When I lived in Atlanta, my next door neighbor was a gay gun guy. I mean a gay guy who liked guns. Because even though guns are phallic they’re gender neutral. Anyway, one day, we went to The Bullet Stop to play with an Uzi. Afterwards, I asked Brendan if he ever went shooting with his partner. “Good Lord no,” he said. “He’s way too jealous to have a gun.”

The idea that no one is emotionally stable enough to own a gun (except the police and military) certainly isn’t a concept restricted to the LGBTQ community. But as someone who’s lived in gay neighborhoods and worked in predominantly gay newsrooms, I can say that there is a lot of drama therein. A lot of emotion to unfairly project upon others.

Did I say unfairly? In this case, unconstitutionally. And here’s the thing: like gay marriage, constitutionally protected gun rights can not be infringed simply because there are those who fear its exercise. Whether those offended constitute the minority or majority of voters.

Setting aside this rational argument for firearms freedom, why in the world wouldn’t a community that’s been viciously, violently and repeatedly preyed upon arm itself in its own defense? Know any LGBTQ folks? What do they think of your gun thing — assuming you’re not ballistically closeted?


    • Oh, Gman……*everything* is sex. Your name is sex. Firearms are sex. Politics is sex. Money is sex. Dummycrats be sex. Trans-phabulousness is sex.

      And if you deny it, that’s sex, too.

    • Who you sleep with is one of the most powerful predictor variables of whom you will vote for, and by extension the sort of firearms law youll get.

    • I wonder if I can get one of those shirts and then remove the ault from “assault” because nobody likes to see a nice ass destroyed

  1. Well all the ones I know of live in liberal cities where guns aren’t an option, even if they wanted them, so what they think really doesn’t make a difference to them.

      • I don’t know anybody in Orlando. The only ones I personally know live in NYC, DC, and BOS. I can’t speak for people I’ve never met.

    • I live in the San Francisco Bay Area and work in San Francisco. I have pleanty of gay friends across the whole spectrum of gayness. Some are pro-2a and hate CA gun laws, some are coolaid drinking libtards, and some dont know crap or care about guns. In other words they match up with the demographic spectrum of the general population in which they live, AND happen to be gay….. these particular gay guys, like all liberal idiots, turn crap in to identity politics. My gay friends would call these gay guys “fags” for this stupid shit.

  2. Dunno.
    My ammosexuality is none of their business and I’d rather know nothing of theirs.
    If they share my interests we’ll go shooting together.
    If they oppose my interests I’ll have as little to do with them as I can to avoid seeming impolite.

    • Pretty much covers it.

      My interactions with the alphabet community are polite and don’t even scratch the surface. Any deeper may uncover hostility towards my conservatism, such that I avoid. They don’t seem to understand that I don’t give a shit.

  3. Just like strait folk, it is wildly different from one to the next. The fact that they are LGBTQ doesn’t seem to be a direct factor.

    • Yup. The political positions we find in the LGBT demographic varies widely because the individual reasons for being in that demographic vary widely. Despite what some advocates claim, there is no “gay gene”.
      Thus, biological male and female homosexuals will have whatever opinion of guns suits them. Groups like the Pink Pistols have done great things to bring these folks under our big tent. The “T” part of LGBT is the tricky part: trans-men (females who eschew femininity for masculinity) seem to have an easy time embracing guns as a lifestyle choice – possibly because of its perception as a “guy thing”. For that same reason, trans-women (men pretending to be female) seem to avoid guns more than other categories due to their desire to avoid anything that reminds themselves that they are men – even something as gender neutral as wanting to defend one’s self.

  4. One of my trans coworkers hates guns, knows that I carry, and respects it. The fact that we are both respectful of one another’s beliefs goes a long way. Also have gay friends that I have taken to the range, and they have always had a good time; however, I don’t know if they are ready to make the leap into ownership. Something about it being at odds with party lines, etc.

    • “Just one” of your trans co-workers? What do the other 11 trans co-workers think? Or the 17 cis-gendered-lesbian mid-level managers? They must be ‘up in arms’!!!11!

  5. It’s a mixed bag. Some I shoot with and believe, as any historically oppressed minority logically should, that arming themselves is a very important part of maintaining their liberty.

