Addressing the throngs at the NRA convention, Wayne LaPierre said “They will never take our guns. Never!” Yes, well, we shall see. Gun confiscation is coming. How could it not in New York, where the SAFE Act criminalizes thousands of previously legal gun owners who will refuse to register their “assault rifles” or “high capacity” magazines or, God forbid, load eight rounds in a ten round magazine outside of a registered firing range? So, what happens when the po-po show up at your door, warrant in hand? Do you acquiesce and hand ’em over? Or do you, as Mr. Ector suggests, unload them first (for safety’s sake)? What if you’re not first in line; the gun grabbers have already knocked on a few dozen doors? [Rick Ector runs the Firearms Academy of Detroit]



  1. I’m grateful that in my state, I’m currently not in a position to be concerned about that. Yet.

    • Matt In FL,
      Do you really think the government is going to be satisfied when all the guns in New York are confiscated and stop there?
      Michael G Marriam in New York

    • You need to be concerned, Mike. Gun-grabbers don’t respect borders any more than bedbugs do.

  2. I don’t see door to door confiscations happening. If it starts I’ll answer the question in more detail then.

  3. Scary thought. We saw a little of what it would be like when they shut down Boston. Lots of cops in armored vehicles along with cops dressed for combat going door to door and searching homes. If you refuse will the local cops shoot you? If they do, will that start a massive civil war? if they refuse, will HS be brought in to do Obama’s dirty work? Or maybe troops with blue helmets? Probably martial law…can’t leave your house…shut down cell towers, shut off fuel supplies. Lots of questions, if you’re inclined to ask them.

    • I think we have to assume they will obey orders. Other troops will come over to our side, but there’s no way to know which will, and which won’t.

      Seek peace, prepare for war.

      Personally, I’m old enough that I can lay my life on the line, without fear.
      Apprhension, yes. Fear, no.

  4. Rick’s answer was partially correct. Unload the guns first. Then reload and unload again.

    • It would be rude and unsafe to hand over a loaded gun, of course. That’s perfectly understandable.

  5. I have a plan.

    I’m not stupid enough to post it in detail on a website that is undoubtedly monitored by agents of the government.

  6. I live in New York. The moment I get the first whiff of “confiscation” (which will start with assault weapons in NY) all my guns to to a friend/relative in a safe state until I can make my escape.

    The results of the 2014 state elections might put a damper on the gun grab. We’ll see.

    • Its foolish to discuss in detail what you personally will do when gun confiscation starts. We all know anyway what is going to happen when it does and I’m pretty sure all the government agents monitoring this blog and others like it do too.

      My question to you government agents is this: do you want to go down in history as the person whose actions precipitated the Second American Civil War? Do you want history to record that you were the one that helped bring tyranny to America?

      Please answer on this blog and identify yourself as a government agent. If you don’t have the courage to do that, answer me personally. I’m sure with a little effort you can figure out my email, my phone number, and where I live. In fact I’m pretty sure all that information is in a little pop-up window on your commuter monitor as I type this.

        • Its only 29% because the other 71% haven’t thought it through carefully.

          The people of the gun have drawn their line in the sand. We’ve let the communists take too many bites out of the 2nd amendment cake. Any more and it will no longer be recognizable as a cake.

      • As a member of the government that if, ordered to take your guns, I would have too. However, that doesn’t mean I well.

        I might join you, because I have sworn to uphold the constitutions.

        • Todd, You would not have to do anything. You would have to decide if the order is lawful or not. Juries can nullify laws and government agents aren’t stripped of their moral compass just because they are told to do something. Remember Nuremberg.

      • OH MY GOD. You haven’t figured out that elections are RIGGED, have you?

        We are no longer in a position to trust in elections. PERIOD. END OF STORY.

  7. Why, invite them in of course…for a nice pressure cooked meal, extra ball bearings anyone? Randy

  8. If the police are rolling around in armored vehicles going door to door, you gotta be pretty dumb to make your stand in your house with that kind of advanced notice.

  9. What’s the point of this article? Nice writing, running out of things to say?

  10. First of all, I’m not going to hide, myself or my guns. Bury them? Stupid. The best I can hope for is to not be in the group of the first few to get murdered by the prohibitionists in surprise assaults. You know, those few that will die before the rest of us step off the porch.

    Then it will be 4GW time. Google it if you don’t know what it is, because you will be living it from one side or the other.

    Until then, bagging the first one or two in the stack is the best one can hope for. If enough of that happens they will soon be out of knuckleheads willing to have a go at it. So we will try to live up to that if we are put in that position by the despicables. But they are plying the white pieces, and the first move is theirs. Though we wish it were not so, moral clarity demands it.

  11. Looked up 4GW.

    Lot of the criteria are all ready rolling.

    Once they start widespread confiscation…

  12. They would never just come right out and do a mass confiscation any time soon. It would be showing their hand too soon and there would be too much resistance. first they need to chip away at the individual right to own a firearm (ban on “assault weapons, universal background checks), then create a social welfare state to pacify the masses with the promise of a safe and secure life provided by the state (this would also involve filtering out any military and police over time who would resist this movement) and then turn the culture against firearms via Propaganda courtesy the state run media (not necessarily in that order)… then they will come for the guns.

  13. Me? Well actually I don’t have any guns. I just come here for the both babe pictures.

  14. Me? Well actually I don’t have any guns. I just come here for the booth babe pictures.

  15. If it wasn’t for Obamacare I’d have to say how could they not see this coming. Mindless idealogues in charge: it’s hard to see a happy ending.

  16. a little at a time but I do not thing they are confiscating anything,its a bluff to scare law abiding
    gun owners to turn in their firearms..

    I will hold onto mine until I can no longer reload and protect myself.

  17. I agree with whoever said that they will take his guns when he can no longer fire and reload…if enough people have that attitude and back it up..gun confiscation will just go away..Donn

  18. I will provide them with unlimited free copies the official police reports where I reported the weapons stolen long ago.

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