According to her bio, MTV blogger Danica Davidson [above] “Learned half her vocabulary from watching ‘The Simpsons.'” Too bad she didn’t take on the phrase, “Don’t have a cow, man.” Ms. Davidson is all ablaze with support for Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in American Gun Violence Action Day (GVAD). To “prove” that “gun violence” needs people to wear orange today, Everytown for Gun Safety Ms. Davidson presents readers with the following “facts” . . .

1. In the U.S., you’re twenty times more likely to lose your life from a gun than you are in any other first world nation.

2. One third of Americans know someone who has been a victim of gun violence.

3. About one fifth of American teens have seen someone get shot.

4. It costs $2.3 billion to cover the medical bills for victims of gun violence, and half of that money comes from tax payers.

5. Sandy Hook is not our most recent school shooting; it’s just a very famous one. We average approximately one school shooting per week in America, though they don’t all make it to national news.

6. In almost 60% of mass shootings, a significant other or member of the shooter’s family is also killed.

7. Federal law doesn’t stop people guilty of domestic violence and stalking from owning guns. State laws vary on how they handle this issue, but the majority of American women killed by guns are killed by a significant other.

8. After car accidents, gun violence is the second leading cause of death for people under the age of 20.

9. If there’s a home where domestic violence is going on, the availability of a gun makes it 500 times more likely the victim will be killed.

10. 92% of U.S. citizens believe people should be required to undergo background checks before buying guns. 82% of people who own guns agree that background checks are the way to go, and that belief is echoed by 74% of people in the NRA.

11. About two kids under the age of 14 are killed each week in accidental shootings. In two thirds of these cases, these shootings could have been prevented by parents keeping their guns secured and out of reach.

12. Licensed gun dealers do carry out background checks, but it is possible to buy guns through an unlicensed dealer. In that case, there doesn’t have to be a background check.

13. Background checks have been shown to work. For example, the number of women killed by handguns in domestic violence cases is cut almost in half where background checks are universal.

14. Right now 22 states have Stand Your Ground laws. The laws vary by state, but in states that do have Stand Your Ground Laws, justifiable homicide rates rise more than 50%.

15. Each day, approximately 32 people are killed by another person through gun violence, 51 commit suicide with a gun, and 45 people are shot accidentally, which sometimes results in death.

I’ve got a couch to deliver so I don’t have time to fisk these facts, debunking the ones that need debunking and providing context for the ones that are, to say the least, misleading. I’ll simply throw it to you, our Armed Intelligentsia and point this out: the lowest-ever estimate of annual defensive gun uses in America clocks in at 50k. The highest is over a million. As Bart Simpson would say, eat my shorts! [h/t TL]


    • Oh yeah, they count the times they catch a 5 year old popping a BB at a marble in the sand box.
      Headlines read
      “School Locked Down for Eight Hours” “Suspected Gang Gun Use on Playround”

    • I think I read a while ago that “school shooting” is an extremely hazy and encompassing definition. Last I checked, a gang meet-up in a school parking lot gone south is technically a “school shooting”. MDA’s “facts” and “statistics” when put into context are borderline laughable.

    • Following the link in the following statement;
      “5. Sandy Hook is not our most recent school shooting; it’s just a very famous one. We average approximately one school shooting per week in America, though they don’t all make it to national news.”

      Show that they are taking into consideration weapons on college campuses. So this is dishonest in the fact that they throw out Sandy Hook to get people in the mindset of ‘save the children’ and they start stacking the numbers. It’s not the first time we’ve seen this, it’s just a new representation of same data that includes people that are far from being children. Based on the information from there were 94 ‘school’ shootings in two years.
      49 of these were in K-12.
      45 were on college campuses.

      Of the ones that were K-12 (since we are trying to save the children);
      29 were in high school.
      7 in middle school.
      12 in elementary school.
      and I believe one in kindergarten.