    Back in the urban shitopia I fled there are many more who are anti to various degrees. The light anti’s are just toeing the party line and really don’t care about guns as an issue separate from partisan posturing and would never bring it up unless asked while a smaller percentage are actual honest to goodness gun-hating loonies who constantly parrot manufactured “facts” and long debunked statistics sprinkled with a healthy dash of intentional ignorance who actively get up in peoples faces to shout and yell about their insanity.

    The ones I shoot with are friends. The ones who are fair-weather anti’s are acquaintances or friends of friends and the psycho loons are friends of friends friends or just local characters who always appear at parties or the hip spot of the week. That local celeb trash scene thing is something I’ll never miss from the city.

    Like any other group it’s not a monolithic hive mind. Something the (D)’s should have learned last November but apparently haven’t.

  6. That’s a whole lot of fail in that video. They don’t know what ‘assault weapons’ are, they don’t know that banning them didn’t stop the terrorists in Paris, they don’t know that the carnage at the Pulse nightclub could have been even higher with a Molotov cocktail or two instead and they think that by shouting a few profanities it’s going to somehow make people decide that they don’t like the Constitution after all, just because they’re a privileged class or something. I’m sure it made them FEEL good making that video though.

  7. I met my trans friend at a shooting range, back before, so she’s pretty cool with it. We’re squadding together at the IDPA state match this year.

    My gay friends and acquaintances aren’t into or against guns.

  8. After all the shit our community has gone through, it boggles my mind how other LGBT people can be opposed to guns. Matthew Shepherd? Orlando? The Holocaust? Its like they’re opposed to their own self preservation

    • James, it’s the same problem as my community. Just like blacks, the statist politicians want you on the figurative plantation. Some of both communities are happy enough there, that they don’t want to leave. After all, it’s easier to believe in the badge-fairy who will magically teleport in with his gun and K-9 to save you than to buy a gun, practice with it, and train to defend yourself. Self-reliance is hard work.

    • Possibly a believe in the Dignity of Victimhood (hint: there’s no dignity in that)? I honestly don’t know either. I taught one of my gay friends to shoot, they then went on to buy 2 pistols.

    • Still drinking the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ propaganda about Matthew Shepard?


      Matthew Shepard WASN’T killed because he was “Gay” he was killed because he ripped someone off in a methamphetamine deal

  9. When I lived in San Francisco, I knew plenty of gay people; but it being SF and all, guns were never discussed in the work place. I could truly say that I did not know anyone, gay or straight, that I knew or suspected owned guns (and that included me). I did not buy my first firearm until I moved to the very red far north state.

  10. Maybe I’m just lucky but all my gay and lesbian friends are gun folks or want to be gun folks (interested but not yet owners).

    In fact, the biggest gun nut I know is a smoking hot lesbian. She’s hilarious when she shoots. Has a thing for big bore revolvers and bolt guns.

  11. I’ve only known three gay couples, two female and one male, and I’m just guessing about the women. One of the guys used his Ruger Bearcat .22 to hold some neighborhood vandals for police. The funny part was one vandal trying to convince another that the Bearcat was a real gun. Except to comment that warning shots aren’t a good idea, the cops weren’t concerned about holding the vandals at gunpoint.

    My question for gays is, if you aren’t armed, how do you expect to fight off the gay bashers?

    • Because on the modern SJW left, expecting a person to take responsibility for his own safety is “victim blaming”.
      It’s the same mindset that says teaching college women to not get blackout drunk at parties and to stay with a group is blaming the victims for rape.

      • I think it worth expanding on the topic of “victim blaming” and personal responsibility for one’s safety. Blame implies that the victim had a duty not to be victimized. Bull shit! It’s 100% the assailant’s duty to leave the victim in peace. That the victim thoughtlessly placed himself or herself in a situation where victimization was likely doesn’t change that. What prospective victims should remember is that assignment of innocence and guilt and punishment of the perpetrator after the fact doesn’t wipe away their victimization. Only prevention can do that and it’s something the victim does for himself or herself, not from an obligation to anyone else. It’s all the same to me whether the method used is to avoid risky situations or to fight off predators causing them serious injury in the process.

    • That’s what police are for. You know, the ones that instantly teleport in when crimes are reported.

