The Pats fan above is ranting against camo-clad guns in Call of Duty. But c’mon. We’re all style victims one way or another. Gun owners who prefer a “naked” black firearm are still expressing a fashion preference. Personally, I’m not a fan of tacticool camo on anything firearms-related where hunting isn’t involved. [Note to camo-clad OFWGs: you can hide but you can’t run.] If nothing else, I wonder if a camo gun could be a severe disadvantage in a genuine SHTF situation. Scheisse! Where did I put my gun? Still, spill. Do you own any non-hunting camo guns or gear? If so, what?


  1. When I worked construction I usually sported a pair of BDU’s. Cheaper than Carhartt and just as durable. Otherwise…no.

  2. About 9 years ago one of my kids bought me a realtree wallet for Christmas. So other than that no.

    If it’s camo and I own it then it’s for hunting.

  3. LOL, that guy is angry… for those TTAG folks who don’t play video games and have no idea what he’s talking about:

    Activision (Call of Duty’s company) recently released a bunch of “weapon camo packs” including a ridiculous bacon camo for 160 Microsoft points per a camo type (base level of points right now is $5 = 400 points). Basically, it’s a micro-transaction for the CoD kiddos to bleed their mommy / daddy’s credit card. And yeah, the tacticool crowd too.

    I guess I’m one of those boring people whose real guns are mostly black, silver, and/or wood. Maybe at some point, I’ll invest getting a favorite gun the Cerakote treatment, but even then, I doubt it’ll be “bacon camo.” HA!

  4. No, deer are colorblind. The only reason to wear hunting camo is if you hunt turkey. They see in color and have very sharp eyesight. I wear blue jeans or cargo pants, and a field shirt when I hunt. I mean the blaze orange kind of gives you away anyway.

    • The deer will smell you long before it sees you anyway.

      I’m not trying to imply that you stink, just FYI.

      • For deer camo helps break up the body lines. That way when you eventually have to shift in your deer stand, and if you do it slowly enough, you hopefully look like part of the tree still and not an obvious threat.

        True that deer have a crazy ability to smell, but if you get up 20ft in a tree that threat is completely subdued.

        • Since Deer don’t have any airborne predators they seldom look up into the trees. Their eyes are almost always focused at ground level where the most likely threat will come from. That is one of the reason why hunters use treestands. So unless the deer are coming down hill above the stand they aren’t going to notice you.

          How do they know deer are colorblind? The morphology of the deer retina.

  5. I don’t really hunt any more, but I have Gameguard camo shirts, with a matching range bag and soft cooler. I guess that’ll be useful if I ever need to conceal my beer and ammo.

    • I forgot about my new rifle bag, which is digital camo, but I picked that because the other choice was black, and dark colors cook everything in the hot Texas sun. In fact if given the choice I would choose rifles in earth tones or light camo, because black is too hot, and it’s boring.

  6. I own and wear camo when I’m out in the woods or maybe at the range, but because the clothing is comfortable first and just happens to be done in camo print.

    Quite honestly, if it were not for my wife I would probably still be wearing my comfortable jeans from 1996. Well, my wife and my waistline.

  7. I’m a Marine. Of course I own non-hunting camo gear. Guns? No. Not really. I have an FDE rifle, which is my preferred multi-purpose color. If I had to take it out in the field for hunting or SHTF, I’d dress it up with something else non-permanent. FDE is a great base color, but I wouldn’t lock myself into a particular camouflage pattern if I’m not hunting a particular environment.

    An aside. Though I own a lot of camouflage gear, I don’t use or wear any out of the field. My Marine Corps sensibilities tell me that camouflage is for field use only … I don’t begrudge those who walk around in camo pants or hats; I just cannot seem to get over the Marine left in me enough to do it myself.

  8. I plan on doing a woodland digital on my favorite AR and my Remmy 700 in the future. As it stands, I can barely afford ammo, so this will be a while.

  9. I had a camo rain suit some years back. I needed a rain suit, and it was on closeout for about half the price of any other color. My wife hated it, and I think she probably threw it out or gave it away when we got divorced.

  10. 1 pair of BDU pants for working in the yard. They hide the clay well and provide good protection while working in the shrubs.

  11. Did this guy go on a meth bender? And whats him with him complaing about people spending money on hobbies and having the mentality of a child? Seems like it is the pot calling the kettle black due to his New England Patriots cap and countless other sports commentary videos in his uploads. And just wondering, but why are so many of this guys other videos those of video games?

  12. I have a young daughter in the house; camo for me would mean painting my guns pink and/or sporting Hello Kitty on the side. When she moves out I’ll have a dilemma: how do make a gun short, bald and fat? ‘cuz that’s the look I’ll need while at the range.

    Otherwise, no, I don’t like the look of camo, and I don’t own anything in camo. I think I have a blaze orange vest somewhere. That’s about the only nod I have towards hunting. I prefer my guns to be steel and wood, although my 357LCR is the exception.

  13. I own some British desert BDU pants that I cut up into shorts for work, but I’d probably wear them no matter what color they were. British desert gear is amazing when you’re out working in the hot sun.

    I like painted guns, mostly just because after working on “tacticool black” Hollywood guns I am bored to shit with black. The thing they say about Hollywood lacking originality is true, at least when it comes to the look of weapons. Any time you set a table with weapons for the director to take his pick from, he will IMMEDIATELY latch onto the blackest, most recognizable gun because it “looks right”, ignoring the fact that it looks right because it looks like what everyone else before him has used. God forbid the hero use anything other than a black MP5, M4, Glock, or M9… and don’t be bothering the director with pictures of guys in the sandbox who have rattle-canned their weapons! Black! Black! All must be black! Unless it’s a badguy in which case we’ll give him a chrome Desert Eagle!

