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Screen Shot 2015-06-01 at 8.26.55 PM

Unless you make a habit of reading inane agitprop cranked out by people like Mike “The Gun Guy” Weisser, you’re probably blissfully unaware that the hoplophobic harpies at Moms Demand Action have randomly declared today is Wear Orange Day. Why? To oppose “gun violence.” Because orange means safety. Or something. Really, who the hell can tell what the thought process there was? Whatever the case, commenter FlaResident wrote the following about the sartorial selection he’s making today: “I’m wearing my ENDO ‘Keep calm and carry one‘ shirt to work to make it clear to anyone wearing orange which side I am on” . . .

As a side note, I was wearing the same shirt a couple of days ago while traveling. I’m standing at baggage claim waiting for my bag and a 20-something young lady walks up beside me about four feet away. I couldn’t see the front of her shirt and she couldn’t see the front of mine. I turned to face her direction because I saw my bag coming down the conveyor and she turned my direction as she struggled to get her bag off the conveyor.

As she looked over at me I saw a look that was a cross between a Billy Idol “White Wedding” sneer and a “Who stepped in dog crap?” look. She then made sure and turned her back to me and took a step away (even though the exit was behind me), so that I could see the big Demanding Moms logo on the back of her shirt, before she whipped around and walked briskly by.

I would never dream of giving the same “I wish you were dead” look to someone who hasn’t said a word to me, just because I disagree with what’s on their t-shirt, but yet that’s not the first time I’ve had the other side act like it’s their duty to do so. I guess besides not teaching gun safety, the Moms also don’t teach manners.

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  1. Wearing NRA convention T shirt in a crowded amusement park.. let’s see how many sneers I can get, my guess is probably none

    • Man, what a NON-event this is. So far I got a thanks for the tip on my breakfast burrito, had a nice conversation with the guy at GameStop about my Beretta and carry holsters and the checkout lady at PetCo liked my shirt. I saw two guys who looked like road crew in orange safety vests and another two in bright orange shirts spraying weeds along the side of the road. Not one single person wearing orange for GVAD and no shock, horror or blood in the streets. If anyone is campaigning for Everytown out this way they’re harder to spot than Waldo….

  2. Im wearing jeans and my smile. Havent seen any orange yet, I’m looking hard though.

    • Our Church has been selling Orange T-shirts to shom solidarity with the victims of ISIS. Orange because of the way they make their victims wear orange jumpsuits when they behead them. Of course, it has some biblical quotations on it and indicates it’s purpose.

      As to what I’m wearing, business attire shirt and tie which I’ll also be wearing after work due to attending a high school graduation immediately after leaving here.

  3. I think I’ll cutout an AR-15 from some bright orange paper stock I have, and past it on a black T-shirt, and, of course, some lettering that says:
    Any suggestions?

  4. I’m actually wearing an Appleseed T shirt today just by coincidence. Walther PPS on purpose.

  5. Orange t-shirt that says “Lions and Tigers and Beer. Oh MI!

    Khaki shorts

    Black belt with black Galco Cop Leather holster carrying my VFA-15 commemorative Sig 1911 Nitron Rail.

    Flip flops

  6. Here in Austin, so-called liberal hellhole (not so much in my experience) there’s not a bit of orange in sight as I look all around the western part of the city. If they were smart, they’d wait until the ‘horns were in the championship and THEN declare wear orange day for some serious astroturf support action!

  7. This whole “wear orange” thing reminds me of when the gay rights group at OSU declared a certain Tuesday to be “wear denim” day to show support for gay rights. One guy who hadn’t heard about it was passing through the quad when he saw their booth and sign; he stopped, stripped off his jeans right there, and started walking again.

    Some of us made the point that while they have free speech, and we even supported their cause, they don’t get to decide what other people’s freedom of expression means. It took until late in the day when the very small number of people wearing anything denim by then became evident; word had gotten around about the one guy, and people were changing out of denim between classes, not because they didn’t support gay rights but because they didn’t like being hijacked to “support” a cause.

    I almost grabbed my usual orange Carhartt shirt today until I remembered this idiocy.

    • Talk about artificially inflated numbers. What’s next, LGBT community, National “Have Two Eyebrows” Day?

  8. Same black suit, same white shirt. Same Ruger in my holster, same Smitty on my left ankle. Just another Tuesday in south Florida.
    I am in a high end retail shopping mall………and as of 13:15 I have seen NO orange………..yet.

  9. Most Ammosexuals think they are Rambo but in reality couldn’t hit the broad side of the proverbial barn. Maybe innocent civilians wearing orange will allow some lugnut to focus enough that another state will take away those “rights” to own assault rifles.

        • Calling himself “God”, using the term “ammosexuals” and wishing for the deaths of innocents to encourage a restriction on the rights of US citizens.

