Supreme Court equal justice under law
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New York is arguing the entire Empire State is like a government building and should be a huge gun-free zone where only criminals and the privileged can bear arms. The state then defends its unconstitutional and discriminatory policies by cherry-picking facts from history and ignoring inconvenient truths and common sense.

The brief we filed today emphasizes the fundamental fact that the self-defense rights of law-abiding Americans do not vanish the moment a person steps outside their front door. NYSRPA, the NRA, and gun owners across America look forward to oral arguments on Nov. 3 and hope the Supreme Court rules on behalf of the Constitution.

— New York State Rifle & Pistol Association President Tom King on filing the association’s Supreme Court brief

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  1. “New York is arguing the entire Empire State is like a government building and should be a huge gun-free zone where only criminals and the privileged can bear arms.”

    LoL 🙂

    so basically New York is arguing “all yer stuffs belongz to us cause we say so”

    The state is composed of:

    1. Public property which is ultimately owned by the citizens and not the state government.

    2. Private property which is not owned by the state and is owned by citizens.

    3. “government” facilities managed by the government but still ultimately owned by the citizens and not the state government.

    4. The private citizens who are not government employees and the government employees which ultimately are employees of the private citizens.

    No New York, the entire Empire State is NOT like a government building. Its like, what belongs to the citizens and not the government.

    • ‘so basically New York is arguing “all yer stuffs belongz to us cause we say so”’

      They don’t just think all your stuff belongs to them, they think your kids belong to them and you should have no say in what they teach them in public schools. They think your own body belongs to them and they can force you to take experimental drugs even if you have religious objections. The left used to cry ‘my body, my choice’ but that’s been flipped on it’s head. If the left can force you to take a vaccine you don’t need or want then the right can force you to have that baby you made with your careless promiscuity. You either have authority over your own body or you don’t.

  2. Start spreading the news…I’m not leaving today, I don’t want no part of it New York, New York.

    • …. I want to wake up in a city, among feces and drugged out freaks ; I’m on top of the hill, of garbage that reeks;. Good bye to you, New York , New York ……

  3. Serious question: do oral arguments before the SC ever influence or change the opinion of a Justice?

    Can’t easily find an answer on Google (not reading all 10,000 returned links).

    • Yes, they do and its those oral arguments that are probably responsible for most of the pro-2A rulings to date. For example; The oral arguments were key to Heller and McDonald. The oral arguments were over 90% responsible for the ruling in Caniglia v Strom and if that decision had not been in favor of Caniglia we would have the government kicking in our doors now to confiscate guns in the name of a government declared “public health emergency”.

  4. And ‘they’ can take away a constitutional right because you didnt pay your child support .
    I see rights are not rights but a privilege. Bestowed upon us as long as adhere to their whims.

    • They don’t do that for non-payment of child support unless its chargeable as a felony in a state.

      If a person can have it expunged they can buy/posess a gun under federal law. Its not difficult to have it expunged if you paid consistently on schedule every month after that. Most people don’t know it can be expunged or never bother to get it expunged, then they sit around bitching about not being able to buy a gun because of it.

      • Been there done that, not for child support though.
        You must inform the judge one of the reasons for the expungement is your Right to bear arms. Then it is up to the judges discretion.

        • Don’t need a reason here, don’t even need to see the judge. Here; All you need is a record of paying on time each month after you were nailed for it the first time, a first offense. Then after about a year of doing that on time each month and you have a record of it you go to the court office to fill out a petition form thing requesting expungement. The request petition form goes to the judge with your record of payments. The judge makes his/her decision. Some people have the court garnish their paychecks to make sure there is a record.

          If you have repeated incidents of not paying your child support and end up in court again there will be no more expungement. Its only for first offense here.

    • “And ‘they’ can take away a constitutional right because you didnt pay your child support .”

      Still curious, and suspicious, about why the gun grabbers don’t just upgrade every infraction of law to “felony” status, and minimum jail time of one year, plus a day.

  5. “because most of the gun grabbers would end up in jail with a felony on their record.”

    The very essence of “equity”, why would the grabbers want to avoid it?

      • “…with a felony on their record.” And then unable to vote. That’s why.”


        So, the lefties want “equity”, but are unwilling to pay for promoting their political positions. Also, not sure the party willing to import hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into to the country as future (maybe even current) voters, the party willing to play fast and loose with voting laws, can’t get around voting prohibitions as felons.

  6. NY is not a gun free zone? “Just you wait, ‘enry ‘iggins, just you wait!
    (Or to put it another way, it isn’t for a lack of trying.)

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