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Lola (9): “Who’s stupid enough to put that on YouTube?” [h/t NC Mountain Forest]

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  1. I’m stupid enough to want one. 🙂

    But considering I could hardly afford the subpar (not to say ordinary) furniture that currently adorns my home, I’m pretty sure I’m too poor to afford one.

  2. Shhhh… my wife still doesn’t know. Of course if she ever starts fooling around with the “special” book the jig’s up.

  3. Is it just me, or was that an insane amount of weaponry in one room? Maybe I’m just jealous, but that was a buttload of guns ready-to-go.

    By the way, if you want to be really discrete, fill up those shelves.

    • Right, but if your house burns down, life kind of sucks anyway. No? Still, instead of the cost of this thing, I’d still opt for a gun cabinet that may not be very inconspicuous, but at least it’d be hard to steal, and keep kids from accidentally finding it. Besides, part of the appeal of these shelves is the cool factor, but do you really want to show it off to friends? That defeats the purpose.

    • Neither are most gun safes.

      Most gun safes will “resist” fire temperatures in a house for only as long as it takes to drive off the moisture in their insulation material, which is often a form of gypsum wallboard. Some safes sound well rated, but you need to consider that their ratings are making assumptions as to the heat of the fire surrounding the unit.

      If you have a house fire that burns substantially hotter than the UL rating tests… your safe won’t protect your valuables for very long at all.

  4. I build furniture as a hobby and I try to put secret compartments in when I can. It’s fun and useful too. False drawer bottoms and stashing things under bases are great spots.

  5. A bookshelf with so few books is kinda sad. And it seemed to me that there were no secret locks; I think he was faking it for effect. So that makes those compartments just cabinets without handles.

    • You’re right, a bookshelf without books is a very sad thing.

      I’ve got more books than shelves…they can just send me one of their cold, empty, lonely shelves and I’ll book it right up. (And don’t worry, I’ll put the pistol compartment and rifle rack to good use too.)

  6. spend thousands on a furniture piece with secret compartments, then shows the world, how to open those areas. This is the same guy who tells everyone he knows, “Ya, I am a concealed carry holder!” Way to Go, Way to Go! LOL

  7. Because any thief with an IQ over room temperature and the time (hours) to search wouldn’t find this anyway…

    Protip: Everybody with a brain can figure if you have guns, or if you have a ‘panic room’ given the time. If no time, there’s so many ways to hide it, that it matters not one whit what is on YT. The options alone will run out your search…

  8. That was exactly what I thought the first time I saw this…. “Nothing like telling everyone where you hide your guns!!”!!!

  9. Chad, “Way to go” is correct. Chas, he is selling these furniture safes. He didn’t reveal his location. This video is called marketing. Same as a safe company having pictures of safes on their websites. You guys familar with small business much?

  10. I want to know what the load bearing capacity of the shelves is. Not only did the top of the secret compartments seem too thin to withstand the weight of a decent book collection, the weight of the firearms would have to be accounted for too. It would really suck to buy a cabinet with hidden compartments, then have the shelf fall off/break, revealing all of your valuables (*read: guns). Then the whole pooch is screwed, and you are out a decent amount of cash and your pride.

  11. I know of at least one person who keeps a gun safe for “show” and stores some of his fine gun collection in furniture like this. His furniture takes a tad more effort to open, but it is in plain sight in his house. The safe, as I mentioned, is for “show” and contains a few “cheap” modern guns (like AR’s, Glocks, Sigs) for distraction. When one owns a collection of guns that are worth $20K+ apiece, one doesn’t group them all together into one nice, tidy package for thieves. Some more of his security planning involves safes or hidden containers that are built into interior walls that are then hidden from view by furniture.

    Most “gun safes” aren’t safes – the UL calls them “residential security containers” and they’re made from bent sheet steel over gypsum board for insulation. If you look at many of the lower-end safes now made, their doors are no longer A36 steel plate.

    People who want a real safe for their guns should direct their attention to real safe manufactures, two of which are American Security Products (aka “AmSec”) and Graffunder. Here’s another tip: If it didn’t cost you at least $2500 or so (delivered), it’s quite likely not a “safe” but is a “security container.”

    Bolt your safes to the floor and wall. Even if your safe weighs 1000+ lbs, it is easily moved by people who know what they’re doing or who have an appliance dolly. I’ve moved a 1,000 lb safe by myself – even up stairs. Once you have tools and a little ingenuity, you could steal the pyramids of Egypt if you wanted to. If you bolt your gun safe to the floor and wall, it resists the first, fastest attack: flipping it down onto it’s back where people can go to work on the door with pry bars. It also resists the second fastest attack – stealing the entire safe and opening it off-site.

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