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Not that commentators on the left side of the political spectrum need any [more] reason to link “gun nuts” with their Tea Partying opposition. But TTAG has heard from two separate sources that sales of the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle are beginning to surge, now that the Obama administration and Congress have passed a comprehensive health care bill. “[AR-15] sales were strong but flat,” a dealer who wished to remain anonymous told us. “We’ve seen a small but noticeable increase over the last two weeks.” Another industry type confirmed the jump, cautioning that it was “early days.” But seriously: what’s Obamacare got to do with it? “Black gun (i.e. “assault rifles”) owners watch the legal situation pretty carefully,” the dealer said. “As soon as they get to thinking the government is going to ban ‘assault rifles,’ they look to buy one. Or stock up on ammo.” Yes there is that. Or is there? TTAG is on the case.

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  1. As soon as they get to thinking the government is going to ban ‘assault rifles,’ they look to buy one.

    Always looking for an excuse. Only they could equate a bill that aims to save American lives and the middle class money with a move to seize weapons.

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