State Senator Josh Brecheen is a Second Amendment advocate pushing for restoration of Second Amendment rights in Oklahoma. The Senator sees Oklahoma permit fees as chilling the exercise of the right to keep and bear arms. From

Senator Josh Brecheen wants to reduce the cost of gun licenses from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, and possibly eliminate the administrative costs from the local sheriff’s office.

“It’s an attempt to make sure cost isn’t keeping someone from the right to bear arms in accordance to the law,” Republican Sen. Josh Brecheen said.

He and the Oklahoma Second Amendment Association are proposing reducing the $100 for a new license, and $85 for a re-licensing fee to $25 a piece.

Brecheen is considering a rollback of the requirement for fingerprints to obtain the Oklahoma permit. Senator Brecheen has some influence.  He is a member of the Appropriations Committee, and of the Public Safety Committee.  The bill in question, SB5, has not been processed yet.

Several states do not require fingerprints. They serve no measurable useful purpose. They add to the cost and difficulty of obtaining a permit. It’s likely that is the purpose of requiring finger prints: to chill the exercise of Second Amendment rights.

John Lott’s research has confirmed the obvious. The higher the costs to obtain a concealed carry permit, the lower the percentage of people who obtain the permit. Each $10 increase in fees reduces the percent of adults with permits by about a half a percentage point, he asserts at

©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice is included. Link to Gun Watch


  1. Getting fingerprinted is actually useful for CCW permits. While I disagree with ANY infringement of our 2A rights, the fingerprinting on the permits allows them to be used in lieu of a background check for purchases from FFLs in many states in the current scheme of things.

      • You know, that’s actually a good question, as I was always under the impression that they were used in conjunction with the permit background check to allow a permit holder to not run a NICS check. Considering however, that some states require prints and have this system (like NV), while other states do *not* require fingerprinting and have the same system (like AL), well, you’ve got me wondering myself about their utility at all. Point taken.

    • Fingerprinting is worse than the monetary fee. The government keeps those fingerprints forever. You never get that privacy back.

      • A lot of places are better than Texas, actually. Texas is conservative central, yet they only just legalized open carry. I don’t know how this happened,

        • You mean they only recently started granting licenses to open carry.
          (which, unfortunately, recently puts them ahead of Florida, which still won’t even allow a license to OC)

      • So the fingerprints are not required and only expedite the processing of application? This is what Illinois State Police web site says:

        Requirements Prior to Applying for a Concealed Carry License

        16 hours of Concealed Carry firearms training provided by an ISP approved Instructor.
        Electronic Copy of my training certificate(s). You will be required to upload your electronic certificate during the application process.
        An Illinois State Police User ID and Password
        A Valid Driver’s License or State Identification card.
        A valid FOID card unless in the process of getting a valid FOID card.
        A head and shoulder electronic photograph taken within the last 30 days.
        Be able to provide the last ten years of residency.
        Fingerprints – Electronic fingerprints will expedite your application! Specify to the Live Scan vendor that your fingerprint application is for the Concealed Carry application (ORI = IL920707Z, Purpose Code = CCW).
        NOTE: Applicants will be assigned a transaction control number (TCN) at the time of fingerprinting and will be required to retain that TCN to complete the application.

        $150.00 payable with a credit card or electronic check.

        • So the fingerprints are not required and only expedite the processing of application?

          Yes. The ISP has 90 days to process applications submitted with fingerprints, 120 days without fingerprints.

        • Illinois almost has a non-resident CCH. It costs $300 plus training but you can’t apply unless you are from one of the 4 states that Illinois decided are “similar”.

          We need a national reciprocity federal to compel every state to honor every other state issued carry license. Then we ony need to know the particular state’s limitations.Many states have silly restrictions.
          Oklahoma allows carrying .45 caliber or small, so a 460 S&W is OK but a 50 GI 1911 isn’t allowed. The 460 can kill an elephant while the 50 GI is a mild big bore that is intended to not over-penetrate.
          Some states don’t allow a backup.
          Once the feds pass reciprocity [liek they did with the 218 for active and retired cops] all the states will begin to normalize. Places like NJ and CA will have residents seeing that their state is too restrictive and they will begin to issue licenses. The states will standardize signage. The feds will have to amend the school zone to allow carry with any valid license.

