The TTAG editorial team is busy gathering at our secret above ground bunker to collate medical supplies for JWT’s rescue mission to Houston. Our resident war hero will pop his 18′ canoe on his 21′ Tundra, stash med supplies in the back and head to Bayou City this afternoon. Armed. With . . .

His Lone Wolf non-GLOCK GLOCK. ‘Cause it functions well underwater. But there’s still time for a rethink and a quick trip to the safe or local FFL. Suggestions?


  1. I’d pack my 9mm Steyer just cause I shoot it better than any other pistol I have ever shot.

  2. One Glock with a lot of ammo should do just about anything you need. I’d use a lanyard since he will be on the water.

  3. That’s a pretty easy one, the AR-15 modern sporting rifle. It was designed to function in a hundred degree fahrenheit temperatures with 100% relative humidity. Since these conditions will be close in the Texas Southern areas due to the accumulation of water, and the hot sun cooking it into humidity. Really no other rifle even comes close.

  4. I hope, for his sake, that Mr. Taylor cringes every time you refer to him as your “resident war hero”.

    Good luck Jon. We’re all counting on you.

  5. I’m not a fan of Glocks. That said, I wouldn’t bring a long gun to leave in the canoe or carry on my person. Maybe I’d take a full size 9MM OWB, but probably I’d just take my conceal carry and a couple extra magazines. So his EDC is probably just perfect.

  6. A rifle…..any rifle in a rifle caliber. Did I mention a rifle?
    Pistols are for backup.

    • In this type of situation when crap hits the fan, it’s better to have a rifle than a pistol of any kind. You’re basically carrying a weapon in extremely hazardous conditions from the atmospheric conditions two people you may encounter. You do not want to get in a pistol battle with another person with a handgun over your family’s lives or your personal belongings. There’s a reason for the term peace through Superior Firepower. There’s another term we used in the military use your pistol to fight your way back to your rifle. Your rifle is going to give you Superior Firepower longer range distances, and more stopping power. Because basically you’re carrying a rifle not just two or a firearm I should say not just to protect your person but to protect your family and you need every bit of extra Firepower you can muster when it comes down to a situation going bad in these conditions where you just can’t simply call the police for backup. Look what happened in Katrina.

      • You rifle guys are nuts. He’s helping rescue people from rising flood waters in driving rain. A long gun isn’t going to help anything in this situation. Other rescuers, law enforcement, civilian government employees and the rescuees themselves are all going to freak out seeing a guy with a freaking AR-15 in a canoe. The looters are pu$$ies who will run at the first sight of a dude with a pistol. I’m more concerned about not having a jon boat and attempting canoe assistance.

        I give you crap instagram, but going to Houston to help is solid.

        • I carried a rifle for 3 years and M16 A2 and Iraq in an M4 for another three almost. You can carry a rifle very easily when it’s slung over your back with a sling. I served with the National Guard before joining active duty with the army for over five years as well and went through many hurricanes with flood water and still carried my M16 A2. If you can’t carry a 7 pound rifle in another couple pounds worth of ammunition I’d like to see you pick a swimming or drowning person up out of the water and put them on a boat. If you can’t manage a rifle on a sling while rescuing people you have no business rescuing people or anything you should worry about rescuing yourself.

        • Congratulations on being stronger and more experienced than everyone else. We’re all super impressed and properly emasculated.

          All sarcasm aside. I have carried an issued M-16 and M-4 and M9 for military service. I wouldn’t try to swim to save a drowning person in combat boots. I wouldn’t want to have a rifle slung across my back sliding over my wet clothes while I try to dig a person, pet, or object out. I wouldn’t go into a hurricane wearing my body armor either. It has nothing to do with being in need of rescue. It has to do with balancing things you might need while keeping your overall weight down. The more you carry, the quicker you get fatigued and the fewer people you can help. Period.

          Outside of those obvious reasons, it seems that JWT is going to be walking into places that might not allow open carry and so he’s limited to conceal carry. I’d also be willing to wager that he isn’t in military unit with the personnel and equipment support that comes along with such a thing.

