Brazilian cop engages bad guy with baby in hand (courtesy

I’ve told my daughters: if I get my gun out for a defensive gun use, get away from me STAT. When the lead flies, anyone holding a gun is a lead magnet. I reckon it’s best not to have my kids in the line of fire. Which raises an important question, illustrated by the video below . . .

If a gunfight breaks out, are you going to grab your kids and run (come what may) or push them away and engage? Obviously, it depends on the situation. But have you thought about it? Trained for it? Discussed the possibilities with your significant other? Is he or she armed?


  1. Once upon a time I’d have thrown the little hellion at the goon and let him deal with the brat…šŸ¤ 

  2. I’m putting myself between them and the bullets. They are just a touch too young to be trusted making the cover (stops bullets) and concealment (hides you) decisions. Not that they aren’t smart enough just that with video games and movies being their only influence on the matter they can’t exactly choose correctly under stress. Better I take a few bullets moving them to cover then they take a few hiding behind what the movies and games tells them is cover.

    • My very first thought when I saw this video, before I pushed Play…This must be Brazil.

      I do not have young children and on the occasion when my step son visits we can provide cover for each other.

      If I did have youngsters I would put them on the floor and let them find cover or concealment or neither. It is a good bet that my outgoing fire at the BG would be all the distraction necessary to protect them from incoming, certainly better than holding one in my arms.

      How do you train for this? Hold a 10 lb bag of flour in the crook of your weak arm?

      • “How do you train for this? Hold a 10 lb bag of flour in the crook of your weak arm?”

        To replicate the inevitable screaming and thrashing about (gunshots being LOUD), make it a greased piglet during those drills…

        *snicker* šŸ˜‰

  3. Probably not use them like body armor.

    I dont know what this guy was thinking.

    I have told my family to get away from me, out of line of sight of the perp, and behind something that will stop a bullet ….if possible.

  4. I don’t have any children at home now, but there is a serious likelihood that children would be somewhere in the vicinity of any DGU outside my home. There is probably little chance that someone could get the children to cover or protect them much in the chaos. But we can always try.

    I’m not sure it is something we can train for, outside of marksmanship. Shot placement would be even more important in that case. There are no guarantees, and allowing a killer to proceed because we are afraid of hitting the wrong person is not acceptable to me. I sincerely hope I’m never faced with it.

  5. Human shields. Kids are one thing where you can always make more.

    They’re basically self propelled meat armor.

        • I never expect less from moral cowards, they simple have nothing less to give… check out jwm’s elaborate excuses blaming everyone else for HIS lack of moral courage

          jwm did wrong but in his ā€œmindā€ everyone else is to blameā€¦

          ā€œEverything we did in those faraway lands, good or bad, we did in the name of folks like ehren, rob and comrade more dead soldiers. We did it in their names and under their orders. The American military is under the leadership of the American pols and people.

          We did nothing without their approval beforehand. And if they did not approve then they should have had the moral courage to try to stop what they thought was wrong. Refuse to pay your taxes. Renounce your citizenship and move to another country.

          Until they have taken actual steps to remedy what they see as wrong they do not have the right to judge others.

          My service was over 4 decades ago and Iā€™m still proud of the men I served alongside.ā€

        • FearLunaticWithAThousandNames. I told the truth. And you’ve had lots of chances to tell me one example, just one, of your great show of “moral courage”. Just one.

          But you can’t, can you. You’re an angry, jealous pissant. Nothing more. Nothing less.

  6. “Question of the Day: What Would You Do With Your Kids During a Defensive Gun Use?”

    While I don’t have any “children”, I do have a service dog, so same difference, IF there is time and opportunity, hand him off to an employee(presuming I’m in a store), if time does not allow that, secure him behind me and engage the target(s), as a rule, I NEVER hold his leash in my right hand(strong side), thus allowing me to access my firearm unencumbered…

  7. Threaten the bad guys with the children amped up on sugar and given a kittenā€”then comes the legal guardianship paperwork (college, dowry, wedding reception, bratty grandchildren)ā€”if they donā€™t throw down their guns and straighten up and fly right….

  8. When an attack is sudden and “in your face”, your attacker will promptly incapacitate you if you are not actively defending yourself. And if you are incapacitated, you have ZERO ability to protect your children who pretty much have zero chance of survival on their own versus an unopposed attacker. Either way, your children are basically on their own: better that they are on their own with you actively engaging an attacker. That being the case, I am going to focus on stopping the attacker if someone is suddenly in my face and attacking.

    If an attack is more generalized and distant, I am going to focus on moving my children to safety before I engage a generalized attacker.

    • I reckon you folks fantasizing about getting into a gunfight ARE THE CHILDREN.

      Mature reasonable folks would never dream of starting a gunfight with their kids on scene; obviously non-gun-nuts completely cooperate as nothing you own is comparable to your invaluable children…

      … although, in the case of YALLS children who youve indoctrinated to sneak up on animals and kill them with weapons and then pose smiling with the corpse, and all manner of lunacy about the 2A granting them the right to own any weapon ever developed… was it Sheridan or Sherman who said “nits make lice” to justify slaughering indigeneous kids? Since yalls kids are only doomed to become dangerous delusional gun-nutty adults like their blighted parents maybe the best thing is for yall to start as many gunfights as you can with your kids close by… : D

      • Kind of hard to take someone’s argument seriously when they can’t even spell y’all and y’all’s correctly. Nobody here would start a gunfight, kids or no kids. But most of us would damned sure finish one if some miscreant starts one as in the video. Especially if necessary to stop a threat to our kids or grandkids.

      • FearMySubstantiveChallenge,

        This is called planning or thought experiments, not fantasizing.

        And no one that I know has any desire to START any kind of fight (with or without firearms) with their children in the immediate vicinity.

