“Some guys look at that and they start to get the heebie-jeebies,” Tom Gresham points out (1:49), pointing to his privates. Well, not really, but you get the point. So to speak. Personally, I have trouble with the idea of a gun aimed at the baby maker and family jewels. No matter how well covered the trigger. And while Rob assures us that the gun isn’t muzzling anything during presentation, I’m not sure that would be true at, say, a Victoria’s Secret after-party. Still I’ll give it a go (appendix carry) after your thoughts (about appendix carry)?


    • Agreed. If you sit at a desk or drive it looks uncomfortable as all hell. Kind of like the small of the back location. I’ll stick with strong side IWB. Standing, sitting, driving, milling about smartly, I can draw.

      • It might actually be a pants thing. I prefer my pants cut to sit above the waist (550 Levis) which would put the hinge point of my body below where the gun muzzle would be resulting in it digging into my leg. Someone wearing hip huggers would have the hinge point much closer to where the gun clips to the waist. It seems like it would just lay flat against your leg then. Seems this would mean appendix carry preference skews towards the younger demographics.

    • +1, well satisfied with my offspring and don’t plan on producing any more, but I’d just as soon keep the equipment anyhow.

    • while I also value mine since I only have two, I could continue life if I lost one. now a hole in my femoral artery might be a party stopper.

  1. Been doing it for the last few months using a CompTac AIWB holster. I like it very much, but I’m in need of a Dale Fricke AIWB holster. I understand its the bee’s knees.

    I never print, I have better control on the gun, and most importantly, I can wear a t-shirt and shorts with it.

    • most importantly, I can wear a t-shirt and shorts with it

      One mistake and you’ll be able to wear a dress with it.

    • I’d carried in this fashion for many years before I graduated to OC. I found the same thing; I didn’t print, even when wearing shorts and T-shirt. No one ever knew I was CC unless I told them.

    • My exact thoughts, and honestly aside from all the d1ck jokes, the gun is more pointed toward my femoral artery in my thigh than my junk. Probably a possibly worse place to take a bullet physically, but not mentally. Either way, lots of bleeding, and with 180gr JHP, how much will it really matter?

  2. No thanks.

    Under no circumstances will I willingly point a .45 or any other caliber at my other equipment.

    Ive little doubt the people who do AIWB have their reasons.My own are simple.I’m much more likely to have a brain fart -or a random piece of clothing- cause an ND then to end up in a high speed low drag gun battle against an ex special forces dirtbag.

    • Was going to say the same thing. If you’ve got some “overhang” appendix carry is probably out.

  3. Only if I don’t plan on sitting down ever!!!! If I deep conceal the barrel digs into my crotch, and if I let the gun ride high the back of the slide digs into my stomach. I may just be too short for that method.

  4. My main issue would be that while sitting, the pressure would be uncomfortable and the muzzle would always be pointing at my human parts. A pistol in most normal carry positions points away from the body (or at least parallel to it) at all times.

    I tried a SmartCarry (with a mouse gun) for a while and it was just too darned scary to think about.

    No way for me…..

    John Davies
    Spokane WA USA

  5. It’s actually crotch carry that somebody named “appendix carry” so that people would do it without fainting. If it was called “Near-Genital Carry,” which would be an accurate description, no man would even think about it without wincing.

    I carry because not having my balls shot off by a bad guy is important to me. YMMV.

  6. I switched to appendix carry and never looked back. I love how the weapon is very accessible to me in a vehicle and I can carry without being worried that if I bend over I’m gonna print like crazy. It does present its own challenges though. Belts are a difficult situation to figure out since the buckle and the clips for the holster need to occupy the same space.

  7. I have the Raven Concealment Vanguard 2. Cutting off the cursed lanyard loop hole protrusion makes it very comfortable. It’s better for me from a retention stand point and it will typically let me get a double stack into a pair of pants that won’t accommodate my IWB holster.

    It’s not my favorite, but it’s a great option to have. It lets me bring a double stack when all I could take otherwise would be a single stack 380.

    • Love this holster and use it every day. This holster allows me to carry thick Glocks like they are a single stack. It has been very secure for the last few months I have been carrying my 26 every day and occasionally the 19.

  8. Not for me. I recommend against it to my students.

    I prohibit it in our GSL Defense Training classes.

    And here’s why:

    Appendix Carry
    by John Boch
    (GunsSaveLife.com) – One method of carry I recommend against is the appendix inside-the-waistband (AIWB) method. It’s been made popular among a lot of younger folks and it’s basically “Mexican” carry on the belt in the front of one’s body using a holster.

