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I found the following comment underneath the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence’s Christmas message, posted by one Phil Orr [above]. I was shocked to see that Mr. Orr does not believe that God blesses America. While I’m an atheist, America is the best country in the world when it comes to individual liberty. If there is a God and He is good, he’d certainly bless America. Already has. As a former expat, I know there are plenty of Americans who detest their country (many of whom believe in God). But I wonder: is there an intersect between gun control advocates and those who hate their country? Make the jump for Mr. Orr’s diatribe. NOTE: Ad hominem attacks against Mr. Orr – especially his choice of headgear – will be deleted.

 God bless America?

God does not bless us when we prioritize “playing” with lethal weapons over the lives of our friends and neighbors.

God does not bless us when we dismiss the brutal deaths of tens of thousands of our citizens as the cost of a free society.

God does not bless us when we become outraged and vicious because we may have to endure some bureaucracy to obtain a lethal weapon.

God does not bless us when the virtually unfettered right to a lethal weapon is the most important right we see in the U.S. Constitution.

God does not bless us when we laugh at those who have lost their loved ones to brutal gun violence.

God does not bless us when we give our money to an organization that suggests “good guys” should always carry guns.

God does not bless us when bereaved parents of children lost to gun violence are harassed and told that their horrible deaths were a “hoax.”

God does not bless us for suggesting that research of gun violence – but not anything else – is clearly a waste of time and money.

God does not bless us for debating what an “assault rifle” is rather than doing everything we can to minimize their availability to irresponsible and dangerous citizens.

God does not bless us for angrily arguing that 30-round magazines are necessary in civilian gun use.

God does not bless us for arguing that suicides should not count when we consider the impact of gun violence.

God does not bless us when we argue there should be no registration of deadly weapons in one easy-to-access database.

God does not bless us when we attempt to intimidate gun violence protesters by standing close to their protests carrying handguns and rifles.

God does not bless us for ignoring that guns kill faster and more efficiently than knives, sticks, blunt objects or bare hands.

God does not bless us for reducing someone else’s concern about gun violence to a simplistic partisan political position.

God does not bless us when our legislators say this is only about mental illness, that guns have nothing to do with it.

God does not bless us when we refuse to talk reasonably about gun violence.

God does not bless us when we bully those who try to talk reasonably about gun violence.

God does not bless us when we propose outrageous and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and “false flag” preposterousness to defend unfettered access to lethal weapons.

God does not bless us when we argue that “criminals don’t obey laws” so there’s no need to create any laws to try to reduce gun violence.

God does not bless us when we use false or faulty research to justify not addressing the daily instances of brutal gun violence in our country.

God does not bless us when we argue that Muslims are all terrorists and they are coming to kill us so we shouldn’t do anything to stop easy access to lethal weapons.

God does not bless us when we say “If you want my gun, you’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.”

God does not bless us for “needing” an assault rifle of any kind.

God does not bless us for “needing” to carry a gun with us everywhere we go.

God does not bless us for open carry demonstrations in Target or McDonald’s.

God does not bless us for demonstrating more passion and stubbornness in fighting for easy access to guns than for anything else in our lives.

God does not bless us when we pretend gun violence protesters aren’t fighting all gun violence, that they ignore “black on black crime.”

God does not bless us for racist deflections from the actual argument about gun violence.

God does not bless us for only offering “prayers and thoughts” to the families of the victims after every horrific mass shooting.

God does not bless us for pretending that this nation has had gun control laws throughout its history, and that the current laws are some of the most lax in history.

God does not bless us for inscribing verses from The Bible on guns.

God does not bless us for letting perpetual fear run our lives so much that we can’t imagine life without owning guns.

God does not bless America. Why would He?

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  1. This troll goes around Facebook and pastes that in every gun-related discussion and on every pro-gun page he can get onto.

  2. Do Gun Control Advocates Hate America?

    Yes. They also hate white people, religion and men. Fortunately, white people, believers and men are beginning to hate them right back.

    • As I am a member of all of the above, I certainly do not hate them. I would not work to actively remove any of their rights, despite their insistence on the denial of mine. I pity them, they have no idea what they are doing or saying. They are unwitting pawns of the statist and have been utterly brainwashed by those who wish to lord over us as kings. However, if they ever attacked me (or my family), then their right to exist is a secondary concern over my (and my family’s) right to do the same.

      • so are alot of progun people just look at open carry and business rights. A business can stomp all over your rights if it is under imagined private property law…..yet I can’t find that darn list of property owners rights anywhere.

    • I’m trying not to hate. However, I do offer enthusiastic opposition to statism whenever possible. I pray that opposition need not involve force, but I’m also a realist.

      And I don’t think God has an issue with 30 round magazines. Jesus didn’t stop his disciples from wearing swords, nor did he tell them they could only wear 10″ daggers instead of a full-sized battlefield quality weapon.

      • And I don’t think God has an issue with 30 round magazines.

        I think you’d find most atheists agreed with this statement, albeit for rather different reasons than you do. 🙂

        This atheist, of course, can’t imagine why any just god would have an issue with 30 round mags. Or 50 rounders, or more. My major issue with such magazines is that there aren’t enough of them. And that’s where I would part company (alas) with most of the other atheists I know, who DO have an issue with them.

    • I can assure you we have always justily hated them and for great reason, they wish to disarm us and leave us as defenseless victims against the hordes of the 3rd world…Well we are not going to end up like the Whites of South Africa, we are Armed White Americans and intended to stay free, Armed, and a majority in our own nation..

      If these diversity loving scum bags love different cultures and a lack of freedom they can move to South Africa, Mexico, etc, but we are done moving it hear.

    • They don’t hate America, they love her for all her faults and they’ll make sure to tell you that. They’d just much rather change her so that she is more like her cousin Europe.

  3. If I had to get really psychological about it, I would say they hate themselves. If you can find it, try reading a short sci-fi story called “All the last wars at once”. I think the author was on to something.

    • They hate themselves, and project that onto those of us with the will and ability to accept responsibility for our actions.

      • They loathe taking responsibility themselves and jealous knowing we show by example, choose to defend. Something they abdicate to others.

    • Aye, self hate becomes a hatred of anyone that appears to have it more together and of any responsibility as a means for the pyche to protect itself. The obvious answer to self hate is self destruction, but when an individual lacks will and commitment it turns into a long road of self destruction. Pair that with emotion-choking drugs and you get material shown in this article.

      This particular individual probably has some kind of suicidal tendency he is running from, he knows if he had a gun he’d use it on himself so he is on a crusade to save everyone from guns, but really that’s a mask because he just wants to save himself. In a free society he would have to means to destroy himself and that’s too great a risk.

  4. God does not bless us when God let’s us be put under the arbitrary rule of man via a totalitarian government run by corrupt men and women.

  5. No surprise here. Without God (Christianity) it’s impossible to believe in things like personal responsibility or freedom. Anti gun nuts and atheists go hand in hand.

    • Just because YOU don’t feel you are capable of moral behavior without being under threat of eternal damnation doesn’t mean everybody else needs the same superstitious nonsense in order to choose to do the right things in their day to day lives.

