florissant BLM protest shooting
Courtesy Twitter

We missed this when it happened last week. This video was from a protest that took place in Florissant, Missouri (a St. Louis suburb just north of Ferguson in St. Louis County).

An open carrying protestor (perfectly legal in Missouri) obviously didn’t know enough to keep his finger off the trigger, let alone engage the safety on his AR pistol. When he touched off a negligent discharge with a large crowd around him, the round went through his right foot.

From stltoday.com:

The shot caused immediate panic and confusion that was quickly brought under control by the police. The injured protester was taken into custody and given first aid.

There are a lot of photographs of the incident at the link above. The police officers reacted quickly and with admirable restraint. Only one officer can be seen with a weapon drawn (and it’s pointed at the ground, finger off the trigger).

This could have resulted in something much, much worse.


    • I’m really surprised that Mrs. Attorney (from the St. Louis Cul De Sac Commandos) didn’t ND into someone’s cranium, the way she was waving her PPK around with her finger constantly on the trigger.

      • Fortunately for her, the PPK has a 500 pound DA trigger.

        OK, I _may_ be exaggerating. ;~)

      • The HAMMER was down – either because the SAFETY was on or at least in DOUBLE ACTION. IMPOSSIBLE to tell if there was even a round in the chamber, unless holding the gun. The trigger pull from DA is about 12#, and very unlikely to discharge unless a FIRM pull on the trigger. IF the hammer was BACK, the trigger pull is more like 4#. THE PPK/S is a VERY safe pistol.

        • If you are holding a gun in front of a mob and it is unloaded and something happens to you it’s your own damned fault. Load it or leave it in the house. If you pull it be ready to use it. Aftter you shoot the anarchist you might want to find out who was behind his becoming an anarchist so you can thank them for killing the young person. Ten bucks says it’s a communist “liberal domocrat”.

        • On my PPK/S, it’s 18 pounds, not just the 12 pounds typical for a DA revolver. Most women cannot pull the trigger. (My daughter is an exception!)

        • As someone who carried a PPK/S in .380 for 25 years, I don’t know anyone who has one with an 18 lb DA trigger pull. Mine is just under 11 lbs, on my Lyman trigger scale. SA is sitting at 4.1 lbs. No trigger work was ever performed. Still, one of the most accurate guns I own. Only reason it was retired for CC use, was my aging eyes could no longer see the front sight in low light conditions.

      • Wrong story here. The moron mis-handling the firearm should be ashamed. His incompetence knows no bounds. Glad it was HIS foot that he hit, rather than an innocent civilian.

        • Well, “black lives matter,” but I guess BLACK FEET don’t matter. ……….. Don’t tell the Indians.

      • It might occur to you at some point that your attempts to prove your inherent weapons handling capabilities are not working out. Instead, you just come across as an asshole.

      • Don’t forget to mention she would be inside eating dinner if not for a mob of lawless thugs
        threatening her, her family, their dog, their property, but I’m sure it was all her fault because she’s white.

      • See I don’t think it was a Walther. I’d guess a Jennings. The Walther’s extractor isn’t that long and the rear of the slide is more angled.

        • The boys all but confirmed it was a Jimenez.

          Isn’t the point of having a burner to not let anyone see you with it?

      • “I’m really surprised that Mrs. Attorney (from the St. Louis Cul De Sac Commandos) didn’t ND into someone’s cranium…” Given the crowd in front of her, are you saying that would have been a bad thing? I’m confused.

      • I thought the same thing, especially in some still photos showing her eyes ! MIghty reckless gun handling I thought. Thankfully, no one got stupid and tried to it away from her. I am reading that the DA in that city is looking into it. I am not sure if breaking into a private compound is socially acceptable by that DA or not. Perhaps a protest march to her home , where her family lives would be instructive .We shall see.

    • enuf…Incompetence is you calling the POTUS “excrement.” By your own libelous, slanderous butt spew you make the guy who shot himself in the foot look like a genius.

      • Poor Little Debbie. You voted for the first treasonous bastard to make it into the Oval Office and you are just too damned stupid to see it.

        • Balack Insane Osama was the only treasonous asshole to ever reach the oval office . Get your facts straight !

        • You voted for the first treasonous bastard to make it into the Oval Office

          Wow, Deb W. just doesn’t strike me as an OBAMA voter… Oh wait I get it, you are referring to TRUMP.. Moron…

    • “The injured protester was taken into custody and given first aid.”
      What a jerk and it serves him right. Glad no one else was hurt.
      Does he or did he have the right to even own a firearm?????

    • And this an example of the subversive scum that wants an armed confrontation with Whitey.
      Hahahahahahaha Go ahead, make my day!

  1. So these are the “new” gun owners y’all keep talking about.

    We have nothing to worry about, with new owners like this gun rights should be secure for generations. Especially now that Trump has the courts on board with gun rights unless they happen to be the Supreme Court or any US court for that matter.