      The age of the shooter in the K-12 incidents (9 instances apparently the age of the shooter could not be determined);
      # at the age of Notes
      1 5 I suspect this one is not gang related.
      3 12
      2 13
      2 14
      3 15
      5 16
      12 17
      12 18
      Now I’m sure that not all of these are gang related but the ages of most of them would be about right for the gang thing. I would also point out that the 9 instances were the age of the shooter could not be determined, most likely undetermined because the shooter wasn’t from that school and most likely wasn’t caught. If the shooter was from that school, then there was most likely a group of them working together to keep the shooter from getting caught, kinda like a gang.

      Of the shootings that happened in K-12, from the information;
      2 were suicides, so most likely there wasn’t anyone else in danger. (WAIT, those were attempted and failed suicides, I’ll leave the snarky comments alone.)
      9 were successful suicides. I suppose that is one way to make sure you succeed at something before you die.
      17 injured at least one person but nobody died (I think I got the count right).
      13 actually killed someone (once again, I think I got the count right).
      and I believe the rest were firearm discharges where nobody was injured.

      Now, having jumped through all those hoops, I would bring your attention to where I find from table 1 (All races) spreadsheet that there are 70,160 (what I consider to be school aged children between 3 and 19 years old). Doing the math…
      carry the one…
      I find that with over 70K kids with more than enough weapons floating around to arm every one of them, only .07% of them are doing anything to catch the eye of Which means we are supposed to give up our rights and punish the other 99.3% of these kids for the actions of a very few. Even if you double or triple that percentage, I think I’ll pass on the next everytown meet-n-greet.

      Please, check my math I may have screwed up somewhere.

      • If you open the spreadsheet, you’ll see that the numbers are in thousands. So there are 77 million kids in that range. So shift your decimals by three places to see that the outrageously small numbers are even smaller than you thought. Nice work otherwise.

        • Now see, there you go reading the fine print. 😛

          Good catch though, I just immediately started looking at the numbers. I do recall thinking at one point “Hmm, 70K kids in school. Seems like a small number. Might explain the number of idiots I run into every day.” and then just moving on.

          So I suppose I’m the idiot on this one. Thank you for my daily shred of humility, now I get to be an azz for the rest of the day. WOOHOO!

    • A few days ago, the cops followed a bad guy in a lengthy car chase; the bad guy turned into a school parking lot and crashed, and was shot by the cops. It happened in the middle of the night. Everytown and their brain dead followers call that a “school shooting”.

    • I wish Texas open carry was in affect already. I would find a bright orange shirt and holster the biggest gun I own….you know….to raise awareness….

    • everything on that list a Flatout lie or massively over stated… of course the sheep will never near the real stats.

      they are the problem! gun control only helps Criminals!

    • They’re probably counting Pop Tarts chewed into the shape of a gun in that stat.

  1. Hey, Ms. Davidson, I learned a few lines from The Simpsons, too. Here’s an example: “Who the hell are you?”

    • For that matter, who the hell is Lucas D? Just another mouthy ammosexual. Whereas the anti’s pretty much represent the majority of the nation.

      • So much for the infallibility and perfection of “God”.

        Of course, anyone who chooses that moniker is an uber-narcissist and/or bat-sh** crazy.

      • You must be one of the lower deities in the pantheon, I’m guessing. Tell you what: from now on every time I step in a pile of dog shit, I’ll make sure to send a prayer your way.

        • Can this be a thing? Please let this be a thing. Not just for [s]sexual t-rex[/s] *insert next troll name* but for all “gun sense” organizations from here out?

        • It’s name used to be Sexual T-rex, same petty instigation, and just a different moronic name.

      • re…ammosexual

        Leftist juvenile obsession with sexuality and scatalogical matters. They need a good smack.

      • Troll alert.

        God is once again acting like a little bitch today.

        For the rest:

        Democracy = thug rule

        Luckily we live in a Constitutional Republic

  2. “but it is possible to buy guns through an unlicensed dealer.”