        The only reason that I would consider shooting at an attacker (when legally justified) is implementation of the mantra, “The best defense is a good offense.”

  9. in complete seriousness this is something my wife and i have gone over with our children multiple time over the years. Since they were old enough to be mobile and aware we have gone over this. the oldest, now 23, understands that if he chooses not to carry a firearm, or even if he does choose to get his cwp, that his official designation is mobile meat shield for the younger ones. Should he choose to carry he is the mobile meat shield that acts as the last line of protection. From there it ranges down, oldest to youngest, as the designated bullet sponge. We have also also gone over, repeatedly, E&E and the difference between cover versus concealment (dog food works better than toilet paper, and fresh dead bodies make excellent sandbags and camouflage), and just how much damage you can do as a last resort with the items on the shelf of an average grocery store or gas station. As a last resort we have trained them in firearm proficiency since they were old enough to work a magazine release. Without a real live event, and we are not looking for one, you don’t know how well it will work.

    meanwhile, gods protect us, my I and or my wife are the designated distraction. Our job is to draw as much attention as possible in the direction away from the family and if possible end the threat. If the gods are kind and luck is on our side we will die in our beds at an advanced age surrounded by loved ones, but we believed it was better to be prepared than panicked. when the fecal matter hits the rotary impeller you need to have an action plan ready, not wing it.

    • Our plan is similar, but less defined. My wife and three oldest know to get away from Dad and take younger ones/innocents, with them. If she is with me, mama bear leads them away from danger and papa bear moves to attack. If mama bear is alone, then watch out bad guy….

  10. Like everybody has said, I would put myself between as much distance as possible from them.

    Regarding the video: Further proof that just because you can have kids doesn’t mean you should. Not only was that child put into a situation where he could have had his head blown off because of his own father, his hearing is likely damaged beyond repair.

  11. If you send your loved ones off and it’s an aloha snackbar situation where body count is the goal you may have diverted the gunman/men’s attention to them by their movement.

    Do not send them to cover. Escort them to cover. And keep yourself between them and the threat until the threat is over.

    You can play Rambo when you’re alone.

    • I guess the assumption is that you are taking fire.

      Would you still be escorting while the perp is unloading a Glock mag in your direction (and theirs)?

      Not judging … just asking

      • What ifs. What if you send your loved ones running while you attack the gunman and it turns out he’s not alone? You hear gunfire 2 aisles over and its your kids dying?

        What ifs. I’ll keep my loved ones where I can defend them. I’ll stay with them and any running and dodging we’ll do together.

        • Typical immature fantasizing from weak boy-men… Folks point guns to bully you into giving up your possessions and you should ALWAYS comply, nothing you own is worth risking hideous wounds or anyones lives.

          And heres a little secret, your wives are only playing along because they realize your little fantasy makes you feel like a big boy and gives some paltry meaning to your small life(though there is a small chance your wives are certifiable like you in which case I pity the children… )

          In a sane world the FBI would track all of you and send Child Protective Services around for a visit!

        • Yes…what if..
          All future situations are ” what if” scenarios…even if you have been in a similar situation.
          That’s why i was asking. Thanks for offering your reasoning..

        • Typical immature fantasizing from weak boy-men… Folks point guns to bully you into giving up your possessions and you should ALWAYS comply, nothing you own is worth risking hideous wounds or anyones lives.

          And heres a little secret, your wives are only playing along because they realize your little fantasy makes you feel like a big boy and gives some paltry meaning to your small life(though there is a small chance your wives are certifiable like you in which case I pity the children… )

          In a sane world the FBI would track all of you and send Child Protective Services around for a visit!

        • LittleBoyWithAThousandNames. So you’re a physical as well as moral coward. Makes you frightened to think of folks standing up and fighting back.

          Don’t worry. We don’t expect you to be an adult and accept adult responsibility. With your low intellect you’d probably shoot yourself in the foot if you tried.

  12. The video doesn’t show the beginning of the incident. I’m guessing his child was already in his arms (not enough information available). Would you prefer he dropped him on his head if that was the case? My first assumption is that the guy was trying to flee with his kid. That would certainly be my first choice if practicable in any circumstance, but much more so if my son was with me.

    • That’s what I took away from the video as well, he got caught up and reacted the only way he could at the moment…you see as soon as he’s able, he passes the child off to his wife…

  13. So I guess this poster thinks you will have time to do something with the kids? It would be nice, but I would not count on it!

  14. To me that kid looks like a toddler in diapers. Wouldn’t know “Stay there” from “Sick ’em.” Personally, I wouldn’t have taken the shot, and gotten cover. But, it seems it was a success for the policeman.

    It’s all in knowing your strengths and weaknesses.

  15. “What Would You Do With Your Kids During a Defensive Gun Use?”

    I don’t have little ‘uns. But if I did, before the DGU, I’d tell them to run away. Afterwards, I’d take them out for ice cream.

  16. Dunno’ what I’d do as my 4 sons are all grownup. I’d hope they’d protect their aging dad and mom. But dad & mom are armed so I wouldn’t count on it. I did have the opportunity to defend them when they were little but THAT was with a baseball bat…

  17. Some of my kids carry also, and we all shoot. I most cases we would seek cover while trying to exit the building, with cover fire if needed

  18. What would I do with my toddler in that situation ? Give him my back up gun and tell him to cover me.

  19. The only way to stop at bad toddler with a gun is a good toddler with a gun!
    All kidding aside, that is a tough situation to be in
    If you just surrender as the troll keeps suggesting, the terrorist/criminal may kill you anyway
    Putting the decision if your children live or die in a criminals hands is unacceptable to me
    I guess I would put my children down and tell them to run while I Stay behind to give them cover

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