police crime scene body
(AP Photo/Mark Thiessen)

Reducing police resources will ultimately result in poorer service to the law-abiding residents of high-crime areas. Officers without back-up will be more stressed and at higher risk of poor judgment. Response times will increase. Cash-starved agencies will train less, not more, while lower pay scales will result in less qualified recruits.

A reduced police presence in minority neighborhoods will claim more Black lives. When officers back off of proactive policing under accusations of racism, violence shoots up. That was the case in cities recently examined by Harvard economists. After investigations opened up into a media-grabbing instance of police use of deadly force in Baltimore, Chicago, Cincinnati, Ferguson, Missouri, and Riverside, California, there were almost 900 excess homicides and almost 34,000 excess felonies, their study found.

Cops pulled back from discretionary activity — questioning a suspicious person on a known drug corner, for example — and simply drove on by. Such stops are voluntary; cops are not mandated to make them.

In Chicago, the Harvard economists found, the number of police-civilian interactions decreased by almost 90% in the month after the investigation into deadly force was announced. In Riverside, interactions decreased 54%. In St. Louis, self-initiated police activities declined by 46%.

By contrast, in cities where incidents of police use of deadly force were under investigation, but did not go viral or grab national attention, homicides and total crime went down. Police officers were not afraid to continue policing.

– Heather Mac Donald in There is no epidemic of fatal police shootings against unarmed Black Americans


  1. If you want to stop defunding the police and other stupidity you need to cut the chatter and hang the race card back around the neck of the democRat Party where it belongs. Mountains of democRat Party race based atrocities provide more than enough evidence to hold the democRat Party liable for Reparations.
    For some sleazy reason the dirt on the democRat Party is kept under the rug. Even Black Americans who were on the receiving end of the democRat Party whip ignore the worse raced based atrocities in US history. It appears most fear stepping off the plantation to hold their democRat Party masters liable for Reparations. Instead crowds of marching drama queens are focused on the police and cement statues. Police and statues are nothing compared to the democRat Party race based atrocities that spanned coast to coast not just in the South as history rewrites want fools to believe.
    Almost as bad is The Party of Lincoln sitting around mumbling to themselves and doing nothing about hanging the racist banner back around the neck of the democRat Party.
    The democRat Party has filled the heads of useful idiots with lies…The kind of lies that whitewashes democRat Party race based atrocities all at the expense of everyone but the democRat Party.
    One bit of good news…In an excellent Republican Convention speech a Black American came very close to hanging the race card around the neck of the democRat Party…America needs much more of that and no more of the marxist sleazebag democRat Party.

    TRUMP/PENCE 2020.

  2. But defunding the police does help core Democrat constituents and “community organizers”.

  3. People in high crime areas don’t matter; plain and simple. Proof? Just how long have these high crime areas existed? Why?

    • Sure they matter. These places have to exist. If they were transformed into middle class law abiding folks, they would vote republican.

  4. “Defunding the police” is a dog whistle for “abolish the police”. The left wants the creation of their own brownshirt forces; woke individuals loyal to the party who enforce the law at their discretion against anyone who dares oppose the party. Before that can happen the existing police force must be gutted and filled with stormtroopers who only care about their paycheck and will follow orders (regardless of what those orders are) or abolished outright.

    If the steady stream of good cops retiring early or changing careers is any indicator, they’re already well on their way to accomplishing their goal. Anyone who thought the Police were bad before all this hasn’t seen anything yet.

    • “The left wants the creation of their own brownshirt forces; woke individuals loyal to the party who enforce the law at their discretion against anyone who dares oppose the party.”

      obama can be seen in video clips making the following statement as a presidential candidate:

      “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” (July 2, 2008, Colorado Springs, CO. If someone can find a copy of the clip, please post it as it appears to have been scrubbed.)

      Seems to me he got his wish, and it appears to be well-funded by both Federal dollars and those from Soros, Blumberg and others who want to be King Of The World. I have relatives from the Evanston, IL area who’s entire livelihood comes from being hired protesters/anarchists bussed or flown at a moment’s notice to events and sites around the country. Got to believe they were in Kenosha if not already engaged elsewhere. The “adults”/parents are now into their 70s and still active as are their 2 “kids”.