    It is fairly comfortable, and conceals well while providing fast access to draw and present the gun when it’s time to shoot.

    The downside is that pesky gun safety rule #1: Keep your muzzle pointed in a safe direction.

    A safe direction isn’t your femoral artery running down your leg.

    All it takes is a moment of distraction, confusion or – in colloquial terms – having a “brain fart” and a negligent discharge may well end your life.

    It happened at a top-notch training group’s class in Northern Illinois in March. It was an instructor development course attended by about ten veteran instructors. It had been a long, tiring day and everyone was “gunning up” before going out to dinner.

    One of the female instructors was distracted talking as she was gearing up with her appendix carry rig. Not paying attention, something got inside the trigger assembly – probably her finger – and it went “bang” (as intended) when she pushed the gun into the holster.

    Those around her were well-versed in the tactical treatment of gunshot wounds – and well-equipped. In fifteen seconds they had two tourniquets on her.

    She still almost bled out.

    The ambulance was a half-mile away and they still almost lost her on the way to the E.R., even pumping fluids into her.

    If that can happen to a veteran shooter and skilled instructor who shoots thousands of rounds each year, do you think there’s a chance it could happen to you as well? And if it does, do you think you’ll have someone there to properly apply a tourniquet on you within 15 seconds?

    I’m guessing probably not.

    AIWC is, in my opinion, simply not worth risking your life every time you reholster.

    • I understand that. But I appendix carry IWB my fullsize Beretta PX4 Storm 9mm. It has an external safety which I have trained and continue to train myself to disengage when I am unholstering the weapon and to engage it when I reholster it. Still if I go into an area where I feel I may have a bigger need to use it, i will disengage the safety while it is in the holster.

      • People generally have their reasons for the things they do, and life is not without its risks, but I have thought carefully about where I put my EDC and it sits just behind 3:00 on my strong side IWB.

        I tried a shoulder holster – too clumsy and hard to conceal. I tried cross-draw – to obvious when you reach for the weapon. I experimented with appendix carry under a cummerbund while managing a movie theater (In a tux). It ALWAYS made nervous. Even when you are standing up the muzzle points at your upper thigh and there are a LOT of reasons you do not want to get shot there, starting with the femoral artery. Even in a miss the muzzle blast would singe some things I am quite fond of in their present undamaged configuration.

        I have and will always strongly advise against this AIWB carry, but I will never tell anyone they must not do it, it’s their choice. But Mecha, I have a question about you draw. You say you flip off the slide safety as you draw. Pay attention and ask yourself this question: at WHAT POINT in the motion of your draw is the safety off and the weapon able to fire? Is the muzzle still pointed at you? How about the re-holster?

        This also seems like a really bad idea for anyone with a Glock or a Glock-style trigger safety only. I think the only way anyone could convince m to appendix carry would be to provide me with a holster that was Level III bullet resistant and even then it would make me nervous every time I drew.

    • My first and foremost biggest fear, and honestly one of the things I read about when I started carrying this way. This has led me to the dilemma of NEVER reholstering my weapon while my holster is inside my pants, always taking it out and placing it back inside and then reinserting into my pants. Lots of truth in your post.

    • If she was using a striker fired gun or god forbid a 1911 I would agree with you. But if you are using a DAO or DA/SA weapon it is much safer. Just keep your thumb on the hammer as you holster. And I am more worried about winning the gunfight then the slightly increased danger of holstering. And appendix carry is honestly one of the fastest ways to draw a concealed weapon. I have had to do PSD details in civies and wasn’t allowed a rifle due to being low profile, appendix is the only way I will carry.

  9. Wonder how many chambered Glock brand Glocks are muzzle cuddling their owners junk as we write? Just waiting for a momentary brain fart to qualify them for their own post on TTAG and a spiffy trophy?

  10. Appendix Carry? All day. Everyday. I carry a P226 MK25. No one notices. A word on caution though, my bike seat and my Sig have made a “nut cracker” once or twice. Brings a tear to my eye…

    If you are afraid of your gun firing in it’s holster, you’re doing it wrong.

    • The problem isn’t the gun going off in its holster. I think most everyone would agree that with a good holster design, no one’s holstered gun is going to shoot itself.

