Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson speaks after President Joe Biden announced Jackson as his nominee to the Supreme Court in the Cross Hall of the White House, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Washington. Vice President Kamala Harris listens at right. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
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Joe Biden really loves his ice cream and as such was sorely disappointed to hear of Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement. At the same time, even Stevie Wonder could see that Old Joe would nominate someone far to the left of the political center to fill the SCOTUS seat. Someone who supports laws that keep Americans on the gun control plantation.

Thanks in part to a reported agreement that was struck during his presidential run, Biden promised to choose a black woman to fill the next high court opening and now Judge Kentanji Brown Jackson has gotten the nod.

The NRA-ILA has this to say about the nomination.

“Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson has never affirmed that the Second Amendment protects the individual, fundamental right of all Americans to keep and bear arms for the defense of themselves or others. Consequently, the NRA is concerned with President Biden’s decision to nominate her to the Supreme Court of the United States at a crucial time when there are vital cases that will determine the scope and future of the Second Amendment and self-defense rights in our country.​ As we always do, the NRA will monitor her statements during the confirmation process and advise our members accordingly.”

The Civilian Disarmament Industrial Complex could barely contain its collective glee at Ms. Brown Jackson’s nomination. Giffords offered this as a press release . . .

Today, Giffords Law Center lauded the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve as an associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. If confirmed, Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will succeed Associate Justice Stephen Breyer, whose record of distinguished service on the Court has benefited all Americans since his confirmation in 1994.

Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson speaks after President Joe Biden announced Jackson as his nominee to the Supreme Court in the Cross Hall of the White House, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022, in Washington. Vice President Kamala Harris listens at right. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Control put this out:

Today, Everytown for Gun Safety and its grassroots arms Moms Demand Action and Students Demand Action applauded the nomination of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by retiring Associate Justice Stephen Breyer. Judge Jackson will make history as the first Black woman nominated to the Supreme Court, following President Joe Biden’s promise on the campaign trail. 

“President Biden has governed as the strongest gun safety president in history, and we have every confidence that Judge Jackson will employ a mainstream, commonsense reading of the Second Amendment,” said John Feinblatt, president of Everytown for Gun Safety. “We applaud President Biden for nominating the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, and urge the Senate to answer the call of history and confirm her without delay.”

“President Biden not only made history nominating the first Black woman to the Supreme Court, but he’s also nominated someone who we are confident will determine that common sense gun safety laws are constitutional,” said Shannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action. “Our grassroots army of volunteers across the country were proud to help elect the strongest gun safety administration in history, and today’s nomination shows the importance of that work. We look forward to supporting Judge Jackson’s nomination and call on the Senate to swiftly confirm her.”

“It’s incredibly important that those at the highest level of our legal system remember that their decisions have real consequences for real people and that means survivors of gun violence,” said La’Shea Cretain, Everytown Survivor Network Senior Fellow. “Judge Jackson has long placed the people impacted by decisions at the center of her work and I look forward to her doing so on the Supreme Court.”

Gun control disarms victims, not criminals, and has a disproportionate impact on poor and minority communities. But you already knew that.

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  1. Yup, a two fer! A liberal and quite possibly a gun grabber……I know, redundant!!

    • Real dacian here.

      So selecting a SCOTUS nominee on the basis of race and sex is in fact NOT racist, or Sexist. Okay guys. Okay???? Let me repeat. Discriminating on the basis of race is NOT racist. Discriminating on the basis of sex is NOT sexist.

      -Dacian. And I don’t know who posted this video. But it is inappropriate!!!

    • Yes its killing you because the court is not all white, and all radical jack booted racist storm troopers.

      • The ethnic backgrounds of those on the SCOTUS are not an issue. The way the believe the Constitution should be interpreted is.

        “On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit of the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.”

        ― Thomas Jefferson

        • “Extract from Thomas Jefferson to “Henry Tompkinson”

          “Some men look at Constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, & deem them, like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. they ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. I knew that age well: I belonged to it, and labored with it. it deserved well of it’s country. it was very like the present, but without the experience of the present: and 40. years of experience in government is worth a century of book-reading: and this they would say themselves, were they to rise from the dead. I am certainly not an advocate for frequent & untried changes in laws and constitutions … but I know also that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind … we might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”

          Thomas Jefferson

        • “I know also that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind … “
          Thomas Jefferson

          Thomas Jefferson, great American statesman, and also at the very same time, a serial child rapist who sold his own offspring into bondage.

