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Coonan makes a .357 semi-automatic pistol. TTAG has been angling for a testing and evaluation model for the last two years; receiving repeated assurances that the check—I mean, pistol is in the mail. We’ll give it another SHOT in January. Meanwhile, the Minnesota manufacturer is moving into munitions. Coonan’s just-in-time for Christmas Vampire Stake contains eight silver bullets. Well, eight lead bullets within silver cartridge cases. I appreciate the Werewolf connection. As the son of a Transylvanian, I get how Coonan is raising the stakes for vampire apotropaics. But what do silver-cased bullets packaged in a prop pencil have to do with Zombies—other than [yet another] shark-jumped marketing ploy? Oh wait. That’s it. All yours for $39.95 plus S&H. You know, sometimes I wish it was apocalypse now. Just sayin’ . . .

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  1. Kind of a fun gag gift, but where’s the garlic, holy water, rosary and crucifix? I mean if we’re talking anti-vampire, you might as well go all out.

    I’d be interested see how they’d run in my Colt Python, but then again, at about $5 per a bullet… and I thought the price of rifle ammo was bad…

  2. Why didn’t they have this in time for Halloween?? My ignorant ex wife dressed up like a vampire!!! Damn the luck!!!
    Still haven’t figured out where she got a cape that frigging big!!!!

    • I’ll see your ex-wife dressed as a vampire and raise you my ex IS a vampire!

      Put me down for three in case her brothers come around

      • I will call your bet!!!
        Tosses down 1ex, and 6 living ex in laws, all spades, a straight shit flush!!!!

  3. Every product can’t “Jump the Shark”, you can only jump the shark once. If there is a shark jumping moment in the Zombie killing paraphernalia craze it has already been jumped and therefore this product is another product in the decline of the craze or this product jumped it and everything after it is on the decline. It would be like saying that TTAG is jumping the shark every time a writer uses a derivative of the phrase “jumping the shark”, or mentioning FPS Russia.

  4. The problem with the wooden stake is that it requires you to get close to the vampire.

    Instead, load a revolver with blanks, and put a sharp pencil in the barrel (h/t to Larry Niven). Which makes me think that anti-vampire wood-bullets could be the next big marketing thing.

    If zombies are a metaphor for the mindless masses, then vampires could be a metaphor for politicians, lawyers, cops, and other assorted blood-suckers.

    I’m not sure what werewolves represent. (Maybe cops belong in this category instead?)

  5. Give me a break. If you are serious (?) about your vampire-hunting tools, go to – home of Oregon Trail Bullet Company. Their cast bullets are hardened with a small percentage of silver – entirely adequate to take out any actual vampires you encounter (depending on which fantasy world you live in). “Government testing on a random sample of vampires shows that a silver content in handgun projectiles as low as 1.382% will totally incapcitate 97.8% of vampires.”

    And 1,000 bullets in .357 – 158gr. semi-wadcutter – will only run you $107.50.

    On a more serious note, these are excellent hard-alloy reloads for handguns. They also sell gas-check rifle bullets under their True-shot line.

    • You could probably sharpen a pencil down to the earaser cap, cut the earaser out but leave the cap and then pack (it pointy end out) in to the casing

  6. Although more commonly available, it’s also important to keep steel cased bullets on hand in case you get overrun by elves.

    The first prepping I ever did was to make a few wooden stakes out of a mop handle and put them in a basket along with a cross next to the front door. You can never be too careful.

  7. I wonder if all these peddlers of zombie junk even realize that in the event of a legitimate outbreak, bright green colored products will be the antithesis of any camouflage people might be wearing.

    • You’ve just pointed out the only problem that exists with Zombie paraphernalia, and it’s one that can be solved with a little spray paint or tape.

      Prepping is based on an understanding that hideously awful things may one day happen. It’s no surprise that people need a little escapism to deal with that.

      What’s worse, a household with a bunch of functional prepper gear that happens to have some easily concealable, tacky zombie logos, or a family completely unprepared because realism was too depressing to think about, let alone prepare for?

  8. A friend has owned a .357 1911 Coonan for 10 years. I’ve shot it on numerous occasions. Some observations:

    The clips are rare and expensive but well made. They sometimes fail to feed but not very often.

    This is a handloaders gun. Factory loads don’t cycle well, a custom load is a good idea, slightly hotter than stock.

    The slide in his gun has developed some play laterally, it’s not serious but does affect accuracy.

    The gun is an absolute blast to shoot, literally. The compensator on top makes for quite a show. People think it is a much bigger caliber.

    The gun is made very well and has quite a following. But the ammo needs to be selected, the gun needs tuning, and it’s definitely not a carry piece.

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