      The problem is the trip between presentation and holster, and with AIWB, the stakes are seemingly higher.
      At worst, a ND while drawing/holstering in the strong side position leads to shooting through the outside of your leg. No major arteries there and you should be fine. AIWB brings the femoral artery into play…

      If you’re comfortable with it, go for it. But for me, I feel better knowing that there is no chance of me getting dead when I holster my firearm.

  11. Appendix carry’s the best way to Mexican carry. Specially if you’re going commando, which you should if you want to be extra tactical.

    You might want to warm the gun up first, though. Specially in the winter.

  12. Yes, I AIWB but only with guns which have a hammer I can ride with my thumb as I slowly holster. For me that means HKs.

    I can effectively conceal a full sized USP or P30 in a good AIWB holster with a foam wedge add on to tuck the gun butt in. I carry at 12:30-1:00, which clears my belt buckle just fine.

  13. I like the ease of draw from AIWB and the idea that if you end up on your back (not unlikely in a fight) that the gun is accessible. BUT, I sit at work for most of the day and AIWB was just about the most uncomfortable way for me to carry. I carry in a CrossBreed IWB between 3 and 5 depending on the gun and it seems to be the best compromise for me.

    • George Zimmerman managed from a 3:00 position while on his back being pummeled and he is not the most highly trained person on the planet.

  14. I’ve tried it before and if it wasn’t for the old spare tire, it would probably be my primary carry method.

  15. I’ve been using appendix carry with a DAO S&W 640 revolver for several years now. With a short barreled gun it’s comfortable, especially if you wear your belt high, like us old farts do. I can see where low riding, hip hugging, metro-sexual, high style pants might be a problem.

    With my choice of gun and a good holster, I feel no safety concerns whatsoever, and the advantages, for me at least, are significant. Even with arthritic shoulders, it’s easy to access and draw. I’m always aware of how my shirt is draping. Unlike most other carry positions, I can draw quickly when seated in an arm chair, or strapped in the driver’s seat.

    Finally, and I realize this falls under the heading of Too Much Information, I have a colostomy, and if I DIDN’T carry right appendix, I would LOOK like I was carrying left hand appendix. The gun bulge balances the poopy pouch bulge. Now go enjoy your lunch.

    • You don’t need a gun, LB. Just pull out the PP and offer to bust it on them. I know I’d back the hell off.

      • You know, the possibility of a TSA agent, in malice or sheer dumbnitude, popping my gas balloon is one of the reasons I haven’t flown in twelve years. The mere presence of the thing is indignity enough, without that sort of foolishness. It’s happened.

        On the plus side, avoiding commercial air travel has led to some fantastic road trips. My wife and I have driven from home to Nova Scotia, on to Newfoundland to visit the Viking settlement site in L’Anse Aux Meadows, down to the dunes at Kittyhawk, an apparently never ending exploration of the High Plains and the Rockies, sailing out of Victoria B.C., and on and on. Staying on the ground is a GOOD thing.

        • I’m with you on the road tripping. Flying is only for when time is just too tight. When I get full time retired I’d like to have a camper or motor home to go with.

  16. If you have a REALLY thin gun and are yourself pretty thin, it might work. Otherwise, man that position hurts.

    • I am chunky and have a chunky full size PX4. I find the position more comfortable. I always hit my hand on the grip at 3 o’clock and don’t trust 4 o’clock enough to put it there. What I mean by that is, anyone behind me that I don’t see can get to the gun.

  17. Absolutely necessary to train for deep concealment in the front – to be able to safely carry, draw, fire, reholster, and if you don’t trust your pistol pointed at your privates, get a new pistol with a better safety mechanism – I put my Glock down there and have no worries at all. I pity the fool who goes into danger unarmed because he/she lacked a proper front deep conceal carry setup – molon labe ~

  18. Not only can you muzzle your Johnson, but you are also dangerously muzzling your femoral artery. That’s really not a good idea. I prefer to muzzle my gluteus if I have to muzzle any part of my body while carrying. I can survive with a hole in there. In the other two, not so much. No appendix carry for me.

  19. AIWB is my go-to carry form if I can’t carry OWB at 3:00. It’s always with a proper holster, and I have no worries about shooting myself. I have practiced holstering and presentation quite a lot with my various holster combinations, and I have never once had a single issue or fear of negligent discharge. I only carry safety-less DAO firearms, and nothing about drawing has my finger on the trigger, and nothing about holstering pulls the trigger either.