          We should honor Jeffersons wisdom when appropriate, and recognize he was a man of his time, a time when American white men owned Black people by the millions and abused, tortured and killed them without just cause.

      • You’re such a racist. Like Biden, all you can offer is “It’s a black female”. You don’t care what she stands for, you only care about color and gender. Typical Democrat – racist, racist, racist.

        • I don’t think it’s liberals who have a problem with her being black, it’s clearly the right wing conservatives as evidenced by their leading spokesman’s racist commentary.

          Tucker Carlson has never called for the LSAT scores of any Supreme Court justice, no Republican called for the LSAT scores for Kavanaugh or Amy Comey Barrett or Neil Gorsuch.

          But even though Biden’s nominee is a graduate of Harvard law, Tucker Carlson showed his racist attitude by questioning her intelligence and insisting that she should provide her LSAT scores to prove that she was intelligent enough for the position.

          “We certainly hope so. Biden’s right. Appointing her is one of his gravest constitutional duties. So it might be time for Joe Biden to let us know what Ketanji Brown Jackson’s LSAT score was.

          “How did she do on the LSATs? Why wouldn’t you tell us that? That would settle the question conclusively as to whether she’s a once-in-a-generation legal talent, the next Learned Hand. It would seem like Americans in a democracy have a right to know that and much more before giving her a lifetime appointment, but we didn’t hear that.”

        • Minor MINER49ER, We don”t give a rat’s behind about her skin pigmentation. We OBJECT because she was selected by Sleepy Joe for the sole reason that she is Black and a woman.

          Do you understand now? Or is that too simple?

        • “the sole reason that she is Black and a woman“

          That is incorrect. She was selected based on her qualifications, and the president made a decision to maintain the balance on the court by giving priority to a minority and a woman.

          For almost 200 years, the priority was white, Protestant males.

          To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.

        • Minor MINER49er. Horse Pucky! She was selected because Sleepy Joe made an election promise to select a Black woman for the Supreme Court should a vacancy come up during his “administration”. As usual, you are lying to cover up this racist appointment. Since when is it a qualification to ignore the Constitution in a Supreme Court or Appellate Court Case

          You have heard of reverse discrimination? There was no such “priority” to appoint white Protestant males. Again, another Leftist boldfaced lie! How does it feel to continually play the race card?

      • Justice Thomas is probably my favorite justice.

        Do you consider him a white, radical, jack-booted, racist storm trooper?

        • From someone who so lilly white from being in the basement they glow in the dark.

          How’s that guilt for your white male privilege going?

      • Dacian, no, our Republic has survived worse than Biden. That demented, imbecile couldn’t fight his way out of a wet paper bag. Give him oral sex if you wamt to. You both deserve it.

        • “our Republic has survived worse than Biden”

          sure, back when it was better. not much of it left now, biden might indeed be able to fight his way out of it.

        • I would pay to see a cage match between Putin and Biden. I’d pay a lot. Biden would be stump broke inside of 3 minutes. The only real bet would be how much less than 3 minutes.

      • Let us all confirm that everything is about race – if it is, the racists on the Dem plantation will all stand up and applaud. All it means is all the guns for me and none for thee.

      • dacian the Dunderhead, I repeat, they only racists here are you Leftist-socialists. Your doctrine is steeped in racism.

    • Yes very true. As one court member admitted the court will not be taken seriously anymore nor even survive because the people know its pure partisanship and the constitution means nothing to them.

      • Make up your mind, fool. Either the court is good because a black woman will sit on it, or the court is bad because it’s racist. Stop talking out both sides of your arse at the same time.

