“I never intend to own a gun. I won’t have a gun in my house. Please don’t come over and rob me now.” – Nashville Councilwoman Megan Barry quoted in Left-leaning Megan Barry takes gun safety class [at tennesean.com]


  1. Well, since she asked so nicely, I suppose I’ll just rob her later, when she feels up to it. I’m a very considerate burglar, like most in my profession.

        • From my vantage point in Clarksville, Nashville is not as bad as Memphis, but it also has a political ruling class & and entitled classes to keep satisfied. The latter include a growing Muslim population.

          This councilwoman should know that her words are being read with great interest on the streets. Her naivete and arrogance are breathtaking.

  2. Just put up a robbery free zone sign and ban robbing. Your house will be safe.

        • That’s it!

          Everyone claiming to be in favor of civilian disarmament should wear one of those.

        • Let’s not jump to conclusions. A woman with a “Rape Free Zone” T-shirt on my be packing in her Bral Holster.

        • Fair point, but not the women selling those shirts.

          Consider their list of 9 Ways to Prevent Sexual Assault:

          1. Don’t get people drunk in order to control their behavior.

          2. Don’t pretend to be a caring friend in order to gain the trust of someone you want to assault. If you don’t communicate your intentions, the other person may take that as a sign that you do not plan to sexually assault them.

          3. When offering assistance to an inebriated person, remember not to take advantage of the situation and assault them!

          4. When you see someone walking by themselves, leave them alone!

          5. Remember, consent not readily given the first time is NOT consent. If the person doesn’t excitedly say “Yes!” the first time you ask, be prepared NOT to ask again. You can practice only asking once in the mirror!

          6. Remember, people go to laundry rooms to do their laundry. Do not attempt to molest someone who is alone in a laundry room.

          7. USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM! If you are not able to stop yourself from assaulting people, ask a friend to stay with you while you are in public.

          8. Don’t forget: you can’t have sex with someone unless they are awake!

          9. Carry a whistle! If you are worried you might assault someone “on accident” you can hand it to the person you are with, so they can blow it if you do.

          I’m not thinking they are the type that believe even a tiny bit in the kind of personal responsibility it takes to carry.

  3. Tee’d that one up nicely….if someone says “I hope you get robbed”… it’s a gun bully threatening…

    If she actually does, then its see…guns didn’t prevent this…whether she owned one or not, because a CHL holder (her) was unable to stop it…

  4. Damn, after all these years wasting my time and money on firearms and ammunition, I could have just made my home a gun free zone. Man, do I feel silly.

  5. I have absolutely no doubt however that if elected she will accept the protection of armed guards. a police escort.

    Please, please, please, will someone in the race please call her on her B.S. and make her take a pledge not to have guards. police protecting her?

  6. A foolish statement based on weak logic. I give her 1.3 points for taking the CCW class. She has made more of an effort to learn something about firearms than most anti-gun persons. It would be interesting to find out if she has retained any of the information. Good luck Nashville voters!

    • Cynic alert…..

      ‘I took the class and it only proved that the average citizen with a gun will not be able to use it defend themselves, they will only get their gun taken away from them and then used against them.

      I know this because I took the class.’

      Or something along those lines. The actual words used will be different, and highly emotionally charged, but the end result will be the same.

  7. Hey, her willingness to take the class is a step in the right direction. I laud her for that at least. Perhaps it has colored her view on gun owners and carriers more positively.

    • Maybe you’re right but I think she only took the class for political reasons. She’s adamant about not owning or not allowing a gun in her house. The way I look at it, she just wasted a desk in that training room for someone who could have benefited from the training.

  8. No guns in her house? Has she advised the police not to respond to 911 calls? That would convince me she’s serious. Stupid, but serious. Otherwise she is still relying on a good guy with a gun to protect her so she does not need to make any effort.

    Oh, hell! She’s a councilwoman? Has she proposed disarming Nashville police? Come on, let’s see what she really means!

  9. I actually saw on the local TV news recommending just a SIGN in front of your house if you couldn’t afford a security system. 5 minutes of blather-no mention of guns. This woman is way beyond a useful idiot.

    • Guilty as charged. The house I bought 2 years ago has an ADT system and signs in the yard, but I haven’t bothered paying to have the system reactivated. Because guns.

      Then again, a gun is useless if the first indication of a home invader is waking up at 3:00 a.m. with a knife to my throat…I’m failing hard on Masaad Ayoob’s layers of defense…

      • current house did not have an alarm system, but I travel too much to leave family defenseless. We have an ADT system, set every night as a routine, then we have dog that barks when it senses anyone near or outside the house, and then we have guns stashed in several quick access safes around the house. my wife does not carry, but she went and took the training and got her permit, and the kids are learning about gun safety and have shot so when they are old enough to be at home by themselves, they will know how to retreat to a bedroom and wait for the police, but bring hell on earth if some numbnut open the door

  10. Fine, lets cut to the chase…… Just bring all your valuables over to my place and save me the trip…

  11. That’s the thing about criminals, they don’t respond so well to please don’t rob me. They respond real well when the barrel is looking right at them!