      What, your cops aren’t like that? 😉

  12. I have a close friend who’s gay. We go shooting often. Sometimes his husband joins us. They use derogatory gay terms when describing their anti gun gay acquaintances. It’s a fabulous time.

  13. I cannot understand why gay people, who have historically been subjected to violent assaults, would oppose guns. Banning all assault weapons will not protect them from being beaten mercilessly with baseball bats, fists, or any other weapon that falls to hand. I have never understood the disconnect, other than to surmise that it is the result of their (typically but not universally) liberal political positions.

  14. I’ve never seen a direct correlation. There’s an indirect one, though, in that GBLTs tend to concentrate more in cities than in rural areas, and city populations tend to be liberal collectivist, and thus anti-gun.

    This observation comes after living in a number of places, including San Francisco, Maryland’s Caroline County on the Eastern Shore, and southwest Florida.

    • Universities, too. The college town where I live is pretty much a wretched hive of liberal scum and progressive villainy. Almost everyone I know is polar opposite from me politically.

      My teenage daughter is one of the LGBTQIABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP (specifically the L), and she’s fine with the gun thing. She loves shooting my .30-30 and appreciates the fact that I’m always armed when we’re out and about together.

      Everybody she hangs out with is rabidly anti, though, and she’s been absorbing some of the socialist/statist talking points in general, which does worry me… But I trust her ability to think through these things.

      • My daughter went to an excellent but otherwise rabidly liberal college in Ohio, and most of her friends from there are rabidly anti-gun. She is not, and thinks that it is absolutely hilarious that her anti-gun friends in Cleveland think that the concealed carry purse I sent her is very stylish.

      • “She loves shooting my .30-30 and appreciates the fact that I’m always armed when we’re out and about together.”

        I think she’ll be alright. Being exposed to rational opposing political viewpoints will go a looooooong way, especially pointing out the dangers of the antis views on armed self-defense…

  15. MEH…I don’t understand why gays don’t protect themselves. Or women. Or black folks. Or Jews. No I don’t think I know any gay gun owner. I suspect the old gay antique dealer couple I know may have some protection living very close to the Westside of Chcago. I just don’t care RF…

  16. My lesbian sister loves guns. Alas, she’s still stuck in Connecticut, which makes it a rather difficult hobby to commence.

  17. I know several gay folks who are very much into the gun hobby, or are supportive of the second amendment without restrictions, without necessarily actively participating in gun activities. Others are neutral or actively opposed.

    Gee, it’s almost like sexual orientation has nothing to do with whether someone is pro- or anti-2A. Who’da thunk it?

  18. I think that if some one wants to have intercourse with an inanimate object in the privacy of their own home they should be able to do it. Just use protection and clear the chamber first.

  19. We do not want these people as allies. They vote for Democrats in massive numbers and that won’t change. The ones that occasionally vote Republican have caused the Party to move left in what was once unthinkable ways. Allowing them into our collation will cause us to compromise. These people are liberal at their core and that is not changing. Their disgusting ‘lifestyle choices’ confirm as much.

    • disgusting lifestyle choices?

      You sir, and those of your ilk, and your bigotry are what gives gun owners and conservatives in general a bad name. Do not speak of what you do not understand, which clearly you do not.

      • Tossing out the bigot card Swingline? One step above the racism card. Thought-Police type of stuff.

        • Meh. Bigot card. Racism card. They’re just hackneyed slurs. Talk.

          Thought police implies force, legalized initiation of violence, at that. That’s much different from talk.

      • He/she doesn’t give anyone except them a bad name. Personal responsibility and all. Free speech and all. I don’t agree with the entire line of thought, but this person does not speak for me or anyone else.

    • In a free nation lifestyle choices are nobody’s business but the person making them. I choose to own guns, marry a woman and raise kids.

      Freedom is choice. Not just about guns.

  20. C’mon guys, don’t equate a specifically enumerated right to a right that was pretty much discovered because people wanted to, especially if they brook no dissenters and are overwhelmingly anti-gun.

    All responsible people have a right to own guns, but love and the Bill of Rights have nothing to do with whether they can get a marriage license, with whomever or whatever they want, anywhere in the US. If they did, people would be marrying (and I am not making this up: Google it) roller coasters, the Mona Lisa, random household objects, animals, multiple people, etc.

        • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Group effort on Saturday and send them to church on Sunday.