      • And when I say the constitution means nothing to them, I’m talking about the left leaning wing of the supreme court. They are pragmatist justices, and that means they make their ruling, to some degree, on what they feel is good for the country. In other words, legislating from the bench. Sotomayor especially, which is really just an activist in a justice robe. For example, abortion in the 60s, was a pragmatist ruling. The constitution says no such thing about abortion, whatsoever. Such a thing should be left to the state legislature. Worst case scenario, the federal legislature. Instead, it was even worse, it was left to no legislature, and just ruled on by decree, by a activist left-wing panel of judges. Likewise with gay marriage. The constitution says absolutely nothing about gay marriage. The courts should have rejected such a issue back to the legislature. Instead, they created out of whole cloth, gay marriage, from nothing.

        By the way! if I say I am a fake dacian, it’s because sometimes I forget to take my meds, and then I go around saying what I already said was fake, because I don’t remember saying them. Ignore such responses.

        • Your writing comprehension is at the K level – which is rather advanced for Dimmocrats.

      • dacian, the Dunderhead, it is not “partisan” to support and defend the Constitution. That is what the Supreme Court was designed for by our Founding Fathers.

  2. Just out of curiosity, what’s with the hyphenated Sir name and the fake African given name? Not that it makes any difference, but just curious.
    As for Brown-Jackson, she will be filling a more or less liberal seat so no real change there. personally, I would like to see judges appointed, nominated etc. who don’t want to re-interpret or redesign the words of the Constitution and the Amendments. Just follow what they actually say. If some dumb country boy like myself can read and understand the Bill of Rights, and understand the original meaning of the words and phrases used, one would think an educated and experienced jurist could do so as well.

    • An educated and experienced jurist could do so as well, that’s true. But an indoctrinated, self entitled, left-wing quisling will not.

    • “If some dumb country boy like myself can read and understand the Bill of Rights, and understand the original meaning of the words and phrases used, one would think an educated and experienced jurist could do so as well.”

      Ketanji Brown Jackson will do exactly the same as you. However….(you knew there would be a “however”) you are reading from the view of “what does the Constitution mean”? She will be reading from the view of “what could the Constitution mean?

      Different starting point, same map, different destinations.

      • “She will be reading from the view of “what could the Constitution mean?“

        What an amazing mental talent you have, to know a persons internal attitudes and motivations from 1000 miles away, fascinating!

        Are you also one of those humans who claims to know the mind of the supreme deity of the universe?

    • “what’s with the hyphenated Sir name and the fake African given name?”

      it’s a rejection of western civilization, it’s mores, and it’s ideals, and a return to tribal warfare.

    • “Just follow what they actually say”

      “Extract from Thomas Jefferson to “Henry Tompkinson”

      “Some men look at Constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, & deem them, like the ark of the covenant, too sacred to be touched. they ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. I knew that age well: I belonged to it, and labored with it. it deserved well of it’s country. it was very like the present, but without the experience of the present: and 40. years of experience in government is worth a century of book-reading: and this they would say themselves, were they to rise from the dead. I am certainly not an advocate for frequent & untried changes in laws and constitutions … but I know also that laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind … we might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy, as civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors.”

      Thomas Jefferson

        • You claim to have rebutted my post, which was nothing but the text of Jefferson’s letter.

          What, exactly are you rebutting?

    • “fake African given name“

      That’s just like your fake Irish names like Erin or Colin, or yourfake Italian names like Antonio or your fake Jewish names like Benjamin or Aaron… Just folks wanting to commemorate their heritage by naming their children with a culturally significant moniker.

      Why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?

  3. Non Sequitur, the Court is stacked with radical far right nut case judges who believe in impoverishing the workingman because they are anti-union and anti-worker and of course will not uphold the right to vote.

    • Who exactly has been denied the right to vote?

      No rant required, show who is being unduly stopped from voting.

        • And when I say denied, I mean denied free food, bribes, and other freebies in the line to the polls. Normally we just act outraged and say the “right” doesn’t want us to give people water outside the polls. But the reality is, We are giving them all kinds of stuff, and for a certain number of them, that helps their vote lean in our direction. Especially if they come across someone they don’t know and don’t know who to vote for. Also, everyone has the “right” to a mail in ballot. Mkay! And when I say “mail-in” I’m talking about they didn’t request a ballot, the gov already sends them one. The problem with this is, if you live in an apartment, you might get three or four ballots. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN OUR ELECTIONS ARE INSECURE!