      • A rifle you carry is a rifle in the way and a rifle left in the boat is both useless and a theft risk. I couldn’t picture going from sitting to standing to wading through water to handing out food and supplies while carrying a rifle that’s not a huge hindrance

        • This isn’t war or a video game Hoffa.

          I’ve been in this situation before (Hurricane Andrew) – this is no place for long guns.

      • I wouldn’t normally criticize a fellow poster here, but that is some of the most full of shit nonsense I’ve ever heard. I grew up on the gulf coast and have been through hurricanes since Camille. This isn’t combat. You’re not getting into long range engagements.

        Jesus H. Christ.

  7. In these circumstances where both firearms and ammo will be underwater, walking thru water chest deep etc, would sure like to know how to waterproof the ammo. Are there commercial rounds that are treated to be waterproof ? Heard nail polish around primer and case mouth might do it, but not sure.

    • Military round such as 5.56 NATO and 7.62 NATO are already water-resistant the actual bullet is coded where it connects with the case with a polyurethane type sealant along with the primer Pockets being sealed that’s what that red looking paint like substance you see on primer pockets in military style rounds. You can simply use clear nail polish on Commercial ammunition on to the primer pocket over the primer and down into the crevices and around where the bullet goes into the brass or nickel plated casing and that will waterproof your rounds if you’re carrying an AR-15 or a Glock or a polymer top type pistol you’re good to go not much worry about those being affected by complete submersion in water along with the AR-15 platform as well. Eugene Stoner worked out all the bugs with the AR-15 taking baths and rice patties back in 1964.

      • We’ve been using clear nail polish since it was created all that stuff is that you see on Midway and Brownells is clear nail polish it may have another additive in it but that’s all it is it’s a sealant and that’s what clear nail polish does it seals the pores on the females nails and that’s what gives it a gloss shine. Save yourself the money and the trouble of ordering something go down to Walgreens and buy a bottle of clear nail polish what the little girls put on their nails in like 5th grade for about $2.90 and do yourself a favor.

    • Any properly loaded ammunition is water proof…to a point. That point may be weeks or years, but it’s better than you’d think. The tolerances for soft metal pressed into softer metal create a nearly air-tight, and definitely water-tight, seal. The only point of failure would be corrosion, and you’re going to have a long time before that happens.

  8. I feel like open carrying could scare off people needing help. Are there going to be multiple guys on the boat with rescue or first aid signs?

    Either way, its really cool your trying to help

    • I know this may sound a little weird, but whatever you do to you all down there in South Texas please keep your feet dry. You can use baby powder to dry your feet after being wet. There will be a lot of micro bacteria in the water that is standing coming from septic tanks overflowing trash floating through the water puddles. This bacteria will get inside your wet shoes and socks and we’re up against your feet like all wet socks will do when wearing boots or shoes and will cause open sores on your feet where this micro bacteria can get into your feet and cause you or your feet I should say to swell up and ache and so much pain that you can’t walk on them. Constantly change shoes out and socks and keep your shoes up on your dashboard of your vehicle so that they will dry out. You very well could get Emulsion foot or what they call them World War 1 trench foot. This was caused by soldiers wearing wool socks and combat boots for months at a time with their feet being immersed in water that had bacteria in it. The best way to prevent this is to get yourself a cheap pair of concrete Boots the rubber boots and where these barefoot and when you’re out of the water make sure you dry your feet completely and immerse them with baby powder even medicated baby powder will help a little better. Don’t want to see a bunch of you fellas and ladies go down in Texas from foot infections they are very very nasty. I got one in Panama while training with the 82nd Airborne and literally put me in a hospital for 40 days.

      • Good advice, but I’ll add to it. Coat your feet, especially between the toes, with a thick layer of A&D ointment (find it among the diaper rash creams) – or a zinc oxide diaper rash ointment. Cover with two pair of socks. This will prevent water from soaking your feet for quite some time. When you have the opportunity, remove the socks and dry your feet thoroughly, again with extra attention to between the toes. If you are going back out into the water, reapply the ointment and put on clean socks if possible. When you are all done in the water, soak your feet in warm soapy water and dry thoroughly… pay attention to the toes. Then apply some Gold Bond powder and clean socks as you head out to the congratulations party. 🙂 Dollar store sells a home brand of the Gold Bond powder that is as good as the name brand, so don’t use mere baby powder instead. It’s not the same thing.