    The only painted (real) guns I have are a sage green AR with an Irish harp stenciled on the stock and a 2-tone blue 9mm AR, but I’m not against doing a camo one someday. Camo pistols really bug me though, for the “where’s my gun” reason you mentioned.

  14. Camo hunting clothes. No camo firearms.

    I had a camo wallet but I lost it in my yard. Dat irony.

  15. rei, mountain hardwear, arcteryx, marmot, etc kills any of that ‘tactical’ crap. and they don’t make camo cuz they’re tree hugger companies.

    So, no camo, but drab green, browns, grays, blacks, yes.

    Blending in with the masses is the most tactical you can get. white t shirt. leather jacket. jeans. new era or beanie. minivan. i was cool once, but not anymore.

    • Filson also makes some killer stuff if you’re into a more classic look. Wool is still my favorite material in the cold, and their stuff is made so well that your grandson will be handing down your coat to his sons.

    • IMO, camo was/is never cool. But, yeah, middle age parenthood rips is right out of you anyways.

    • Dammit Ralph, I was going to say something along those lines as soon as I read through all the other comments. Last freaking one before I write something was yours. Curse your timeliness!

      On topic, no. Don’t hunt. Maybe if I find an awesome pack someday, it might happen to only be available in camo. Until I find a Backpack of Holding IV, no camo for me.

      • Well, then, let’s gear up and infiltrate a convention of tax accountants. Or undertakers. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between the two.

  16. Got a set of surplus woodland coveralls for $5 at the fair some years ago.

    Wear it for paintball, turkey, oil changes, etc….

    And a hat in Realtree that I got for free.

    For guns I have a couple of beater plinkers I’ve krylon’d but I wouldnt call yellow tiger stripes or flames “camo”. Certainly not of the functional variety. Unless I’me fighting off a bunch of tigers in a burning building. That’d be so awesome.

  17. My work uniform camoflauges me as a cop even though Im really an EMT. It usually freaks the psych patients out. Sometimes the really demented patients too which makes me wonder what they did in their past (or imagination).

  18. After wearing camo almost every day for 20+ years, I don’t want to wear, own or even look at anything else with the pattern.

  19. Does Hello Kitty Pink count?
    But seriously; the same guys that rant about Green Guns will buy a shirt or windbreaker designed to hide their CC, so what’s the diff, over?
    On a practicle note: In a recent long term storage test I discovered that the only metal items that did not rust were those that were painted or dipped in a camo pattern.

    • Before Melonite there was Oxide before that there was gray parkerizing, before thet there was Blueing and before that there was Browning so those that decry guns that are not BLACK are living in the Kiddy section of the gun lore pool

  20. I have some basic walmart turkey hunting camo that blends well with the local foliage. I wear it when paintballing and works amazingly well. The guys who wear military woodland or digital patterns stick out like a sore thumb in PA woods. I cut an old camo shirt and wrap it around my marker and that works just fine. I truly believe your best bet in your own backyard is something designed for hunting in your own backyard, not some desert or jungle crap.

  21. Rifles with only black furniture get hot (to hold) whilst sitting in the sun faster than olive or tan ones do.

  22. Woodland utilities bearing the EGA in my footlocker.I haven’t worn them since the1980’s.

  23. I have some camo. I dont wear it hunting but in a SHTF patrolling, reconnaissance, or OP situation, Ill want my silhouette to be significantly reduced.

    My advice? Buy Russian. I bought a camouflage oversuit from a yard sale on base years ago. It is sweet because you can wear your regular clothes underneath. Russian camo is also vastly superior to US patterns.

  24. Camo pants and shirt for turkeys is about it and with the hat for elk. I wear the camo pants around the house for working out or just being around the house as sweatpants ever since normal sweats went off the market in cotton.

    I also wear camo during SAR training, even though a dog will find you any day of the week. But it is fun to try.

    P.S. That guy is off his rocker.

  25. I have a 700 Buckmasters edition, it’s wearing a realtree camo stock because that’s what came with it. I used to hunt, but I haven’t in a long time, and have been thinking about switching out to a better stock. Something free-floating.

  26. Hymmmn, i’m all for camo when hunting!…[this breaks up your form!…
    ].However, don’t forget to camoflauge your Gun, too!…[the “New Gun”, looks Stands out!…]. They have “Sleeves, that fit over the barrel, some completely cover the Gun!…[if, your gun, didn’t come cammoflauged!].

  27. My taxidermist just started doing cammo dips, he is doing my 17hmr “Dick’s” special savage in olive green into a predator cammo, the green doesn’t blend well in MI winter during yote season, if this rifle works out I will be getting my home defense 12 guage H&R pump done because the finish is crap and it rubs off on everything, I’m getting either a realtree or the cammo with deer skulls on it, no military or human skulls. I wouldn’t want to use a “bad” gun in defense if ya know what I mean…

  28. Haters gotta hate but, a grown (?) man ranting about a video game?
    I personally do prefer a non black gun as black tends to get very hot in the desert sun.

  29. I don’t own any camo guns. Though I so have the Sig scorpion carry which is desert tan. So it could hide in the sand I suppose. And my Rem 597 .22 with its green synthetic stock and matte finish disappears on the ridge I shoot from. Might as well be camo.

  30. All my outfits & firearms are camo, that way when I drop them on the ground, I won’t be able to find them. & neither will mine enemies.

  31. when i was a teenager i wore camo literally *everywhere*(even to a couple of weddings and funerals!). fortunately i grew out of it, and nowadays the only camo i really wear is in inclement weather(rain coat and winter hat/boots). if course, i would probably wear it more often if i could actually find some that was affordable and would fit.

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