    WTF? She means the Black Market. Just what law does she propose to stop already illegal black markets in guns? the same ones we have on narcotics. Yeah. those really work don’t they. Hey Lady, criminals break laws, that why they are called criminals.

    • She really does not mean “dealer”, but private sale of a firearm—you know, that evil loophole whereby we all become an arms dealer.

    • “Unlicensed Dealer” is a made up term , just like “Assault Weapon”. It is a way of making a private sale, a sale by anyone other than a licensed dealer, sound evil.

      • I cleared out my garage and had a yard sale last weekend. Apparently I’m an unlicensed dealer of high-capacity mass cluttering devices.

  3. #2. I dont know anyone who has been a victim of gun violence. Unless they included veterans in that stat.

    • Same here. But I do know over a half dozen who have been saved from violence by the presence of a gun (and I’m not counting cops with guns).

  4. And take that Cowboy hat off! You no country girl! True cowboy has guns and is for gun rights! Country life and liberalism sure don’t mix!

  5. Any group in the US can construe the facts, and leave out keywords and phrases, such as, “lives are saved”, and “defensive gun use”, etc.
    All it takes is a little intelligence to see through the hype. Unfortunately, many of us are lacking this critical asset, and choose to bury our head in the sand!

  6. Everybody knows that gun violins kills eight billion people a year in the United States, and 206% of Americans believe that there should be background checks for buying a set of steak knives. Blah, blah, blah.

    According to her bio, Ms. Davidson started writing a the age of three, which is the same age that her critical thinking stopped. She displays exactly the kind of deep thought process that we’ve come to expect from a product of the American re-education system.

    Ms. Davidson’s next article will trace the life of Bruce Jenner and a comparison of his transformative effect on American independence with George Washington’s. I can’t wait.

  7. The school shootings include colleges, universities and all private schools and includes robberies in the parking lots and dorms and all shootings by police and security guards. These are not Sandy Hooks. Plus, the numbers are stretching things to include defensive use of a gun.

  8. “I’ve got a couch to deliver so I don’t have time to fisk these facts, debunking the ones that need debunking and providing context for the ones that are, to say the least, misleading. I’ll simply throw it to you”

    Trying to chase down one fact has taken me on a merry journey to 3 documents and still no hard source for the claim- so I understand about the time issue. That said the lack of such a point by point takedown and instead “we all know they are wrong” ending puts us on their level. Poor show RF.

    • I think it’s called ‘Gish galloping’ just throw out a bunch of garbage then wait for your rhetorical opponent to waste time refuting every point no matter how nonsensical

    • If you want a point-by-point takedown of the crap MDA puts out, check the back catalog; there are dozens of examples on TTAG where they do exactly that.

      • @data venia–

        1-5,8,14- Don’t associate with ghetto culture followers, and carry a gun for defense against that feral type, and those points become moot.
        6.Should be a suicide, instead the monsters usually kill innocents to make themselves feel avenged for their delusional wrongs.
        7. Don’t date people who can’t control their emotions and act out, and have some confidence and don’t become a victim by being unarmed if you date a knuckle-dragger.
        9. If the victims are conditioned out of fear to view the abuser as the good guy, usually a good son or mother steps up and puts the abuser down, but that force couldn’t be equalized without the gun in the house.
        10. Snorting pixie dust
        11. Negligence, and failure of duty as a parent.
        12. Citizen to citizen sale, kind of founded OUR nation on that belief.
        13. Victim Card used for snorting aforementioned pixie dust.
        15. 51 suicides- the weak culling themselves from the herd. Darwinism

        45 gun accidents a day is the only thing that caused my neurons to fire. Are these accidents like the gang bangers that are counted as children victims?

  9. Wait…. what?

    “MTV blogger Danica Davidson?”

    MTV Blogger is a job? She gets paid for this kind of crap?

  10. If I remember right, about 30,000 people drown every year. And falling in a bathtub kills more people than gun accidents.
    Kids killed with guns includes all the drug deals gone bad and the murders by gangs. You know, that sweet young kid next door.