    • Adam — I’m a devout atheist who firmly believes in things like personal responsibility and freedom. To this atheist, gun rights and atheism go hand in hand. As does your right to worship as your conscience directs you. Christianity isn’t the only philosophical framework that calls on us to take responsibility for our own actions.

      • “devout atheist” I don’t know if truer words have ever been spoken. I always did say that true Atheists have more faith in the unknown then me, a devout christian. Not to get into any philosophic metaphysical debate, I just appreciate your use of words to describe your belief.

        • You read WAY too much into a figure of speech, semi humorous, used within atheist circles, basically meaning that the person considers themselves thoroughly atheist and doesn’t for a moment give the notion of a god any credence. Atheists tend to like ironic humor, right down to wearing buttons that say “Thank God I Am An Atheist.” Only someone incapable of truly understanding an atheist viewpoint would imagine such a thing is some sort of Freudian slip.

    • Whoa there tough guy. I am certainly agnostic if not full on atheist, I am totally about personal responsibility, freedom and morality. I don’t need an imaginary friend to tell me right from wrong and what my responsibilities are, I am able to discern this for myself.

  6. As a devout Christian, I can understand why God doesn’t or shouldn’t bless the USA. However, all the reasons this hoplophobe states are not among them. In both the old and new testament of the bible, it is quite clear that God is very much on the side of Self-Defense.

  7. God does not bless us for writing HOLIER THAN THOU diatribes passively aggressively attacking people for exercising their [God-given!] rights to self-defense against tyrannies from individuals or corporate sources.

  8. Meh-I skipped the diatribe. And it’s more properly MAY God bless America. Not real sure HE is as of now…and I’ll keep my guns thank you.

  9. Who is this “us” he references who laugh at those who have lost loved ones to killers? I, for one, have never laughed about someone else’s loss. Besides that nonsense, where is this fool’s sense of liberty? It always seems to these people that the all knowing .gov just has to “do something” about the perceived “problem.” There will always be evil in the world, and 911 is only a phone call away. God Bless America!

    • he is projecting on to “us” what he, and others like him have done in the past. As he tries to make himself our moral superior.

  10. So many lies and half truths I couldn’t finish it. Which is good because anybody who makes it to the end will be dumber for the effort.


    Please send all comments about TTAG’s editorial stance or style to [email protected]. We ask this so that the comments thread does not distract from the subject of the main post.

  12. Someone saying,” God bless…” is a prayer (a humble request) to their God for favor on them, or a situation, or whatever….

    You saying, “God does or doesn’t” is acting as though you have some form of knowledge or insight on the matter… But, I imagine it’s more meant to be derogatory and belittling.

    Oh, and nice landing strip you got your chin there…

  13. Of course they do; personal liberty is part and parcel of the American experience, and these people are doing all they can to tear it down and replace it with a warped version of their own: collective rights and all the horrors they entail. I’m a former liberal, I would know a thing or two about this.

  14. “Ad hominem attacks against Mr. Orr – especially his choice of headgear – will be deleted.”

    Well, of course. It would be just too easy. But I don’t think it could be interpreted as an attack if I simply inquire as to where we are to find his qualifications and authorization to speak for god? If, as I suspect, he has neither, can we not be forgiven for pointing out that FLAME DELETED?

  15. He is representative of a great number of people. These poor individuals, deprived of education and self-actualization potential, cling to any group that accepts them. They become their most fanatic proponents. It is good that this particular sample fell in with a semi-violent group; had he turned to Islam, he would have been a perfect suicide bomber candidate. Devoid of thinking ability (or desire), they try to prove to themselves that they have some value. If I were religious, I would pray for him, but I know that it wouldn’t help (he’s too far gone).

  16. I don’t think most of them hate America. I think most of them are woefully ignorant of the values this country was founded on and the reasons certain things are enshrined in the Constitution. Some are willfully ignorant. Regardless, most love their country and most of their rights. They would rather reform it to be more like a European welfare state though.

    What many of them hate are people who don’t share their ideology. I found this “God does not bless” rant to be very hypocritical. How many times have we seen them wish death and misfortune on gun owners and their families? The Christian God certainly does not bless that sort of behavior. In fact most of the points in that rant could be turned back on them. The lefty zealots of peace and tolerance are anything but peaceful and tolerant.

    • Bless *all* their ‘lil hearts…

      (In that very same ‘Southern’ sense. The beauty of that expression is that they think your’e complimenting them… *snicker*)

      Your wife is a wise woman. Does she have an available sister?

      • 🙂 sorry, friend, she does not.

        I certainly did luck out and married my dream girl! (I’m still not sure why she married me, but I’m not arguing…) On the other hand, I have to hide a couple of boxes of the .45 ACP so there’s some left for me…

  17. That’s nice dear.

    If the people with guns were as bad and dangerous as you seem to think why would you spend so much energy trying to be rude to them?

  18. Fortunately in his case there is no need for ad hominem attacks since he was kind enough to provide us with the text. Of all the whiny gibberish I was particularly struck by the ‘…there’s no need to make any gun laws…’ REALLY? Inasmuch as he can assume to speak for God Almighty, perhaps I can fill in for him since he no doubt meant to say, any MORE gun laws since the many thousands of extant laws don’t leave much of a mark on the criminal class. While I don’t pretend to know His will, I would be willing to bet that given that graven images seem to set God off to some greater degree, this bizarre superstition that infests the liberal population that a firearm somehow has a volition and will not only of it’s own but to human destruction would not fare well before Divine judgement. None of my firearms have done any of the things he carries on about, maybe this middle aged adolescent should contemplate some personal responsibility in his own life.

  19. I don’t think anti-gunners hate America. I think they absolutely ADORE what America has been evolving into over the lsdy 100+ years with the astonishing growth of the federal government. The love that. They just don’t like restrictions on that growth or power. The LOVE the state. The state uber alles, in their minds. Not that much unlike the Borg, actually. The collective is all.

    It’s just that their America does not jive with the America as designed by the Founders, who for all their faults instantiated a very bold – and still relevant – concept of individual rights and liberty in opposition to autocratic rule. America – as designed – is what most readers on this site value.

    If I had to say, do I love America as she exists now, I would have to answer, mostly yes but not unreservedly because she’s got some big flaws that need to be corrected. Or more accurately, she needs to be brought back in line with the Constitution. So I love the idea of America, but have some big problems with her as she exists today.

    • I was reading through these comments and hoping someone would save me from having to type out my opinion on my Kindle. You, sir, covered it very well. This American experiment is ongoing and it’s our responsibility to keep the vision clear and reflect the collective visions of the founders (which had a large degree of diversity) as accurately as we can. Anything else isn’t America.

  20. As one who believes in God, I know that He gave us free will. It’s one of the reasons some humans can be so very cruel.
    It’s also why some can be so very giving and love total strangers.
    And, as a believer, I believe God loved us so much, that he gave us his only Son.
    I certainly feel blessed.

  21. I posit that his diatribe is irrelevant. He’s obviously very upset that the schemes he and his ilk have cooked up aren’t working. Americans overwhelmingly back the right of armed self-defense by a wide margin, even those who are okay with some gun control. He’s fighting a losing battle and is merely being snarky and whining about it.