    • I’m sorry to say this, but Oklahoma’s Handgun License (that name just jacks my jaws) does not allow holders to bypass the NICS check process. I believe what disqualifies Oklahoma is the length of time the license remains valid.

    • That’s incorrect … contrary to what TV shows depict and popular conception is, fingerprint comparisons are not, NOT, considered “valid” until they’ve been reviewed by a fingerprint analyst. Just ask any major city crime lab what their backlog is.

  2. If you aren’t doing anything wrong, you shouldn’t worry about them having your finger prints…

    AAAAK! URK! Bleargggggghhh!

    Wha… what happened?
    Sorry, I think I was possessed by a “Liberal Demon” just then.

  3. I have to chuckle slightly at each of us railing over fingerprinting. As a long serving member of the military, my fingerprints and DNA are on file with the Feds. (Why should I have to submit my fingerprints to serve?) It’s amazing that many among us would advocate that Voter ID is a good idea but diligent ID for all citizens which would include fingerprints and DNA is abhorrent.

    • That’s different, frankly. When you join the military, you become an employee of the government. As an employee of the government, your identity and background very much become the government’s business, especially in an occupation where you can be mutilated beyond recognition or impersonated by a hostile agent or can commit a crime while on duty or whatever. You give up a lot of privacy and freedom to join the military and it’s justifiable.

      I am not an employee of the government, however. I am not receiving the government’s money, nor taking their orders. And frankly, the government just doesn’t need my fingerprints because I want to carry a gun. I’m not absolute on any issues, I recognize that sometimes practicality must have precedent over principles. Life is quite nuanced, but frankly, you need a good argument first and there isn’t one that I’ve heard for handing over your fingerprints to the government to carry a gun.

      • As a member of the military, your family and the military both have an interest in being able to identify your corpse.

        At least I always assumed that’s what the prints and DNA were for.

    • Well Texanhawk, they never said you had to be smart to serve in the military, but either you’re dumb or you forgot the meaning of “shall not be infringed.”

  4. Frankly, I’m tired of being fingerprinted. I’ve been fingerprinted so many times that instead of donating blood I donate ink.

  5. It is a good start but I wish we could get campus carry passed and signed. I would especially like to see it before Comrade Boren retires just so I could be spiteful and take a walk around campus knowing is would be sitting in his office having a seizure.

  6. Change the word firearm to voting and see how long you get away with infringing a right protected by the Constitution. Any fee, license, permit, etc being required is unconstitutional infringement period. Its long past time the master of the government put up with seeking permission to do something we already have the right to do.

  7. Bar and public transport are still felonies there and no unlicensed car travel ……

    An very very restrictive “shall issue” state

  8. If we can correct these f’d up little parts of the thing we can keep THE REST OF THE THE BIG F’D UP THING.


    This bullshit is just an attempt to look like something 2A was done + easy for the other side to object strongly but not concede too much in passage. F the wet sh_t and the slow.

    Throw the whole thing out, with the state’s Constitution. Don’t worry, the new one should allow you air.

  9. We need to get rid of (Governor) Mary Fallin. She vetoed Constitutional Carry here a while back and is no real friend to the Second Amendment.

    • She’s just like Georgia’s chief Bill of Rights shredder, Gov. Deal.

      Both campaigned as pro-gun and once in office they defended, protected, and advocated for gun-control. Gov. Deal used the talking points of the leading anti-Liberty democrat when he voted last years gun bill. Despicable liars.

    • I am unaware of Constitutional Carry ever making it to Falin’s desk. Which bill are you referring to? I do remember two years ago when she vetoed the CLEO NFA ‘shall sign’ legislation which was overturned by the legislature.

  10. I have a G_D given right of self defense and the right to carry a weapon for that defense. I do not need governments permission for carry out that right. Permits are just a way to control and keep track of people. Wake the frell up sheeple.

    • We do not need permission nor do we need to pay a tax. Rights are not granted or purchased from government. Government SERVES at the consent of us.
      Name one other right that is protected by the Constitution that requires you first to ask for it and then pay a tax to excercise.

  11. Citizens are treated as if they had already committed a crime and are now on probation, just for wanting to carry a gun. Even the most libertarian of us have been brainwashed since 1968 to accept laws requiring us to have the government’s permission before we can buy a gun, never mind carry it in our pocket.

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