        • Who? Where is the proof? Are you talking about the ID requirements Texas has? Are you against proof you are a registered and legit voter?

        • Wannabe Paratrooper you are either an abject liar or a complete fool. The New Texas voter suppression laws have made it so complex and inconvenient to vote people have often filled out the paperwork wrong and often just given up with all the road blocks the Jackbooted Republicans have thrown at them.

          One voter after being denied 3 times said “Its gotten so bad you have to hire a fking lawyer to do the paperwork for you so you can vote.

        • “if you live in an apartment, you might get three or four ballots. BUT THAT DOESN’T MEAN OUR ELECTIONS ARE INSECURE!“

          A dishonest claim by Fake Dacian.

          It doesn’t make any difference how many ballots you receive, only one will be counted and the elections officials will discard the remainder.

          Despite all the claims, no Republican has ever stepped forward with proof of multiple mail in ballots being counted.

        • Minor MINER49er More horse pucky? Early voting and mail-in voting are riff with opportunities for you Leftists to stuff the ballot box.

        • “Early voting and mail-in voting are riff with opportunities”


          So you have no actual hard evidence of problems, just your uninformed speculation about “opportunities”?

          And based on that you want to cut mail in voting so troops overseas won’t be allowed to participate in America, and you want to cut out early voting so minorities and working folks can’t vote on weekends?

          How patriotic of you…

          You do know, Donald Trump and Melania both voted mail in ballots in 2020, right?

          But that’s OK for them, they’re… more equal, high-toned folks.

        • Minor MINER49er, I sure do. Now, pay attention here. What you propose does not require that the voter get his/her ballot notarized therefor verifying that the person who is casting the vote is actually the person he or she says they are.

          I notice that you cut and pasted. Here is the entire post, not what you cherry picked. “More horse pucky? Early voting and mail-in voting are riff with opportunities for you Leftists to stuff the ballot box.”

          Again, you are lying. It seems that when a member of the armed forces votes he./she goes to the Adjutant General’s Office on base and gets his/her ballot notarized.

          For your edification, voting day is traditionally the first Tuesday in November. Again, the states require that if you have to work the entire time that the polls are open, they MUST give you the time to go to the polls and vote and then return to work. It’s the LAW, Leftist.

          Yes, I know that both Donald and Melania Trump voted by ABSENTEE BALLOT as they were not going to be in the State of New York on Election day. Again, they had to have their ballot notarized verifying that they were the actual voter casting the ballot.

          Again, you are showing just how much you know about Election Law and and just how much you want to be able to stuff the ballot box with unverified ballots.

      • A lot of dead people are denied the vote, thanks to Republicans purging the rolls periodically.

        • Dead people voting?

          That’s the Republicans favorite way to commit voter fraud, and of course the right biased courts don’t throw them in prison for violating the Constitution ‘cause they’re privileged.

          “Republicans and conservative conspiracy theorists were certain they’d found the definitive proof they’d been waiting for. Rosemarie Hartle passed away in 2017, but someone nevertheless tried to cast a ballot on her behalf in the 2020 elections. Her husband, Donald Kirk Hartle, called this “sickening,” and suggested it bolstered GOP attacks on the integrity of the electoral system.

          Yesterday, the story collapsed: It was Donald Kirk Hartle who illegally voted for his late wife, lied about it, got caught, and ultimately pleaded guilty. As The Nevada Independent reported, the Republican voter accepted responsibility, expressed regret, and received a fairly light sentence.

          As part of the plea deal, Hartle will be able to withdraw his plea, if he follows the terms of a yearlong probation, and instead plead guilty to a misdemeanor charge of conspiracy to commit voting more than once in the same election. Under that charge, he would be fined $2,000 and receive credit for time served — meaning he would not serve any additional jail time. The felony charge he pleaded guilty to is typically punishable by a prison term of up to four years, as well as a fine of up to $5,000.“

          Of course, if this fraudster had been a democrat, he’d received years in prison.