  22. When God agrees with you in every tiny detail, it should be obvious that your own opinion is the only god you worship.

  23. “NOTE: Ad hominem attacks against Mr. Orr – especially his choice of headgear – will be deleted.”

    Guess I’m in the clear. His hat is the only thing of his that I liked.

  24. As someone already has pointed out, Jesus was executed at the hands of a totalitarian government. Kind of ironic.

    ED:I would also like to add that Jesus rolled over and took it. They seem to think that we should as well based on their original message.

    Also, how does he know that god does or does not bless any of that should he choose to believe? I mean, does he get text messages from him? Maybe I missed his call from an “unidentified number” or perhaps this guy butt dialed god and they started a conversation?

    Seriously though, if you understand the role god and god’s name have taken in violent confrontations over the year it’s almost impossible not to mention weapons at some point.

  25. So, it’s interesting, sort of. If you dig back at comments on Daily Kos, you’ll find in 2008, a bunch of people saying “No, no, we need to drop this rhetoric about guns – the Democrats can’t alienate gun owners, we’re not going to get anywhere this way.”

    Fast forward a few years to right after Sandy Hook and you have, “We need to have a common sense conversation about gun control. Nobody wants to take everyone’s guns away but we need to make them harder to get.”

    Then a few years later (now) they’ve gone fully off the deep end. “Nobody needs a gun, and I think confiscation can work, Australia! UK!”

    Lately I’ve been hearing more and more villainization of law abiding / safe, even hunter or target shooter gun owners. Even one “diary” (rant) on one of the left wing sites going on about how it’s the law abiding gun owners who are the BIGGEST problem, since they “enable the NRA” and “enable gun owning to be seen as a good and decent thing” (which they of course now argue it is not.)

    In short, they’re putting the pedal to the metal, opening up all the stops, going full stupid, and all other appropriate terms.

    I guess the only comfort here is that most Americans still don’t agree with them, and they’re alienating more and more moderates, independents, and fence-sitters. (And some of the lightly committed even on their side.)

    But this is gonna get worse before it gets better.

    Oh and:

    “God does not bless us for debating what an “assault rifle” is rather than doing everything we can to minimize their availability to irresponsible and dangerous citizens.”

    … in other words, “Don’t argue with us, just comply, it is WHAT WE SAY IT IS, and we’re going to take them from you.”

    Thanks for the “conversation”, Dick.

    • “If you dig back at comments on Daily Kos, you’ll find in 2008, a bunch of people saying “No, no, we need to drop this rhetoric about guns – the Democrats can’t alienate gun owners, we’re not going to get anywhere this way.””

      Yep, they’re pulling out the stops to force the fence-sitters to take a side.

      Folks rarely vote extremism on major issues. A little political truism is that most people *think* they’re politically moderate, like the majority of folks are convinced they’re a good driver when the reality is, they aren’t. Not by a longshot.

      What they’re seemingly unaware of or unable to see, the political (and more importantly, the legal) momentum is on our side.

      I’m utterly baffled as to *why* they’re trying to pull this off now. They have zero chance to pull this off now with the current Congress, and highly unlikely will the House swing their way in ’16.

      If they had tried to pull it off at the beginning of Obama’s administration, an AWB and UBCs would be law right now. He was so totally focused on signing the Affordable Care act that he burned all his political capitol on that one issue.

      D.C. v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. City of Chicago (2010) bought us some critical time, and folks are starting to wake up to the reality that your personal defense is your personal responsibility.

      The administrations incompetence in dealing with Ferguson and Baltimore was a big part of this.

      If Obama and the Progressives want to blame anyone, all they need to do is look in their collective bathroom mirrors.

      Not the NRA’s.

  26. By definition modern leftists must hate the nation of their citizenship. The doctrines set forward by Marx require that capitalist democracies experience social and financial collapse in order for them to be replaced by authoritarian centralist structures. Patriotism, nationalism, family, faith, are all enemies of disorder.

    • In fact the former Soviet Union, which was as far-left as possible, did not like the term ‘nationalism’ because it sounded too right-wing, so their ideology was instead referred to as ‘social patriotism.’

  27. God doesn’t bless America and the anti-gun left doesn’t hate America. God blesses Americans and the anti-gun left hates Americans.

  28. Just want to point out that as an atheist you cannot believe in the concept of natural rights. From whom do these rights flow? If the sources of rights is Man then what ever the majority of Men (that means generic human by the way) say is the law, or what a strongman says is the law, is the law or a right.

    Without a law giver external to system what the law is comes down to “because I said so.” So who the frick are you? See where it gets you?

    • tdiinva – Please educate yourself prior to (or instead of) making foolish statements. That is one of the big drawbacks of Religion – any religion – it blinds the people and closes their minds. You can start with Ayn Rand and continue to many of the classical Greek philosophers to understand that you do not need a mythical supranatural being watching over every move and thought in order to have natural rights, freedom, liberty and individual responsibility. Those qualities come to humans through education and reason or, lacking that, by dictat from your benevolent leaders, should you be lucky enough to have a benevolent leader. Furthermore, “free will” is not really free will for religious people, as their actions are always dictated by the fear of eventual (after life) retribution, as opposed to their personal moral commitment.

      • Anybody who cites Ayn Rand is prima facia an idiot.

        See Nietzche versus some classical philosophers and then do an emperical test of the 20th Century and get back to me on whose predictions about human behavior are correct

        Talk about ignorance.

      • “Natural rights come thru “education? Then “rights” are whatever the “educators” say they are, right? And when the “educators” change, so do the “natural rights”, correct? I think you are proving tdiinva’s point.

        • Of course, education, and knowledge, are not important… What’s important is what god says. But what god says is interpreted and presented by other men…
          I can see the dark ages coming upon us again…

    • “…Just want to point out that as an atheist you cannot believe in the concept of natural rights.”

      Why not?

      Why can’t natural rights just exist?

      This is my life. You can say it was given to me by a deity, I can say it came from a collection of biological processes. Neither one of those would exclude me from doing whatever I felt necessary to protect my life.

      The right to defense of life, self defense, is a natural right by virtue of being the right of all living things. The deer will not lay down on your table because you are hungry, you have to fight to take the life of the deer just as it will fight to protect it’s own life. Does the deer believe in a God? Did the Deer God tell the deer it that it is OK to fight back or could it be the natural right to self preservation that exists with or without a God?

      Like so many other things involving the rights of the individual, you don’t get to tell others where their rights do or not come from nor how to exercise them. I choose to be an atheist, I believe that some rights are just inherent in the process of living. You believe the same rights are God-given. Neither idea stops us from spending some quality time at the range putting small holes in pieces of paper ten or more yards away.

      • “My name is Adolph Hitler and run this powerful country called Germany and I say Jews must die. Tell me I am wrong without reference to something outside my frame of reference.”

        And because you say so doesn’t count because who the frick are you?

        • “..Tell me I am wrong without reference to something outside my frame of reference.””

          Nope. You have it backwards. You tell me what your justification is for killing all those people. You tell me what your justification is without using something outside your frame of reference.

          Killing one Jew because you were defending yourself need no justification from anyone, self defense is the justification.

