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From the White House web site transcript of Obama’s remarks at a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee event last night: “Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control.  (Applause.)  I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon — by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.”

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  1. This is intentional, the general public thinks all AR’s are “Machine guns” or “Fully Automatic” ominous terms, why would the gun grabber in chief correct them?

    • Yup. Fully automatic, semi, assault rifle, machine gun, assault (style) weapon, its all the same. The libtards will just keep doing what works with the sheeple.

  2. Gun ownership is not a tradition, it is a right. I’m looking forward to the day that BHO leaves office.

    • You assume he WILL leave office.

      Given the numerous things he’s already done to shred the Constitution, what’s one more by ignoring the term limits amendment or worse?

      • He can leave peacefully or he can be removed at the end of his term. Mubarak thought he could stay in office indefinitely too.

        • Many liberals see gun owners as paranoid, ignorant, fear-mongers. These types of discussions are why.

      • Things will get VERY ugly if he doesn’t leave.

        Hell, they might might get ugly before he gets the chance.

      • I personally don’t see him doing that, or even being able to do that. It would just require too much choreography by to many powers below him. As corrupt and morally bankrupt as this nation is, there is no way you are going to get that much cooperation and precision attack plans out of all his minions and so forth.

        That not to say he won’t end his term by claiming he will remain President, which he is more than welcome too. But he should be doing this as they roll him to the mental facility.

      • This has been discussed (some member of congress floated the idea, and some conspiracy theories say he’s planning a takeover). I just can’t see it. People really would march on Washington with torches and pitchforks. At least I hope they would.

      • “Our country, uh, faces, uh, an existential threat – from, uh, armed militiamen. This, uh, diffuse, domestic terrorist threat, uh, seeks to oppose the federal government and, uh, is attempting to veil themselves in the, uh, constitution.

        I, uh, have dispatched the necessary domestic armed forces from the, uh, Department of Homeland Security to select county sheriffs’ departments, uh, to maintain order.

        But, uh,…we need you – you the American people – to help us identify possible domestic terrorist sympathizers. Please go to, uh,, uh, and report any suspicious gun owner in your neighborhood. Of particular interest, uh, is any weapon that has a shoulder thing that goes UP…or a thirty magazine bullet chamber.

      • look, we have enough on our plate to worry about from real threats — take your conspiracy theories elsewhere. Reasonable people make reasonable statements. Arguments against politicians that can be substantiated are useful because they can be proven and are plausible. We can prove that Obama is a bad president for gun rights because of a host of things he has said and done.

        What is NOT USEFUL is mindless drivel. Do you actually believe he would try to retain power in a nation of 300 million? Do you actually think that is remotely possible? This is not Zimbabwe, it’s the United States. Our country is going completely the wrong direction, but that doesn’t mean that tanks are going to roll tomorrow and in Jan 20th 2017 Obama will impose martial law.

        It’s stupid, unsubstantiated, and not helpful at all.

      • Take the conspiracy theories elsewhere. We have enough real problems to deal with, and taking the time to debunk every wild ass theory is tiresome.

      • I don’t think he’s going anywhere and I think he knows exactly what he is saying.
        Rob Drummond
        Hillsboro, NH

      • We have been through this before. He is ineligible and only in the deepest blue states would he even be allowed on the ballot. If he attempted a coup to stay in office he would get the Salvadore Allende treatment. Do U know who he was?

    • Actually I think he may never leave. I think he & his minnions plan for him to stay there in some way or form. My wife & some friends think I am nuts about him not going away, lots thought it nuts he’d get elected & he did. Lots of people thought he’d never get health care, he did. Lots of people never thought he’d go after guns…………….well they got that wrong too. I always thought he’d go after guns even before he got elected. Nothing this man does is a mistake or a miss step there is always a reason for everything he does and says and that is what worries me.
      Rob Drummond
      Hillsboro, NH

      • Oh you’re totally on the ball here. He will definitely be calling in UN troops to secure his 3rd, 4th, and 5th term. You should absolutely be stocking up on gold, seeds, and ammo to ensure your survival through the coming apocalypse. You are in no way an embarrassment to gun owners everywhere by thinking these things.

        • Did Bill Clinton go away? Why should we think the Supreme Lord & Dictator will.
          Rob Drummond
          Hillsboro, NH

        • You sound exactly like the gun-grabbing liberal nutjobs. You know, they follow the Alinsky playbook too.