        • Minor MINER49er Again, more Horse Pucky! IT has been REPEATEDLY documented that “dead people” have case votes in past elections dating back many years.

        • Turn on a UV light in the basement and the ceiling will have night sky effect. And so will the walls and furniture.

      • You do not believe cutting early voting hours makes it more difficult for working folks to get to the polls to vote?

        “April 1, 2021, 9:45 AM EDT
        By Jane C. Timm
        The Texas Senate in the early morning hours Thursday passed a sweeping election bill that cuts early voting options and empowers partisan poll watchers.

        Senate Bill 7 bans overnight early voting and drive-thru early voting, popular options offered by Harris County, Texas, during the 2020 election.“

        Help me to understand how cutting early voting opportunities prevents fraud, thanks!

        • I’m glad none of you embarrassed yourself by trying to answer with some bullshit excuse regarding cutting early voting.

          There’s no question cutting early voting makes it more difficult for working folks who leave for work before the polls open and return home after the polls close, every week day.

          And of course conservative Republicans have a problem with mail-in votes, that would allow the troops serving overseas the opportunity to participate in the elections and no matter what they say, Republicans fear the mail in votes of our armed forces.

          Not to mention young folks attending college out of state, shouldn’t they be allowed to vote in their state of residence rather than their temporary abode?

          Or oil field or pipeline workers who are out of state on the job, shouldn’t they be allowed to mail in vote? Or are the Republicans too afraid of their vote as well…

        • Minor MINER49er For your edification, anyone (that includes students as long as they do not vote in the district where the school is and at their home as well) who is going to be out of state has the privilege of submitting an absentee ballot. Your blatant misguided attempt to equate that with “early voting” is as bogus as the rest of your ideology. To submit such they must have their ballot in most states notarized verifying the identify of the person casting the vote.

          Each state in the union have a law that states that an employer who has his employees work during the entire voting hours MUST allow the employee sufficient time to go and vote. So again, your reasoning to have “early voting” is as bogus as all of your other reasons.

          Nice try to preserve your stuffing the ballot box shenanigans.

        • Minor MINER49er You need all the help you can get. It is really simple. To have the voting hours that you Leftists want adds a multitude of opportunities to slip illegal votes in just as mail-in ballots do.

      • Of course the conservatives need to cut Sunday voting in Texas, that might actually allow non-white folks an opportunity to vote in person.

        The Republicans know how important it is to cut off Sunday opportunities because many black folks work throughout the weekday and Sunday is their only opportunity to vote in person.

        “The “Souls to the Polls” movement began in Florida during the 1990s. The concept was to organize caravans after church service on the Sunday prior to Election Day to transport Black congregants to early voting locations. By the early 2000s, the NAACP, Black denominations and other organizations had transformed “Souls to the Polls” into a national movement.“

        Even if they are Christian, they are non-white and the Republicans want to suppress their vote because they often support Democrats.

        • Minor MINER49er Another Horse Pucky reason to have “early voting”? There are SIX other days in the week of which I am sure you are well aware. There are sufficient laws enabling any voter to get to the polls on election day. Again your bring up bogus reasons for early voting aka stuffing the ballot box.

    • The bowl is filled with nutritional cereal that has no health benefits to the human body as it contains grains, fruits, nuts and fibers because the red queen is on her head, it won’t jump in the spoon when asked to, jabberwockies fly slithly numbers, penny dillpickles reeling tapestry, binding box windy of grouperfish, something something something and the white knight is talking backwards. Now where’s my money?

      • Rotter/sputter,

        Your word salad is worthy of Donald Trump, thanks for opening your mouth and removing all doubt.

        • Minor MINER49er Yes, you have again shown just how vile you are. Rather than coming up with facts and documentation proving that your “healthy cereals” etc are beneficial, you engage in a person attack on Rider/Shooter. While I do no always agree with him, I can see no facts of documentation you have submitted that prove him wrong.

        • “Rather than coming up with facts and documentation proving that your “healthy cereals” etc are beneficial, you engage in a person attack on Rider/Shooter“


          I’m concerned you may need a psych eval.