          This person is the perfect storm of arrogance and stupidity.

        • And it’s comments like yours that have the rest of the nation laughing at you instead of me.

          Not with you, but actually at you. But, I guess it takes a certain level of shamelessness not to care about that.

        • I refuse to have my rights as a ammo-sexual dictated by some ammo-phobe, I was born this way and you have no right to judge me.

    • It makes me sad when I see comments like this.

      Some parent out there apparently couldn’t figure out how to password protect the internet and their special little one is now commenting on an evil gun website.

    • Orange shirts, yeah, that’ll do it.

      Maybe MDA will hit a Tennessee game, so they can photo bomb college students for some more of that MDA style of “grass-roots support.”

    • Excedrine, if you genuinely believe that a majority of the nation doesn’t want your assault rifles in a dumpster then you are naive. Or a conservative in Texas, but then that would be redundant.

      • a majority of the nation doesn’t want your assault rifles in a dumpster So….how is that assault rifle ban thingy working out for ya? Never gonna get it, not this time, nevah gonna get it.

      • If you honestly believe that your demonstrably uninformed opinion represents the majority of the country, you are every bit as naive as you knowingly falsely accuse me of being. Either that, or you are a liberal in California. But, that would be redundant.

    • re…ammosexual….

      …the Left has an infantile and puerile obsession with sexuality and things scatalogical. It’s a depressing window into their warped mind.

  10. I’m wearing a geeky Aperture Laboratories shirt. Not everyone gets the reference, but I don’t care.

    Before anyone asks, no, it’s not orange.

    I haven’t seen anyone besides utility workers wearing orange today, either. Like I’ve said before, I’d only be wearing orange today if I went hunting. I’m not.

    Another cheesy, misguided fad that will no doubt be artificially inflated with close-up, narrow and carefully-cropped photos to hide the enormous gaps in the “crowds” of participants that they want to believe will be filled with people, but in reality are filled with uncaring and nonchalance of a public that is increasingly turned off by their vitriolic bile and venom. A cheesy, misguided fad that will surely be forgotten by the mainstream before dinner time tonight, and be dropped into the abyssal annals of mediocrity when the so-called “impact” of such a droll “statement” will be measured at precisely zero. A cheesy, misguided fad that is no doubt covering for the illogical and paranoia-addled musings of hyper-partisan lemmings doing the bidding of billionaire bully-boys who have bought their opinions and their thoughts lock, stock, and barrel.

    Pun intended.

    And so it goes.

      • Well, certainly none of the good cheeses, to be sure.

        I’m thinking something more along the lines of off-brand “pasteurized cheese product”, elsewise known as “singles”. No, not even Kraft singles, but the cheap, generic stuff that tastes more like plastic (especially when melted).

    • Along similar lines, I’m wearing my grey “Reaction Research Society: America’s OTHER rocket program” t-shirt today.

    • Careful, If you put on a blue aperture labs shirt you might suddenly find yourself next to a MDA member in an orange shirt…

  11. Now that you reminded me, I’m about to change into an NRA T with a Gadsden Flag on the back. Not that anybody hereabouts will notice, or is aware of the orange-day thing.

    • Earlier, but then the cat demanded a belly rub…

      Thank goodness for adopting an SPCA rescue-e that came de-clawed…


  12. was going to cite his “borrow money” quote, (attempted to delete this one) see proper quote below.

  13. “She then made sure and turned her back to me and took a step away (even though the exit was behind me), so that I could see the big Demanding Moms logo on the back of her shirt, before she whipped around and walked briskly by.”

    Wow, someone who has seen one in the wild, outside of a 12 mom Kroger protest.

    My attire for today…Black polo, khakis, and a G19.

  14. I’m wearing a blue, white, and gray plaid pattern shirt and jeans, as well as my S&W 642.

  15. I saw a dog wearing an orange collar at the dog park, so it seems Mike was right after all.

  16. Orange, like gitmo prisoners and ISIS captives. Seems appropriate for these people. If they had their way, they’d one day end up as one or the other, perhaps while having an epiphany that perhaps they were wrong.

  17. Capri hiking pants, a Dave Matthews band tshirt, sneakers, a belly band and my Kahr PM9. No Orange. But I’d love to wear orange and carry my Kahr, just to piss off the moms. Hahaha.

  18. Frack. I wore my orange Kubota hat today. Guess I’ll need to stuff it into my briefcase 🙂

  19. “I would never dream of giving the same “I wish you were dead” look to someone who hasn’t said a word to me, just because I disagree with what’s on their t-shirt, but yet that’s not the first time I’ve had the other side act like it’s their duty to do so.”

    You would have done the same thing to her, if you were as certain as she was that you were looking at a baby-killing maniac.