          Killing millions and millions of Jews needs justification and you have to provide the justification FOR it, not I against it.

        • “Nope, I don’t have it backwards. I told you why in Mein Kampf! Your deflection is merely an acknowledgment that you have no answer other than I say so.”

          What you don’t understand is that your “I say so” is built on a foundation of the Catholic doctrine of natural law. As that foundation decays then you enter the world of the strongest man’s “I say so.” Basically the modern “ethical atheist” relies on the Judeo-Christian foundation of Western Society. What you are doing is sawing off the branch upon which you sit and when you finish the job you will the results won’t be what you expect. My guess is that you have never read Dostoesky or Nietzche.

          Just remember if Germany had won the Second World War Hitler’s “I say so” would form the foundation of society.

        • Interesting…. you still have it backwards because i dont have to justify or discredit your actions.

          And the right to self defense pre-dates your judeo-christian ideas by a great big bunch of years.

          And i rescind my offer of sharing range time because in my opinion you are a horrible person for killing all those people.

          Like you said… i ain’t friking anybody until you try to harm me and mine. Try to kill me and im going to kill you right back and nobody’s god is going to stop me.

          • In fact, the right to self defense is so natural that every living being on this planet practices it. Pine trees drop their acidic needles near the trunk and the acid kills other plants that would take nutrients away from the pine tree; every animal practices some form of self defense – either camouflage or armor or attack when threatened. Only the new generation of brain-washed liberals abrogate that natural right, both personally and often as a state. Their national suicide is not entirely unique, as some animals also have done that (whales that beach themselves) and they always result in self-destruction. The pity is when they try to take others along.

    • Why is the Abrahamic (or any other) deity or Man the only two choices for the source of rights?

      It is at least interesting to me how many people that visit this site have convinced themselves that it is impossible for the person that runs this blog to believe in natural rights. Hear that, Robert? Impossible. And honestly, visit this site is more like living here for many in this category.

      Why do people return to a site run by someone that in their eyes must be lying on this issue that they obviously find particularly important and not up for debate. Remember, impossible.

  29. I didn’t even need to read the article, in fact I didn’t even need to see his picture. A simple description of his round frame sun glasses and his soul patch, I would have gotten a clear vision of this mans ideology. You can judge a book by it’s cover, who knew?

  30. Ad hominem his hat? Why? It might be the most sensible component of his argument.

    Speaking of, where did this fellow get the authority to decide what God thinks? If I remember right, the last group of people who claimed that privilege wore funny hats and tortured people.

  31. I generally tend to ignore people who have decided what God does and doesn’t do. That whole 3rd Commandment thing.

  32. Mr. Orr notwithstanding, I don’t think they hate America, per se. I think they hate people in general. People can’t be trusted with [ insert just about anything here ] and must be prevented from owning/using/doing/thinking that! For the children, and if you don’t agree, you’re a child hater, and you must be banned.

    The flip side of this is these same people who can’t be trusted with [whatever] are somehow transformed into all-knowing, all-wise bureaucrats when in service of the government, and armed with the resources, regulatory and enforcement powers of same.

    To the Progressive mindset, power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely, but not if you’re the government…or at least a part of the Democratic Party political machine. I’ve been enjoying watching the slo-mo blow up of the administration of Rahm Emanuel of the People’s City of Chicago.

  33. i read robert’s assessment and also his caution for the commenters. i did not read one word of diddly’s bop.
    it cost’s me nothing to roll the dice here, i’m not even phrasing this tactfully:
    i hope that is a de- beaked prairie squid, for goodness sake.

  34. This Orr guy thinks he has written something great that should shame anyone who reads it into instant enlightenment and agreement with his crack-pot propaganda. He thinks he’ll get approval and acceptance, hopefully from women who will want to have his babies, and from other men who will admire him and say he’s a credit to the gender. He’s really just pathetic.

    Yes, I believe many anti-gun advocates hate America because they have bought into a philosophy of shame advanced by the Left in the past 50 plus years. They think they are going to right all the wrongs they believe our ancestors did and that the only correct way to think about our history is as exploitative, discriminatory and violent. They hate us gun owners because they believe we cling to this objectionable past and do not accept their twisted-to-the-perverse interpretation of history. They believe we would gladly repeat all the supposed sins of our ancestors any day and everyday. They believe themselves to be unworthy and that penance can only be redeeming if done exactly as they imagine it should be and done by everyone without question. They believe Humanity is at root savage, cruel, and innately evil. So, their only recourse is to spew garbage as Orr has written, wallow in guilt and demand everyone else follow their lead. They are as closed-minded and intractable as the Islamic Terrorists who want to murder every other Human who will not bow to their iteration of Islam. In our midst they are terrorist revolutionaries imprisoned by a deliberately perverted concept of reality.

  35. I need an arguement on the suicide thingy next time I’m in a debate.
    How do I counter it when people say “guns are more efficient at suicides. A lot of people who fail at the first attempt usually don’t try twice. Using guns removes that second chance”?

    Like, they coulda jumped off of a roof?

    • Removing the gun does not remove the desire to commit suicide.

      Or if you want to be snarky, like I usually do…. My life sucks, I’m going to end it. No… wait… I don’t have a gun. I guess I will just go be happy now and keep on living said no one. Ever.

    • James, Unfortunately I don’t think you are going to find the exact answer you were hoping for. Guns simply are more efficient if a person is determined to take their life. The key here is that in exactly the same way that the tool can not be blamed for the action of the murderer, it is the action of the suicidal person that is the deciding factor rather than the tool used to end their life. Instead I turn the argument to these points.

      First we must remember that the primary factor here is the individuals desire. Anybody who genuinely wants to die can get it done the first time. Many who fail are simply calling out for help, which they get and that is why they don’t try a second time. These people are not going to consider a gun for their first attempt. They don’t genuinely want to end it all so for them a gun is simply to final and risky. If a person is dedicated to taking their life and they do not have access to a gun they will simply find a different 100% effective way. So lets look at that.

      The “nicer” more progressive forms of suicide are illegal. You can’t call up Dr. Kevorkian and ask him to put you down in a clean, compassionate way. So a gun seems like a pretty “good” alternative. With a fairly basic knowledge of human anatomy a gun is going to be painless, it doesn’t require the actions of other people to enact, and it does not create any elevated emotional distress for friends and family left behind than any other method. The only significant downside is the elevated stress on the people who have to clean up.

      Think then about the downside of suicides if by some magical wave of a wand there were no more guns. Since the people who would normally turn to Dr. Kevorkian or a gun as their first choice to guarantee that the job is done right are still determined, what other options do they have? Minimum suffering rules out most overdoses, suffocation and cutting. They are looking for something that is so massively traumatic to the body that it causes instant death. All they have left are actions like stepping in front of a train, driving the wrong way down the freeway into an oncoming bus or semi, jumping off a building, etc. Aside from the pain caused to your loved ones by taking your life, the suicide now becomes a public incident. The operators of those buses, trains and semis, the people walking by on the sidewalk, they are all now instant party and/or witness to the deed. The trauma endured by these people who feel at least partially responsible simply because they were behind the wheel is significant and in many cases would have been avoided if there had been a more intimate means available.