      • @ jwm As Scalia put it: “Our society prohibits, and all human societies have prohibited, certain activities not because they harm others but because they are considered, in the traditional phrase, ‘contra bonos mores,’ i.e., immoral. ”

        That said, I don’t think that it’s “contra bonos mores” for someone to marry his shampoo bottle. =)

  21. My best friend is gay. He posted to Facebook the other day that we should ban full auto weapons. I gave him a shirt lesson on the NFA and he didn’t reply. He is anti gun which is funny because we both learned how to shoot on an m14. He is anti gun and I am pro equal rights. It’s funny how so many of the LGBT community are against other people rights. Rights are rights. We are a free society, guns, free speech, marriage equality are all equal. If we infringe on one right the others are at risk then.

  22. I’m straight and I have something to say. They are F**king morons. I don’t mean that in a derogatory way. I mean it in a way in that I believe they can’t do simple math or point out Belgium on a map. They are truly uneducated and they don’t want to do anything about it. They are F**king morons.

    • Sheesh, way to make us sound like idiots. Homosexuals are not stupid or uneducated.

    • Who are “they”? The guys in the video? All gays, everywhere?

      You shouldn’t use pronouns without making it clear to whom the pronouns refer.

  23. Hmm, two of my gay friends own a gun range. I’d be there more often, but it’s over an hour drive.

  24. After the Pulse nightclub shootings, i mentioned to the 2 male gay nurses at my work that they should consider gun ownership
    I offered to take them individually to the range and try some different guns
    Both declined

  25. How manny people are trying to f*ck their assault weapons, how big of a problem is this? Are the assault weapons consenting to this f*cking?

  26. I know lots of gay people, but the one I know best would be my husband. Being a non-hypocritical freedom loving person, he’s totally cool with guns.

  27. Of course we should ban f*cking assault weapons. Someone could hurt themselves trying to f*ck an assault weapon. Lots of spring-tensioned sharp metal bits.

    • Some people will f**k anybody and anything. See rule 34. Why should be assault weapons left out?

  28. Most of the gay or trans folk I know are armed for the exact reasons named above; some newly armed thanks to threats directed against them that have increased over the last year or so. Granted, I don’t know more than a handful or so openly LGBTQ people. So that is not a big sample.

  29. Seriously, just who the Fu(K cares? Either be a victim, or butch up and fight back. I have several gay friends, and all of them know how to use a gun and carry. This is just another idiot try by the left to take a jab at the NRA, and those pesky “Asthault Rifleths” that has the thingy that goeths up.

  30. It varies. Because, just like everyone else, gay people are individuals with individual viewpoints.

    What I have found interesting is that, since early November, several have approached me about basic entry questions: Where can I get training? How do I get my CC license? What kind of gun should I get? I’ve done my best to point them in good directions.

  31. Let em talk, let em cry about whatever they think the problem is. There are several outcomes.

    -These people will be attacked by someone from a dissenting POV and they won’t be able to adequately defend themselves.

    -These people will be attacked by someone from a dissenting point of view and will have intervention by someone legally armed.

    -These people will continue to complain about things in which they have no idea about, and it will further divide the more common sense people away from the radical ideology.

  32. My best friend from college is bisexual and pre-op trans, but he’s one of those unicorns who knows I will call him dude, man, brother, etc for the rest of his life and is totally fine with it. He’s also Libertarian to the core, so basically a unicorn in the LGBT crowd. I introduced him to the world of guns and taught him how to shoot. He currently lives in a very pro-gun state and will get around to buying his first gun once he’s distracted from building computers.

    Being “behind enemy lines” he agrees that the hijacking of the LGBT crowd by evil marxist progressives isn’t some Alex Jones conspiracy theory. He has been shunned by other gay and trans people for being into guns, fiscally conservative, etc

  33. I have an LGBTABC123 friend myself. Who lives deep in liberal California. Doesn’t like guns. Likes that I have guns. It’s a very strange situation.

  34. The kids in the picture make a good point — we should definitely ban the F*cking of Assault Weapons.

  35. A plurality of the the gays I’ve known have been gun owners.

    Gun control is a traditional tool of oppression be it racial, religious, ethnic or lifestyle.