    • The figure for annual drownings in the U.S. is about 4k, including all causes — even falling in the bathtub. Believe it or not, the highest drowning rate is among those 1 – 4 years of age.

      • Haven’t seen any legislation banning bathtubs lately. Maybe if “Hillbillyary” gets in????

  11. Nice cowgirl hat, city girl…

    Can you still wear it while driving your BMW?

  12. Just doing a quick search on the two most recent “school shootings”, Everglades and Flint Southwestern, show me that both happened at night, one at 2am. While they both technically appear to be on school property, it’s hardly a school shooting in the manner they try to portray.

    I liken it to a mugging in a bank parking lot after hours being called a bank robbery…

  13. I guess these people never heard the saying “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” On a positive note, if brain transplants ever happen there will be ready supply of like new, unused ones available from “the Demanding Moms”.

  14. These are the same old out of context numbers or just plain wrong public opinion statistics produced by Michael Bloomberg-commissioned push polls. MDA/Everytown has no momentum, nothing going for it, so they pulled this ‘wear orange’ (aren’t they worried they will offend Northern Irish Nationalists?) astroturf stunt out of their rear ends. The handful of liberal states that were looking for any excuse to restrict 2a rights already have pushed the boundaries about as far as they can, and every other state is seeing more and more freedom.

    • “…so they pulled this ‘wear orange’ astroturf stunt out of their rear ends.”

      We need to watch all their photos to make sure they aren’t taking photos from last week/month/year and inflating their numbers/presentation. Talk some of the geeks into doing the geeky stuff to see when pictures were taken or posted. Several sports teams that include orange in their colors do big group photos and it would awfully easy to ‘borrow’ the photo and simply slap a Mothers Demand Disarmament logo on it.

      And on a slightly related note…. apparently Susan Sarandon did something on a tweet where she couldn’t even be bothered to put on the orange shirt in support, she just held it up. Even the celebrities are loosing interest in these kinds of reindeer games.

      • If they were smart they would have waited until November 15th (Firearm dear season in Michigan)… Pretty much the whole state wears blaze orange…

  15. Their comment section is horrible and hosed. I had a truly epic takedown of MTV, MDA, the Millennials and so on. Then their site crapped the bed trying to verify me and all was lost.

    However, it does seem some younger POTG are taking this Danica Davidson woman to the mat – do me proud, guys.

    If you wish to politely discuss the issue with Ms Davidson, her Twitter handle is @danicadavidson

    She appears to be victim of misinformation rather than a willful co-conspirator. So everyone be nice.

  16. I absentmindedly wore an orange shirt today, I completely forgot about the supposed connotation today.

    If it helps I wore a Ruger LCR as well, though

  17. MTV is still on? I thought they went off the air when they stopped showing music videos!

    • Yep. I used to know MTV as the music channel, then as the music channel that didn’t play music, and now I just know it as the channel that cancelled the new Beavis & Butthead because it was apparently too high-brow for its current audience.

  18. 80,000+ alcohol related deaths every year in the United States.

    Yet, no call for background checks for alchol purchases.

    No background checks to keep alcohol from felons.

    No ban on alcohol for domestic violence perpetrators.

    No waiting periods, no purchase limits, no nothing. Show a license, take your alcohol home.

    Why don’t people like the MTV bloggerette call for more stringent controls? Because it would make it inconvenient for THEM.

    They’re all about people giving up rights until it comes time to give up some that they enjoy.

    Just remember…no one needs hard liquor to host a party. And if you disagree, you’re a liquor nut.

  19. “The laws vary by state, but in states that do have Stand Your Ground Laws, JUSTIFIABLE homicide rates rise more than 50%.” [Emphasis mine]
    She’d have a better argument if that were UNJUSTIFIABLE homicide rates. But “good guys” winning?

    • She might as well have said that in the 28 states without stand your ground laws you are 50% more likely to be wrongfully convicted of murder when you defending yourself.