      So what you are left with is the simple fact that the tool used has little to nothing to do with it. There are dozes of ways that a person who wants to take their own life can do it right the first time. The only influence the tools have is where and how it can be done. Alone or in public. The only way to prevent them is to identify them first and get them help or change the mental health system to accommodate getting help without demonizing those who seek it as nut-jobs forever labeled as dangerous.\

    • The example of Japan shows that people commit suicide without guns just fine. “Efficiency” does not seem to be an issue. Japan also has a higher suicide rate than the U.S, which militates somewhat against the notion than “gun cause suicide”. Consider Finland as well … higher suicide rate, yet much more restrictive gun laws. You may also want to look into separate studies done by both Canada and Australia, showing that suicide rates are not affected by the availability of firearms.

      If people care only about suicides committed with a gun, and are not concerned that the overall suicide rate is unaffected by restrictive laws … they have a really weird gun fixation. People who shoot themselves aren’t any more dead than those who hang themselves, poison themselves or jump off of bridges/buildings.

      • “People who shoot themselves aren’t any more dead than those who hang themselves, poison themselves or jump off of bridges/buildings.”

        But… they look and feel more dead…

        • Uhhh … anyone believing that should look into how hanging / poisoning victims are usually discovered … smell has a lot to do with it. ALSO: Ask a coroner what someone looks like after they’ve done the long fall with the sudden stop. 😉

        • “…Ask a coroner what someone looks like after they’ve done the long fall with the sudden stop.”


  36. The essential character flaw of most anti-gunners is self-loathing, born of an innate understanding that they cannot or do not wish to be responsible for their actions. This is in turn an outgrowth of their (PC) unwillingness or inability to draw rational distinctions and make rational judgement … especially moral judgments.

    All violence is therefore “bad”, without drawing any distinction between the attacker and the attacked who fight back, or the criminal and the resistant victim.

    They therefore abdicate all personal power to the state, and all moral distinctions to legal constructs of the state. Morality is therefore only and exclusively the result of legal action on the part of the state.

    The confusion comes when the state does not act according to the whims of the anti-gunner, or is ineffective in achieving his aims or goals. Self-hatred (born of ineptitude) then becomes sublimated to hatred of the “nation” and it’s people, which is a distinct concept from the state and its citizens.

    This is the stamping foot of a spoiled child, and should always be called out as such.

  37. “Hate” America? I don’t know. He does seem to have a rather negative view of individual people, their potential, and their behavior in practice. If not “America” I do think he hates we pesky humans.

    I do know that the notion of a constitutional republic, wherein free people delegate certain, limited & enumerated authorities; to limited, well-governed forms of collective action; for certain, limited & enumerated ends is right in line with the autonomy of self-defense, among other things. And antithetical to the world view that ends up with: “Put us in charge of every little thing, because we know what you should have done.”

  38. I don’t know if this cat is a Christian or not, but ive tried to provide the best answer I can to each of his individual objections.

    God does not bless us when we prioritize “playing” with lethal weapons over the lives of our friends and neighbors.
    False dilemma and conflating very serious, lawful use of firearms with childishness.
    God does not bless us when we dismiss the brutal deaths of tens of thousands of our citizens as the cost of a free society.
    Dismissal connotes a lack of compassion not found in me. I recognize that liberty is dangerous and costly, but more desirable than tyranny.
    God does not bless us when we become outraged and vicious because we may have to endure some bureaucracy to obtain a lethal weapon.
    Google “Carol Browne New Jersey”.
    God does not bless us when the virtually unfettered right to a lethal weapon is the most important right we see in the U.S. Constitution.
    Unfettered: free from restraint or inhibition. Also, all of our human rights are under constant assault by the statist, but our right to armed defense is just where theyre focusing their attack right now, so its where we focus our defense.
    God does not bless us when we laugh at those who have lost their loved ones to brutal gun violence.
    Agreed, but who is doing that?
    God does not bless us when we give our money to an organization that suggests “good guys” should always carry guns.
    Those organizations are correct, and deserving of the support of the people.
    God does not bless us when bereaved parents of children lost to gun violence are harassed and told that their horrible deaths were a “hoax.”
    God does not bless us for suggesting that research of gun violence – but not anything else – is clearly a waste of time and money.
    Syntax is garbbled, but federally funded studies, and on this topic in particular, would be suspect and biased.
    God does not bless us for debating what an “assault rifle” is rather than doing everything we can to minimize their availability to irresponsible and dangerous citizens.
    Words matter and defining terms is necessary for any useful debate. So while were hashing out weapons classification, lets also define “irresponsible” and “dangerous”.
    God does not bless us for angrily arguing that 30-round magazines are necessary in civilian gun use.
    Necessity is irrelevant.
    God does not bless us for arguing that suicides should not count when we consider the impact of gun violence.
    Suicide is tragic, but it is not in the same category as criminal violence, or accidents/negligence.
    God does not bless us when we argue there should be no registration of deadly weapons in one easy-to-access database.
    For what purpose?
    God does not bless us when we attempt to intimidate gun violence protesters by standing close to their protests carrying handguns and rifles.
    No one is doing this.
    God does not bless us for ignoring that guns kill faster and more efficiently than knives, sticks, blunt objects or bare hands.
    Neither guns, nor knives, sticks, blunt object, or bare hands kill anyone. Never have.
    God does not bless us for reducing someone else’s concern about gun violence to a simplistic partisan political position.
    I don’t care how concerned you are. When you try to infringe on my rights, we have a problem.
    God does not bless us when our legislators say this is only about mental illness, that guns have nothing to do with it.
    Mental illness is not the issue, either. Evil exists in the world, and you cant simply wish it away.
    God does not bless us when we refuse to talk reasonably about gun violence.
    I am not willing to compromise my liberty so that you can feel some kind of way.
    God does not bless us when we bully those who try to talk reasonably about gun violence.
    I only ridicule people when they say ridiculous things. That’s not bullying.
    God does not bless us when we propose outrageous and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and “false flag” preposterousness to defend unfettered access to lethal weapons.
    Yeah, there are tin foil hat wearing idiots in every crowd. I certainly don’t take them seriously. Theres that word again. Why do you want me in fetters so much?
    God does not bless us when we argue that “criminals don’t obey laws” so there’s no need to create any laws to try to reduce gun violence.
    There are already tens of thousands of law in this country regarding firearms. How many more do you think it will take to make a difference?
    God does not bless us when we use false or faulty research to justify not addressing the daily instances of brutal gun violence in our country.
    Please elaborate on this point further so I can show you specifically how youre wrong.
    God does not bless us when we argue that Muslims are all terrorists and they are coming to kill us so we shouldn’t do anything to stop easy access to lethal weapons.
    What a weird sentence. Buying a gun is enough of a hassle as it is, and making it more difficult for law abiding citizens will not prevent any criminals of any creed from acquiring them.
    God does not bless us when we say “If you want my gun, you’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.”
    Starting to get a little ranty and incoherent here…
    God does not bless us for “needing” an assault rifle of any kind.
    Necessity is irrelevant.
    God does not bless us for “needing” to carry a gun with us everywhere we go.
    Necessity is irrelevant.
    God does not bless us for open carry demonstrations in Target or McDonald’s.
    Not a fan of the first amendment either, I see.
    God does not bless us for demonstrating more passion and stubbornness in fighting for easy access to guns than for anything else in our lives.
    This seems like a slight restating of something you said above, so I’ll reciprocate: my right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution is no more or less important that my other rights, but one defends where one is under attack.
    God does not bless us when we pretend gun violence protesters aren’t fighting all gun violence, that they ignore “black on black crime.”
    Im not pretending. That’s what they do.
    God does not bless us for racist deflections from the actual argument about gun violence.
    Do you mean like insinuating all gun owners are old fat white racist men?
    God does not bless us for only offering “prayers and thoughts” to the families of the victims after every horrific mass shooting.
    Are you actually contending that God does not bless prayer?
    God does not bless us for pretending that this nation has had gun control laws throughout its history, and that the current laws are some of the most lax in history.
    Ive read this six times and it still makes no sense, but ill try to answer what I think youre getting at. Gun control laws have their origins in politicians trying to disarm “undesirables”, like immigrants and freedmen, and political opponents. We are making strides in rolling them back, however.
    God does not bless us for inscribing verses from The Bible on guns.
    I personally find this a little distasteful, but the individual right of religious and political expression is a thing.
    God does not bless us for letting perpetual fear run our lives so much that we can’t imagine life without owning guns.
    I’m not afraid, because I’m ready.
    God does not bless America. Why would He?
    “I will show mercy to anyone I choose, and I will show compassion to anyone I choose.”