    • You are talking nonsense and entirely out of your ass. Cops are not quitting in big numbers and no political party wants to abolish police.

      • You need to go back to watching the View…

        NY, Chicago, Baltimore, and Philadelphia police retirement request are so high that there limiting the number of cops that can retire in any one month.

        Police are leaving as fast as they can from these hell holes and new academy classes are only filling 1 to 3 percent of the holes.

        Go away Debbie troll..

        • Every cop I know is suddenly counting down to retirement. Cops feel so persecuted they are not doing optional interactions.

          Crime is not being reported. The cities in chaos will suffer for decades.

      • I don’t know what the data are; nor, I suspect, do you.

        There are something close to a million sworn officers in the US. They are distributed across the states, counties and municipalities.

        Take whatever number of officers who ARE retiring and put it as the numerator over a very large denominator. The ratio will be “small”. But, small/large isn’t necessarily the figure that matters. If a cop retires in Chicago it doesn’t help that there are thousands more on-guard in Arkansas.

        Who retires? Not likely the rookie. He needs to get 10 years of service on his resume; or, be disabled while on-duty. Thereupon, he becomes privileged to violate the concealed-carry laws of the 50 states. It’s his ticket to becoming an armed security guard to protect the property and persons of men-of-means.

        So, the guys retiring are those who have 10+ years of service in. Using round numbers, suppose a typical cop becomes sworn at age 20; achieves his 10 years of service at age 30. He expects to retire at 65. So, he has 35 years of prospective service to contribute to the community as an experienced officer.

        If a highly experienced cop at age 64 retires a year before his original plan, society loses 1 year of prospective service. If a moderately experienced cop retires early at 30 society loses 35 years of prospective service.

        Where are these early retirements occurring? In major cities. These moderately experienced cops are the ones doing the hands-on training and supervision of the rookies. The really old guys are more-so pounding a desk beat or otherwise engaged in duties other than supervising the rookies.

        If-and-when our major cities decide to restore the ranks of rookies they will be trained by fewer moderately or highly experienced cops. The impact will be felt most on the inner-cities where we are most concerned with wise and tactful policing practice.

        We shouldn’t be sanguine about the raw numerics. The implications are far more serious than the raw ratio might suggest.

      • Not abolish police, but they do want to have more control. Why else would Obama have created LE for most of the alphabet agencies. That is federal LE, not what we who live in states have come to expect. They take orders from Wash DC, not local, they will do the dirty stuff.

      • Debbie, you’re mistaken. I have many times said that I got out just in time. Even though taking my retirement when I did and not participating in the FL DROP program cost me six figures. I know several others that did the same. I know many that said they are going home on day one of their eligibility. Even a couple who have taken early retirement and the subsequent hit to their monthly benefit.

      • “Cops are not quitting in big numbers and no political party wants to abolish police.”

        That’s true, Deborah, in the big cities with burning and looting :

        “NYPD limits retirement applications amid 400 percent surge this week”


        And as for “No political party wants to abolish police.”, we have this :

        “Ocasio-Cortez dismisses proposed $1B cut: ‘Defunding police means defunding police’


  5. “Defunding Police Hurts Law Abiding People in High Crime Areas”

    Well no duh and just how many rocket scientist’s did it take to come to that conclusion.

  6. Shifting funds away from police and into social programs = defunding. Looking at you Chris Wallace.

  7. “The left wants the creation of their own brownshirt forces; woke individuals loyal to the party who enforce the law at their discretion against anyone who dares oppose the party.”

    obama can be seen in video clips making the following statement as a presidential candidate:

    “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” (July 2, 2008, Colorado Springs, CO. If someone can find a copy of the clip, please post it as it appears to have been scrubbed.)

    Seems to me he got his wish, and it appears to be well-funded by both Federal dollars and those from Soros, Blumberg and others who want to be King Of The World. I have relatives from the Evanston, IL area who’s entire livelihood comes from being hired protesters/anarchists bussed or flown at a moment’s notice to events and sites around the country. Got to believe they were in Kenosha if not already engaged elsewhere. The “adults”/parents are now into their 70s and still active as are their 2 “kids”.

