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“The Christmas Day public service announcement directed by Spike Lee and including several NBA stars is about raising awareness about gun violence,” reveals, “But has nothing to do with any change in law or policy relating to gun control, the league said on Thursday.” As the Brits are wont to say, pull the other one, it’s got bells on it. Everytown for Gun Safety is as apolitical as Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Democrat who pushes the Progressive agenda like a Politburo member of old. The Post is all too credulous on the National Basketball Association’s backpedalling . . .

The spot, a collaboration between the NBA and Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund — an apolitical nonprofit organization — features 35 gun-violence survivors and ‘includes stories of everyday gun violence in urban communities to mass shootings in Newtown, Aurora and Tucson.’ It ends with survivors offering a terrifying message: “In the United States, 88 people die of gun violence every day.”

What’s even more terrifying: a professional sports league jumping into bed with gun control advocates in an effort to appear politically correct. No doubt the NBA is getting blowback on this decision, which will only increase after the ad airs. Good.

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  1. In the minds of the NBA and Everytown for Goon Safety the push to get congress to pass laws restricting the freedoms of their neighbors isn’t political at all, it’s just commonsense.

  2. This is why we should depend on NBA players to pass and throw a ball, not give input on society’s problems. I mean it isn’t like these guys don’t have armed guards of their own.

  3. Message to the NBA – F You – Continue fronting an organization bent on removing my rights, I’ll never watch another game.

    Message to Everytown – F You as well. Man up to take my arms. You’ll never see the sun come up again.

  4. The problem is violence. Any young man who is 6’5′ and weights 220 can beat you to death with his hands and feet. That is why I, at age 70, 5’4″ and 160, carry a G-17 with a full standard size magazine and a spare.

    • Another Professor,

      Didn’t you get the memo? The world belongs to young, big, and strong people. Specimens such as yourself (senior citizens, people who reject Progressive doctrine, etc.) just drag the whole system down and stand in the way of “progress”. Please go sit in the back of the bus and get out of the way.


  5. I should be shocked but I really don’t know if I could be shocked by the depravity anymore coming from the civilian disarmament complex these days. Did they really try to pass off the organization that has co sponsored on nearly every anti gun legislative movement in all 50 states for the last 5 years ‘apolitical’? Really? Come one now you don’t even have a shred of integrity left. Their goal is to pass ‘gun safety’ measures and legislation that must be voted on and enacted through the political process by politicians in the only city that matters for politics. How in the world is that apolitical? That is like calling a prostitute asexual. Their very work is by definition politics.

  6. I’m not a gun person, but here are some major points to point out:

    1. The guy who said “NBA players are felons”? Troll. That comment is so 2004. Reeks of racial bias too (sue me).

    2. NBA fans lean the furthest left of all major sports. The gun debate has evolved into extremes: left : gun control v. right : expanded gun rights. With the NBA culture and player/fan composition as it is, they can afford to do this without alienating a significant portion of their fanbase, gun owners or not.

    3. You’ll probably forget about this if you even like pro sports, or by the time the playoffs roll around.

    • DERP DERP DERP, no one cares about the NBA, seriously, no one. No one is trading in their guns based on what these guys say, it’s a wasted effort.

    • “1. The guy who said “NBA players are felons”? Troll. That comment is so 2004. Reeks of racial bias too (sue me).”

      And yet, even though a point has merit, to you it’s a troll, how interesting. So a group of felons as advocating to forcibly remove from me my constitutionally protected rights, and you see no disconnect whatsoever? –Mind you, not only felons but men who are often so well paid they can afford to hire armed security!

      And to top it off you try and play the race card. Who exactly is the racist in this line of argument huh?

      “2. NBA fans lean the furthest left of all major sports. The gun debate has evolved into extremes: left : gun control v. right : expanded gun rights. With the NBA culture and player/fan composition as it is, they can afford to do this without alienating a significant portion of their fanbase, gun owners or not.”