  39. You know, I am feeling left out of the “FLAME DELETED” party, here.

    So, here goes: A man wears a hat like that, you can tell he loves the America that lets him.

    Seriously, is that an “assault hat?” Does it have a folding thing that goes up?

  40. Gun control advocates do not hate America.

    They just don’t understand what America is.

    America is not Utopia. It never was, and never will be. America (as conceived) is the best possible union of civilization and freedom. Certainly, some freedoms are sacrificed in the name of civilization. Generally, the freedoms sacrificed are the ones that impinge upon the freedoms of others.

    The reason the concept of America worked for as long as it did – and as well as it did – was because the society that comprised it was generally one that understood the concepts of personal accountability and responsibility.

    Our society has tried to eliminate that in this country. Criminals aren’t responsible for their choices, neither are indigents. And since that excuse has been hammered in for the poor and the violent, it’s also been extrapolated for the lazy and the non-productive. Children no longer have to earn trophies, as singling out the ones that worked hard enough to win just isn’t fair.

    Is it any wonder that a society that believes all the above thinks it’s crazy – even backward – to believe that you should be allowed to defend yourself and your family when presented with a threat? Because if that is true, and the government can’t and possibly won’t save you from the bad man, then those of us that can’t be bothered with learning to defend ourselves might have to take responsibility for that.

    The response to that thought is that any advocate for self-defense is “victim shaming”. If you survived a violent attack and others didn’t, you can’t wish that someone had a tool to stop the bad guy. That makes the survivors feel guilty. That’s bad.

    The ideological war we’re fighting is certainly uphill. We’ve allowed daytime talk shows to incrementally convince people that they aren’t to blame for their choices. Whether those choices ended them in jail, on the streets, in the crosshairs of some violent thug, or just in a really low paying job – it’s not their problem to solve, it’s the COUNTRY’s problem. Nobody should be made to feel they should actually DO something.

    That’s why gun owners are ridiculed. That’s why we’re derided as paranoid. That’s why they villify us and claim we’re compensating for undersized genitalia, and that’s why people like Phil Orr want to portray us as waving the banner for more violence. The idea that we are willing to take responsibility for our own safety and security has to be made to seem insane, because the dialogue they need to believe in is that America is a Utopia. We can continue sacrificing freedoms all we need to get to that goal, because eventually we’ll reach a perfect critical mass of laws and bad people will just stop finding ways to hurt people, and all we have to do to get there is ignore the document that started this America thing and vote in people that agree that none of this is our fault.

  41. Three major flaws with that diatribe:

    1) Shootings always happen where concealed carry is illegal. A shooting in a PA mental hospital was prevented by a doctor who disregarded the hospital weapons policy and carried a gun ANYWAY. It proved a wise decision when a felon decided to violate the weapons policy too. The police even said that the man could have run down the halls until he ran out of ammunition, if the doctor hadn’t shot him first. On a side note, I disagree with the doc’s choice of a .32 caliber pistol. He didn’t kill the perp, but incapacitated him enough for two people to tackle him. Body count in this case was one, as opposed to one or two dozen in gun free zones.

    2) Anyone who sacrifices liberty for security will have neither. Either that’s true, or Ben Franklin didn’t know what he was talking about. All he dod was help found this country, so what does he know, right?

    3) Isis attacks in Paris. Who in God’s name can look at those attacks and still think gun control can make us safer? We can’t even keep a bunch of illegal Mexicans and drugs out of our border!

  42. Ok the hat thing, those of you who have not made a study of various religions and non/statist religions might not recognize that, but I believe it to be a non-sanctioned Flying Spaghetti Monster hat and therefore protected by the First Amendment to the US Constitution. Of course my First Amendment freedoms would allow me to point at him in public and laugh. The other thing that occurs to me is, why use that picture on line if you don’t want people to make fun of your hat?

    In regard to his arguments, I will admit that I quit reading when it became clear he was just reusing all the tired old gun control myths, lies, innuendo, and straw man arguments the statists have worn out over the years. Perhaps by compiling all the BS in one place at one time he hopes to fool some of the foolish or overwhelm them with his capacity to spew. From my vantage point the best place for him is in the ignore bucket.

    • “Flying Spaghetti Monster hat

      Yeah, I had that same impression.

      How can he not love a country that lets him wear a pleasing arrangement of noodly appendages on his head?

      Me and my tin-foil colander want to know.

  43. I’m an agnostic. Almost invariably, when somebody invokes god as a reason for me to do something, it’s something that’s going to be grievously harmful to me, and as often as not, to mankind in general.

    Of course I think it would be more accurate to say that he hates human liberty, dignity and autonomy rather than America. America is merely a symbol of the things he REALLY hates.

    • I think it would be more accurate to say that he hates human liberty, dignity and autonomy rather than America. America is merely a symbol of the things he REALLY hates.I think it would be more accurate to say that he hates human liberty, dignity and autonomy rather than America. America is merely a symbol of the things he REALLY hates.”

      Nailed it.

      America is also a *vehicle* for these things he hates, the more despised because it displaces the various *vehicles* for what he loves … or at least is more comfortable with.

  44. Come on Farago. You post this guy’s ridiculous opinionated nonsensical garbage barely worth refuting and you actually expect us not to go full ad hominem? We need at least an intelligent argument to stir up a good debate and some refutations. This guy’s silly statement’s aren’t it.

    NOTE: Ad hominem attacks against Mr. Orr – especially his choice of headgear – will be deleted.

    Seriously? Again, how can you show us that picture and not expect some flames? If he was a libertarian i’d still give him some crap about that hat.

