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That’s Schody, a Belgian Malinois who sniffs for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Schody and his pet, DNR Officer Scott Staples, were called in after Kent Olson used a five finger discount card on a pellet gun at a Walmart in Cloquet, MN. When chased by the local 5-0, Olson tossed the gun in some woods before being nabbed. Schody knew the added evidence would help in the prosecution and located the gun almost 24 hours after it was ditched in some tall grass. “In the real world, you work what you can with them. I’ve never done a search that long afterward; it kind of surprised me. I’m guessing that the gun still had some human odor on it that he grabbed it and picked it up.” Impressive, even for a canine nose. And Schody shows remarkably good trigger discipline, too.

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  1. I know a certain doggy who’s gonna have himself a nice steak dinner. And really. A pellet gun? Might as well tattoo “loser” on your forehead. I’ll lay 3 to 2 that Mr. Olsen was planning to hold up a conveniece store with his new “gat”. Any takers?

  2. That is so awesome! Cute pooch!
    hahaha so he can hunt down the bad guy and then find all the crap he threw while running, he deserves a huge RAISE!!!

  3. That’s all we need: Gun-sniffing dogs.

    Still, it makes for yet another fun adventure in counter-acting the enemy’s technology:

    “How to Defeat a Dog’s Nose”

    Sounds like a fun subject. How to go about creating a container, or using a chemical substance, that prevents a dog from detecting certain things, overwrites the scent they searching for, confuses them, etc..

    Dogs aren’t exactly a recent technology. I’m sure counter-measures have been experimented with for quite a while.

  4. I’ve personally seen a SchIII-trained dog (a pit bull, which is not your typical Schuetzhund trained dog breed) find an empty .22LR shell that was rolled around in his owner’s fingers, then tossed out into in a field of dry grass – two days earlier.

    And he did this on command. No elaborate sniff this, track that. The dog just headed downwind for a ways, then started tracking back and forth a bit, got the scent on the slight breeze and that was it. Start to finish, maybe 15 minutes.

    Doggies are amazing. Good thing they’re our friends.

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