
Angela Corey knew that she was in the hot seat when she was assigned as prosecutor of George Zimmerman in the shooting of Treyvon Martin. Governor Rick Scott tossed her that political football. Everyone understood that it was a highly incendiary case.
There was virtually no evidence to prosecute Zimmerman with. That’s why the county prosecutors and police didn’t charge him with an offense initially. It’s probably why Angela Corey refused to use a grand jury. Instead, she indicted Zimmerman directly. A grand jury would probably have refused to indict, too. In the trial, the prosecution’s witnesses became witnesses for the defense on cross examination.
The best analysis of the Zimmerman/Martin shooting and trial has been done by Massad Ayoob. Aye is an expert witness on the use of deadly force and self defense. He’s one of the most successful authors in the armed self defense field.
From his analysis at backwoodshome.com in part 13 of a 20 part series:

The most damning moment for Ms. Corey in this case was her commentary to the press after the acquittal. A prosecutor should respect the system, and the jury’s verdict. The man she assigned to spearhead the state’s case, Bernie de la Rionda, obviously understood that. One journalist asked both of them to describe the defendant and the deceased in a single word.

De la Rionda chose the words “lucky” for defendant George Zimmerman, and “victim” for the deceased Trayvon Martin. He knew how to straddle the line. Despite Zimmerman’s ordeal, a lot of people think anyone who is facing life in prison and gets set free is “lucky.” And “victim” is the term that is generally and automatically used for someone who is killed.

But Corey described the young man who was shown by the evidence as the one who started the fatal battle as “prey,” and the man the jury had just found Not Guilty of Murder as “murderer.”

The difference is profound. It doesn’t just show her to be a bad loser, it shows her to be utterly contemptuous of the jury, and the system she is sworn to serve. Her answer was simply egregious.

There are those who believe that Ms. Corey took the case and tried to destroy Zimmerman’s life because, in the cases mentioned in the links above, she had lost voter support in the African-American community and thought that prosecuting Zimmerman would be a good political move. If one accepts that, it begs the question, “How did that work for ya, Ms. Corey?”

Ayoob’s analysis from three years ago has proven prescient. From jacksonville.com:

Many disagree with that statement and view Corey as both vindictive and hostile to critics. Corey also said her office and the criminal justice system is fair to black people, a point that prompts disagreement from minorities.

“She’s lost the trust of the black community,” said Jacksonville NAACP President Isaiah Rumlin. “And I think she’s too set in her ways to change.”

Rumlin, who has donated money to (Melissa) Nelson’s campaign, said Corey angered many with her prosecutions and been tone deaf to criticisms and concerns. That is frustrating when you consider how many people of color go through the criminal justice system, he said.

Corey has justifiably angered Second Amendment supporters as well. From abcnews.go.com:

Nelson, meanwhile, has won support from former prosecutors as well as groups including the National Rifle Association, which has criticized Corey for prosecuting people that NRA leaders say were defending themselves.

The NRA and the NAACP president both want Angela Corey out and Melissa Nelson in. Nelson is leading in the polls at present. The Republican primary is on August 30th.

©2016 by Dean Weingarten: Permission to share is granted when this notice and link are included.
Gun Watch


  1. It’s not that she prosecuted Zimmerman, it’s that her constant breaches of ethics were on national display.
    She helped millions of Americans to see what a Persecuting Attorney really does for a living, and it’s not a pretty sight.

    But don’t kid yourself into thinking there aren’t 20,000 more persecutors just like her…

    • For every self-serving, morally corrupt prosecutor like Corey, there are five or six defense lawyers so vile they would make her look like a saint by comparison.

      • The prosecutor allegedly works for The People and for Justice. The defense works for the defendant.
        I haven’t known any defense attorneys who would break the law to acquit their client, but maybe I missed out on that by carefully choosing defense attorneys.