        The nurse…

        • An old crazy Cajun always suggested soaking you feet it tequila to stop infections. He also suggested a couple of shots just in case of snake bite.

        • Good call Mama.
          A good set of chest waders is a good idea.
          A chest rig to hold whatever gat you choose to carry should keep it out of the water most times.

          Be careful out there Jon. You will be wading through a sewage fest.
          Wish I was closer. I’d be right there with you. (Former paramedic/EMT-4)

    • A revolver is a fine gun to take. The open carry of a revolver would be far more reasonable than the open carry of a rifle and revolvers are really great at handling different loads like snake shot.

  9. No rifles. I will be in and out of different vehicles, with different people, and inside shelters, hospitals and other places that may not technically allow firearms. Whatever I have has to be on my body and concealed.

    • Since this is not your first rodeo (obviously) I’m assuming you also have a good EMT type rescue knife for cutting through things like seat belt webbing?

    • “No rifles.”

      You may want to re-consider a takedown rifle of some sort.

      I’ve heard reports of thieves ‘playing possum’ as flood victims and robbing rescuers.

      A little ‘Reach out and touch someone’ could prove handy to have.

      See if you can borrow something like a Ruger 10/22 takedown, it doesn’t look like a rifle in that case…

      • If they’re pretending to be in need of rescue then they won’t drop the act til you’re at bad breath distance. At which point it’s pistol and knife time.

  10. I hope he will be bringing a helmet, especially if he might enter damaged structures. I suggest mounting a waterproof Go-Pro on it, to document everything.

  11. I’m with The Gray Poseur, what are you thinking with a canoe? Tippy and hard to get in and out of out on the water. Almost anything seems better than a canoe. As for the gun, any full size (15 to 20 rounds) duty style sidearm that you have at least 4 extra mags seems okay. That said, good luck and god bless.

    • The canoe isn’t for me, it’s for the supplies. Do you know how you carry 300lb worth of medical gear through 4′ of Water? By towing it in a canoe.
      Not my first rodeo.

      • Plus, you take what you have. If all you have is a canoe, that is far better than an inflatable air mattress.

        Also, canoes can go into extremely shallow water, possibly as shallow as 3 inches. And their light weight will be a godsend on the myriad “portages” that you are certain to encounter.

        Just make sure you have a water purifier (that can handle viruses as well) so that YOU can stay hydrated.

        • No. I, like thousands of other Texans, am volunteering. It’s costing me money.
          You’ve said many times that you’re not here to help. Fortunately, you seem to be in the minority.

      • “The canoe isn’t for me, it’s for the supplies.” And good on you for going to help. As I see it–and man do I hope I’m wrong about this—people hold up in houses are going to start running out of readily available supplies pretty soon. And this means that things could go south pretty quick. Couple that possibility with a loon like Art Acevedo for police chief and you have very easily have a situation of rising violence combines with an official demand that rescuers stop carrying guns into flooded areas. Something easily concealable and easily replaceable might work best. An LCP or SCCY comes to mind.

      • “The canoe isn’t for me, it’s for the supplies. Do you know how you carry 300lb worth of medical gear through 4′ of Water?”

        See if you can scare up a pair of rubberized waders.

        Could prove handy.

  12. My first gun purchase was an HK USP40c. It has a kydex OWB holster that accommodates the Streamlight TLR-1s mounted to the rail. It is my current nightstand gun, and I have practiced with it more than any other handgun. I am pretty sure that if a bomb landed on my house, it would be one of the only things tough and reliable enough to be picked out of the rubble still functioning. That’s what would be on me at all times.

    I’d probably also bring my 12″ LaRue 5.56 upper in an SBR configuration, stamp or no stamp. A good sling, Aimpoint PRO, PMAGs. It’s light, handy, and weather resistant.

  13. Honestly don’t know but a hidden semiautomatic pistol and hidden ammo would top my list. Godspeed and if you can ‘t physically go contribute to relief to a REPUTABLE agency/ charity.

  14. Something that floats.

    <Imagines wading chest-deep through backed-up sewage…>

    Something inexpensive that floats.