    • Was rocking ENDO’s NFA Tax before work. Ironically enough, my work attire is royal blue.

  20. Saw some woman riding the “L” with sign saying “Assault Weapons don’t belong in a civilized Society” Since she looked a little uncomfortable anyway I didn’t feel the need to disabuse her of her of her fallacy.

    and I havent seen any thing in our media about it either. Chiraq and the Hawks are taking center stage.

    oops we are covering it at 4:30 and 6

    • “and I havent seen any thing in our media about it either. Chiraq and the Hawks are taking center stage.”

      Go Bolts!

      (Running like Hell…)

  21. Using the MDA/Everytown rules of engagement, I’ve declared today to be eat BBQ for gun rights day in Austin. Apparently, THOUSANDS have joined me to eat BBQ in support of 2A rights. By MDA standards there’s at least 200 here with me now.

  22. I’m impressed that you actually saw an MDA “mom” in the wild. They’re a rare breed that only comes out when they smell the blood of a victim to stand on. Their population used to be greater, but then Twitter purged a lot of their fake accounts.

  23. Wool uniform shirt, kevlar vest, cotton t shirt, two belts, Safariland OWB holster, 4006 with streamlight, handcuffs, spare light, spare mags, radio, handcuffs, mechanic gloves, pepper spray, 26″ ASP, wool pants, and black Altama jungle boots.

  24. Not orange.

    And neither is anyone else in my liberal-prolific offices. I guess they missed the memo…or perhaps the huffpo guy overstate the size of the movement, eh? 😉

  25. Green t shirt, jeans and my cz P07, irritates me that this foolishness is on my birthday, but I live in Phoenix don’t think I will see any orange

  26. I’m wearing a lovely greenish digitized tiger strip pattern ensemble, complements of the USAF.

      • it’s my sincere pleasure to get out of bed every day and put on this uniform, even if the pattern is a little silly

        • I was proud to wear my uniform also, when I was In the USN, but not now. When I get out of bed, (At my age I never sure that will happen) it’s bathrobe coffee, and the morning paper.

  27. Same as Rick, but the 9mm is the usual Sig P938, as the last 6 weeks since I bought it.

    Better than the old P95 I had to off-body carry…

  28. This AM a grey suit and purple tie, this afternoon a USS Arizona polo, S&W Shield 9mm IWB. Only orange I have seen all day was defendants in court.

  29. Black t-shirt. It has a picture of an AR15 and the words “COME AND TAKE IT” on it.

  30. Black shirt, Digital Woodland pants (the civilian attempt at copying MARPAT), and kakhi boots.

  31. Moms Demand Action digs me because I rarely wear underwear and when I do it’s usually something unusual.

  32. As was mentioned above, hijacking people’s clothing choices to inflate support for your cause is real dickish. I’m especially peeved as an SF Giants fan. I wouldn’t be surprised if used a shot from an Orange Friday at the park to say “Look! Millions think guns are icky!”. I’m also reminded of nonsense after the Zimmerman trial, when I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt at work and was praised for supporting Travyon Martin. That guy received my best “What are you retarded?” look, and a stern “No.”

  33. I’m wearing fire-retardent clothes that feel like the gentle caress of sandpaper on my skin when I move. And they make me sweat.
    You wear your dumb orange, “moms,” real folks have work to do.

      • No, it’s damn close to the truth. When I have to put on Nomex wildland fire pants, the texture of the fabric feels like it’s gonna sandpaper the hair off my legs…

        • “Sandpaper the hair off my legs”
          Well, with your naked legs, and Ralph’s “unique” choice of under ware, sounds like you guys need to get together for a little talk. (Chuckle chuckle)

  34. Accidently wore orange today. Dang laundry. But then again at work I dont deal with people, i wear blue coveralls, and I havent gone out in public.

    Also havent found a pro gun shirt that I like enough yet. I want something extremely subtle that gun people will catch but that you could let your kid wear to school. Any suggestions?

  35. I have a few shirts that are gun-related (usually ENDO shirts that are more inside-joke-ish than out-and-out gun shirts) but I didn’t think to wear one today.

    That being said, I see no mention of this event anywhere. The liberals and the lefties are distracted by FIFA and the Bruce Jenner news items.

    Though I suppose some MDA staffer is furiously assembling some astro-turf employees for some staged photo ops.

    Or they might just rip off a photo from a Dutch Kingsday (Holland’s national color is orange) celebration and claim it’s from the US.

  36. Live and work in the bay area, CA. Been from union city to oakland and points in between (driver by trade). Seen exactly 1 orange outfit. A person with a white cane and red tip wearing a blaze orange hoody with a lime green reflective vest waiting at a bus stop.

    The cane declares them blind. Their fashion sense proves it.