        Most of the fraud of which I speak isn’t even possible for the defense to engage in. They can’t illegally suppress evidence, and they have much less opportunity to suborn perjury. It’s not like they can put a witness in prison for refusing to change his story to suit them. Defense attorneys can sell their client up the river in exchange for a quick plea deal and collect their pay without doing any meaningful work, and it seems to be the standard of care for public defenders, is that what you’re talking about?

        My best estimate is that about half of local prosecuting attorneys are far more despicable than crooked cops. When it comes to federal prosecutors who have worked in the DOJ for more than a year and are still there, it’s virtually 100%.

        Let’s take a look at a local candidate for sainthood who recently retired from the bench and died of cancer.
        As a prosecutor, he actually lobbied for a law to prohibit reopening cases simply because DNA or other evidence came to light which proved the innocence of the convict. His “reasoning” was as follows: it was harmful to victim’s families to allow convicts to prove their innocence. Yep, that’s what he said. It was unfair to victim’s families to let them know the real culprit was at large, more unfair in fact than keeping an innocent man behind bars. Then, as is too often the case, a circuit judge retired mid-term and the governor appointed our vile prosecutor to the bench. Then the judges, including the now-former prosecutor, selected his deputy prosecutor to be the new prosecutor. And our good old creeps club avoids having to win two elections.

  2. Enemies enemy is my friend…till they’re not, and when they weren’t to begin with. What’s the NAACP’s stance on guns again?

    • My thought is that the NAACP is mad that she couldn’t convict Zimmerman, while the NRA is mad that she prosecuted him at all.
      Makes for strange bedfellows….

  3. Along with what she tried to do to Zimmerman, Angela Corey is lower than pond scum for her prosecution of Marissa Alexander after she fired a warning shot in the direction of her abusive husband and his two children even though no one was hurt.

    Ruining lives is what she does for self-gratification.

    Kick that witch out of office, *please*.

    Get cancer and suffer, Corey…

    • You misspelled “half retarded psycho bitch who practices law the way Kavorkian practices medicine”.

      Just saying. Prolly get a [Flame Deleted] for that… but whatever.

    • She broke the law and that was the sentence prescribed. Stop trying to sugar coat it with no one was hurt. Bullets fired into the air has hit overhead planes and killed innocents at a distance. You’re a moron. That’s one reason for the law. Besides she left and came back with the gun, when she could have just left. That proves intent.

  4. Did the NRA join forces with the NAACP or are they just backing the same candidate?

    There is a huge difference, and my wallet wants to know.

    • NRA backed the NFA, GCA, LEOPA, UFA (and backed its 2013 renewal despite knowing it led to the assault weapons ban), and added Duty to Inform requirements in concealed carry laws that would have passed anyways.

      Your wallet shouldn’t be near them in the first place

      • Meh. Have you seen the PSAs the NRA is putting on TV about Hillary and her 30 years of constant armed guards funded by taxpayers, while she tries to disarm everyone else? I really try to avoid contributing to their “Political Victory Fund” because they back/fund supporters of firearm rights without considering the candidates’ positions on other rights, I’d rather donate to candidates whose positions I support, directly. But after seeing that announcement several times, in Texas no less, where it doesn’t seem necessary, I may have to actually send them a donation, since it is NRA-PVF that is paying for it.

  5. Total scum. Regularly boots blacks off of capital murder juries, got her crony elected public defender, and disproportionately seeks the death penalty for blacks. Add in all of her anti self defense crap and she can’t be gone too soon.

  6. In the trial, the prosecution’s witnesses became witnesses for the defense on cross examination.

    Are you kidding? Easily half were testifying for the defense on direct. I’ve never seen the like, before or since.

  7. There is simply no element of the Zimmerman case that does not scream wrongful prosecution. And no, “I was just following orders” does not give her a pass.

  8. And Zimmerman has, understandably, lost his mind due to the stresses and attention put on him by this rogue prosecutor, the media, and hate groups. Is it any wonder that he had a mental break from reality and can’t stay out of trouble now?

  9. So it is OK if a prosecutor sends hundreds or thousands of young black men to jail as long as they make an example of some random white-ish one?

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