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I’m sure there’s some reason why Joshua Marpet’s invention won’t work. Or if it does work, why hidebound police departments won’t adopt it. Whether or not the Flarecam finds commercial success, you’ve got to admit that the concept of putting a miniaturized TV camera into a flare gun round for eight seconds of live video is, dare I say it, neat. “The weapon could be used by police to get an idea what the bad guys are doing,” reports. “The flare gun uses the Firefly single-use spy cam developed by military contractors from Israel. The device has potential use in the civilian sector as well.” By that they mean cops, right? Otherwise, what?

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  1. Let’s see what did they teach me about flares in the army….on the ground turn around, in the air stay there. I wonder how this little thing would change that strategy?

  2. So a blinding flash, eight seconds of pleasure, and then it fizzles. Hmm. Can’t believe nobody’s made a joke yet about sex. Ralph…you awake yet? Ralph? Anybody? Beuller?

  3. Didn’t John Ringo use artillery-fired cameras in his Posleen universe sci-fi series? Apparently the idea has been around for a while.

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