    • The City of Evanston has voted to give reparations of $25000(!) to worthy black folks who’ve “suffered” under da evil white massa…no foolin’. I haven’t been to Evanston for maybe 10years but the downtown was going to he!! then with homeless getting high,crime & an increase in shootings. Evanston is a cesspool of leftards along with Oak Park and a few orher burbs like Park Forest where I once lived. Don’t be so sure idiot’s want the po-leece around!

    • You are correct. The idea was to give what amounts to everyone who voted for b.h. obama a badge.
      That’s insane just like b.h. obama launching his political career from the home of Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers was the lily white communist terrorist and big cheese of the weather underground who advised followers to, “kill their parents.” And a scumbag who designed a bomb that detonated and blew his girlfriend and two comrades to bits, the device was intended for soldiers attending a danced with civilians.
      If you want to see b.h. obama’s content of character look at the marxist filth he surrounded himself with and continues to cater to.

  8. Isn’t that the democRATs goal, to hurt law abiding citizens? Because we have brains and see what is really going on. In my neck of the woods the police haven’t been defunded, they simply pander to the left and turn a blind eye to criminals. It’s as though they are trying to win a popularity contest. When the city leaders & chief of police kneel in solidarity with BLM protesters, that tells me they are either scum bags trying to save their jobs or just plain idiots. I’ve been saying they should move their city to their counterpart on the west coast.

  9. The racist white democrats in charge don’t want to follow the 20 year old advice of Colonel Jeff Cooper. He said, “Just give guns and ammo to the law abiding people in the inner city. And they will take care of their own problems”.

    As I have said before. The scariest thing in America in an articulate black person with a gun.
    The And I will add. The second most scariest thing in America is a trained and disciplined american kid with a gun. The younger the better. And their skin color doesn’t matter.

    • “The scariest thing in America in an articulate black person with a gun.”

      Not sure that is quite correct. Didn’t Barry tell us the scariest thing in America is a black person with a library card? (which is harder to get than a full semi-automatic assault rifle).

      • The Democrats also made it illegal to teach blacks to read. Yes its very true.

        “Between 1740 and 1834 Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and Virginia all passed anti-literacy laws.[5] South Carolina prohibited teaching slaves to read and write, punishable by a fine of 100 pounds and six months in prison, via an amendment to its 1739 Negro Act”


  10. Tech Support:Thank you for calling tech support. How may I help you?
    Me: I’m having trouble with my 2020
    Tech Support: What seems to be wrong with it?
    Me: Well, early on I thought it had a virus. Then the Governor app ran a trans sexual instead of a virus scanner. The governor app and trans sexual app and shut all of 2020 down for a few months. The popup said it would shut down for 2 weeks, but it took several months to come back online. When it came riot apps starting opening in cities all over the place, and the police apps started shutting down.
    Tech Support: Did you try rebooting?
    Me: Yes, back in May or June.
    Tech Support: OK. Shut it down, then disconnect the power supply. Leave it disconnected for 5 minutes. Then plug it back in and restart it. If that doesn’t fix it we’ll have to send out a technician.

    • “Defunding the police hurts law abiding citizens But it saves a lot of innocent dogs.”

      Very true, Possum. They won’t get shot that way.

      But wait – But I thought packs of dogs hunted Possums minding their own marsupial business in ditches… 😉

      • Your thinking of “coon hounds” nobody wants a coon hound that chases possums, those dogs are not straight cooners and usually traded off or shot. I on the other hand didn’t mind my Blue Tick Black n Tan cross chasing possums, they was worth 25 cents, four possums paid for my gas.I had a Walker once, he would bring back live skunks, they was worth a dollar skinned. The sad deal was I used my car to hunt in and trying to get a girl in that car to do the car thing was impossible with wet coonhound and dead skunk smell. I won’t go hunting with you Jake but I’ll go chasing weman, so put them hounds back in the cage and quit that silly grinning.

  11. Why exactly are those areas “high crime?” Might it have at least a teeny, tiny relationship to all the “law abiding people” who live there?

    I’m asking to a friend.

    • Yes, most of those living in high crime areas are mostly peaceful most of the time just like most of the mostly peaceful protesters.

  12. Just put up violence free zone signs! Problem solved! Lobotomy Joe did it with guns!!! What a piece of 🐀💩he is!

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