  37. Despite what these moms saw on Netflix, orange is NOT the new black. I don’t know any desirable women that would be caught dead in orange. Of course, I’m sure they will post a cropped photo showing 3 idiots wearing orange

    • Maybe Caitlyn Jenner would look good in orange, cuz you know….she’s hot!
      Excuse me now, I have to go puke.

  38. Green cargo shorts,2 M&P s’ black shirt. Ammo pouch by forbus, holsters by bladetech and Galco.

  39. Pants, alright?! I’m wearing pants.

    It was just one time, get off my back about it already.

  40. Well I’m naked except for my black Z Nation shirt. But my .40 is two feet away.

  41. Blue and green…they made a big deal outa’ this BS on WGN news. Had mom and dad of the girl who danced for odumbo. Conveniently left out was the punkazz who shot the girl was on probation after pulling a LOADED GUN on Chiraq’s finest boys in blue…duh…sigh.

  42. I am pleased that the anti-2nd amendment folks have decided to let everyone know who they are. Now, if we can convince all Progressives to wear similar clothing, perhaps brown shirts with red arm bands, I would be happy.

  43. I’m wearing openly the same thing that I do every day; something in .45ACP. Everyday is a “support the RKBA” day for me. 😉

    Their one day event isn’t going to have any effect compared to our 365 day event.

  44. Wearing an orange Come and Take It Alamo shirt that my girlfriend bought me. She’s awesome.

  45. I didn’t even think about it. Apparently I’m not alone, I haven’t seen an orange shirt all day. I expect it will be a “thing” in some blue-tinged cities, and will get hyper-inflated “news” coverage somewhere–but it ain’t here. I would think the local gun-grabbers would be wearing black after what happened to them in the state capitol this week.

  46. “She then made sure and turned her back to me and took a step away (even though the exit was behind me), so that I could see the big Demanding Moms logo on the back of her shirt, before she whipped around and walked briskly by.”

    Give her a Dyspeptic Gunsmith Jackal-Grin and say to her:

    “There’s more of us than there are of *you*”

  47. Blue scrubs, knife, sp101 in belly band. Saw 4 people wearing something Orange. 21 in gun related clothes.

  48. I’m wearing gray knit slacks, and a mostly blue Hawaiian shirt over a Ruger SP-101 in an IWB holster.

  49. I’m wearing gray slacks and a blue Hawaiian shirt over a Ruger SP-101 in an IWB holster.

  50. I wear a “Eyes Open, Mouth Shut, Safety Off” T-shirt. It is just coincidence that I happened to have ordered it in orange.

  51. Old green BDU pants, gray tshirt, Justin Double Comforts, Glock 21 in locally manufactured owb kydex.
    If I’d thought about it, I’d have worn my old Tenoroc Shooting Sports tshirt with a big AR15 on the back.

  52. Jeans, OD tshirt, XD9 Sub in a Cooks IWB appendix carry, and a spare mag in a horizontal Magholder LLC . same shit, different day.

  53. Is it really poor manners to let Demanding Mommies know that they’re lower than the cat poo you scraped off the bottom of your shoe?

    As opposed to the poor manners they show in trying to violate your civil rights???

  54. Just goes to show how “successful” their marketing campaign is: I’ve only ever heard about this “Wear Orange” campaign through TTAG. Even on facebook, where I know of at least a handful of people who seem the type to share it, I’ve seen not a thing.

    I don’t even own any orange shirts. When you only wear black, everything matches.

  55. Blue jeans, grey polo shirt. Tan leather Milt Sparks holster, Springfield lightweight 1911.

  56. Dark navy. Actually doing something tangible about violence: keeping the bad guys off the street.

  57. TSgt stripes….and at the end of a long day a Block 19 kept safe and snug in an Alien Gear holster

  58. Does it count if I walk around town today, with a piece of cantaloupe carved up in the shape of a gun?

  59. I wore a blue shirt today, and forwarded an email to my wife about a local range’s full auto event. I didn’t even know about the wear orange thing until the afternoon and didn’t see anybody wearing Orange either.

  60. A blue uniform. I hardly ever wear orange. I prefer not to look like a prisoner, or a vols fan

  61. A red “you give peace a chance, I’ll cover you if it doesn’t work” tee shirt.

    I haven’t seen anyone in orange today.

  62. My post was featured in a TTAG conversation starter post, my mama would be so proud! It’s like winning the Noble Peace Prize, or at least it would be if the Nobel actually meant squat, so in reality I guess actually it is better 🙂 I was traveling on business yesterday and was in SoCalifornistan (L.A.) and I’ve got to say that I don’t think I saw anyone wearing orange or even anything “orangish” The guys at the facility I was at, know I’m a “gun guy” so I expected no issues there but I’ve got to say that even when I went out to dinner and to the airport all I got were a couple “cool shirt” comments.

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