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Republican presidential candidate and former Florida Governor Jeb Bush says he’s pro-gun, but tells the world that gun control laws should be left to the states (where gun rights restrictions are OK). Presidential candidate and reality show star Donald Trump recently released a solidly pro-gun policy statement, but previously supported an “assault weapons” ban. New Jersey Governor Chris Christies says he’s pro-gun, but favored a ban on .50 rifles. While there are presidential aspirants who’ve been consistently pro-gun – Ted Cruz springs to mind – and you can certainly trust Democratic hopefuls to be anti-gun, do you trust any politician on gun rights?

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  1. Jeb and Chris are the two who are least trustworthy, to my mind. Of course, that’s just kind of a general statement of how I feel about them and not just concerning gun laws.

    • Yes I do frankly , ( Ted Cruz ) . He is consistent and is a VERY STRONG Constitutional adherent . I think Rand Paul told the tell last week when he told Fox news in an interview that everybody on capitol hill hated Ted . That works for me .

  2. Don’t trust any politician, bureaucrat or other government employee to tell the truth, about anything, ever. All you have to do is figure out what their true motive and incentives are. Control of everything, as much as possible. That is fueled by the belief most have that these people actually have some legitimate authority to do what they do, and that the government can or will do anything actually beneficial to them.

    The greatest threat to the human race is the belief of individuals that they can’t live without someone else being in control.

  3. New Jersey Governor Chris Christies says he’s pro-gun, but favored a ban on .50 rifles.

    Be fair. When the Jersey legislature passed a .50 cal. ban, Christie vetoed it.

    But no, I don’t trust anything that a politician says. I only trust what they do. And even then, I count my fingers after they shake my hand.

    • Better check your wallet too, because any politician you let close enough to shake your hand is also close enough to pick your pocket. They steal from us on a regular basis all while smiling at us and telling us what great guys they really are.

      • Actually,government doesn’t usually steal from the people through stealth. The state steals through unbridled force. If a person doesn’t pay up, the state tortures him. If he resists, the state kills him or imprisons him. That’s what governments have always done and always will.

    • That’s the pity of the situation, either vote for the lessor evil, or don’t vote at all, those are our choices.

    • I would too , until he saw a need to play politics with the issue and then , who knows . Do you remember him throwing his support behind Mitch McConnell ?
      Ted Cruz ( President )
      Callie Fiorina ( VP ) or
      Ben Carson ( VP )

      • You don’t even know her name, it’s Carly, and you’re going support / vote for her? Not to mention she is a disgrace of a CEO and almost ruined HP.

        • I typed Carly , Bill . The computer chose the other name . You could have chosen another way to point out the name mistake than being so anal , Bill . Your comment makes me want to say , it’s your type that’s ruining our chances of electing a good constitutional adhering President , but I don’t know you so I will just apologize for not proof reading my comment and say thanks for pointing it out in such a judgmental way . God bless brother .

    • Ted Cruz is about the only one that I have a hint of trust for and that’s because he has a long proven track record of fighting for gun Rights. I’ve watched him go toe to toe with the likes of Peolosi and Fienstien. That gives him some cred in my book.

  4. Trust a politician only to go along with whatever they believe will keep them from being voted out…and then as minimally as possible.

  5. The most difficult choice a politician must ever make is whether to be a hypocrite or a liar –Unknown

  6. American voters should abolish the Secret Service, Capitol police, and other taxpayer provided palace guards. Once the politicians have to account for their own personal security or depend on a 911 response like everyone else has too, their anti-self defense bleating will cease.

    • We should also remove all the HVAC systems from government buildings in Washington DC.

  7. “It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession.
    I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first.”
    ~Ronald Reagan.
    Trust the latter, never the former.
    One knows a whore’s agenda….

  8. I only trust someone who has a consistent record of voting in favor of our rights. Since Trump and Fiorona have no voting records, that makes them a coin toss as to what they’d actually do in office. The rest, we can look at what bills they voted for / signed into law and ignore anything that comes out of their mouths.

  9. Nope.

    I trust that Republicans know they’ll get de-elected if they mess with their constituents’ Second Amendment rights. But even that, I don’t trust very far.

  10. NO!

    I want to believe…just cannot bring myself to a place where I can.

    It’s not about the gun, I said time and again it’s about lawful self protection. Gun, knife, 2×4, rock, stick, flame thrower, 10 inch nail, or #2 pencil.

    The greatest deterrent against a criminal is an armed citizenry. No about if deflection, hope, whimsical thinking or negotiating is needed nor requires discussion.

  11. Ted Cruz and Mike Huckabee-neither with any chance. But Cruz fer sure…I think we need him on the Supremes…

  12. Not a chance.
    These pro- 2A politicians would turn on a dime if: a) it suited them politically, and b) there were no Obama figure to oppose.
    One only needs look at their treatment of other rights for clues.

    Cruz? He happily signed away the probable cause requirements of the 4th amendment (over Rand Paul’s objection, I might add). Strict constructionist my ass.
    Nowhere in the 4th does it say the fed gets a pass on probable cause simply by calling it “terrorism”, without even bothering to define what terrorism is and is not.
    But Cruz is OK with it. The founders would vomit. Franklin first.

  13. His strong support for the second amendment and how strongly he destroyed Diane Feinstein after Newton is one reason I’m voting for Ted Cruz. The man is a strong conservative, repects the Constitution, and believes in small government those are some of the others.

  14. Trump. Trump carries and spent entire life immersed in the real world. He admits to changing his positions on occasion as he learns more about something. Personally changing ones opinion means you are thinking. Few if any of the candidates speak openly and seem genuine whereas Trump does.

  15. The only time I know a politician is telling the truth is when he calls another politician a liar.

    • There is another time . . .

      you can always trust that a Liberal politician is telling the truth when they say they are going to try to take away American’s guns.

  16. If they were a combat veteran who has used a firearm to defend himself. I think they fully understand the usefulness of a firearm. If someone like that was running.

    Of the current bunch that are running now how many can provide documentation of their Pro 2A stance before they went into politics? And not a NRA card, how many actually own a firearm, could put a group on paper? Not some photo op shooting, don’t think this was staged, doubt if he had any ambitions to run for office when it was taken:

  17. Maybe a more appropriate question of the day….’Do You Trust ANYTHING A Politician Says?’ Why stop at guns?

  18. I 100% trust the following

    I lean towards trusting….

    I 100% do NOT trust…
    All other GOP/DEM candidates
    ESPECIALLY think Bush/Christie are full of BS.

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