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I know that criticizing Nutnfancy for, uh, anything is like criticizing Mor Biton for, uh, anything. But really, it’s never too early to tell a firearms newbie not to put their finger on the trigger of a gun until they’re in the act of shooting (1:54). Also, a salesman asks questions and listens to the answers. Qualify, present, close. Just sayin’ . . .

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  1. I don’t much care for modern gun shows, but I do like stores and they can be crowded these days. That being said (puts on flame proof suit), the stores I frequent always clear the guns in front of me and I invariably ask the clerk if I can dry fire the weapon. How will I know how spongy/crisp, long/short, awkward/perfect the trigger is? I should point out that I never, ever, pull the trigger while it is pointed at a living thing, but I always dry fire an item that I am thinking of buying.

    • No flame from me, I always ask to dry fire for the same reason. And because I do that I may have a $1k Sig in my future, the jury is still out on if that is good or bad lol. The Nightmare carry has a great trigger so far as I can tell.

      I honestly only see the youtube comment comandos giving a hard time about dry fire. I think many are or have accepted that a modern quality gun can handle occasional dry fire. That being said, I still use snap caps at home.

      • You might want to get that sig soon from what ive heard is that is they’ve stopped production on all but 3 of their pistols to catch up on AR-15s

      • I think the safety of dry-firing depends on the weapon, and the manufacturer will almost always tell you (on newer weapons) whether or not it’s OK. One of the “stone written” laws is never dry fire a .22, but I looked it up when I got my 10/22, and Ruger basically says “knock yourself out.” On my SIG Mosquito, on the other hand, it’s a big no-no. I checked for my new Remington 700, and I didn’t find Remington giving specific direction one way or the other. I did, however, find lots of comments on the internet from people who said it’s fine. One in particular estimated his had been dry-fired easily 2x as often as live fired over the last 5 years, to no apparent ill effects.

        I still have snap caps for all my guns.

  2. I cracked up when I saw this video on TGW. I really like this guy. So, do you have to take the whole day off from work to buy a gun from him? Or will it only take half a day? Heh.

  3. I always ask if I can dry fire, and if there’s an aiming point in the store. I tell the clerk to clear the gun, and then I clear it again. The only time permission has been denied is with certain .22s that shouldn’t be dry fired for fear of damage. If that’s the case, I ask for a snap cap. If there isn’t one, I can’t buy the gun. How can I walk out of the store with a gun that has an untested trigger?

  4. Oh.. yes… one of my favorite parts of the online gun community… pointing out the flaws of others.

    How about props to the man for stepping in and helping out a couple that might easily have gun unserviced, perhaps left the store, and we’d have one less gun owner.

    From what I could tell, they spent a great length of time together before he broke out the camera. Who knows what they discussed.

    Nutnfancy can be annoying, but I’m glad to see him out and helping during this time of need.

  5. I may not agree 100% with everything Nutnfancy says, but overall, I’m a fan of his videos and I think he does a lot of positive things for the community, especially his gun and gear reviews.

    Watching the video reminded me of how nuts my local gun store was after Sandy Hook… I have a feeling it’ll be like that until maybe the end of Jan.

  6. He may have talked to the guy afterward rather than humbling a newb on tape.

    All things considered, annoying or not, Nutn is one of the good guys. By a longshot. It’s pretty safe to say that he does more than his share to support the firearms community. If the firearms community is going to survive, a little unity is needed. Just sayin’.

  7. I’m fairly certain that whatever criticism he gets is said out of love. I know lots of people that claim to have never made it through one of his videos, but I don’t know anyone that thinks he’s a bad guy or a bad ambassador for the “gun life.”

    • I dunno about love, but yeah I’ll definitely grant that he seems like a decent guy, and a good dad. I don’t think a lot of many of his opinions, so I’m definitely on the “can’t get through a vid” list, but hey- it’s a big internet.

