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Credit card companies track spending based on the type of retailer where a card is used — though they do not track the individual items that are purchased. Each purchase is tagged with what’s called a merchant category code, with the master list set by an international standards body. Some categories are fairly broad, such as those for grocery stores and airlines, while others are quite specific. There are unique codes for tent and awning shops, wig and toupee stores — even separate categories for antique shops, secondhand stores and pawn shops.

But there are no codes just for gun retailers.

A Mastercard reference booklet lumps them into a “miscellaneous” category with magic stores, silk flower shops and bottled and distilled water dealers, or a “durable goods” category that also includes lighting fixtures and grave markers. …

If credit cards had a code for purchases at gun stores, the same laws would let them flag if someone were spending large amounts of money at one dealer, or traveling to multiple gun retailers in a short amount of time. The legislators say that could ultimately help law enforcement to stop crimes like firearms trafficking, or even to prevent mass shootings. …

[State Sen. Zellnor] Myrie said a new code would make it easier to target individuals who intend to traffic guns or use them for mass shootings. People buying guns legally with no intent to harm people, he said, would have “absolutely nothing to worry about.”

— Samantha Max in Dozens of NY Lawmakers Want Mastercard, American Express to Flag Suspicious Gun Store Purchases

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  1. More illegal activities from Criminal Democrats. When’s this crap going to stop we need to lock them all up.

    • RE: “People buying guns legally with no intent to harm people, he said, would have “absolutely nothing to worry about.”

      Truth be told busy body Gun Control democRats may allow one gun per household to be purchased every 10 plus years pending all previous purchases were destroyed.

      All Gun Control zealots do is sit around and dream up ideas to get guns like child molesters sit around and dream up ideas to abduct children.

      • That nothing to fear crap has been shown by history to be BS. When the Not Zs came to power they used the laws passed by the Weimar Republic requiring every gun store to keep a record of every sale with identifying information. There was plenty to fear, not from the guys who passed laws but from the guys who came later.

        Similar things happened in many countries in the 20th century.

  2. So if you make several purchases of fishing gear at Bass Pro the feds can come knocking and harass you. Sure.

    • They can and will, and they’ll enjoy every second of it. Have you seen this video? Note the attitude of the agents.

      • I don’t understand why the video has everything blurred out though. Its not against the law to video the activities of ‘law enforcement’ in plain view, and you can video anything on your own property plain view or not, SCOTUS has said its protected under the first amendment.

        • It’s a little weird, so who knows. It could be a hoax or a psyop a la QAnon. That would give them an assist in labeling everyone a conspiracy theorist. Then, when they really begin going door to door, people will wonder if the videos are fakes.

          I think there’s enough going on today to take it seriously and at least force the ATF to give a statement on whether or not they did this. If it’s true, then things are escalating. They’ll begin with the easy stuff. “No one needs an illegal silencer for their assault rifle.”

  3. “[State Sen. Zellnor] Myrie said a new code would make it easier to target individuals who intend to traffic guns or use them for mass shootings. People buying guns legally with no intent to harm people, he said, would have ‘absolutely nothing to worry about.’ ”

    nothing to worry about my butt, and violation of that pesky thing called the forth amendment. This is basically an unwarranted search ‘fishing expedition’ mandated by government and its does not matter if the credit card companies do it as it would still mandated by government by ‘political’ influence of ‘force’ or even ‘prompting’. The government has no business having this information or dictating that it be tracked by credit card companies via a ‘code’.

    Fourth Amendment: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.’

    Purchases are also ‘effects’.

    • That Constitution thing that you speak of is so last century. Get with the program. The Constitution means what we say it means and is a living breathing document /s

      • It’s a racist document, therefore we get to ignore it. Who’s the wannabe tyrant again? I keep forgetting.

    • “‘political’ influence of ‘force’ or even ‘prompting’” meaning by force of law and legislation.

