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While strolling the frozen tundra that was Media Day at the Range yesterday, I had the chance to shoot the non-NFA compliant CAA Roni Glock SBR conversion. It was kinda cool, and I’m not talking about the weather. Then they brought out a prototype of their soon-to-be-released street-legal version that will feature an ATF-placating 16″ barrel. Just one problem: the one they gave me was apparently destined for the SHOT Show floor and, as such, had its firing pin removed. Which makes it difficult to fire in almost any climatic situation. Bonus! Make it through the entire video, above, and you’ll hear RF beginning to succumb to the onset of hypothermia.

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  1. Not impressed. The gun is butt ugly which I doubt will be fixed before they start production. The rep seemed useless. Were they trying to use the incorrect caliber magazine? It was painful to watch the rep try to load the magazine and rack a round all the while having his finger on the trigger! The firing pin issue itself can happen, but that on top of all the other things makes be want to run very quickly in the opposite direction. Needless to say I won’t be buying one of these goofy things.

      • I give you guys credit for enduring the weather. Its 20 degrees and miserable weather here too but I don’t have to spend a lot of time outdoors and I am used to dressing for this kind of weather. Hope RF and everyone are better prepared today. Be safe!

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