  36. My one gay relative owns and carries a gun for self defense. He has been assaulted a few times (more related to where he lives than his sexual preference) and decided to provide for his own defense. More proof that you can’t reduce people to groups or voting blocks, despite how hard the Democrats try.

  37. I don’t know any gay people,that I know of.The ones I’ve met were nice enough.As far as them and guns,go ask the pink pistols gun club. Based in San Fran,I think.

  38. #Shootback
    I’m the lgbtq in my group. Everyone I’m friends with knows that I’m gay and that I like guns and if they’re not okay with that I don’t associate with them. I don’t require that they participate in either of those categories to be friends with me. Do I keep my homosexuality from some people, yes. Do I keep my ammosexuality from some people, absolutely. But typically potential partners know right away so that I don’t waste time. I try not to let employers know either.
    Most gay people I’ve come across are okay with it, and none I’ve met are absolutely against it. Did they vote for Clinton in the last Election, most did. Did I? Not a chance. Republicans are not all straight white men, and Democrats are not all members of a minority. That is media spread horse manure. It’s based more on region than anything far as I can see.
    I started carrying because of my sexuality, and it opened up a whole new world of firearms to me. Now I can’t get enough of them. My family and closest friends know this. And they seem perfectly fine with it and most actually like it. I’ve had more than one someone mention an appreciation of me always being armed. My sexuality has nothing to do with it even though the media, especially during election periods, think there is some correlation. I don’t vote Democratic, even if I don’t like the republican running because of their stance on homosexuality or other human rights. That’s just me.

  39. 1) You realize of course, that Freud, the one who came up with the whole “phallic symbol” concept, did not seem to think guns fit in that category. He also thought the fear of guns was irrational, and a sign of emotional immaturity and repressed anal, not phallic, urges. It’s in his second book.
    2) My late business partner, who was gay, had a CCW license and carried all the time. We went through the licensing procedure together years ago. I gather that he carried even before it was legal in TX, though. Did so ever since being shot in the abdomen by – I’m not making this up – real honest to God, horse mounted bandits in Mexico- with a .45 Colt cast lead bullet out of an old Colt SAA revolver. He was riding in a vehicle with the local mayor, and the bandits were political enemies. WOW-what a story!

  40. One angle to this is after the supreme court legalized gay marriage, several powerful (wealthy) gay rights orgs suddenly found themselves with nothing to do, and donations drying up. So now these organizations, such as the HRC, have taken on a basket of liberal SJW causes to keep the donations rolling in. This is all about money, and gun control groups using the existing advocacy orgs to pursue their agendas. I find it very offensive that gay people and Orlando, etc are being exploited for this. If there is a perception that gay people are anti-gun, it is partly true. Not because of sexuality, but because gay people tend to move to large cities, that skew far left and urban. The urban / rural divide to me is the greatest factor in opinions about guns, and politics in general. That’s my 2 cents as a gay Libertarian gun owner. So please don’t write us all off as a bunch of snowflakes!

  41. I have a jacket made by them. It’s from before the lagalization of gay marriage. Thing was expensive and took 8 months to get to me. Think I’ll burn it next time I build a fire. I won’t support a group who won’t support my rights. ALL my rights.

  42. I’m a gay gun owner and find misperceptions in the article and comments. Attitudes and behaviors have radically changed in the past 20 years.

    Gay bashing still happens, but rare without provocation. Making unwanted sexual advances in a restroom is one example. Doesn’t excuse bashing, but I have some sympathy for victims of verbal assaults that react physically. I don’t like getting hit on when all I want is to use the facility and leave. On the other hand, trans women are bashed or killed (23 in US last year) and are often victims unprovoked attacks.

    What many don’t understand is the decline in LGBT organizations’ relevance after equality. Sort of like the March of Dimes after polio was conquered. Many LGBT groups have pivoted to other causes like gun control in a desperate attempt to halt declining income and influence. I’d challenge the notion that LGBTs are mostly anti-gun. Rather leaders of some LGBT organizations taken that position without the buy-in of their memberships.

    Surprises? The biggest has been acceptance. The shooting community is among the least prejudiced I’ve ever encountered. Nobody cares about gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, etc. Most assume I’m straight, but attitudes and friendliness haven’t changed when straight men realize I’m gay.

    There was a time when it was rare for gay and straight men to be friends. That’s no longer the situation – at least in the community where I live.

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