  45. Should we try to understand the enemy? Many will contend that folks such as the subject of the article are not our personal enemies at all, yet they are enemies of freedom. Should that enmity be excused? It cannot be excused for they have either completely disregarded the hard lessons of history and intentionally, willfully remained ignorant of the consequences of disarmament or they know exactly what harm disarmament will wreak and fully intend to bring that evil to pass. There is no escape from this conclusion and only one end result: peonage. Let me explain the use of that word for a moment. I could have said “slavery” but that would have been cast in a ludicrous light and disregarded. I could have said “genocide” but hopefully that is a distant possibility as well. These ignorant fools or actively evil, malevolent individuals want all people to be reduced to peons, a medieval peasant squeaking out another day of wretched life in their miserable hovel, surviving another week in which their overlord hasn’t murdered them outright, and grateful that nobody else is in any better position than they are.

    The better question is to ask such a person is: why do you want a class of entitled people to wield all of the power over a disarmed underclass? Do you think that you will be the king? If so, you are wrong. If you appoint a king and give the king all of the guns, you will be nothing more than a peon. Americans have rejected that approach and will have no king, so stop wasting everyone’s time.

    But these misguided or toxic people hate others who work hard to get ahead, to get out of peonage and to earn a better status in life. They hate the fact that they haven’t done this thing. They hate the possibility that anyone should ever be allowed to stand up for themselves or freedom because they lack the courage to do it themselves. Their idea of courage is to send people with guns to take away guns from other people so that they will not be bothered by guns anymore. It is ridiculously circular illogic, but that’s what happens when they allow their hate, their festering resentment, insecurity and jealously free rein. They hate freedom. They are scared by freedom, and they resent the free people so they feel they must lash out on any possible pretext. So strong is this irrational hatred that they will overlook obvious facts like gang and drug violence fueling a huge percentage of the problem, that 99.99% of gun owners are perfectly law-abiding and have done nothing wrong whatsoever, and that their disarmament plan is both impossible and unlikely to solve their fundamental problem of insecurity and jealousy.

    However, we will call them by their true names: pernicious cowards, weaklings, and cravens. Those of us who are strong, smart and proud know you don’t solve problems by flailing wildly at things that make you uncomfortable. You solve them by identifying the real problem, then deploying the resources necessary to solve the problem. In this instance, why don’t we try empowering our law enforcement and community leaders to dig into the gang and drug problems, arrest and prosecute offenders, clean up the streets then look again at whether any problem remains? That would be the logical and rational thing to do. The other propositions are far more reminiscent of juvenile wailing and unfocused temper tantrums than any realistic and effective plan.

  46. I think most anti gunners do hate America. I listen to the other things they complain about and say people should be prevented from doing. They hate liberty. They talk about how much better other countries are.
    They are homosexual and heterosexual. They are jewish christian muslim and atheist. These people have achieved success in their chosen career. And yet they still hate the country that allowed them to succeed. It is not 1915. These people think the USA has not changed.

    With guns the average citizen can resist their power. No shots are required. Just having arms keeps these haters in check.
    They will never stop. That is why when I’m 100 years old, 50 years from now, they will still be trying to disarm the population.
    Perhaps I will be printing my own guns and ammo in my own house by then.

  47. Unless he’s a regular on a childrens show any man that wears a hat like that is begging to not be taken seriously. So I will give him his wish.

  48. God does not bless us when we prioritize “playing” with lethal weapons over the lives of our friends and neighbors.

    We aren’t “prioritizing” anything. Don’t lump millions of individuals into one basket. Furthermore, only inner city gang members (mostly voting democratic) care more about their guns than their friends or neighbors.

    God does not bless us when we dismiss the brutal deaths of tens of thousands of our citizens as the cost of a free society.

    Suicides (who can use other methods) and mostly inner city gang members (who likely vote democratic if they vote at all) kill each other and themselves and I should not be free?? Screw you.

    God does not bless us when we become outraged and vicious because we may have to endure some bureaucracy to obtain a lethal weapon.

    It’s our right. If you don’t like it there are 195 other countries you can live in. There is one country we can live in. This one. Please leave. Maybe there should be some bureaucracy involved in order for you to open your mouth. No? I rather doubt it, but maybe you can see our point of view now.

    God does not bless us when the virtually unfettered right to a lethal weapon is the most important right we see in the U.S. Constitution. All the rights are important. Everyone one of them. The reason we protect the 2nd so much – is because of the other rights.

    God does not bless us when we laugh at those who have lost their loved ones to brutal gun violence.

    I’m not laughing. Again, don’t bunch all individuals into some group because one guy laughs. I’m sure some on your side was laughing when Erik Scott was gun downed because he was SWATTED.

    God does not bless us when we give our money to an organization that suggests “good guys” should always carry guns.

    So… bad guys should carry guns? Why would you not want good guys carrying guns? Cops and military carry guns – are they not good guys? Logical fail.

    God does not bless us when bereaved parents of children lost to gun violence are harassed and told that their horrible deaths were a “hoax.”

    Hey – there are tin foil hat guys on both ends. Barely worth addressing.

    God does not bless us for suggesting that research of gun violence – but not anything else – is clearly a waste of time and money.

    The problem with your “research” is it was extremely biased. No. We aren’t interested in junk science propaganda. CDC’s goal was to reduce gun ownership – not perform “research.”

    Dr. Mark Rosenberg was quoted in the Washington Post as wanting his agency to create a public perception of firearms as “dirty, deadly—and banned.” (William Raspberry, “Sick People With Guns,” Washington Post, October 19, 1994.

    Pure propaganda. Please don’t lie to our faces about “research.”

    God does not bless us for debating what an “assault rifle” is rather than doing everything we can to minimize their availability to irresponsible and dangerous citizens. Since one can make an AK from a shovel, (Yes a shovel. Google “shovel AK.”) limiting my ability to acquire a firearm (of whatever type!) for my lawful purposes (meaning no victims!) is none of your business. I agree – there should be no debate.

    God does not bless us for angrily arguing that 30-round magazines are necessary in civilian gun use.

    30 round magazines are the “standard capacity” the firearms were designed for. Magazine limitations are arbitrary nonsensical garbage. The bad guys are already going to have the 30 round magazines. What is your problem with me having them??

    God does not bless us for arguing that suicides should not count when we consider the impact of gun violence.

    Are you saying God is not aware of the suicide rate in South Korea and Japan? There are no guns there – how is it still happening? South Korea = 28.9/100k. Japan = 18.5/100k. United States = 12.1/100k. As you can see, regardless of method, guns aren’t the problem. Stop trying to bother me about my gun because someone else somewhere else killed themselves with a gun or whatever else.

    God does not bless us when we argue there should be no registration of deadly weapons in one easy-to-access database.

    Again, my guns aren’t your business. Focus on those inner city gang bangers, shooting each other, rather than my guns please. It is already against the law to kill people. I and all the gun owners I know are already following this as it’s a good law to get behind. Your law isn’t.

    God does not bless us when we attempt to intimidate gun violence protesters by standing close to their protests carrying handguns and rifles.

    So, they have the freedom of assembly but we do not? Screw you. Furthermore, your perception of “intimidation” is your problem. I am not intimidated by other gun owners carrying. Sounds like your problem – not mine.

