
“Developed with our activist, volunteer, and grassroots army in mind, this one-stop shop will allow anyone with a smartphone to join the frontlines of the fight to defend the Second Amendment.” That’s the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) description of their new mobile phone app. Click here to download.


Over the course of the next few weeks and months, app users will be able to earn actions points to unlock badges and climb the leaderboard. They’ll be able to chat with like-minded activists from around the country. They’ll be able to share user-generated content, and engage with NRA images, videos, and stories. They’ll be able to stay up to date on events in their area. They’ll be able to contact their lawmakers with their thumbs. In short, they’ll be able to stand and fight for the Second Amendment like never before.

I’ve played with the app and one thing stands out: it asks for access to my contacts. Hey, at least it asks.

Credit the NRA with realizing that in the intertubes age, faster is always better. Speed, surprise and violence of action and all that.



  1. “fight like hell”

    So backstab your allies and betray that which you’ve sworn to protect? Sounds like the NRA alright.

    Let’s hope that “User Generated Content” is filled with calls for NFA repeal.

    • They are lobbying inside of a system and in order to be effective they have to play ball. Have they made mistakes in the past playing up the “hunting” aspect of gun ownership? Certainly. However they are the best group to speak on our behalf with the best structure available and established inside of the beltway to get things done in Congress. They are politically savvy (hence their comparative success) so they know that they will pain themselves as extremist and open for attack if they demand everything in one fell swoop.

    • Ugh. I swear, if I had to pick just one gun law I could make disappear, it would be the NFA.

      Here’s to hoping at least the Hearing Protection Act gets through.

    • Nanashi you need to keep up. It’s NOT 1976.

      Lets also holp that there is ANOTHER “Revolt in Ohio” next week. 1977 was NRA in Cincinatti. 2016 in Cleveland. This time by the GOP and to dump Trump in favor of Cruz. STOP letting the main stream media maggots select the Rep Pres candidate.

    • All the NRA wants is your money so they can bribe politicians to vote our way. SCREW the NRA and all who gave birth to them.

      • Sadly, that’s how it works in the real world. Sounds like your beef is with reality, not the NRA.

  2. Don’t

    Nothing but a cyber security threat, just like all useless apps

    Wanna help the cause? Spread the word, write to whatever representative, and donate (not necessarily to the NRA)

    OPSEC guys, OPSEC

    • “Wanna help the cause?”

      Take a new shooter to the range…anti or not really doesn’t matter. Start them on their “conversion.”

      Get THEM hooked enough to care enough for THEM to write Congress-critters and others in .gov.

  3. I love the NRA. I think they are the best thing since sliced bread. And it’s great that they are developing outreach to the demographic that most effectively deploys social media. One of the smartest things I ever did many years ago was to upgrade my membership to Benefactor Member. My local gun club, the West End Gun Club, requires that all its members be NRA members. Every single American gun owner should be a member, because even though we may not agree with every single thing the NRA does on the policy front, there is simply no other organization as powerful in advancing the RKBA.

    God bless the NRA!

    Timothy Wheeler, MD
    Doctors for Responsible Gun Ownership
    Former Director, California Rifle & Pistol Association (NRA state affiliate)

    • I generally agree. One thing that bothers me is how pathetically tiny the NRA’s membership is. They brag about “5 million members”, but so what — if there’s 100 million gun owners, there should be 100 million members. The AARP has 37 million members, and ain’t NOBODY touches Social Security! Get the NRA 37 million members, and ain’t NOBODY would have the stones to call for gun control. Get the NRA to 37 million members and there’s no way anyone would be calling the NRA a “domestic terrorist organization.”

      Worried about being on some “government list”? Join — so that everyone’s on the list. What will the feds do when there’s a hundred million names on the list? Not a damn thing, that’s what.

      You don’t join, you’re part of the problem.

      • Being on a list doesn’t bother me. Being on the NRA membership list does. It has proven itself to be a gun privileges organization and not a gun rights organization. If that ever changes, I’ll consider rejoining. I ain’t holding my breath though…

        The view that the individual RKBA is a privilege is the problem. Those that support that view are part of the problem.

        • Well, there’s the way things are, and the way things out to be. And the way things are, the NRA is “the” 800-pound gorilla that keeps blocking wholesale gun control proposals. They have been declared by the grabbers as “the enemy” and “the reason we can’t get anything done.” Ain’t perfect, but it’s the best we’ve got.

        • …so, John in Ohio, removing yourself from the NRA membership pool, thereby lowering their effectiveness while also raising the rate of members who support the “privilege” vs “rights” viewpoint is the answer? Good call — not.

        • @RealityCheck:

          Nope. The NRA has had ample time to prove itself. The one thing it has proven is that it’s the 800-pound statist that will only support privilege. I’m not getting behind another tyrannical organization. The lesser of two evils is a false dichotomy. As far as I’m concerned, the enemies to my right to keep and bear arms include the NRA.

          Step out of the way NRA and let’s get this party really started!

        • You cannot change an organization you are not part of. Join, get involved.