    • I’d say about 20% of “gang shootings” are ND’s. These type of people have been around for a long time. Do a Youtube search and you’ll see all kinds of “professional” gun handlers ND’ing. It’s the same for the “I am the only person professional enough” police: 20% of officer involved firearm discharges are ND’s.

    • They’re arming up because they’ve identified the enemy that’s wiping out the black population as the police. Math isn’t their strong suit.

      • it is apparent that so many posters have never been in a situation of potential mayhem armed untrained rioters. I too would have my finger on the trigger. As 99 % of civilians with guns have never been in combat nor any situation where their life may be at risk in the blink of an eye.Those halfwit rioters have set the standard. Ignorant, untrained, easily led by other stupid half wits and absolutely no training. They are to me cannon fodder and are slow moving targets.

        • Those halfwit rioters have set the standard. Ignorant, untrained, easily led by other stupid half wits and absolutely no training.

          Those morons deserve the coining of a new label… How about “NO”-wit rioters?

        • If the police or Natl. Guard had gone in and dropped a few dozen of them at the outset, we never would have witnessed the subversive mayhem that we did. PC restraint will be our undoing.

          • “If the police or Natl. Guard had gone in and dropped a few dozen of them at the outset, we never would have witnessed the subversive mayhem that we did.”

            Government in England tried that.

            Contending with insurgencies is not simple surgery. The only way to deal with insurgents is complete annihilation, which is considered most impolite in better circles. Once the Genie is out o the bottle, there are no assurances of any sort.

            In our own revolution, the majority (loyalists) were rather timid, hoping the authorities could make the revolutionists go away. As in so many similar situations, the quiet majority sat on the sidelines, hoping nothing bad would happen to them. Only a political counter-insurgency of the majority of Americans, who do not support the insurgents, has a chance to put things right again.

            If the overall population is not inflamed enough to put an end to the insurgents, then the revolution will bring what revolution generally brings (our to civil wars being exceptions).

    • Yep and would agree that leftists should not be allowed to have firearms for their protection and ours.

        • The troll needs a sarcasm tag to get sarcasm.

          Look, whether you are avtroll or not I think I get more respect here than you and I don’t get a lot. Few care what I think but nobody cares what you think.

        • You get respect here? No. You just think you do. Random commentators randomly agreeing with some things you say, is not respect. It’s called conversation, and I get just as much as you do. K?

        • You are illiterate and incapable of getting any subtlety so I will spell it out for you. Few people care what I say here and even less care about you. Get it now. Sunshine?

    • these aren’t “new” gun owners. They probably tooled up back in 88 when they moved into the neighborhood, and support “reasonable” restrictions.

      • “Wry smile.”

        Yes. I, being superior in every way, carry my Beretta Neos .22LR inside my belt, empty chamber, safety on, magazine in left front pocket. Ain’t gonna have no accidental shooting drawing from my belt.

          • “Holster? or gangster style?”

            On regular days, Neos between belt and pants, crossdraw.

            On days I am drinking virus beer, stuffed inside pants, crossdraw.

            Holsters are for weenies.

          • “Sam is Gangsta.”

            Only indoors. I don’t dare travel outside with the Neos. Although it looks like a space gun (really cool) to me, I know it looks really stupid to normal people when it is stuffed into a pocket.

          • “As if you’ll remember to take that safety off in an emergency. ”

            Absolutely. Right after I put the magazine in the handle, uuuhh, grip. With no round in the chamber, no mag in the pistol, completely immune from ND while carrying.

        • @Dude,

          If you train enough, it all becomes muscle memory and you’ll act without needing to “remember”.

        • Haz, I was just being sarcastic. The safety would be the least of the training issues when you carry like that. 😉

        • Gotcha. FWIW, if I ever need to carry “appendix” IWB, I would not have my gat chambered. I prize my jewels too much to test my skills that recklessly. I train to draw and put one round on target within 1.0 seconds (if two rounds, then 1.5). Training with “chamber empty” draw adds only a fraction of a second for racking the slide.

          • “Training with “chamber empty” draw adds only a fraction of a second for racking the slide.” It is getting the mag out of the front pocket and properly seated that requires intensive practice. The problem there is remembering which front pocket has the car keys, and which has the mag.

          • “If your magazine is in the pistol rather than your pocket, then you’re cheating.”

            ‘Zackly. Fair is fair.

      • “I’m not. His foot was a long way from his head. Missed it by that much.”

        Thinking if the round is contained anywhere in the bullet trap, it was a good shoot.

    • No. I’d rather he’d shot his junk off. That way he would no longer be able to propagate his stupidity.

      • “Couldn’t help chuckling.”

        Happy to be here
        Grateful for the opportunity
        Proud to serve

  2. WHEN you have people with the brains of a half-rotten turnip carrying weapons , this kind of action is to be expected. this basement dweller got what he deserved ,it is a shame it as not something more important than his foot that got the “reminder” that bad-ass looks can never be better than good firearms training.

  3. Too bad he didn’t shoot himself innthe balls so he can’t contaminate the rest of the gene pool.

  4. Guns and protests don’t mix. Guns are for self-defense in extreme circumstances. This is the sort of crap that happens when people carry firearms at protests.