      The gun “debate” is not about left vs. right, it’s about adhering to the constitution or failing to do so. If our second amendment rights are subject to “debate” then so are all other rights in the constitution. The pro second amendment crowd stands for the rule of law, equality under the law and nothing less.

      “3. You’ll probably forget about this if you even like pro sports, or by the time the playoffs roll around.”

      No, I won’t.

      Any questions?

      • “So a group of felons as advocating to forcibly remove from me my constitutionally protected rights, and you see no disconnect whatsoever?”

        …what about the people in this ad makes you identify them all as felons?

    • ‘The gun debate has evolved into extremes: left : gun control v. right : expanded gun rights.’

      I think you mean – left : gun control v. right : the Constitution of the United States of America.

    • “I’m not a gun person…”

      Then why are you here? That’s not rhetorical. Seriously, why are you here?

      Troll? Bored? NBA fan looking to defend the NBA’s honor at every turn? Just so happened to Google “NBA gun control” on Xmas?

      I’m not a “sewing person”, but I also don’t peruse quilting sites throwing my two cents into the mix either.

    • Reeks of racial bias? Is there some kind of racial disparity in the NBA we dont know about? Someone should look in to it and represent the rights of the under represented racial minorities in the NBA! Perhaps Spike Lee should make a film about how the NBA is racist by under representing races based on societal statistics….. And dont get me started on how women and trans genders are under represented in the NBA…. Bunch of racist misogynist homophobic hoplophobes!!!

  7. Not gun control? The idiom, ‘lying through your teeth’ comes to mind. There is far more to lose (NBA) than gain using the NBA to push gun-control agenda down the throats of American’s. Success to push agenda in this manner requires top-notch role models of integrity, a failing grade for NBA and it seems many pro-sports these days.

  8. It’s not so much about gun control as it is about player control. The league doesn’t want any NBA player to have guns. And who would?

  9. In related news, the NBA is about to embark on a major advertising campaign which promotes the game of basketball without promoting slam dunks, dribbling, 3-pointers, free-throws, or blocked shots.

  10. This is the email that I sent to the NBA via its web site. Feel free to plagiarize parts of it if you wish to let the league know how inappropriate its partnership is.

    “I am very appreciative of the NBA’s efforts to support its communities. But your new venture with Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety is very misguided, for several reasons. First and foremost, in spite of its claims to the contrary, Everytown is NOT seeking gun safety, it is seeking the reduction or elimination of guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens. This is not a personal opinion, it is a demonstrable fact, upon which I’m happy to elaborate if you like. (If you don’t believe me, the first place for you to look is the favorable comments by President Obama, Secretary Clinton, and Mayor Bloomberg about their admiration for the Australians and British, who have taken away most individual gun rights, sometimes even making it illegal to defend oneself with a legally owned gun.)

    Second, gun control is a very political issue, with (likely) slightly more than half the country in favor of protecting and enhancing gun rights, and a substantial minority in favor of reducing or eliminating them. Why does the NBA think it wise to take sides in a political debate that has nothing to do with basketball, or sports, or even protecting the community? (Again, I’m happy to back up my contentions with verifiable facts, if you are open to learning more.)

    Third, the legislative and regulatory actions proposed by Everytown after every mass shooting would almost never have had any effect in preventing those shootings, or most others, a fact which is also easily proved, but never admitted by Everytown. Why, then, does it promote these measures? Because they are first steps in the direction of governmental control of who owns firearms, and bring with them the ability to confiscate weapons if the government wishes to do so–which is currently being proposed in several places with regard to modern sporting rifles (which Everytown and the gun controllers erroneously call “assault rifles,” even though they don’t have the key attribute of such rifles, which is automatic firing).

    I hope that you agree that it is facts, not opinions being stated as facts, which should underly policy decisions. Those facts are clearly on the side of gun rights supporters, especially in our assessment of the true intentions of Everytown. Please reconsider your partnership with this group, which purposely misleads the American public about its intentions, and about the effects of private ownership of guns.”