        • Minor MINER49er IN other words, you have no facts or documentation backing up your contention that your health cereals etc are beneficial. So it is JUST YOUR VAULTED OPINION.

          Yes, Minor, you need a mental evaluation. When you have no facts backing up your position, you resort to ad hominem attack. Get a frickin’ grip boy!

    • “Stack the Court” is a Democrat refrain. You’re whining now that the court is stacked? Make up your mind fool – you’re still talking out both sides of your arse at the same time.

        • And the fourth grade is when I started taking my meds….


        • dacian, the Dunderhead. Another personal attack? It seems your reading comprehension leaves a lot to be desired.

      • By “stacked” we mean the senate followed the rules of the constitution to select supreme court justices that we don’t like! So they stacked it!!! And that isn’t fair! Where is the equality!!! Equality!!!!

        • dacian, the Dunderhead, The Supreme Court is not about “equity”, it is about the Constitution. You know, that document you love to hate?

    • Sorry. I meant the court *was* stacked with radical far “right” (not left) nut case judges who believe in fabricating law out of thin air instead of leaving such to a vote. And don’t get me started on voting! Damn I love voting. In fact, I have a list of stuff I want you guys to do for ME. If I can get enough votes, I can force you to do the stuff on my list! #Democracy!

      I just took my meds. So I’m not a fake dacian. If you see that I say someone is a fake dacian, just remind me to take my meds.

        • You don’t know your left from your right. Go too far politically left and you end up on the right. Go too far politically right and you end up on the left. So the confusion is understandable.

      • dacian, the Dunderhead, The Supreme Court is not about anything but finding whether or not an action, law, etc is Constitutional. The Constitution is a document meant to be followed as written. In spite of your Leftist contention that the Constitution is a “living document”, can you tell me if the Constitution which is written on paper can breath? I don’t think so!

  4. I would be care waiving around that “gun control orgs” talk. People will think that is exactly what the NRA-ILA and every town actually are.

  5. People who mislead with “Gun Safety” do so to sugarcoat Gun Control. After all they know the history of their Gun Control is rooted in racism and genocide. Sneaky Gun Control zealots have to utilize platitudes and buzzwords to make their racist and nazi based Gun Control agenda palatable. If they defined Gun Control by its history they would be tarred and feathered.

    As for the nominee…I heard her speak briefly about the US Constitution and from what I heard and if it were honest there may be a tiny light at the end of the tunnel. After all there has been so called Conservative nominees confirmed only to find out they were smoke and blue mirrors so anything is possible.

  6. Perhaps Justice Breyer was just trying to set a good example for a certain longtime senator from Delaware.

  7. She’ll rule as a Leftard. So what…BREAKING😃 To you ILLannoy residents Mike Madigan will be federally indicted for corruption. LOL!

    • There are all kinds of politicians getting indicted for corruption…EXCEPT the ones that truly need to be.

    • Years ago I was working in Maine and the someone asked if we were from Illinois. We said yes, and they told us the Gov was just arrested by the feds. We asked which Gov. It was Blago of course. Madigan tried to keep things far from him, no cell phone, no email and just an apple. Did they bug the apples?

      • So they caught him by someone flipping?

        Donald Trump says that should be illegal, Trump doesn’t want anyone snitching on him obviously.

        “And he sharply decried those who testify against former confidants to ease legal troubles, bemoaning the longstanding practice.

        “It’s called flipping and it almost ought to be illegal,” Trump said in the interview, adding he’s witnessed similar scenarios over his decades in public life. “I know all about flipping, 30, 40 years I have been watching flippers. Everything is wonderful and then they get 10 years in jail and they flip on whoever the next highest one is or as high as you can go.”

        Unfortunately for him, it’s far too late, there have been several individuals with intimate knowledge of the conspiracies who has flipped.


  8. Who needs anyone to review this broad? Diversity hire, installed by President Alzheimer, to replace a Leftist douchebag… I wonder what her political leanings are… At least she can’t get much worse than the tool she took over for. It’s a 1 for 1 swap.

  9. “For its first 180 years, justices were almost always white male Protestants of Anglo or Northwestern European descent.“

    To the privileged, equality feels like oppression.

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