  20. American’s are not 20 times more likely to die from “gun violence” than other first world countries. The US is by far largest first world country and if we had the UK’s murder rate we would more murders with guns than any other first world country. Our murder rate, even with our gang ridden inner cities in no more than 2-3 time higher and if you exclude America’s ungoverned areas then our murder rate is about the same as everybody else’s. Suicide doesn’t count as violence. If it did then when we have to consider Japan an extremely violent nation since their suicide rate is about 25% greater than our murder + suicide rate.

    From what I saw today this event was bust. I could only identify two probables and very unlikely maybe. The Mom’s made serious tactical error. Orange is not a commonly worn color. Using it make it extremely obvious that MDA represents hardly anybody.

  21. “About one fifth of American teens have seen someone get shot.”

    This stat comes from the Brady campaign, who cites a Department of Justice report. The DOJ report does say that one in five teens aged 14-17 have “witnessed a shooting.” The report, however, defines “witnessed” to include “being told about or seeing evidence of a violent event in the child’s household or community.” So, if 100 fourteen-year-olds see a news report about a local shooting, then, through the magic of disingenuous liberal “research,” 100 children have “witnessed” that shooting.

  22. 1. In the U.S., you’re twenty times more likely to lose your life from a gun than you are in any other first world nation.
    If that stat is “true”, it only applies if you are a criminal — nominally involved in the drug trade.

    2. One third of Americans know someone who has been a victim of gun violence.
    I do not believe this to be true.

    3. About one fifth of American teens have seen someone get shot.
    I do not believe this to be true, either.

    4. It costs $2.3 billion to cover the medical bills for victims of gun violence, and half of that money comes from tax payers.
    Could be true. And we can say the same thing about the costs of uninsured drivers.

    5. Sandy Hook is not our most recent school shooting; it’s just a very famous one. We average approximately one school shooting per week in America, though they don’t all make it to national news.
    I have no idea if this is true. If it is, it tells us that gun control has failed miserably to stop attacks in school … and that we should have armed good people in our schools.

    6. In almost 60% of mass shootings, a significant other or member of the shooter’s family is also killed.

    7. Federal law doesn’t stop people guilty of domestic violence and stalking from owning guns. State laws vary on how they handle this issue, but the majority of American women killed by guns are killed by a significant other.
    I believe this to be patently untrue. Look at your next ATF form 4473 and tell me there isn’t a question about domestic violence.

    8. After car accidents, gun violence is the second leading cause of death for people under the age of 20.
    This only applies to people under the age of 20 who are criminals nominally involved in “illegal” narcotics distribution.

    9. If there’s a home where domestic violence is going on, the availability of a gun makes it 500 times more likely the victim will be killed.
    Patently false and irrelevant anyway. An attacker who lives in the same home as the victim will have no trouble killing their victim with poison, hammers, knives, clubs — especially when the victim is asleep.

    10. 92% of U.S. citizens believe people should be required to undergo background checks before buying guns. 82% of people who own guns agree that background checks are the way to go, and that belief is echoed by 74% of people in the NRA.
    And if 92% of U.S. citizens believe women should be required to submit to all sexual advances from anyone and everyone, does that make it a righteous law?

    11. About two kids under the age of 14 are killed each week in accidental shootings. In two thirds of these cases, these shootings could have been prevented by parents keeping their guns secured and out of reach.
    Could be true … and the solution is better education (of both adults and children) and enforcing child abuse, child neglect, and negligent homicide laws already on the books.

    12. Licensed gun dealers do carry out background checks, but it is possible to buy guns through an unlicensed dealer. In that case, there doesn’t have to be a background check.
    True. And, if a purchaser is so dangerous that society does not trust him/her with a firearm, they should be in prison or a mental hospital because no gun law will stop said person from using a hammer, knife, club, poison, or fire to maim and kill dozens of people.

