President Obama's got your back. Allegedly. (courtesy

“We need to keep saying to anyone out there who has ever been assaulted, you are not alone. You will never be alone. We have your back. I’ve got your back.” —President Obama before signing a Presidential Memorandum on preventing sexual assault [via]


  1. oh, another nice piece of pretty paper to waive in front of a stalker in lieu of that restraining order . . .

    • Gather enough of these papers you can stack them thick, like a phone book, and beat the predator over the head

    • HEY!!! This is not JUST “another nice piece of pretty paper”! This is a nice piece of pretty PRESIDENTIAL paper! Guaranteed to protect a woman from violence. You betcha.

      “If you like your safety from violence, you can keep your safety. Because I’ve got your back. PERIOD!” – /s/ The One.

  2. . . . . . . except of course if it comes to defending yourself with a firearm, then you should just call 911 and do your best to defend yourself with some heavy or sharp object, your fingernails, etc., until the Po-Po arrive even though they are not Constitutionally obligated to show up to help you. I also recommend a praying as another “common sense” tactic.

  3. Yeah… this here paper signed by BHO will protect me more than the 1911 he don’t want me owning. So stop right there you dirty little sexual deviant.

    • Now, now….in order to have my back he has to go everywhere with me. If he goes everywhere with me so does his security detail. That could lead me to consider disarming, but until those two things happen I’m with you. I KNOW John Browning has my back….

      • peirson, you SEEM like a nice guy, but I think you are much more likely to be screwed by the Obama regime than you are to be raped. Just sayin’.

      • This act of pure idiocy is further evidence that BHO thinks he’s the one true God.
        BHO is with all of us all of the time? Maybe the NSA and the new $100 bills are protecting us…
        How can anyone believe this statist drivel?

  4. Remember that some of the people that voted him in believe that all sex is rape.

    If this guy ‘Has your back,’ be afraid! Be VERY afraid!

    • Don’t worry, he told his personal pick for ambassador to Libya he had his back and he was with him. Then when Chris Stevens and 3 others were murdered, Obama said he would track down those responsible.

      Anything obama says is just words. Meaningless and empty words.

      • “Anything obama says is just words. Meaningless and empty words.”

        If you like your restraining order, you can keep your restraining order. We’ll even have it buried with you after you get beat to death. Just don’t use a gun… for your safety.

  5. He only ever had his own back, and the backs of his cronies and campaign donors. This man wouldn’t know how to prevent rust if he was a metallurgist. Just more worthless pieces of parchment that do not, cannot, and will never deter or prevent any criminal anywhere from doing anything illegal at any time, to anyone, under any circumstance. Fuck him.

  6. If you love your children, wife, girl friend, mother, lady friend, or significant other — buy them a nice Smith & Wesson revolver and show them how to shoot and protect themselves. Would you rather them take their chances with a well crafted American weapon or a well crafted piece of paper? You cannot always be with them, but that Smiith & Wesson is and can always be ready to do the job. As we have seen over the past year (and as the two children in Windham, CT recently found out) the government is never there when you really need them.

    If you read the document that was signed, once again, it is for services after the crime. While still important, it does not prevent any crime it is just there to help mop up the after math. IMHO, I rather prevent the problem so I don’t have to deal with the aftermath but that is just me.

      • I don’t know, I ain’t a wheelgun guy. But I digress, as long as it makes a hole reliably in an attackers chest I am for it.

        • Not a revolver guy either, I don’t have an issue with revolvers, I just don’t think they’re the new shooter guns everyone touts them to be…

          I’ve taught several first time women shooters to shoot with a full size 9mm. Then I had everyone of them shoot a .38 revolver, none of them liked it, said it was too unwieldy.

          I would feel more comfortable putting a full size M&P9 in a new shooters hands, giving them 17 round of rock & roll.

          But, to each his own.