    Also, a tuckable AIWB holster *The DeSantis Sof-Tuck is an affordable option that I love* is THE best way to conceal a firearm in hot-weather clothing *minus pocket carry which I don’t personally like because of what you’re limited to*. I have have a wife beater tucked into shorts and the holster on, and then a large T draped over and concealment is not an issue. The wife beater is only to keep the gun/holster away from direct skin contact.

    • I thought I posted this for second. That’s the same setup I carry. AIWB is the only way I can *comfortably* carry without printing like crazy. Crouching is a little difficult but tolerable.

  20. I alternate between AIWB and 3:00 OWB with the same kydex holster.

    You just have to be very careful about reholstering. Look down into the holster before pushing the gun in (I do this regardless of where my holster is).

    Do NOT be like HSLD cory07ink and ram the fucking gun into the holster every time you finish a string of fire. Incredibly unsafe.

    The draw for me is much faster, and the concealment is better for my G19.

    It’s not for everyone, but you may find you like it.

  21. All day every day with a SmartCarry and a Glock 26 or snubnose .38. I wouldn’t carry that way if I was planning to be drawing/reholstering (e.g., a gun class) because safely reholstering isn’t going to happen quickly or easily with a soft holster. I put my gun on with my pants in the morning and take it off when I take my pants off at night and that’s it.

  22. So it seems most people do not carry aiwb the way I do. Firstly I never reholster in appendix with the holster on, I remove the holster first, it’s actually quite easy with my holster. Second when standing and the gun at about 1-1:30 the muzzle is nowhere near my cash and prizes, and when I sit I push my belt holster and gun down so the slide rides along my leg which reduces the chance of a ND going into my leg. I think I remember seeing someone showing how their gun sits in appendix while they are seated, the gun was basically against their belly with the muzzle pressed into their thigh. I would never do this.

  23. I AIWB carry my Glock 36 in a Garrett Silent Thunder. I’m an OWG as opposed to an OFWG due to genetics (as opposed to exercise and discipline) so I find it very comfortable and accessible sitting or standing. My only rule is I never holster the gun while wearing the holster. It’s easy enough to slip a holstered gun in with the Kydex clip and it eliminates one of the weak points of appendix carry (or any carry for that matter).

    Oh, and I’ve been married for almost 40 years so I may not have the same level of focus on my junk as some of you younger guys. I totally respect anyones choice in how they carry. AIWB is not for everyone but it’s not insanity either.

  24. I would disagree about the muzzling and there is a major artery in the line of fire. Also, if a shooting happens, I want to be able to duck behind cover, while retrieving my firearm. I also want to be able to fake a reach for my wallet if being mugged. I’ll pass on appendix carry.

  25. I prefer appendix carry, switched to it a few years ago and never looked back.

    But, it’s not a comfortable position if you have a gut, or sit on your backside most of the day, that’s just the reality of it.

    As far as the “not having a gun pointed at your junk or leg” issue, personally, I don’t see it as one. I prefer to lump it in with the “I won’t carry a gun without a safety” & “I won’t carry a gun with a round chambered” argument.

    Every carry position puts you at risk of shooing yourself, something, or someone else, at some point during the draw or reholster process. Just practice good fundamentals and don’t operate under the assumption you’re going shoot yourself, if you’re uncomfortable, seek training.

    Being competent with your carry gun is more important than what you’re carrying, and the position in which you’re carrying it.

  26. Small of the back, shoulder rig or inside the ankle in an ankle hostler depending on firearm. The main reason apendix cary is out for me is my fat gut would get in the way of both the firearm and the draw.

  27. Being a doctor and having worked in an ER in an urban center, I saw only a handful or people for self- inflicted gunshot wounds. There was a common trend though. They were mostly police/security officers and they all shot themselves in the strong-side leg. This is due to the duty holster and body habitus combining for a pistol pointed at the leg and sometimes the femoral artery. All the injuries I ever treated were finger on the trigger while re-holstering.
    I have not seen an appendix carry injury from anyone who used a holster to carry the gun. I did see someone who was carrying illegally as he was a prior felon shoot himself in the leg carrying the pistol up front. I would not call it appendix carry. It was more of a ghetto fabulous method.
    I bring all this up because I carry appendix.
    What I do like about appendix carry is as follows:
    1) I can draw quickly from my car seat with the seatbelt on from both driver and passenger side (yes I know you should drive away from an attacker first if you can, but sometimes you can’t).
    2) I hurt my shoulder and this method does not hurt as strong side carry for me, and I have recommended it to some of my patients and they have found it works well for them for the same reason.
    3) I print less with this method than with strong side.
    4) I can draw faster when I am on my back, say in a fight on the ground.

