“The board discussed this matter, and in our determination, we believed it was important to allow our conscientious faculty and staff to have the opportunity to exercise their second amendment rights, and, if necessary, to defend themselves should an incident arise in the future. It is our prayer, of course, that no one is ever forced to take this type of action.” Cedarville University’sĀ Board of Trustees Chairman Rev. Chip Bernhard in Cedarville University is first in Ohio to allow concealed guns on campus [via cleveland.com]


  1. Got it about half right. A good start. Everyone has the “right” (authority) to defend themselves. And, of course, everyone has the obligation to be responsible for their actions and the consequences.

  2. This school seems to be mercifully bereft of the typical, brainwashed academians:

    Only 8 percent of faculty and staff members surveyed by the university did not want anyone to carry a concealed firearm on campus.

    The Cedars newspaper conducted its own student survey: 51.3 percent favored concealed carry on campus, 11.3 percent opposed it and 36 percent said it should be allowed with limitations.

    A statement released by the university said the policy will strengthen Cedarville’s reputation as “one of the safest college campuses in Ohio.”

    • Wow. I hope they are still this intelligent 18 years from now when I’ll have kids getting to that age.

    • It is a Christian college which accounts for the sanity. It is why i send my kids to a christian primary school. The school lets me carry on campus in MASSACHUSETTS!!!! Try that at a public school….

      • Unfortunately the label “Christian collage” doesn’t mean much for sanity these days.

    • Sounds like the faculty DID think of the children, or at least the young adults, and decided that duck and cover during a mass shooting was not the safest choice. Seems like a school to keep an eye on for my children to look into.

    • I think the sanity was always there, it’s just getting less popular to disagree with the sanity.

    • Unfortunately, in the world of academia, sanity is confined to relatively small Christian colleges like this one.

  3. I’m now wondering how far that is from me, I might like to visit and lawfully carry on the campus to remind me that incrementally, we are winning.

    • Or, you could come next door to Indiana, and carry on any college campus you want to, already.

      • Chip,

        I know that Indiana issues carry licenses to 18 year-olds. Can 18 year-old college students carry concealed on Indiana colleges/universities without risk of sanctions from government law enforcement agencies?

        • Can 18 year-old college students carry concealed on Indiana colleges/universities without risk of sanctions from government law enforcement agencies?

          From government LEA? Yes. Carrying on any college campus anywhere in Indiana violates no law, of which I am aware. The most sanctions one may face from LEO would be a trespass charge, for refusing to leave when asked by an LEO.

          But school sanctions may be another matter. Some schools can and will expel and trespass students for possessing/carrying a firearm.

        • Thanks Chip. Being trespassed or expelled from a university is a small price to pay to ensure that you prevent a rape or survive an armed robbery or terrorist attack.

          You can always find another university and/or business/career path. You cannot unrape, unstab, unshoot, or unbludgeon yourself after the fact.

    • That’s Amberton University. Only 200+ student, 59% of them female, all of them undergraduates.

      How many concealed carriers age 21+ does that actually turn out to be? Maybe 1? 2?

      Don’t get me wrong, I’ll take the win, but let’s keep it in perspective. It’s easier to take a stand when there are no practical consequences. Might want to hold off handing out that Profiles in Courage award.

  4. As a Cedarville grad (back from when it was Cedarville College), this is excellent news! Go Jackets!

  5. Good on them!

    All of the major private, “Christian” universities here in Texas (TCU, SMU, and Baylor) opted-out. Of course, there’s as much liberal insanity running amok at those schools as you’d find at a typical public university (despite being labled as “Christian” schools).

    • I wouldn’t agree that those schools are liberal by academia standards, but that’s not even the point here.

      It comes down to simple economics. There is virtually zero benefit to the decision makers for allowing campus carry. No significant number of students or professors will avoid the school because they ban carry. Alumni contributions will not dry up appreciably. Nothing.

      Allowing campus carry, however, carries costs. No college president or board member wants to be harrassed by friends, family, and especially colleagues, for allowing it. They don’t want to field calls and emails from hysterical parents. Those are all costs to bear, but which never materialize if carry is banned.

      What’s also on their mind are the minutely probable negative events. What is there is a negligent discharge? Sure, car carry is already allowed on campus statewide and an ND risk already exists. Still, if it happens at one of the few carry-allowed schools, in a building, it will play entirely differently in the media, and in the parent calls and emails, and dinner party conversations…

      If a spree shooter ever turns out to be a licensee, no one will remark that it was already a crime to murder 20 human beings with a shotgun. They’ll just focus on YOUR campus having allowed licensed concealed carry of handguns, which has nothing to do with anything.

      It’s that assumption of various and certain costs directly by a college president, in exchange for no direct or certain benefits to him/her personally, that drives these decisions to ban.

      Ideology takes a back seat when personal costs/benefits are at stake. Find a way to reward colleges for allowing campus carry, and you’ll get different results.

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