    God does not bless us for ignoring that guns kill faster and more efficiently than knives, sticks, blunt objects or bare hands.

    Bombs kill faster than guns. Yet I can still make one easier than I can a firearm. In 20 years time i’ll be able to print a fully functional semiautomatic on my desktop 3d printer. Your efforts of control over my live is futile. Furthermore, guns offset the capabilities of stronger, faster, younger individuals intent on harm. Why would you disarm the elderly, the sick, the disabled?

    God does not bless us for reducing someone else’s concern about gun violence to a simplistic partisan political position.

    Show me a democrat who would actually fight for gun rights. No? I rest my case.

    God does not bless us when our legislators say this is only about mental illness, that guns have nothing to do with it.

    I have guns and I haven’t killed anyone. Hundreds of millions of other Americans also haven’t killed anyone. Sounds like the gun has nothing to do with it.

    God does not bless us when we refuse to talk reasonably about gun violence.

    I’m still waiting for you to talk reasonably about violence with guns or anything else.

    God does not bless us when we bully those who try to talk reasonably about gun violence.

    I agree. Please leave us alone, please leave our guns alone, and please stop bullying us.

    God does not bless us when we propose outrageous and unsubstantiated conspiracy theories and “false flag” preposterousness to defend unfettered access to lethal weapons.

    God does not bless us when some of us think our opinions should be forced on others by limiting their options, their timeliness, their effectiveness, or their ability, to obtain possession and use of arms to defend their life and liberty. See – works both ways.

    God does not bless us when we argue that “criminals don’t obey laws” so there’s no need to create any laws to try to reduce gun violence.

    There is no need to create redundant laws (which are particularly both ineffective to the criminal and simultaneously burdensome to the law abiding citizen) to try to make it “more illegal” for a particular action. Example: It is already against the law to kill someone. A store front has a no guns allowed sign. Is a criminal intent on killing someone actually going to be thwarted by a sign? This is what we mean when we say “criminals don’t obey laws.” The laws you propose only limit moral, law abiding, decent people.

    God does not bless us when we use false or faulty research to justify not addressing the daily instances of brutal gun violence in our country.

    I agree. The CDC shouldn’t be provided funding for ridiculous propaganda.

    God does not bless us when we argue that Muslims are all terrorists and they are coming to kill us so we shouldn’t do anything to stop easy access to lethal weapons.

    #1, not all Muslims are terrorists. #2 All of your proposals make it more difficult for the law abiding to obtain firearms. Anyways, you guys ultimate goal is to ban all guns. Just be honest about it.

    God does not bless us when we say “If you want my gun, you’ll have to pry it from my cold dead hands.”

    I’m sorry, Moses carries more weight with his statements than you do. Haha. It is too bad that the statement actually had to be made. If only you guys could be more tolerant of gun owners.

    God does not bless us for “needing” an assault rifle of any kind.

    I probably don’t need an assault rifle. But it doesn’t matter. If I want an assault rifle I should be able to get one. Your statement is just your floating opinion. Your opinion should not dictate my life or my possessions.

    God does not bless us for “needing” to carry a gun with us everywhere we go.

    Some of us need to carry one. Mostly because of your inner city, democrat voting, gang bangers. If all democrats lived by a set of morals that did not create victims, this country would be the safest in the world.

    God does not bless us for open carry demonstrations in Target or McDonald’s.

    Well – he doesn’t bless us for not performing the demonstration – so I guess it’s OK yea.

    God does not bless us for demonstrating more passion and stubbornness in fighting for easy access to guns than for anything else in our lives.

    Don’t know what you tell you. Culturally we are different. Freedom is worth a great deal to some of us and it is actually worth more than our lives. A great many people have died throughout this countries existence so we could enjoy those freedoms and secure them for our children and their children. Why would we want to vote them away? That is completely nonsensical.

    God does not bless us when we pretend gun violence protesters aren’t fighting all gun violence, that they ignore “black on black crime.”

    They want to ban all guns. I don’t think they care about black on black crime. I don’t even think they care about crime. They just care about those “scary” guns.

    God does not bless us for racist deflections from the actual argument about gun violence.

    Your political affiliation is the racist one. That is where gun control was born. All people, regardless of race, have the right of self defense.

    God does not bless us for only offering “prayers and thoughts” to the families of the victims after every horrific mass shooting.

    I agree. We should promote everyone to the concept of individual responsibility and safety and compassion and morals. I don’t think disarming them when there are shooters around is the best way to go.

    God does not bless us for pretending that this nation has had gun control laws throughout its history, and that the current laws are some of the most lax in history.

    If god doesn’t care about “thoughts and prayers” He probably doesn’t care about your gun control agendas.

    God does not bless us for inscribing verses from The Bible on guns.

    I guess you haven’t read the old testament.

    God does not bless us for letting perpetual fear run our lives so much that we can’t imagine life without owning guns.

    God doesn’t not bless us for letting perpetual fear run our lives so much that we can’t imagine life with gun ownership.

    God does not bless America. Why would He?

    How do you know what God blesses? You aren’t God. But I know all you gun control weirdos would like to be.

    • Sen. Joseph McCarthy was correct 60 years ago, these vile creatures are present in all our institutions and must not only be exposed, denounced, ridiculed, marginalized but also must be eradicated if our nation is to survive.

  49. Turn about is fair play, no? Try this on for size:

    God does not bless us when we prioritize “gun safety” laws over the lives of our friends and neighbors.

    God does not bless us when we dismiss the brutal beatings, rapes, and deaths of tens of thousands of our citizens as the cost of a gun-free society.

    God does not bless us when we become outraged and vicious because we may have to endure some person with a lethal weapon.

    God does not bless us when the virtually unfettered right to “public safety” is the most important right we see in the U.S. Constitution.

    God does not bless us when we deride armed neighbors who desperately hope to avoid losing their loved ones to brutal violence.

    God does not bless us when we give our money to an organization that suggests “good guys” should never carry guns.

    Shall I continue?

  50. I’ve stopped trying to figure them out. I don’t care what they think. Trying to figure out crafty words and logic to help them “see the light” is a waste of time, they don’t want to see light, they believe themselves to be enlightened That said, in the event of an American civil war over some tyrannt’s civilian disarmament program, I’m sure they will be horrified when they are enlightened of the full extent of “Bosnia rules”.

  51. Too long with nauseating repetition, didn’t read it all…

    Delete it if you want… just being honest.

  52. God does NOT bless sexual deviants who maintain a “testicle-tickler” to pleasure their male partners.

    With this degenerates phobia of “tube-like” objects that expel “projectiles” one must question whether his aversion leaves him quivering in fear while in close proximity to his partner’s “privates”.

  53. This guy is merely a religious nut case, is all. And mind you, I’m strongly Catholic. But anyone, atheist or otherwise, who repeats “God does not bless…” 34 times has definitely got some heavy-duty emotional issues going on.

    The real danger isn’t that he’s short a few cards in the deck, it’s that some people might actually believe his sop.

    What’s the deal with the hat, by the way? I gotta admit, all those “FLAME(S) DELETED” make me mighty curious 🙂


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