    I am a little overweight, so you do not have to be thin to do this and do it comfortably. If you are full blown obese then yes this probably will not work for you. And I kindly request you try to lose the weight as you will more likely die from coronary artery disease than an attacker. Still carry a gun, but take care of yourself.

    I like the Incog from G-Code, but I have used the Vangaurd II holsters as well as an Off the Grid appendix carry holster. I still use the OTG holster for when I carry a Sig, and the Incog for when I carry a Glock.

    It’s not for everyone. But it is a viable option if you are willing to train with it and do a lot of dry fire practice. It really comes down to training and keeping your finger off the trigger until you are pointing the gun at something you want to shoot.

  28. “Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy.”

    With appendix carry, each time you sit your muzzle is pointed in the vicinty of your femoral artery. One can live without a testicle or penis, but one won’t live long with a 9-mm hole in one’s femoral artery.

    Appendix carry violates a basic gun safety rule, especially when carrying a gun like a Glock, which is known to fire in holsters at times.

    • Plenty of people muzzle their thigh drawing strong side, the YouTube video of Tex Grebner with his good ol’ 1911 comes to mind.

  29. I’ve tried it, and it doesn’t work for my physique. I would need to carry at 1 o’clock to clear the leg/ femoral, but there is something above the belt line-my gut–that pushes the grip out where it is plainly visible. I have nice little “pocket” at 2 o’clock that conceals the gun nicely, but then the muzzle grinds into my groin. And that’s with a skinny little Kahr with a 3 1/2 inch barrel. If I could I would, but I can’t so those holsters hit the holster drawer.

    I just received a Kirkpatrick OWB this week, and not only is it a beautiful piece, it doesn’t squeak and conceals perfectly at 3:30 under an overshirt or jacket.

  30. Here’s my problem with it: I would probably be getting attacked from the front. If I go for my gun the bad guy will be able to see that, and might be able to interfere.

    • The bad guy could see you reaching behind your back and begin punching you in the face.

      Being punched in the face with one of your hand behind your back, also, quite the inference.

  31. I carry a wheel gun most of the time, either a 4″ N Frame of 2″ J Frame. If I carry the big gun I like to carry the small one as a BUG and I like the idea of carrying at the appendix much better than carrying a BUG in an ankle holster, no slipping and much more accessible. Since I live in a stupid ‘small’ capacity mag B& state with unclear laws regarding what magazines I can carry (CT) this is becoming more the case for me.

    I generally go pocket for a BUG but sometimes I need the pockets to hold my other crap so the appendix would be a nice option. I also really dislike how inaccessible a pocket can be especially when sitting down or wearing a tighter pair of jeans. Need to get to the gun while sitting down, I don’t think so.

    I’m not too worried about blowing my balls off with a 10lb trigger pull especially with a holster covering it. Never thought about rotating the buckle to be off to the side.

  32. Presently I ankle carry. Not the easiest place to draw from but it’s comfortable, doesn’t print, and I don’t end up leaving it at home because it’s “not working” with whatever I wear that day.

    Interested in trying one of the hybrid holsters @3-5, but just haven’t yet.

    • I make it work. and If it wont work I put something on it will work with. Relegating what wont work to Good Will.

    • Bad Guy- Hey you, see this knife, gimme your wallet!

      Ankle Carry Gun- Hey man, we’re cool, we’re cool, no problem, you can have it… But first, let me bend down and tie my shoe….

      Bad Guy- Ummm…You’re wearing loafers…

      Ankle Carry Guy- F^ck! Ok, here’s my wallet.

  33. I’ll give it a shot. I don’t plan on putting bullets anywhere in me, so not really worried about shooting off the frank and beans, though it is a scary thought.

    • Frank, the whole business of “negligent discharge” is that you were not planning to put that bullet wherever it winds up.

  34. I’m built like a telephone pole. Appendix carry makes me look VERY HAPPY in an off center sorta way. I also carry a 1911 so that much sticking ABOVE the waistband may be false advertising to the ladies.

  35. Set up for cross-draw, it seems to work for me, and doesn’t flag anything if the holster is properly angled. It doesn’t work for every gun/body-shape combo, but seems O.K. for me with a Ruger SP101, 2″ barrel.