  15. What did the 82nd Airborne carry during their rubber boat missions in the aftermath of Katrina? M9’s? Grapnel launchers? Chainsaws?

    News reports here say the PoPo are checking bags of everyone coming into the shelter for contraband, including gats.

  16. Hey does anyone that lives in Texas got an idea of how many people need help in that area? Is Red Cross and FEMA on scene already? Are they asking for volunteers with boats to come from close by States and lend assistance if they are EMT paramedic or military trained? I live on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico and I have already pulled my 32 ft center console out of the water and put it on the trailer and fueled it up and filled Reserve fuel tanks and freshwater Wells so I got about another 3 hours of loading and I can be on my way if needed I just don’t want to show up and be turned around like they did to US during Katrina and Louisiana. But if you all need a hand and some help getting to High Ground I would be very much interested in bringing some military personnel and some church folks out with a bunch of boats and help get some people out to dry land if needed be.

    • Tens of thousands of people need help. It is still raining. We are talking 50 inches of water over an area the size of Delaware. And again, it is still raining. Yes, the Texas search and rescue network is asking for large boats. Go online and coordinate with them.

      • Rodger that, going now over to my uncle’s to pick up his 12ft zodiac and it’s motor… To give me a little bit more advantage on depth of water if I needed to get into a small area and retrieve people get them back to the main boat. Thank you very much for the information. I’ll be on my way in less than 2 hours. Y’all hang in there God bless you very much and we’re coming to help!

      • Not 50″ of water, 50″ of rain. The pics of 4′ deep water were gone yesterday. I’ve seen tractor trailers with water up to their roofs. If you still have time to go to an FFL, you still have time to go to a boat dealer. Yer gonna need a bigger boat.
        And kudos for helping.

    • The “Texas Navy” as well as the “Cajun Navy” are still in need of shallow draft boats to pull folks out of flooded areas.

      • I think both have websites that update critical local information. Last I heard there was a universal call for people with boats to help.

        • It would seem little duck hunting John boats would be of good use about now down there. For sure an ugly situation. I think that Taylor is doing what many of us wish we could. Prayers and cash sent to the right people are probably the most useful right now.

  17. Robbert, do you have any insight on what’s going on other than what I see on the news?

  18. A Glock is good, because they’re tough, reliable, and nobody gives a rats ass if you lose it forever. I’d take that or an HK USP. Whatever you end up taking, I’d also make sure to armor up. Whether soft, concealed armor or plates in a carrier, I’d definitely wear something.

    Especially if I’m toting around a canoe filled with medical supplies.

  19. I would try to have some sort of rifle available in your canoe Mr. Taylor. Within a fairly short period of time, some people will be pretty desperate. They might see your canoe full of stuff and figure they have an excellent opportunity to score some essentials. (They would have no idea that your stuff was medical supplies which would be basically worthless to them.)

    Of course you would hope that your handgun would be enough. In case it isn’t, better to have a rifle.

    Oh, and I would have at least four magazines for your semi-auto handgun.

  20. Walther PPQ Navy would be my choice. I’ve seen a video where they shoot a full magazine through the thing while it’s fully submerged, reload (still underwater) and go again.

  21. I would vote for the Glock with the lanyard, but would add a weapons light. With power out, once it gets dark, it gets very dark. While I am in favor of a long gun I don’t think the threat level requires it. Your firearm is for self defense and breaking contact in this case. That said I would consider something that can easily be broken down and concealed in a low profile bag. Such as an AR or a SUB2000. It also should not leave his person, cable locking it to a canoe just means that the canoe and the long gun get stolen together. Add a high vis vest or much as it pains me to say PT belt to your carry gear in order to get A/C attention if needed.

    • Sounds in line with what came to my mind. It’s hard to see much of anything else besides a Glock as a primary. If any kind of long gun is worth consideration a Sub-2k in matching caliber + Glock Mags could fill that role and still tuck away in a pack. But I’d weigh that (literally) against everything else that needs to go.

      Weapon light is a nice touch, although I’d start with a pair of standard waterproof LED headlamps. It’s hard to overstate the benefit of being hands-free; with that much water I’d want a headlamp.

