For a Kel-Tec Sub-2000. We’ve said it before: the Sub-2000 is an excellent home defense weapon, especially for smaller-framed people (i.e. many women) and the elderly. It’s light and easy to aim; easier than a handgun and a lot easier than a shotgun. There’s minimal recoil. 9mm bullets are relatively cheap (encourages practice). You can fold the Sub-2000 for easy storage and extra safety (you can lock it into the folded position). It’s not as deafening as a shotgun. And it accepts all Glock magazines, including ones that hold 30 or more rounds. Why would you need so many bullets for a home defense carbine?

Because you might miss and there might be more than one bad guy (three assailants would yield ten bullets per perp).

Also, expecting a non-combat trained defender to carry and then change magazines mid-fight is ludicrous. And no one ever ended an armed confrontation saying “Damn! I wish I’d had less bullets!”

Wait. Is that one reason or a few?


    • I like mine (now). Out of the box it was unshootable. Failure to load, failure to fire. Sent it back to Kel-tec. It now shoots fine.

      I have the one for Glock mags in 9mm.

  1. I,m a veteran, guns that use a 30 round clip is designed to KILL HUMANS in large Quailities, I know!! A hand gun is great for home protection, rifles and shotguns make nice hunting guns. Almost all people who want those 30round weapons, are non VETS, if you want to shot those kind of weapons, serve your Nation and spend some time in close COMBAT, unless your a COWARD.

    • While the “coward” comment may apply to some, (I won’t argue numbers or percentages) Most folks I know, vets or not, are proponents of Gun Control (hitting what you shoot at!) and also the Second Amendment 🙂

      The right to purchase what you want is part of the 2A. Let us not let Themfurther erode our BILL of RIGHTS.

    • While the “coward” comment may apply to some, (I won’t argue numbers or percentages) Most folks I know, vets or not, are proponents of Gun Control (hitting what you shoot at!) and also the Second Amendment 🙂

      The right to purchase what you want is part of the 2A. Let us not let Them further erode our BILL of RIGHTS.

      • I have no problem with 30 round “clips”…oh wait I meant magazines. to be honest, between your horrible grammar and even worse spelling I can’t make heads nor tails of what you’re trying to say.

        “I,m a veteran, guns that use a 30 round clip is designed to KILL HUMANS in large Quailities, I know!! A hand gun is great for home protection, rifles and shotguns make nice hunting guns. Almost all people who want those 30round weapons, are non VETS, if you want to shot those kind of weapons, serve your Nation and spend some time in close COMBAT, unless your a COWARD.”

        you know what’s hilarious? damn near every single one of my fellow Infantrymen friends ( 11series and 03series) all have or want weapons with 30 round magazines. and they’re all veterans. how does serving in combat make a man more “Worthy” of having a magazine with a 30 round capacity? your logic sucks friend.
        BOOM. Infantry Leads The Way.

        • Sounds like someone is a little cranky. A 30 round mag is the perfect option for those who don’t feel like keeping a Carbine on the nightstand, and travel a lot in their vehicle. Having been in situations where I wish I had that option when facing 5 armed men with a 6 shot Detective Special about 43 years ago. It might have been a game changer for me.
          The single most ludicrous thing I find on gu forums, or any gun related sight, is that people don’t know what actually happens during a gun engagement.
          If you are unlucky enough to find yourself in this position, the worse thing in the world that can happen, is you ran out of 357 or 45 ammo, “because you have been conned into believing that 6 or 8 rounds is more than enough “.
          Hey they all go down within 3 feet in 3 seconds, and only 3 rounds are needed, it’s a cute saying.
          Think about just one example you can relate to, 50cents, the rapper was shot 9 times with a 9mm, and went on to make a half a billion dollars. So there goes that theory, There I a video on my Facebook page where 2 cops pull over a speeder. He take quite some time to get out, when he does, it’s firing an AK-47 47 rounds at the officers, who caught by surprise, return fire 54 rounds before the guy goes down, That’s about 4 mags form 2 glocks.So someone forgot to inform the guy, who was not wearing body armor, that he should die after the 5th round entered.
          the final mag dump was all 17 rounds going into him while he was bent over trying for a 3rd reload or clear a jam. 60 percent of all rounds fired, “minimum” are total misses, I don’t care how good a shot you believe you are, when everyone is running and your partner is wounded, and perhaps you also, you aren’t shooting paper anymore. Get a gun that holds at least 15 rounds or 9mm, because it doesn’t matter if its 9, 40, or 45, they all behave the same shown by thousands of FBI shootings. If you carry a 380 or a 5 shot, “cool vintage revolver”, you better not end up in a situation with a psyco bastard. You will die before you even hit him.
          Be able to carry an extra mag and reload your gun under fire, or leave it home.

    • Yo, Mr. Ed , I don’t need to fight “old congressman’s wars” & know in the not too distant future it might be necessary to have a 30 round weapon.

      You’re happy to fight because some old douche bags thought you should….good for you…I’ll pass & make sure my kids do too!!….Gee I feel soooo safe from people half a world away cooking on a camel dung fire.

      Let’s hope your as gallant on the home front when the SHTF

  2. HEY GUYS its going to hit the fan maybe tomorrow maybe next year nobody should talk stuff for people being ready I am 52 with cancer and will do andhave any supplies they need say I am crazy kinda of stupid Everyone has the right to defend their family I say buy a pistol and a carbine rifle same ammo less to carry Iam not being stupid shooting zombies but protect you and your family and always remember be safe tomorrow another day never know whats going to happen good luck

  3. I’m also a vet… In a panic situation/half asleep and disoriented in the dark. You will need all the capacity and more, in that first magazine. Most rounds will miss the target. And it won’t be easy attempting to reload at this time in your life. Oh, They will be firing back, with high-capp mags as well.

    Home invaders often work in teams. It’s not unusual for there to be four or more in a group.

    I keep a 33 rounder, racked in my home defense weapon. Go to the range often

  4. 3rd grade… That is where you learn to MYOB.
    I just purchased a 50 round magazine for my Sub 2000.
    My thumbs are shot from jackhammering and it is easy to load and have fun with my grandson. Different strokes for different folks.. Don’t be so uptight and judgemental. Let go of the ego amigo. Have a blessed day…

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