        • I own revolvers and semis, and they’re both cool in my book, but the reasons I got my wife a Ruger LCR are twofold: ease of operation– no slide to rack, no hammer to think about whether or not to pull back– and the fact that it is truly a “belly gun”. If someone questionable comes to the door, she can put it in her sweater pocket and if it got bad, fire it from there and still have a functioning gun for the next shot.

          Now if I could only get her to keep it in her pocket when she’s out in the garden and I’m at work…

        • Swarf, did she pick the LCR, or did you pick it for her?

          Maybe she’s not keen on carrying it because she didn’t get a choice in picking it… People want to feel like they have a choice in their life style, remember carrying a gun is a life style change, not just a choice in life, like what’s for supper…

          With first time shooters, or people not as into shooting, I put down everything from a full size pistol to pocket gun/J frame and let them decide which one they want, I don’t just pick something for them and say “here you go”- I’m not bashing on you brother, just throwing some questions and ideas out there.

        • I agree. It must be *her* choice and I hope it was. (But the way you phrased it, you made it sound like it really wasn’t.)

          As a semi-aside I shot a revolver for the first time in years last night. (Ruger SP-101 a friend owns.) Yeesh! I was all over the paper with it, at five freaking yards! I did not find the default grip that comes with a revolver to be human hand shaped in the slightest (much less mine) though many nowadays have grips that leave no gap behind the trigger guard. I can’t for the life of me see how people managed with that grip in the 1800s. Oh and the sight absolutely sucked too (disappeared completely against the black target) but she and I both know that’s readily fixable and she plans to do so.

        • I can go either way, shoot em with the deagle or my s&w 500. Either way, I guess I’m still mopping up after the fact

        • Okay, I can see where you guys are coming from, and I can see how my comment led you there, but no, I didn’t force that gun on her. in fact, other than the Marlin 1894c, it’s her favorite gun to shoot.

          No, what I mean is that it’s hard to get her to shot at all. It’s just not her thing.

        • @Swarf. Glad to hear it. About the gun choice that is. It’s unfortunate that she doesn’t like to shoot.

        • To SteveInCO:

          The black sights are competition sights. You adjust them to shoot high, you are aiming correctly if the sights are under the black circle of the target.

        • @lolinski re: black sights. Aaaaah, that makes some degree of sense then. I guess that works so long as your targets have a constant angular diameter.

          The reason for this particular gun’s presence is hitting bad guys though (and practice for such hopefully-never eventuality) so she really needs to swap it out.

    • I’m agreeing with everything you said, just can’t pass up my pet peeve, which is your statement, “If you love your children, wife, girl friend, mother, lady friend, or significant other — buy them a nice Smith & Wesson revolver”. Gentlemen, women can shoot semi-autos. It’s not hard to learn. I’d be rich if I had a nickel for every woman that has come into the gun shop where I work and said, “I can’t shoot this lightweight 38 revolver a guy sold me at another shop because the recoil hurts. What else is there I can shoot?” Again, I agree with everything just can’t pass up the opportunity to drill in the fact that men often don’t suggest semi-autos to women. We can rack them, we can change mags, we can shoot them. It’s not too tough for us and we can learn quickly. (ok, am I sounding a little cranky, perhaps?)

      • Those uber complicated semi automatic pistols require too much effort for women’s delicate and weak little bodies.

        Only men with our great strength and vastly superior intellect can manage the difficult manual of arms that are required to operate semi automatics.

        I mean seriously, “tap, rack AND bang”, women are incapable of such an advanced concept, it’s a wonder they can even breath without us, men…

        And, if you’re read this and have yet to realize that I’m being sarcastic, poke yourself in the eye.

      • Yes, but…

        Anyone who can make a tight fist can pick up a revolver and make it go bang, first time, every time, and most likely hit a target at bad breath range as well. That much training can be picked up in about five minutes and would be perfect for someone who is not into guns or shooting or listening to long hours of instructors droning on about tactics and strategy and “pie-ing the corners, etc.