  22. I live in Houston and I carry a 9 mm Glick everyday. 43 in my case but any 9 mm Glock is my preference. Second choice is an AR with a low powered variable scope.

    • Elvin, my uncle lives on the Houston Bay, the one that Huston uses to drain all of its access water into. And because of the storm forcing water back into that body of water I was just worried about him do you know if the house is along the bay are still there or are they totally flooded? I haven’t been able to get him on his cell phone because towers are down or overloaded. I’m in my Bronco on my way now with my boat and my zodiac.

      • James Earl Hoffa,

        Send your uncle a text message rather than trying to establish a voice call. Text messages require a trivial amount of cellular network capacity and are most likely to succeed when cellular networks are overloaded or operating in degraded fashion.

        Also important: cellular networks can send/receive text messages at the greatest possible range. If local towers are out of commission, distant towers may provide enough signal strength to deliver text messages even though they don’t provide enough signal strength for voice.

  23. I would definitely bring a pocket pistol as well to carry at all times. I would hate to be in a situation where I need to go into a hospital or something and I get called out for open carry and asked to disarm. I could publicly stow my glock but still be armed with something. A rifle seems impractical for this, but a keltec sub2k could be carried discreetly in a pack while folded, share ammo and mags with you glock. I’ve never participated in something like this but it seems like being discreet about being armed would be a priority. Also a helmet.

  24. Edit: Oops, missed patrulje68’s comment. He’s spot on.

    Hmm, didn’t see this above, so I guess I’ll put it forth; something that will remain secure on your body no matter what position you are in, and, preferably, something with a (French police style) tether, so that if it ever does happen to come off your body, it is still attached and retrievable.

    I’m of a mind to think that the situation warrants a pistol (like the not-a-Glock), rather than rifle (because the focus is on rescue, not on doing battle), but that is personal preference and absolutely subject to change based on the particular situation. Either way, though, having it firmly affixed to your body (with redundancy) is certainly called for.

    If you have a means of securely locking a long gun in the rig in a manner that is concealed, then it may not be a bad idea to bring such a gun along so that change ups are possible. Given that you will be away from the rig for a long time, though, It should certainly be both well secured and well concealed for that to be viable.

  25. I’d take a ladder and my Hi-Power.

    You’re gonna need a short ladder to get people off their roof from a canoe.

  26. In addition to what you have, a short shotgun; break action or double barrel would be fine. A few slugs for gators and bird shot for snakes. In the last flood to hit around where I grew up, they had issues with water moccasins falling from trees and power lines onto the rescue workers and news crews, or trying to get in their heavily laden boats.

  27. God forbid you do have to reload but if you do retain your magazines. I heard a story of people dropping their empty mags in Katrina and you may eventually run out.

    God bless and best of luck to you!

  28. Twin 50 mounted on the roof of an MRAP in a rotating turret. The looting has begun. One looter made the mistake of entering an occupied house yesterday–took one to the head for his trouble.

  29. A service pistol like the Glock is an excellent choice. While I would prefer to take an AR-15 if I were going down there to evacuate family I agree that it is highly impractical if you’re there to provide aid and comfort to the residents of Houston.

    If I were going down there to provide aid I would probably not hesitate to take the ‘pawn store rescue’ Marlin 30-30 or a Mavrick 88 because no one will look twice at the sight of either and neither are particularly valuable.

  30. Regarding water resistance for modern ammo, I did a little testing – I’m a motorcycle commuter in the Pacific Northwest and while we have had our hottest driest summer on record so far, we do get a bit of rain from time to time 🙂

    I tested 9 and 45 offerings from Gold Dot and Federal HST and after days of water immersion all fired fine. Hornady Custom in 380 with the XTP bullet is well thought of for 380s but it does not have a sealed primer apparently – it failed to fire.

    Gold Dot and HST are marketed as LE ammunition, thus I think by default they’re sealed. I believe that Hornady Critical Duty is – Critical Defense is not at least per their website.

  31. Has anyone heard of any “emergency safety orders” regarding firearms, or the restriction thereof, among volunteers, or at shelters/evacuation centers/etc?