    • “This is basically an unwarranted search ‘fishing expedition’ mandated by government”

      They’ve been doing this for the past several years. No one has been held accountable. Most citizens have been playing along. High ranking members of the targeted political party have even been playing along from the beginning. The sheep obviously can’t be bothered to care. They’re so lost, they’re usually cheering for tyranny. So why would the feds let up now?

  4. “[State Sen. Zellnor] Myrie said a new code would make it easier to target individuals who intend to traffic guns or use them for mass shootings. People buying guns legally with no intent to harm people, he said, would have “absolutely nothing to worry about.””

    Lists need to be made of lawmakers who think such blatantly fascist laws are a good idea. Then published far and wide, with the their home addresses.

    After all, if they aren’t doing anything wrong, they will have nothing to worry about… 🙂

    • Honestly I am more surprised that they didn’t already have the codes to track purchases already…….well cash is still King and Bruin follow up lawsuits for the rest of the year with an injunction hearing decision due before Thursday.

    • “Lists need to be made of lawmakers who think such blatantly fascist laws are a good idea. Then published far and wide, with the their home addresses….After all, if they aren’t doing anything wrong, they will have nothing to worry about… ”

      Pa-Zinnggggg !!


      Creating and publishing such a list will be considered a direct and imminent threat to those on the list. “Speech is violence”.

  5. “Myrie said a new code would make it easier to target individuals who intend to traffic guns or use them for mass shootings.”

    Yeah right.
    How many guns does one need for a mass shooting?

    • No law abiding person ever buys multiple guns at once, or spends a large amount on guns, gear, or ammo at one or more stores, so obviously any VISA charge from Ammo and More for $$$ is obviously suspect, right? If a 23 year old man buys a SCAR and 1000 rounds of ammo, we clearly need to send in the swat team.

    • “How many guns does one need for a mass shooting?”

      Thinking the history of “mass shootings” (whatever that means) indicates that many, of not most, of the shooters do have more than one gun at the scene, or at home. No gun control mechanism can prevent people from stealing guns to be used in crimes.

      • No gun control mechanism can prevent people from stealing guns to be used in crimes.

        In their minds you take away the good guys guns there will be no guns for the bad guys to steal…

        • “In their minds you take away the good guys guns there will be no guns for the bad guys to steal…”.

          That’s no joke. Hear it all the time, accompanies by, “Eventually, all the guns the bad guys have will wear out, or breakdown; problem solved.”

  6. Of course to be effective, paper money would need to be banned. This would have the added benefit of allowing the state to freeze the accounts of dissidents, think Canadian trucker protests.

    • Anyone who missed why that is a critical threat to liberty has been asleep since at least the 80’s.

    • Oh it will be. “No man may buy or sell without the mark if the beast”.I have never used any card to buy a gat or gat related item! And I’ve noticed retailers keeping my name of when I buy. Guess who quit doing business with them???

      • “I have never used any card to buy a gat or gat related item!”

        Are you able to successfully make all gat purchases solely on the private sale basis?

  7. “The legislators say that could ultimately help law enforcement to stop crimes like firearms trafficking, or even to prevent mass shootings. …”

    In other words wishful thinking by the uninformed proponents of “Defund the Police”.

  8. My gun dealer IS a pawn shop (Gun and Pawn) so how do they know if I just picked up a new AR or an out of pawn piece of junk?

    • “My gun dealer IS a pawn shop (Gun and Pawn) so how do they know if I just picked up a new AR or an out of pawn piece of junk?”


      You found a pawn shop that engages in firearm sales, but doesn’t require a background check. Some people have all the luck.

      • Start hanging around your local gun range, Samuel.

        Be sociable, and in not a long period of time, you will discover one of your shooting friends will have a gun you like for sale, cash-on-the-barrel-head.

        Congrats, you will now have yourself a legal gun, completely off-the-books, as God himself intended.

        Easy-peazy… 🙂

        • “Be sociable, and in not a long period of time, you will discover one of your shooting friends will have a gun you like for sale, cash-on-the-barrel-head.”

          Of course. But a conversation leading to a private sale in not even in the same zip code as using cash at a retail outlet to avoid being tracked; whether by govt, or visa.