  8. I’m very disappointed to hear Nutnfancy tell newbies looking for their first gun(s) that buying a .22 auto is ” a good game plan.” Especially one as large as a Walther P22. I also don’t like it being on video for other don’t have a clue what I’m doing newbies to see.
    These people obviously have a limited budget. Instead of spending $300.00 – $400.00+ on any .22, he should have suggested the woman try her husbands 9 first. I sure she will be pleasantly surprised to find it is not the wrist buster she obviously believes it is. I doubt she will want a .22 after discovering she can handle a much more potent load.
    If I’m wrong and she just has to have a .22, I would suggest a S&W or Ruger wheel gun, Beretta Bobcat or.32acp Beretta Tomcat or NAA Guardian.

    • Perhaps he gives higher priority to new shooters developing good shooting skills and avoiding flinch conditioning, than he does on caliber-based combat effectiveness of someone’s first firearm. Especially if there is already a combat-effective firearm in the household.

      • Hi AlphaGeek,
        Perhaps he does, so do I.
        First, as I stated it is obvious these people are not in a position to spend a lot of money on guns from the husbands comments.
        Second, it’s also obvious that they have no experience with guns. I would bet the house the woman has never fired a gun and I would not be surprised to find the man has not either.
        Third, it’s obvious that the woman already believes the .22 round to be inferior or she would have chosen the less expensive P22 for her husband. Instead she chose “this one (PPS) for him”. How long before she wants “this one” for her.
        Fourth,any benefit the woman would gain from training with the P22, she would gain from training with the guns I suggested. And all of the models I suggested are better suited to CC than the P22. The Tomcat and Guardian also fire a slightly more powerful cartridge. The revolvers have no cycling concerns.

        I never said, don’t buy a .22. I have them myself. They are fun and inexpensive to shoot.
        The problem I have is telling these people of limited funds, who are looking for self defense guns, that buying a PPS now and buying a P22 ” a couple of paychecks from now ” is a good plan”.
        I don’t believe it is.
        Most people don’t have (and can’t afford) an arsenal. Most people who buy a handgun, have one (1) gun they use for both CC and home defense. If they have two (2) shooters in the house, they may have two (2) guns. (They may also have a shotgun.) I believe it is misleading and just plain wrong to give advise such as this to newbies who look to you for advise on the best way to spend their money.

        I believe the following is “a good plan”.

        Buy the PPS now, if thats what you want. Go to the range with your husband. Shoot the PPS and see how YOU like it. See how it shoots for YOU. Don’t make up your mind that day. Practice with it a few times. See if it “grows on you”. If you still don’t like it, check into the cost of renting ( or try to borrow) a .38,.380, .32 to get the feel of different loads and actions. If you don’t like any of these, try a .40 and .45. I know a woman who carried a 9mm DAO for years because she was told it would be “best” for her. She hated practicing with it because of the “snappy recoil” (her words). She shot a Colt SA .45 one day and loved the ” gentle push” (her words) of the .45. That is now her carry gun.
        If you still don’t like any of these buy a .22, but buy a small one. If you are going to carry a small caliber handgun (.380,.32,.22), carry a small gun. It will be the easiest to conceal. Also if you should decide to buy a large caliber gun later,you will still have a very small gun for those days when only a very small gun will do.
        My wife carries either a Kahr K9 Elite or XDSC 9 depending on cover garment, but there are times when she is forced to carry a .32 Guardian in a clutch purse.

        This is the kind of advise I would like to see somone with the influence and exposure of Nutnfancy give two (2) newbies on a limited budget as well as any others who may see this on You Tube.

        As for there being a” combat-effective firearm in the household”, they both remarked that he will be carring the PPS and she will benefit from that ” when we’re together.”

    • I traded away a Ruger MkII some years ago and it was my 2nd worst gun deal ever. The worst one being selling of a mint Colt Cobra to a cop friend of mine who was looking for a BUG…who then traded it awhile later for a compact S&W 9mm..dick…Anyways, I was out of the shooting game for a short while but when I was able to get back in I realized I had a helluva lot more fun with that Ruger than I thought. Couldn’t afford another at the time and saddled myself with a California spec Pheonix .22…I honestly hate that gun so much that I can’t recall what the model number is. I thought about spray painting it brown cuz it’s such a turd. So yeah anyways a good quality .22 is always fun to shoot and the more fun it is the more you’ll want to practice practice practice. But you all know that.

  9. All,s love self perclaim gun experts tell people do what say but do not do what they preach. If you get your gun advice from land youtube than your bounds see more this.

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