  32. Don’t have any experience with this but the Glock seems like a great choice. Based on my available arsenal I’d take my Springfield XD Mod.2 Service in 9mm. It’s a little bigger than my normal EDC but for a trip like this I’d want the extra capacity (16+1) and accuracy with the longer sight radius. God speed!

  33. Answer is none. Want to help? Give the Red Cross a check. There is no place for medic Rambo. Stay home and out the way.

    • Tiger.

      Have you ever heard of the 2010 nashville floods. It was a flooding event on the same scale as what’s happening in Houston. The volenteers who showed up were critical resources for the EMA/ems//fire/police. They brought,and bridge supplies while the local EMA,Red Cross, Team and FEMA were establishing supply lines. It’s people like JWT who came. I personally worked with people from 10 different states who just drove in to help over the months while we rebuilt.

      If I could I would be packing up and going too.

      Jtw. Your pistol choice is good. If you have a sub2000 Glock version. it might be good to take It could easily be concealed, good for urban environment and you don’t have to increase your ammo load out that much.

      Retired fire fighter
      Red Cross Volunteer
      And survivor of multiple hurricanes

    • Funny. Local officials are stating otherwise, asking anyone with a boat to come help. They are completely overwhelmed. I listened to radio chatter for several hours today. Reports of multiple people actively drowning in one area because the rooftops were covered, at the same time 500 people in an apartment complex were in need of immediate evacuation. You are clearly not informed. As a former SAR member and certified first responder, I can tell you this is not SOP, but the situation is totally out control. Keep sitting in your armchair and preaching at others to do nothing. One day when you need help, you’ll be thankful for the people that have the balls to make a difference.

      • While well meaning, uncoordinated efforts by independent operators simply add to the chaos of the event. Your also more folks needed to be sheltered & fed in a area lacking that. Between the professional teams, Coasties, Texas Guard, Red Cross & local EMT’s/fire units they have manpower on the job. Arming up to play Looter shooter is a headache, not a help. A check book may not be as glamorous, but it is a more useful expending of energy & resources.

  34. Not related to guns, but it strikes me that wading through feet of water might benefit from borrowing a page from canyoneering:

    Canyon packs are designed with the assumption that you will occasionally need to schlep all of your gear through deep pools. And when you do that, your pack *will* fill with water. For that reason, purpose-build packs usually feature a mesh bottom to quickly drain water when you get back to dry land. The DIY equivalent is to punch a few stainless grommets in the bottom of the pack to let the water drain. Use something like dry bags or pelican cases inside the pack to protect the stuff that can’t take getting wet.

  35. Rifle:A .223 AK, piston-operated so doesn’t blow up when gas system is full of water, toggle mag releases encourages mag retention, attach folding stock for easy to stow in narrow spots, .223 so you can always find ammo. Just attach a reliable red-dot, and a flashlight, a good sling and you’re good to go!

    Handgun: hate to admit probably a G19 with a laynard

    Shotgun: Single or double barrel break action 12 ga with a caliber kit for .22.

  36. None. If you are thinking about your own safety then you shouldn’t be out there.

    I am a Red Cross volunteer and will be arriving in Texas tomorrow unarmed because if you work under the Red Cross you don’t carry and besides Texas might as well be NYC for me. They don’t have reciprocity with Wisconsin or Minnesota so I wouldn’t be carrying even if the Red Cross allowed it. Sometimes you have to suck it up to do good.

    • Cool story bro. Give me a waive if you see me in the streets.
      Former red cross volunteer
      Former red cross shelter manager
      Always armed.
      Always appreciate of help, even if they are (gasp!) armed.

  37. I think he should take along Hermann Goering’s gold and ivory PPK. He is not going to be shooting people and it is a nice conversation piece. Barring that, one of Elvis’s handguns.

    • That “boating accident” has already in all seriousness probably come true down there. What a complete shit show. That being said, tough as nails Texans have always rode the hard drive out. I bet most of them in the end land on their feet somewhere near the mythical lands of Dodge City or Abilene.

  38. Pistol
    Shottie w breaching muzzle thingie

    LOTS OF GASOLINE in jerry cans
    First AID
    2 life jackets
    case of baggies

    extra ammo for ANTIFA and looters.