  12. We should all put signs in front of our homes stating that it is a “Gun Free Zone”. That way we will be the only one with a gun. And if you believe that, I hear there is Arizona ocean front property for sale cheap also!

  13. I wont have a gun in my house because theyre icky, but Ill happily announce to the world that Im defenseless. Love the liberal logic this morning.

  14. robbing her?… I was thinking more along the lines of rape, torture and murder…her, her kids.. husband…

  15. You don’t understand. When she says she won’t have a gun in her house, she means the hired, armed security has to stay outside. Can’t have them tracking dirt on the nice carpets.

  16. Bah, why would I want to rob her? Obviously there’s no guns to take. Waste of time.

  17. She said nothing about robbing her out in public, so I assume she’s fair game for the criminal element.

  18. Does she not understand how easy it is to find out where she lives.
    Google gave me the answer in less than a minute.

  19. She’s cute. I am certain that someone breaking into her house at 3 am will be oblivious to that and won’t decide to stick around to party a little with her. Just saying

      • I’m thinking he is in to pity dating. Girls so appreciate him as an answer to their desperate need that they are very Very VERY grateful.

      • 1) taste is subjective

        2) MILFs are my weakness (long story)

        3) she looks like she has roomy hips; Brothers have a weakness for a big butt

        4) didn’t say she was model gorgeous. at 2 am, if Miss America is not around, Ms. Right Now will suffice.

        • I’m with ya’, Dirk, at least on the MILF thing—-but then, I ain’t no spring chicken myself…

        • Beer glasses make every girl look ravishing. But in the morning you might have to chew your arm off to keep from waking her up.

          Sorry. I did some time in the US Navy, and sailors really tell it like it is sometimes. No sugar-coating from them.

  20. This Nashville councilcritter and what passes for thought in her reminds me of when Dorothy Parker was asked to use the word “horticulture” in a sentence.
    Dorothy quipped, “You can lead a whore to culture, but you can’t make her think!”

  21. Perhaps she has no official/public intention to own a gun. Politicians lie and most politicians believe there are two classes: the elites that rule and command, and then the masses that obey and serve the politicians and super rich. Laws are written for the masses to obey and live-by. The elites can say one thing and do another. The woman has taken a gun safety class. Sooner or later she will probably own a gun.

  22. She’s taking “gun safety classes”, but “won’t have a gun in my house”, and publicly inviting anyone who wishes to rob her….oh, I get it…she’s using “reverse psychology”. Meantime the criminals in the surrounding area are starting a lottery for who gets to rob her first. You really cannot make this stuff up!

    Maybe the person teaching her gun safety class realized what a total moron she is and put this idea into her mind as a sort of cruel trick…if so, Nice work!

    • I just got it! She’s full of it, took a gun class but could only afford one gun, so she’s luring criminals in order to steal their guns! See?

      • Oh, yeah, THAT’S probably it! Just goes to show we can make sense of out nonsense if we’re patient and just keep trying…

  23. I will give credit for this:

    “There’s so much conversation about guns and gun safety in our society, I figured the best way to understand it more deeply was to actually experience it. It’s a political conversation, and from my perspective, it’s always better to be engaging in the conversation than to ignore it.”

    My only hope is that she did not do this simply for optics. That if she really has a open mind, she will look at things from another perspective.

    That said, hopefully gun owners in the area do something to keep her from being Mayor in 2015 — should be fun with this one being mayor when the NRA convention come to town in 2015.

  24. Somehow Dorothy Parker’s quip ending, “but you can’t make her think” came to mind . . . but that would be totally unfair. While her statement was, I think, foolish, she does have the right to lead her life the way she thinks best. As long as she doesn’t try to control others — meaning us. We may think it naive, but it’s her life.

  25. I’ll probably get flamed for saying this, but I respect her for taking the initiative to get hands-on with a gun. Guns aren’t for everybody.

  26. Maybe her saying, “I never intend to own a gun….” is akin to one of us lamenting about a “tragic boating accident” involving our own collections? Hmmm? 😀

  27. At least she was willing to take a gun safety class, the fact that she still doesn’t want to own a firearm is her choice, despite how unadvisable that may be. Her asking to not to be robbed however, could be a false flag and what she is thinking in her mind is, “I just bought a Sig Sauer P227 Carry, a Mossberg Flex 12 gauge shotgun, and a pink LaRue PredatAR with a cute aim point micro red dot optic, I dare to try and rob me.” Or is that too far fetched?

    • Yes, it is too far fetched but thanks for the sarcasm break. To think that this councilwoman suddenly possesses encyclopedic knowledge of guns AND has already made the decision to kill should her home be invaded AND by doing so is going completely against the ideological beliefs she has absorbed, believed, and practiced for her entire life – that’s a bit much to think even remotely possible.

      IMO this story is not over & it could end very badly. She went WAY beyond posting the “No Guns in This House” sign.

  28. Gosh my .308 I play hide and seek with and my .223 is for tag, hmmm, no more games if I listen to her.

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