thug” to a non-black)? There is no concept of law that can remotely condone keeping a cop on the payroll who is on camera committing a near-fatal crime !

    Why is the police union not condemning this dirtbag?

    What ever happened to the ability to declare someone “outlaw”. And does anyone know what “outlaw” means? (And no, not talking about Willie and Waylon).

    • The concept of an outlaw who is “wanted dead or alive” is the only one where I feel comfortable with a “government monopoly of force.” And the illegitimate complaints of the BLM socialists have watered down or destroyed the ability of the public at large to bring up the real issues; instead of asseit forfeitures and no knock raids, the national discussion centers on how police should let fleeing suspect’s kill them. It’s quite a brilliant distraction, actually.

      • sort of agree. civil asset forfeiture and no-knock raids are such clear violations of the 4th amendment.

        no-knock raids should be reserved for when someone’s life is at stake, such as hostage situation or serial killer, not for pot dealers or low level meth heads.

      • Once a agreed upon, standardized definition of “outlaw” is determined (definitely not a simple matter), why should there be any hesitancy regarding posting “wanted, dead or alive” handbills? We still have legal bounty hunters, the only restriction being the use of firearms in a takedown, but why? Given the excellent communications capabilities of our time, “outlaws” might be a self-limiting category.

        Or is it a matter of fear the public might be too easily conditioned to take on a “look alike”? Which would be dangerous to the “innocent” bystanders. Which would be bad because….LEOs don’t make mistakes?

  16. 9 years for two counts of attempted murder and two counts of felony assault? Misdemeanor DWI when he was “blackout drunk”?

    It’s obscene.

    Cops should be held to a HIGHER standard, as they are granted higher levels of power and authority than ordinary citizens. It’s a damn disgrace that they are held to lower standards. With great power SHOULD come great responsibility.

    Douchebag should never see freedom again.

  17. No double standards he will stand trial after I am elected.Drinking with his supervisors and they lat him leave drunk. That would make them guilty of hypocrisy at the very least; haven’t bars and bar tenders been held liable for not cutting off a drunk and letting them leave drunk, accessory to all the charges for the supervisors using the same logic that two people robbing a store one kills the clerk and both are charged for the killing.
    put the DC politicians on Obamacare and SS.Thanks for your vote.Pass the word.

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