        A semi is ideal for anyone who is willing to take the time to learn and practice, since from a mechanical standpoint they are a more complicated piece of equipment and can malfunction in a pinch if they are limp-wristed or fired in a confined space.

        I think for the average women who is not “into” guns, but wants some level of personal protection, a small revolver is the correct solution. It’s not like for this purpose she has to go to the range and fire 50 rounds of full .357 magnum or .38 +P every week. In the heat of the moment, adrenaline pumping, I suspect the recoil from a full power load will not be of much concern, to her. To the rapist, maybe so.

        We need to stop considering that every single person with a gun should be ready, willing, or able to spend time and money getting training and visiting the range regularly. This fantasy is exceptionally unrealistic and ostracizes too many people who only want minimal personal protection.

        • You are really overstressing the complexity of a semi. Just rack the slide back (women have arms too) disengage the safety (if you are worried about the safety get one without an external safety), this is something that can be taught in half an hour. The revolver has only 5-6 shots (and an uncomfortable grip to many) while the semi usually has 15 shots and is much more comfortable to hold and use (ever tried to load a revolver with your right hand?).

          Not hating on wheelguns, just saying that for a new shooter the revolver is more complex in technique and ergonomics.

        • Load semi auto- put the mag thing into the gun thing and pull the slide thing.

          Unload semi auto- release the mag thing and pull the slide thing, check hole for shiny metal things.

          Malfunction semi auto – tap mag the thing, rack the slide thing, and squeeze the bang thing.

          Pretty easy stuff, if you ask me.

  7. I believe he is the equalizer on this issue. He wants everyone to have an equal opportunity to be assaulted. He has your back because he is willing to hold your hands back there to keep the attacker safer.

  8. That’s funny, I believe those are the exact words he said to Amdassador Stevens.

  9. That’ll learn ’em, nothing like a piece of paper sign by the president to stop an assault.

    • I am reminded of the Charlie Brown special where Lucy gives him a signed document about kicking the football. When she pulls it away as normal sh3 observes it is not noterized and thus meaningless. Anyone know if this EO is noterized?

  10. That’s true. His goal is to make everyone equal. Equally poor, equally destitute, equally helpless and equally subservient.

  11. I FEEL so much better now knowing that Obummer has my back, er … our wive’s and daughter’s backs.

    Wait … how exactly are some words on a piece of paper going to stop a violent depraved douche bag from attacking our wives and daughters? How are some words on a piece of paper going to help our wives and daughters during a violent attack?

  12. We know what “having your back” means to barack, just ask George Z how the prez was there for him. Even though this wasn’t sexual assault it shows the caliber of the clown. It’s just 2014 political theater, Randy

  13. So, does this make sexual assault / rape more “illegaler” now? Make sure all the bad guys get the memo!

  14. Think about the context.

    Remember the Lautenberg Act, aka “Piss Off Your Spouse and Lose Your Guns Law”?

    One of the most effective ways the state can disarm someone is to attach loss of firearms to a poorly defined crime.And Domestic Violence is a crime of VERY poor definition.

    OK, so a physical assault of a woman tends to be an umistakable sign.But for every truly violent case of assault, there’s probably four of vengeful exs who know a strategically filed , totally false restraining order can get the man kicked out of the family home or even arrested. Thus leaving the ex with default custody of the real property and the firearms.

    What does that have to do with Obama? Simple.

    A single man with a few guns at home winks at a cute girl.The girl goes out with the guy, they do the Discovery Channel, and she gets offended when said BF doesn’t want to marry her.So she calls the cops claiming sexual assault.

    The single guy goes to jail, loses his reputation-and his guns.

    The confiscation line is just one tool of many available to the freedom haters in D.C.

  15. He’s got your back unless you defend yourself from assault. Then he’ll call you a criminal, ruin credibility and way of life for you, then call the culprit a victim and a son he never had.