  36. I’d worry about my bung hole too. I’m not sure they can reconstruct that and a bag has little appeal to me.

  37. It’s comfortable and conceals very well. However it’s a good way for the BG to pin your arm against your body so you can’t draw. That in turn is good way to send a round down your femoral artery. I don’t see any reason to give the BG such a good day.

    • I have no issues. Muzzle nests nicely in between my groin area and the inside of my thigh. Significantly faster draw time. Just need to be more careful while reholstering. Whereas with a retention or OWB holster you focus on holstering quickly by feel, you do the opposite with an appendix holster; slow down, look at the holster to ensure it is clear, watch the weapon holster and prevent any clothing from getting pulled in. As long as you’re disciplined about keeping your finger off the bang switch while drawing/holstering its a great way to carry.

      CAVEAT; fatter folks will probably not be able to appendix carry.

    • Actually George during retention drills/combatives training my friends and I found it MUCH easier to retain the weapon in the holster while appendix carrying.

  38. I wasn’t thinking about retention, Hal. I was thinking about having your arm pushed against your body so you can’t draw. Kinda like the shoulder holster issue.

    • I see where you’re coming from. Hasn’t been an issue with our training (using red guns of course, safety first). Opponent would have to do more than just trap your arm; they’d have to trap it at the wrist to prevent you from being able to shoot them. Which is tough to do. Also, if the bad guy is close enough to trap your arm I would focus on attacking the limb that is holding the weapon instead of drawing… or creating space. If this concern is the only thing keeping you from appendix carrying then you’re cheating yourself. It’s the bees knees…. Near total concealment of even large pistols and a FAST draw. It’s pretty awesome.

  39. Between the overwhelming desire to not have a firearm anywhere close to pointing at my genitals or my upper leg (which houses some pretty sensitive blood vessels and important bones that I’ve grown to like), and the fact that I’m the proud owner of a beer gut, appendix carry just isn’t happening for this guy.

    • More the latter, I’m assuming.

      Everyone on here is making a Mountain out of a mole hill. A pistol in a kydex AC holster doesn’t magically discharge any more than one in an OWB holster. Reholstering is the only remotely dangerous part of AC and all you have to do is follow some simple procedures to stay in compliance with the four rules. Easy peezy.

      The speed, retention and concealability advantages of AC are huge. Discarding this technique due to a perceived issue is silly. Trust yourself! Have faith in your own self discipline! Has there ever even BEEN an injury due to AC? If you keep your waist under control I would suggest trying it.

  40. If im just running out on a quick errand i appendix carry my Shield in a Gcode INCOG.
    If its going to be a longer outing i usually carry at 4oclock.
    It all depends though. Carring appendix I never have to worry about printing if im bending over or crouching while shopping.
    Using my Old Faithful IWB hybrid holster is the most comfortable for all day though

  41. Not for me.

    Murphys Law #1 – what can go wrong; will.
    Murphy’s law #2 – at the worst time possible.

    And in this case, it would spoil your whole day.

  42. I am fat, but apendix carry, beltline even with belly button to avoid gut overlap issue, using galco sto n go which has wire reinforced lip to keep mouth of holster open for reholster, with snub revolver, full size 1911, full size beretta. Works great in the car, bucket seats and high center console make getting to strong side very difficult. This method keeps my draw stroke consistant across all the guns i carry. Most important is i practice draw and reholster every day. (Unloaded). I can work and play without my shirt riding up or the gun printing every time i bend over or sqwat down. Works on motorcycle too. Just dont reholster too quick if you just got done shooting.

  43. The thing I am getting from this discussion is not to carry a striker fired weapon except in a safety holster on the belt.

    I am much more secure with a revolver or hammer fired auto IWB carry tho i tend to hip carry.

  44. I AIWB with an incog holster holding a glock 17 or an M&P40. I am also on crutches. For me, its the easiest and fastest method of draw. sitting down isnt bad, nor is riding in a car though due to the clip design, it goes on and off without undoing your belt. So it works for me.

  45. I tried it for my LCR with a kydex holster and it was super painful – especially while seated; the plastic dug right into my pelvis. The same holster works better strong side at 10 o clock (leftie) while wearing higher waist relaxed fit pants.

    If you suffer from lower cross syndrome with anterior pelvic tilt (most people) this carry mode is no more concealable than string side. On the other hand, unless you have medially rotated shoulders, drawing from strong side will be faster (though a lot of people have this too)

    For me 10 o clock strong side is the best blend of comfortable concealable and fast to draw.

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