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I guess we haven’t reached the too-common-to-tout tipping point on the “PASSENGER WITH A GUN!” media meme. Truth be told, the TSA’s blue goons intercept hundreds of forgotten firearms, TASERS, knives, toenail clippers, family-sized shampoo bottles and other dangerous weapons from airline passengers every week. The fact that “Airport screeners confiscated yesterday a suspicious device that looked like a cell phone but was actually an elaborately disguised stun gun” is only interesting in that some people don’t know such a James Bondian device exists. As reports, “Yesterday’s seizure followed a busy holiday weekend for screeners at the region’s three major airports, where Farbstein said the TSA confiscated a varied array of weapons, including throwing knives, a hand gun, more stun guns, a machete, and a cane containing a concealed knife. The weekend incidents resulted in a total of five arrests.” Poor stupid bastards.

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  1. The stun gun couldn’t have been that elaborately disguised. The Thousands Standing Around were able to catch it, after all.

  2. Two things

    ““Yesterday’s seizure followed a busy holiday weekend for screeners at the region’s three major airports, where Farbstein said the TSA confiscated a varied array of weapons, including throwing knives, a hand gun, more stun guns, a machete, and a cane containing a concealed knife. The weekend incidents resulted in a total of five arrests.”

    ^^5 arrests from three airports does not seem busy to me

    Second, if that is what they found, imagine how must stuff went through.

    And in a true story, my brother was required to check his luggage because he had a keychain with a silver Glock Pistol Charm on it as well as go through extra special screening — for a keychain! — In the meantime, imagine what they did not find

  3. So THAT’S what people are doing with their extra Obamaphones… Making them into stunguns! Geez, all this time I’ve been using mine as doorstops and as targets at the range. Silly me.

  4. The last time I flew out of EWR I was “selected” for some special attention from TSA.
    In retrospect, it might have been because I wore a ‘leg-safe’ containing some cash and credit cards for emergency use, which may have turned up on the X-ray.
    They didn’t ask about that, but did the “backhand frisk” and took swabs of my hands. I suppose they were looking for nitrate residue, and for once I was glad I hadn’t been to the range for a while.
    What seems strange is go through all that silly crap when my “government issued picture ID” is my retired military ID card, which says more for my good character than the questionable screening of TSA agents.

    • All in the name of political correctness and “security”. We can’t have people offended by profiling.


  5. Read a T. Jefferson Parker novel a while back that involved a hooker who had a combination butane cigarette lighter with a Mace spray on the other. Not sure if such a thing actually exists (Parker is pretty good when it comes to weapons) but it would probably make it though a metal detector.

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