  16. Bad guys beware, there’s no place to hide. Look up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Superprez! By day he’s a mild-mannered, desk bound, ineffective leader with plummeting approval ratings. But by night!

  17. Theatre. Like the ledbetter act this is just an attempt to keep the “war on women” meme alive. God forbid anyone voted against it, they will be formally charged with spiritual rape by the end of the week.

  18. So they’re doing group mugshots now, huh? Didn’t think it was possible to fit so much suck in one picture.

  19. I’m at a loss for the last time that this president has done anything whatsoever to “have my back.” I look at this scumbag and I think deficit, Obamacare lies, gun control lies, empty speeches, “transparency” in government, middle class tax cuts MIA, and cover ups. I literally can’t remember the last time that I respected one if his decisions, actions, or speeches. This empty measure elicits more of the same. I weep for the fact that large portions of America still believe that “signing papers on a little desk” photo op will actually provide any protection whatsoever.

  20. The equalizer??
    BHO neither created us OR made us equal. I believe those accomplishments go to God and Samuel Colt.

    • I always figured he was The Divider.

      Heaven help us when the Multiplier, Subtractor, and Numerator finally show up.

      • The Denominator! That’s who I’m waiting for. If only he’d been there at that fateful Democratic national convention in 2004…or 2008…

  21. Oh for hell’s sake. Nobody is actually listening to this guy anymore, are they? Even the millenials dumped him after last year.

    Just…..go play golf or something, Barack. At least Bush had the decency to spend most of his second term in Crawford.

  22. I don’t have the visceral hate that many of the posters here have for Obama– while still no friend of gun rights, he’s got a better record than Romney, and I don’t agree that a D after someone’s name makes them horrible. Also don’t care that he’s blah– but I have to say that any time someone tells me they got my back, I tend to watch my ass.

      • Yep, dodged a bullet on that one…then took a 2 x 4 to the back of the skull.

        Sometimes no matter which way you dodge you’re going to get knocked out.

    • Many of the posters specifically called the reasons for their feelings towards our current President. Like Accur81. Who would like a liar in WH?
      No one mentioned the (D) behind his name. But we know on which party’s agenda is people’s disarmament.

  23. So in other words, assault someone and you’ll get audited by the IRS. That sounds like a good deterrent, because we all know there is nothing scarier than a gaggle of accountants with their high-capacity assault ledgers equipped with a detachable pencil sharpener/death-ray and a shoulder thingy that goes up. /end sarc/

    • Even they’ve got AR -15s at this point. Though those aren’t mentioned in this toilet paper he’s signed. Nothing of note is. Rape and sexual assault is simply unlegislatable. That’s not a word because it’s not supposed to be true but…it is.

      The gun is the peacemaker. Not the pen. The people are the peace keepers. Between the two of them common law and actual decency play huge roles in the world being a livable place. Not statutes written as though they change the nature of bad men not consequences for good men.

  24. Why didn’t they think of this earlier? I’m gonna go tell my girlfriend she has nothing to fear because Emperor BHO has finally brought us CHANGE and signed a law to prevent sexual assault from ever happening. Now we have a TASK FORCE against sexual assault, since it has worked so spectacularly with TASK FORCES against drugs (that have since made a deal with Mexican drug cartels to let them bring in drugs to the US) and the TASK FORCE against gun running (that did quite the opposite of it’s own job).

    Well at last there is a TASK FORCE against sexual assault! For the first time in US history! And since gun running and drug distribution requires infrastructure and lots of money changing hands (such difficult things for a TASK FORCE to keep track of, after all) there’s no question this TASK FORCE will be able to prevent these spontaneous crimes of passion.

    At least we can confidently say Obama knows how to combat this sort of thing:

  25. “If you like us feds having your back, you can keep us having your back . . . “

    We all know how his other promise like that turned out.

  26. ‘God created men. Colonel Colt made them equal.’