    13. Background checks have been shown to work. For example, the number of women killed by handguns in domestic violence cases is cut almost in half where background checks are universal.
    Might be true, who knows? And universal sexually transmitted disease testing will radically reduce the frequency of contracting sexually transmitted diseases (which can actually be lethal by the way) … do we thus mandate that everyone submit to sexually transmitted disease testing every time they seek a sex partner?

    14. Right now 22 states have Stand Your Ground laws. The laws vary by state, but in states that do have Stand Your Ground Laws, justifiable homicide rates rise more than 50%.
    I have no idea if this true. If it is, why is justifiable homicide a bad thing? Is it better to have brutal criminal assaults and murders?

    15. Each day, approximately 32 people are killed by another person through gun violence, 51 commit suicide with a gun, and 45 people are shot accidentally, which sometimes results in death.
    Once again, the quoted statistic applies almost exclusively to criminals nominally involved in the distribution of “illegal” narcotics. The violent crime rate for people who are not criminals involved with drug distribution is on par with or better than the “safest” industrialized nations in the world. As for suicide rates, firearms availability is irrelevant as Japan — about the closest thing to gun-control utopia in the world — has a higher suicide rate than the United States.

  23. “…the lowest-ever estimate of annual defensive gun uses in America clocks in at 50k. The highest is over a million.”

    As Homer Simpson would say: D’Oh!!!!!

  24. Personally, I think it is a great idea for all antis to wear orange EVERY DAY. It would simplify so many things.

    • I wish they would wear brown and run around the woods in November / Early December. For the children of course…

  25. I’ve got some time…

    1. But what about the overall homicide rate, regardless of weapon? Or do knifing and beating victims’ lives not matter?
    This number is also skewed heavily due to all of the gang and drug cartel involved shootings (which are heavily skewed to gun control areas, like NYC, CA, MD, Chicago, etc.). A typical American is safer from violent crime than most Europeans.

    2. What percentage know someone who’s had cardiovascular issues? Diabetes? Been in a car crash? These are real health risks, with casualty rates that make gun related injuries look like shark attacks in Kansas.

    3. Maybe their parents should do a better job of controlling where their children go and whom they associate with.

    4. How much do we spend on cardiovascular issues, diabetes, and car crashes? And how many of these people get shot because they’re involved in criminal turf wars or associating with people who are?

    5. If by school shooting you mean a shooting within a mile of a school, regardless of whether it has any association with the school, sure. If you mean someone shooting at school students that he has no preexisting conflict with, not so much.

    6. Because people tend to spend time with their families, and tend to have conflicts with their family members. But how many actual mass shootings are there? 60% of a small number is a smaller number.

    7. Actually, anyone convicted of any felony (including stalking or domestic violence) or a domestic violence misdemeanor is prohibited from possessing a firearm. But it’s fun to pretend.

    8. Good! That means we’ve done a great job of preventing diseases, starvation, and the other events that used to kill so many children and teens. But if auto accidents are ahead of gunshots, why don’t we wear orange for auto safety?

    9. Availability is a vague term here. Available to whom? What are the breakdowns when the aggressor is armed versus the victim?

    10. When asked the question, “if background checks could stop school shootings like Newtown, would you support them?”, sure. What about when asked, “do you think background checks would reduce gun violence and school shootings?”. Not so much. In either case, the rights of the individual are not subject to the whims of the mob.

    11. To put that in perspective, that’s 29 millionths of one percent of the US population per year. Lower than the number of kids who drown in five gallon buckets, or die playing sports. But yeah, lock your guns up when not in the immediate control of a responsible person.

    12. “Unlicensed dealers.” Does she mean criminals? I think she does. And yes, the fifth amendment prevents the government from requiring people who are illegally buying and selling firearms from performing a background check, because doing so would be self-incrimination.

    13. So in states with universal background checks, which are also the states with lower gun ownership rates (except WA: F^@K I-594!!), fewer DV murderers use a firearm. But does the DV murder rate actually go down? I doubt it.

    14. Good! Justifiable homicide is not a crime, that’s why we call it justifiable. What about the non-justifiable homicide rate (e.g. murder)? Does it go down? You betcha!