  39. For what it’s worth you have to consider not only the two legged predators but four legged as in alligators, snakes, and sharks. All of these can take you out if all you have is a canoe. I would pack any one of the following three: Remington 870 Express Tactical, Mossberg 500 Tactical Persuader, or Mossberg 930 SPX. Yes, it’s a long gun. But the ability to fire a variety of loads capable of taking out any of the aforementioned predators or threats justifies it! Equip it with ghost sites and laser, and you have a solid defensive or offensive weapon.

    • Seems to me that rescue operations would need at least one or more designated critter watchers. I can’t imagine trying to perform rescues or medical procedures while watching out for snakes, alligators or looters… I’m not even going to contemplate sharks… seems a real stretch. Everyone should be armed, that’s a given, but I’d want someone watching my back while I concentrated on first aid or convincing screaming children to come up out of a flooding hole somewhere.

      • Yeah, a second person and a more stable boat would probably increase his safety and effectiveness orders of magnitude more than the difference between the best and the worst firearm for the task. I realize that for whatever reason, that is not an option, or he would be doing that.

  40. Diver’s knife, accessible with one hand strapped to your chest on your PFD (Personal Flotation Device, “life jacket” for you civilians). Maybe a 26.5mm or 12 gauge flare pistol with red signal flares.
    Any rifle is ridiculous. You’re there to save lives, not shoot people, and if you’re too scared of looters, you must be scared shitless and pissless by drowning because you’re 10,000 times more likely to drown.
    If so you’re afraid of getting shot that going there without a firearm makes you wet your pants, then you don’t belong in the flood zone, because in a water rescue you’re in a helluva lot more danger from high water, disease, even mosquitoes than from flood victims. What does the Coast Guard Auxiliary carry when rescuing people? We don’t carry firearms in the Cost Guard Auxiliary. We carry a diver’s knife strapped to our PFD on our chest, accessible with one hand.
    FYI, I served active duty U.S. Army before joining the Coast Guard Auxiliary, and there’s a big difference between rescuing people and going to war. You ain’t going to war, you’re there to save lives. How many Coasties do you see carrying AR-15s while doing water rescues? Ditch the rifle and wear a PFD.
    Someone said, “Remember Katrina.” What about it? In Katrina 1,000 people died from drowning, not gunshots, drowning. How many people in Katrina from not being armed? Zero.
    Leave the guns at home and wear a PFD.

    • P.S.: If you insist on being armed, then a Smith & Wesson Governor would be my choice.
      It can hold a six-round mixture of .410 shot shells (for snakes), .45 Colt, and .45 ACP.
      That’ll be good for snakes, alligators, and even your mythical killer-posing-as-a-flood-victim (which is rumored to exist, but just like Bigfoot, Yeti, and the Loch Ness monster, nobody has proof).
      The S&W Governor is waterproof, made of a scandium alloy with a stainless steel barrel.
      My S&W Governor has survived a flood before, unscathed after 24 hours in standing water (the problem with keeping gun safes in the basement!)
      However, a gun won’t save you from drowning when 4 feet of water suddenly turns rapid or drops off into 12 feet of water, so wear a PFD (life jacket), not “body armor” as some idiot suggested.
      And thanks for volunteering to help. You’ll be risking your life (from drowning, toxic chemicals, disease, and mosquitoes), so kudos to you.

  41. Didn’t read all the responses. But first, take a gun you don’t mind losing. Cause chances are it’ll get wet, it’ll fall out, it’ll be lost, etc. and so forth. Cheapest stainless pistol you got.

    And canoe? Uh, you’re gonna want something a little more stable. Appreciate the help, but link up with other rescuers and ride in someone else’s flat bottom boat.

  42. Double barrel with 00 buck and a 1911. I’m in Houston and that is what is on my fireplace mantle by my chair now.

  43. If I could go, I’d carry my duty gun, a 4 inch S&W Model 686-6 with Hogue round-butt rubber grips in a UM-84R flap holster on my chest with a lanyard. I’d also carry my S&W Model 642-2 in a zipped pocket.

    Boat needs to be something like a Tracker Grizzly 1860.

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