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“No person of common intelligence — and one would think that the tenured plaintiffs rise at least to that level — can figure out what governs them on this issue under Texas law and UT policies.” – Attorney for professors suing the University of Texas in Professors who ban guns in their classrooms will be punished, UT lawyer says [at]


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Blue Force Gear Quote of the Day: Senator Opposes Constitutional Carry Because Criminals Break Laws...Or Something">Next Post


    • The most dangerous place for any parent to send their 18 year old child is a typical college campus. Not because of the threat of handgun violence which is almost nil. The real threat is the liberal orthodoxy which Marxist professors such as those at UT will cram down their throats. Parents who spend 18 years instilling values and character into their children only to see their minds hopelessly polluted by anti-American, anti-Western BS.

      • I enjoyed those classes with the Marxist professors. Sure I might have had my grade impacted by arguing with them, but I have fond memories of making several of my professors turn flush with anger.

  1. Common intelligence and universities have been pretty much mutually exclusive in the last few years. Safe spaces, trigger warnings and microagressions exist because of this lack of common intelligence by tenure academics.

    • You better check your micro aggressions bro, you just don’t understand because Caitlyn Jenner is a beautiful woman deserving of respect….and women make 77 cents per dollar as men for equal work (yes, i’m fully aware that last statement is an absolute fabrication)

    • Unfortunately, feelings have even pervaded STEM, especially the “Science” part and to a lesser extent the Technology part.

      Proof #1: arguments for evolution and the Big Bang theory

      Proof #2: foaming-at-the-mouth comments about Proof #1

      Proof #3: no one is sounding the alarm that our technology is now so complex that it is guaranteed to fail. And no one is sounding the alarm about the repercussions of those technology failures. (Reference the recent Delta Airlines scheduling/ticketing fiasco.)

      • I think you’ll find that even introductory texts on systems engineering, whether for undergraduates or the general public, make exactly that point when they compare simple systems to complex systems. The latter often consist of systems of systems, carrying an apt acronym SoS.

        An intereting Ph.D dissertation out of NCSU in 2013 approached this topic in the context of our space-based systems, with a challenging title asking whether our agile systems were fragile systems.

      • “The more they overthink the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the drain.”

        Montgomery Scott, Chief Engineer
        USS Enterprise

        Star Trek III: The Search for Spock

      • If the only alternative notion to the Big Bang is some imaginary diety that, by definition, cannot be observed or questioned, I’ll take big explosions 100% of the time.

        • You do realize the bug bang theory was initially rejected by atheist naturalists on the basis of the theory being too close to a theistic style universal genesis, don’t you?

          I mean, trying to argue that the big bang definitively falsifies theistic genesis with a straight face IS pretty laughable.

  2. Lol, this is the person that wrote the inane suit and submitted it to the courts? He should not be making judgements on intelligence.

  3. Are they still dragging on about young adults having the freedom to perform self defense? CCWs were allowed before the campus carry law to carry outside the classroom. Now they can carry inside. Do they really think it’s that much of a difference?

  4. The only problem with a STEM degree is the importation of foreign workers brought into this country for the express purpose of holding down wages. I discouraged my daughter from a technology career because of it.

    • That’s a mistake. Check out a book by Cato Institute scholar Brink Lindsey titled “Human Capital.”

      Economic growth has made us wealthier and smarter, but also more unequal, as it intensifies society’s complexity and opens up the divide between those who have mastered its requirements and those who haven’t.

      Who gets ahead, who struggles to keep up, and who gets left behind, are now determined primarily by how people cope with the mental challenges of change. You’re not going to acquire those skills majoring in Women’s Studies or Ethnic Studies and running away from STEM-degreed foreigners.

      Most colleges today are factories: soaking up government funding, sucking in unprepared kids, and churning out ill-equipped graduates. Marketability no longer goes by who has a degree and who doesn’t, but rather who has a meaningful degree and who has a worthless one. A STEM degree (or two or three) from a serious university is the way to go.

      • Sorry, but that premise relies on a very narrow definition of ‘success.’ He dines success in a manner that forces his conclusion (a tautology) when additional metrics of success are not only possible, but common.

    • If a person chooses the right technology to pursue and then studies constantly, they will have a high paying career for decades. The truth of the matter is that the appetite for technology is greater than what the world can provide a workforce for. Sure, every time there is a lull in the economy, companies experiment with off-shore out-sourced labor. This is usually the result of misguided business leaders thinking that if off-shore labor costs 1/2 as much per hour, it will be cheaper than on-shore. What usually happens is that the leader’s replacement discovers that if an off-shore techie takes 3 times more time to complete the same task, it does not cost less to use out-source technical labor. There are a 100 other reasons why off-shore technical labor is far more expensive than onshore too.

      If your kids have a talent for technology, do not stop them. Chances are that they will make far more in a lifetime doing that than anything else. I work around a bunch of lawyers who make far less than I do.

      But warn your kids. This is a career where you have to constantly study. In this career, most things you learn today will be obsolete within 18 months. This tends to keep the numbers of skilled people fairly low, but it can be a royal pain to spend your off-hours studying the next technology in order to stay employable.

    • It is often the case that naturalized foreigners are far better Americans than many native-borns. Would you rather have an Asian/Indian/Arab engineer who just wants their house in a white picket fence community and pays the taxes on that, or some SJW-type leeching daddy’s money for an Identity Studies degree?

  5. There will be a great crying and gnashing of teeth for the first couple months, then when the campus is not soaking in the blood of shooting victims as these idiots claim, they will shut up and fade back into their ivory towers to continue to impose their opinion as fact.

  6. If they are so upset they feel the need to make a strong statement against Texas law then they should quit their jobs in protest. Go to another school or another state that supports their ideal.

  7. I love books and bullets! Hand them a copy of Mein Kampf to illustrate what happens to an unarmed population.

  8. I find that sign funny for the simple fact that these professors (not just at UT) are likely the same people on the left who wholeheartedly support whitewashing or completely revising history, and getting rid of the real evidence/truth.

    How does that old saying go? “Where books are burned, soon there will be bodies burned”

  9. Follow the money.

    Is UT funded by the state government of Texas? I’m pretty sure it is.

    Are these professors drawing a paycheck from UT? I’m going to guess again: “yes.”

    There’s the reason why the state law applies to them.

  10. And each of those professors and students will be running and hiding behind the one student in the class who carries his pistol concealed to class and reveals it only when some lunatic is rampaging up and down the corridors.

  11. Welp. There you have it. Professors. No smarter or wiser than the rest of us.

    As if it needed saying. :p

  12. In the last 70 years, hasn’t it typically been the colleges where tyrannical ideologies have taken root?

    From my college experience, I found that the worst classes for learning were those taught by tenured professors. What the tenured professors taught had no influence in my success. They essentially taught students what was required to be successful as a professor. The adjunct professors, those who had day jobs outside of teaching, who had recent knowledge of the real world, were the people who taught me skills that helped me succeed.

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