  11. GUN guys(and gals) NEVER forget pj(remember Dick “let’s talk limits” Metcalf?)-as I see we have a new troll named pj. Ted Cruz for president…Haven’t watched the NBA since jordan-now it’s going to be NEVER.

  12. “Gun safety” should mean there’s guns just lying around but nobody shoots each other. Linguistically, though, it is invocative of the loaded phrase “child safety,” a decades long campaign to horrify society into accepting more government regulation. It’s a shame the NBA let these vampires in the door. First it’s barely disguised commie agitprop, next we’re calling it a “jump toss” because “shot” would trigger people who hate sports anyway.

  13. They’re taking their cue from the holly-weird crowd now.

    All I hear from them left-wing nuts is da derp dee derp da teetley derpee derpee dumb.

  14. And so Bloomberg has spent tens of millions of dollars to try to win people that would be no information voters if they actually voted.

  15. Funny, if they left off the “gun” part of their “gun violence” crusade we wouldn’t have to have these conversations. Should we distill it further and talk about black gun violence, Mexican gun violence, Asian gun violence, and white gun violence, separately?

    Root cause is a thing.

  16. So the *ads* don’t promote gun control…but the sponsors and producers do. Got it.

    Yahoo Sports had a big feature on the NBA’s socially conscious new ad series (isn’t it great? blah, blah…). I skimmed 4 pages of reader comments before giving up (there were 3k+ comments), but judging by that sample, 90% of the response was either pro-gun or something along the lines of “Why is the NBA wasting time on this? Stick to basketball.”

    If the response is the same across other news outlets, it’s no wonder they’re backpedaling a bit. It’s a lovely thing to see.

  17. Bottom line: I had every intention of going to a couple of Timberwolves games this year prior to this video being created. Now? Not happening.

  18. Most Demcrats are anti gun lovers, I’am making the proposal for everyone to change their political affiliation to Republican. I have been a Democrat for over 40 years and I’am embarrassed by their stupidty . Most Repubicans are pro gun and we need to get more of them in office. This is easy to do and will shock the Democrat party.
    Spread this to as many forums as you can

  19. Most Demcrats are anti gun lovers, I’am making the proposal for everyone to change their political affiliation to Republican. I have been a Democrat for over 40 years and I’am embarrassed by their stupidty . Most Repubicans are pro gun and we need to get more of them in office. This is easy to do and will shock the Democrat party.
    Spread this to as many forums as you can.

  20. I don’t watch pro sports and haven’t for years,the reason why is the people involved in pro sports are a bunch of thugs,now I have another reason not to support these people with my money,I also noticed that pro sports don’t follow federal guidelines in their hiring practices,if a company has to hire a certain amount of minorities,it stands to reason that the rest of their employees should be white,I’ve noticed that most of the players in the nba are black,the stereotype that blacks are better athletes is racist and a reason to keep whites out of the nba.

  21. In the US:
    54 People commit suicide with a gun every day.
    21 of them are retirement age or older.

    38 people are shot and killed by other people every day.
    20 Black young men kill 20 other black young men with a gun every day.
    14 Non-blacks are killed with a gun every day.

    It’s pretty clear where the problem is most affecting people but not at all what the problem is. We can only detect that there is a problem by the presence of its results. Whatever it is, it appears to affect young black men.

    Nobody ever talks about the 54 suicides. That’s sad because it’s inordinately composed of the elderly.
    Every day in America 7 people between 75 and 85 years old kill themselves with a gun. 2 of them are 85. Every year 8,000 Americans between 59 and 85 shoot themselves to death.

    If you want to see gun involved death rates by age, real numbers and not just BS, here you go:

    If we were to really attend to an actual visible identifiable problem that questions the very humanity of American life, we’d do something to make suicide less attractive to the elderly. It might just be a regular social visit or proper pain control or just not being taken for an invisible burden to be housed and avoided. You want a real social justice problem to solve, one that we can solve: How about we treat the problems that cause elderly suicide to be so popular.

  22. Right. And the Miller ads that run during their games don’t promote beer. How stupid are these people?

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