      • but doesn’t require a background check

        Where did I say there was no background check? I was commenting on the statement that there was ALREADY supposedly a code for “Pawn Shops”. Begging the question, how will they differentiate from regular Pawn Shop purchases and gun sales…

        • “how will they differentiate from regular Pawn Shop purchases and gun sales…”

          Form 4473. Not sure pawn shops can support the number of BGCs as employee verifications. Cash can’t obfuscate the sale.

        • Form 4473. Not sure pawn shops can support the number of BGCs as employee verifications.

          Okay, not sure you grasp the “spirit” of the original post so let’s refresh…
          The AUTHOR said: “even separate categories for antique shops, secondhand stores and PAWN SHOPS” My query was simple. How will a CREDIT CARD provider differentiate between purchases of Pawn Shop junk and new/used firearm and ammo purchases from the gun dealer side of the business. The credit card provider does not have access to form 4473 information so as far as they are concerned it was just a normal Pawn Shop sale…

  9. Which part of enumerated individual right don’t they understand?

    Should we institute the same thing for book, newspaper, and pamphlet sales? All online sales?

    Pre-crime searching is unconstitutional.

    “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

    • They don’t care. They just raided the former president’s home with a blanket warrant. They’ve been out of control for years. People have been cheering for this because it’s happening to the opposing team. As soon as it became clear the Russia Hoax was indeed a hoax, it became a non-story in the media, and everyone moved on to the next thing. The fact it was a hoax perpetrated by the DNC and the intel community, with an assist by the media, should have been the story. Our situation won’t improve until people are held accountable. Everyone should be screaming for this.

    • The part where they can be told to fuck off at 2600fps+ if they try pushing slavery and genocide. Just goes against their delicate sensibilities that such uncivilized savagery can be allowed to exist.

    • “Should we institute the same thing for book, newspaper, and pamphlet sales?”

      Of course not. Those are things everyone needs; no one need a gun.

  10. Credit card companies are shutting down accounts for gun dealers all the time because they don’t fit their “portfolio”. Don’t be fooled that they need a “special code”.

  11. I’m sure there are NY legislators that want this. I have no doubt.

    The author of this article though is one I would consider an Ivy League political hack.

  12. Fear the one who can kill your flesh and your soul. I just might show them what I have. Death where is thy sting? I’ve had a good run all stove up now, spirit body sounds good to me.

  13. USE CASH, checks, money orders and gift/pre-filled cards to buy ALL YOUR GUNS…stop paying excessive card fees…Stop giving your info to these companies anyway…Gun owners need to put them in their place…The proceeds from your purchases are going to liberal/radical causes you didn’t even know about…

  14. Simple solution, Cash!!! Cash works everywhere. Just equate buying firearms like buying stuff at a garage sale, Cash.

    • “Cash works everywhere.”

      Even at retail stores? Places where background checks are mandatory?

      Well, yes. that may be true. However, given the background check mandate for retail sales, cash cannot hide a gun purchase. So easy for govt to decide that every BGC is a gun purchase, leaving bread crumbs to the buyer (or hoped buyer).

      • , leaving bread crumbs to the buyer

        I’ve been buying guns for over 50 years having lived in seven states and dozens of addresses with a number of various DLs. I will soon be changing State, address AND DL one more time, knock on THIS door you won’t find me and there are no breadcrumbs leading to my off-grid mountain home. New DL will be associated with an off-site address owned by my wife../

        • And all that hides your gun purchases performed through an FFL? Interesting.

          Fuck dude did you take a stupid pill this morning? All the FFL (and the ATF) has is your current address at the TIME OF PURCHASE, when you MOVE you don’t fill out new forms providing your NEW address, IF you move off the grid that means THAT address does NOT appear on a 4473, is NOT on file with the ATF AND has NO connection to the purchases made at dozens of prior addresses with several different IDs that were associated with THOSE addresses and NOT your current location.

  15. These are the same people who just became aware of, and found an immediate need to address the *brand new* scourge of “whippits” with new laws.