    As for this memorandum… it’s just so much fertilizer. It’s a memorandum… not even legally binding as a law. It does nothing. Just so much more publicity seeking from the worst president yet.

  27. Hey rape victims: Wake up. The only reason POTUS has your back is because the rapist already had your front.

  28. None of these politicians has ever seen a sociopathic killer at work. They enjoy pain, feel no remorse whatsoever, making people suffer gets them off, and they have no fear of reprisal, it fact they welcome it. They don’t commit rape for sexual gratification. They do it to create the fear and pain in others that they thrive on. The fact that there’s a new law or new penalty only further encourages and excites them.

  29. Well, if Obama “has their back”, then where the hell was he when they were getting assaulted?

    Ohhh…..he means *next* time. Riiigghht……

    No thanks. Between the local Sheriff’s Dept., our neighbors, and our own devices, we’re fine on personal security. Don’t do me any favors, Obama.

  30. Of course he “has your back…” how else is he gonna f(deleted for decency) without the common courtesy of (also deleted for decency)? Plus it makes it easier to stick the knife in.

  31. Ugh. That picture… It looks like they are all praying to their Messiah. Heads down, hands clasped…

  32. This just in from Rosanne Rosannadana:


    • I thought it was intentional. It is like using the wrong name or pronunciation as a sign of lack or respect. GHWB used to do it with sadum houssain all the time.

      • That’s fair. Corrections are welcome. Yesterday I was reacting to the propensity of certain people to treat garden-variety typos like major moral failings, like they personally took offense to the error, using all caps and such.

  33. Meanwhile, giddy conservatives glibly spout off, ignoring the fact that their last candidate had a far worse record as a proponent of civilian disarmament than Obama.

    If you want this to be about left vs right, you will lose my support. That’s why I think that this site should focus on 2A issues exclusively; no need to split the community on this point, even if it is no where near a 50/50 split.

    • You support the democratic party, you were never on our side. To believe that Romney is worse than Obama concerning the 2A is absurd, and you are ignorant for even making the argument.

      • And one more thing, this issue has always been left vs right. Your party, the democrats, support and fight for civilian disarmament, it makes no sense to argue otherwise.. You may own guns, but when it comes right down to it, you will choose federally funded abortions without restrictions, higher taxes on the wealthy, and gay marriage over the 2A. If that offends you or anyone else, I don’t give a shit.

    • Wassim, among all the other lies BHO has told, he swore he was not after our guns, then the first opportunity he got he jumped on the gun control/confiscation bandwagon.

      For whatever delusional reasons you continue to support leftist politicians, claiming that just because you personally support the Second Amendment makes you our brother when you also support the continued erosions of personal liberty and natural rights by voting for these statist shitheads makes me question your commitment to our cause, and your sanity, or perhaps just your intellectual acuity.

    • You address conservatives, but then refer to their last candidate, presumably Romney. If you’re still, in 2014, laboring under the gross misperception that conservative = Republican, then you’re so far behind the times and out of your depth that meaningful discussion of the topic is impossible.

  34. I think those others are just impressed that BO can sign his own name. BTW, he never legally changed his adopted name, so he really is BS. At least he didn’t sign off on his parents’ and grandparents’ credo, which is “Property is theft”. Not long to go…

  35. Personally, 0bama saying “I’ve got your back” just makes me look over my shoulder more often. His assurances are as comforting as Iran’s promises to stop trying to develop nuclear weapons, and just as full of it.

  36. Either nobody noticed, or nobody cares that the president’s name is misspelled in the headline.

    I wonder which?

  37. And see how they photoshopped Joe to look like he actually has some kind of thought process going on under his powdered wig, and while he’s hanging on to something at the same time. Or is it one of those cardboard props?

  38. How about Brian Terry? Do you have his back Obama? Ever here of George Zimmerman? He was assaulted. Did you have his back Mr. President?

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