          This makes just as much sense as those who do not get involved in politics at any level but sure like to tell everyone how things should be done without every getting involved themselves.

          It is this same attitude that in November will get Hillary elected.

        • I used to be a member and chose to withdraw from the organization. I’m not a Democrat either but that doesn’t mean that I’m not working to change things.

          You keep doing what you’re doing and check back with me in 5 or 10 years. With the NRA doing what it’s doing, things will only get worse in general regarding individual liberty.

          Hillary in 2016? Let’s get this party started.

        • @NineShooter:

          Yeah, it is a good idea to see who stands for unalienable individual rights and who stands for government privileges, tossed from their master’s table like scraps for dogs.

          The latter only brings tyranny. You want tyranny? This is how we get tyranny.

    • Actually, the app is free, and the 10 minutes I spent perusing it brought no solicitations for money. And GOA is also a great organization. Support them both, I do.

    • Fine to support GOA…but I rarely here a politician EVER mentioning them..fine organization…absolutely zero clout..JOIN THEM ALL..stop focusing on one or the other.

      • Oh, I know … there are several CCW apps, apps from WikiArms and AmmoSeek (although that last one insisted on opening with really annoying sound effects, or did when I tried it), and a reloading app at the least, and I keep meaning to look into one of the inventory apps.

        What surprises me is that they let an NRA-branded app in the door, not necessarily that it’s firearm related. (semi serious…)

  4. And … installed it and it immediately started trying to use my phone’s location services. No way to shut that off in the app’s settings and, given Verizon hasn’t deigned to release Android 6 for my phone yet, no way to tell the OS to prohibit it specifically.

    So, it’s now uninstalled. I don’t need another power vampire on my phone.

    • Good to hear. I generally support the NRA but don’t need MORE crap on my phone. Attack DOG- that’s what I want in the NRA…

    • No bigger battery hog on a phone than the GPS chip. I only turn it on when I specifically need it. Then I turn it off.

  5. The big question is whether or not this app will help me collect that rare Pokemon I’ve been trying to find.

      • There are folks down here taking bets on how long it will be before the first Pokemon fatality.

        Like having your face glued to the screen as you walk out into traffic and get hit by a bus…

        • Pokemon players look like zombies lumbering around, faces buried in their phones, senses dead to the world. This might be a proto Walking Dead type thing we’re dealing with.

        • Apperantly, thats already happend in a few places.

          @HP – its funny you mention it. A good friend took his son to a park recently and he noted that there were dozens of people milling about the park glued to their phones. At one point he saw them all stop at the exact same time and look up and about. Apperantly there was some network hic-up at that moment affecting Pokemon Go, and momentarily breaking the spell. Second later it came back up and the zombie milling resumed all at once. He said it was one of the creepiest things he’s ever witnessed.
          Incidentally, he was in the park because his son wanted to look for Pokemon. Thats how he new about the sudden glitch.

  6. Well, a step in the right direction, but everytime I feel like throwing my lot in with the NRA, I’m reminded of their support of the NFA, GCA, Duty To Inform laws, and the most recent “No fly, no buy” BS. I know much of that is in the past, but if they can’t even admit to ‘reevaluating’ their prior positions, then why would I think for a second they have changed?

    • How will you enact change within an organization you are not even part of?

      If you want those changes, get involved, vote, make your idea part of the platform.

      I am hoping that all the “I hate the NRA because….” crowd are at least part of their state grass roots gun rights orgs and donate to those orgs vs just liking them on Facebook.

      • Becoming a voting member of the NRA requires either patience (you have to be a regular member for 5 consecutive years) or cash (life or higher membership level).

        But yes, nonmembers never get a vote.

      • “I am hoping that all the “I hate the NRA because….” crowd are at least part of their state grass roots gun rights orgs and donate to those orgs vs just liking them on Facebook.”

        I have been very active in defense of the individual RKBA. I do something to further the education of others every day, in person. Additionally, I have put my life on the line more than once in defense of liberty and will continue to do so. However, I can no longer support the NRA. Full stop.

      • I do more than my fair share on the individual level and at the state level. I don’t have the cash for a lifetime membership at this juncture, and I honestly don’t think we as a nation have the time to wait out the old guard (mostly fudds) in groups like the NRA.

    • di:tpbsn;&canon les couleurs peau d’avocat et fanes de carottes!!! je crois que je vais tester ça trés vite!!!! (et pas de fixateurs ou autre?? ça tiens au lavage, ça parait fou!!)

  7. I believe the NRA does more good than harm. In addition to education, safety and match sponsorship, the NRA also fights legal and legislative battles. Without the NRA’s efforts our rights would be restricted even more than is currently the case,
    The opposition is well funded, well organized, and enjoys substantial support from the MSM and other corporate entities. Fighting them requires lots of money.
    I can’t say I support every tactic the NRA has utilized, but I suggest they might be more effective if there were, say, 60 million members instead of the current enrollment.
    Gun grabbers hate and fear the NRA, and waste no opportunity to vilify this organization. For that reason alone I will continue to support the NRA.

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