    15. In a country with 350,000,000 people, those numbers are very small. Most of the first group are criminals killed by other criminals or their associates caught in the conflict. The second group are suicidal. They’d be suicidal without a gun and jump off buildings or in front of trains (see Japan). The third group are accidents. 45 accidental injuries is not significant compared to the number of injuries and deaths sustained around the home, and nothing compared to the accident injury rate on the roads.

  26. They should really change the name from Music TeleVision to Lowest Common Denominator TeleVision. LCDTV, even sounds snappy!

  27. I always find it amusing how it’s only Actors and Activists think they are smarter than everybody else…

    Julianne Moore, Sarah Silverman, Perez Hilton, Padma Lakshmi, New York Mets, Elizabeth Warren, Russell Simmons, Jason Bateman, Susan Sarandon, Sarah Paulson, Martin O’Malley, aasif mandvi, Al Franken and others want us to talk about gun violence … and take action.

    Yes I will take Action and not support orange…

  28. #14 Right now 22 states have Stand Your Ground laws. The laws vary by state, but in states that do have Stand Your Ground Laws, justifiable homicide rates rise more than 50%.

    …versus the alternative outcome where the unarmed victim is murdered, raped, or robbed.

    Looks like SYG is worked exactly as intended…..bad guys being justifiably killed by innocent citizens.

  29. Even if the antis’ stats were on the money (they are not), it still wouldn’t negate the necessity to preserve the individual right to keep and bear arms. It’s indispensable to a free society. The illusion of absolute safety by sacrificing Liberty is what they are selling.

  30. It appears we have close to twice as many comments here on this thread as the TV site has gotten since yesterday. I don’t think we are dealing with a major player here.


    Truth Be Told – Danica Davidson

    LinkedIn Profile and Personal Website

    She is a freelance writer which means she will write for anyone as long as they pay her a fee. She has been doing this since 2004. She also does not have a degree either High School education only.

    Her biggest claim to accomplishment is via LinkedIn is ” I’ve sold more than two thousand articles to about fifty publications, including The Onion, CNN, Los Angles Times, Publishers Weekly, Booklist and Ms. I’ve written the English adaptation of eight Japanese books for the manga company Digital Manga Publishing and I do freelance proofreading for graphic novel titles at Hachette. I’m represented by the James Fitzgerald Agency and am currently shopping a YA series.”

    Bottom line she knows nothing about firearms or Gun Violence for that matter. She was paid by Everytown for Gun Safety to ask the wrong questions and give the wrong answers.

    What’s scary is a lot of people think she is some expert but the reality she is nobody. Not a good career move writing for Everytown for Gun Safety via MTV

  32. #9: Haven’t dug down to the primary source yet, but somewhere between the MAIG pamphlet the author cites and her blog post, “500% more likely” magically became “500 times more likely”.

  33. They wear orange.
    My wife wears a Ruger LCP.
    Guess who’s safer against rape and attack.

  34. MTV’s commenting system is hosed like crazy. Has anyone managed to successfully post to counter this nonsense?

  35. 500 times more likely to be injured by a firearm in the home is like saying your 500 times more likely to be in a car accident as opposed to those that don’t drive or ride in a car.

  36. I went to the dollar store today. AS I was leaving a middle aged black man was throwing the garbage away outside- in a bright orange T-shirt with gunviolence on it. I ALMOSTsaid something but it was a middle aged man working in the dollar store-for minimum wage. So I think I might have gone over his head-and he has it bad enough…

  37. This event seems to be a dud. HuffPo barely mentioned it except for Mike The Gun Guy’s horses–t. Gawker Media has no mention of it. Most major news outlets haven’t said anything. And even Bloomberg’s outlets have little mention of it.

    You know you suck when your liberal cause gets ignored by the liberal media.

  38. These idiots need to go to Europe and see how prevalent crime is over there versus here.

Comments are closed.