    Because, you know, exactly zero people knew about huffing whipcream in 19fucking65. Or 1865 for that matter.

    If they were remotely amusing they’d be clowns.

  16. NYC owners of “assault weapons” were enticed into registering them with the promise that if they did, they wouldn’t be confiscated.

    Then, in 1991 a new mayor, David Dinkins, came into office and had a law passed outright banning the guns and used the previous registration list to send cops door to door to physically confiscate the weapons. Cops, with guns, intimidated citizens and confiscated their private property with absolutely no compensation.

    So yeah, there’s a lot to fear from the government. And anyone who thinks ordinary cops won’t enforce these pogroms better think again. It was ordinary cops and National Guard who went door to door to confiscate people’s guns after Katrina, confiscated guns in NYC, and enforced all the unconstitutional Covid “mandates” to include arresting people sitting in their cars in church parking lots with their windows rolled up listening to a sermon. No one is going to save you from the all powerful State.

    • Who’s going to save them from me? Think positive. A loosing attitude means you’ve already lost. Stand up and do it. Don’t be intimidated. Know your rights.

  17. .gov has been tracking credit card purchases for years.
    Next we will here how .gov monitors our cell phones.
    Surprise Surprise

    • Get ready for a “social credit score” scheme. Gun owners will be the ones who won’t be able to travel by plane or Amtrack. Will have difficulty getting financial services. And get discriminated against in many aspects of life. The panopticon is here.

  18. Not all local cc terminals and/or systems are integrated to the point that you can query transactions for individual items purchased, but the day is coming when a basic standalone terminal like we have will no longer be an option. Another in the long list of seemingly unrelated baby steps toward total control–getting closer every day.

  19. Do you realy think that a CREDIT PURCHASE from mastore cannot be traced? If you do you are pretty bloody naive

    If you have to produce a license then if you believe that it’s not recorded your are naive.

    If you think that the Authoritiies do not know the names and whereabout’s of every legally gun owner you are naive.

    If you think that the authorities do not have the SERIALS of legally purchased firearms in then USA then you are naive.

    IF you think that every single entry you make on this websight is not only traceable nbut probably READ by the authorities then you are naive.

    If you think that YOU are not on a list as a GUN OWNER somewhere then your are more than naive you are delusional.

    “The AUTHOR said: “even separate categories for antique shops, secondhand stores and PAWN SHOPS” ”

    In the current state of automation, I would use a category, “pawn shop” to cull those from the credit card provider. Then, I would query the pawn shops to see if their receipts match any 4473. At that point, sending an agent to view the 4473 (which describes the firearm being purchased.

    There are even better ways to surface gun purchases from an FFL; the IT drones at government agencies are probably already running audits, cross-matching names from 4473 against names from other government records.

    In short, you can’t hide by simply “going to cash” (relatively few people can live completely “off the grid”). You can possibly delay, but a determined government will find you. (Well, you could “hide” by using fake credentials, for awhile, but eventually you will surface somewhere)

    Government agents are not actually stupid. They are cunning, crafty, and sly. We recently had an article posted where ATF found out a person bought a number of firearms, and ATF wanted to determine if the buyer was trafficking in firearms. Somehow, the ATF uncovered the sales, likely not from searching credit card records, but 4473s.

    In short, which I should have already been, the vast majority of gun purchases are done via FFL transaction, cash, or no cash.

    “Fuck dude did you take a stupid pill this morning?”

    I overlooked your inability to socially interact, because you posted some interesting claims. However, it won’t happen a gain. Thank you for your time and attention.

  22. The Commie Left exposes their true intent of confiscating guns by going after law-abiding citizens instead of criminals. Note how every single ‘gun control’ law they pass focuses on the legal possession of firearms, not the illegal use of them by criminals. If the Commies are so concerned about ‘gun violence’, why not go after the people who commit those crimes instead of law-abiding citizens? The real reason is that they want to take our guns away so that they will face no meaningful resistance as they consolidate power into a Socialist dictatorship. This is exactly why our Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment. Molon labe.

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