    If you insist on carrying a firearm during a protest, carry it concealed.

    • I was always told to lock up a gun in an emotional situation (protest, any argument between friends or family, therapy).

      Getting oneself rilled up and drawing?

      Shoulda been a Darwin award.

      • If you can not keep your cool in an emotional situation you should never carry a weapon , or ever allowed to have a permit. Try growing up!

    • I tend to disagree. I remember the anti lockdown protests in MI. Armed protesters probably kept the cops out of it and kept everyone on their best behavior

      • Very doubtful. You can bet there were SWAT snipers present who could have taken them out at any time.

      • Your naivete is stunning. There were undercover cops and Feds all throughout the protest crowd, not to mention snipers on nearby rooftops. They would have opened up the second some boogaloo boi got too excited. And then there are the Feds scanning cell phones within the entire area, and snapping photos of every wannabe revolutionary too fat for his camo vest and clutching a cheap AR-15.

        In the past protests may have been worth it, but they aren’t now.

        • And those protests were safer for both sides. The problem here is that anyone stupid enough to blend in with these morons wouldn’t me accepted into the academy. And for the record, I’ve met some REALLY dumb cops.

          Whether or not THOSE particular protests were warranted, justified or smart is an argument well beyond the scope of this smart ass remark, and will not be addressed at this time.

      • Re:lockdown protesters I read so many comments from liberals that if those guys were black they would be shot for sure.Now here you actually have a situation where the guy actually discharged his weapon in front of a bunch of policeman and they do nothing but come to his aid You will never see this event on your television or newspaper

        • If one those guys in Michigan had a ND they would still be finding pieces of his bullet riddled corpse…..

  5. When I first arrived at my unit as a young Infantryman the versed Sergeants taught me about the ‘Ten percent rule’; you have to be 10% smarter than the equipment you’re utilizing.
    It would serve this gentleman well to apply the same.

  6. Surprised that the MSM has not reported this as “Police Intimidation” or “Brutality” or even as a “Police Induced Shooting” (can see the headline now…”Protestor P.I.S’s Himself”)

    It’s a shame that they missed this opportunity to further their agenda.


    • CNN Headline “Noble POC injured with defective white invention. Tool of slavery and colonialism should be banned!”

  7. I wonder if BLM, as an organization, will advise its members that they should only carry weapons at protests in which they are well-trained. Do Black Feet Matter sufficiently for the organization to issue appropriate guidance and even police their own events?

    • If black lives really mattered to other blacks, they wouldn’t be shooting each other! Don’t expect that one black(and blue) foot to matter one little bit…..🤣🙄

  8. Hop along got’s a gun, one of Pelosi’s finest boy toy! to bad he didn’t remove the family jewels on the way by!
    He does live in the show me state and he did just that! Basically a ploy too get disability

  9. This is yet another instance where a poor, suffering minority was oppressed by the white man’s technology.

    This is terribly, terribly sad.

  10. If he’d had one of the really modern firearms with the little red button on it, he could have taken out a goodly number of his fellow protestors, in addition to himself. Maybe next time if we’re lucky.

  11. I can’t believe you would delete the comment of a war hero and former astronaut. For shame…

  12. What a fucking idiot. And then they tried to defend him. he was so scared he didn’t know whether to raise his rifle or fucking lie down.

    THAT is larping.

    • Most fire fights are said to up close and personal. , 7 yards I believe is the number . Who (besides this Texas cop ) trains at 6 inches ? At that range its hand to hand

    • “Apparently Black Feet don’t matter….”

      The tribal council may have a comment on that.

  13. This person is one of the marxist, muslim, fascist demanding special “privilege”. See he is wearing a black beret.

  14. As a result of the owners carelessness. stupidity or whatever, the firearm should be removed from his possession, permanently.This time, the putz injured only himself, next time, he might kill some innocent passerby. I personally would not bet against a repeat.

  15. Lots of criticism here saying he was stupid, but maybe it was all planned so he could get on disability payments.

  16. A lefty, shooting “itself” in the left foot, there’s irony. I say itself as to not mis-gender this individual, assuming it is a man holding a gun is sexist, and not being up on the latest 635 genders I want to be politically correct.

    BTW, it wasn’t reported widely, the BLM criminals that broke into the private neighborhood in St. Louis had weapons, an AK-47 by accounts on the ground, media with security personnel. I trust that maybe the security personnel identified it correctly, not the media. So much for any debates the home owners weren’t justified. Intent, opportunity and capability were all present, while on private property.

    Marxist BLM coming to a town near you!

  17. Hope that, in addition to his injuries, he is treated to a criminal conviction. It’s one thing if your incompetence leads to your own injury in a field, alone. It’s another thing if you endanger everyone around you for no good reason.

  18. We can only hope he gets gangrene that goes all the way to his balls so he cannot reproduce.

  19. These dumb mfers are so gd STUPID they might just off themselves before a patriot does it for them….

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