    • You also assume his successor will be an improvement. Hitlery, Biden, Bloomberg, Cuomo and O’Malley would all love to prove you wrong…

  3. I had really high hopes for him, but after his inability to use the office to do the right things and his personal drive for the wrong things, I do not feel like I can trust what he says any longer. He promised to help the low- and middle-class, and we got a tax hike. He promised to defend the Constitution and we’ve got gun control, NDAA, Drone strikes, indefinite detention, and other violations. We’ve got banks and corporations STILL not prosecuted for their role in nearly destroying the economy. Sure, he’s done some good, but I feel my scorecard for him has tipped over into the negative these days.

    • I couldn’t have said it better. There are many Independents and Dems that feel the same way. The GOP has a golden opportunity to unite these folks into a new political force.

  4. Typical propaganda.

    “I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long…”

    of course he not going to mention the hundreds of thousands of angry gun owners – just the liberal gun grabbers in Denver. Further propagating his image of “i’m doing a good job” to uninformed, ignorant, liberal soap opera viewers nationally.

    Thoughts of Obama: “Automatic weapons have been heavily regulated for a long time… but uninformed, ignorant, liberal soap opera viewers don’t need to know that. Whatever it takes to get as many people on my side… even if I lie through my teeth”

  5. Typical propaganda.

    “I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long…”

    of course he not going to mention the hundreds of thousands of angry gun owners – just the liberal gun grabbers in Denver. Further propagating his image of “i’m doing a good job” to uninformed, ignorant, liberal soap opera viewers nationally.

    Thoughts of Obama: “Automatic weapons have been heavily regulated for a long time… but uninformed, ignorant, liberal soap opera viewers don’t need to know that. Whatever it takes to get as many people on my side… even if I lie through my teeth”

  6. Typical propaganda.

    “I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long…”

    of course he not going to mention the hundreds of thousands of angry gun owners – just the liberal gun grabbers in Denver. Further propagating his image of “i’m doing a good job” to uninformed, ignorant, liberal soap opera viewers nationally.

    Thoughts of Obama: “Automatic weapons have been heavily regulated for a long time… but uninformed, ignorant, liberal soap opera viewers don’t need to know that. Whatever it takes to get as many people on my side… even if I lie through my teeth”

  7. Always a fun game to play when the Traitor in Chief talks: is he really that stupid, or simply being deceptively evil?

  8. Always a fun game to play when the Traitor in Chief talks: is he really that stupid, or simply being deceptively evil?

  9. We should expect no less. Ignorance serves their purpose well, so why would they burden themselves with the truth?

    And even those who know the facts will lie, omit, and obfuscate, because facts don’t matter to someone whose own personal truth is a comforting nest of hatred. They’ve spent a long time building that nest for their fearful followers and inviting the uninformed to come in and enjoy the “safety” they’ve created. They don’t anyone to realize that it’s possible to leave the nest and fly away.

  10. We should expect no less. Ignorance serves their purpose well, so why would they burden themselves with the truth?

    And even those who know the facts will lie, omit, and obfuscate, because facts don’t matter to someone whose own personal truth is a comforting nest of hatred. They’ve spent a long time building that nest for their fearful followers and inviting the uninformed to come in and enjoy the “safety” they’ve created. They don’t want anyone to realize that it’s possible to leave the nest and fly away.

  11. We should expect no less. Ignorance serves their purpose well, so why would they burden themselves with the truth?

    And even those who know the facts will lie, omit, and obfuscate, because facts don’t matter to someone whose own personal truth is a comforting nest of hatred. They’ve spent a long time building that nest for their fearful followers and inviting the uninformed to come in and enjoy the “safety” they’ve created. They don’t anyone to realize that it’s possible to leave the nest and fly away.

  12. Always a fun game to play when watching the Traitor in Chief talk: is he truly that stupid, or just deceptively evil?

  13. People fear what the don’t understand and Obama either doesn’t know firearms and doesn’t want to, or deliberately misrepresents the issue. I think it’s the latter. But for the fearful ignorant,”Take a liberal shooting! Make him a friend!”.

  14. It’s done to plant an incorrect recollection of the facts in peoples memory. Don’t be surprised if at some point there is a conspiracy theory put forth about it (the S/H weapon) having been a full auto but covered up by the evil NRA. Lies that are believed are hard to fight. The ultimate weapon of snipes and protagonists. These people are truly nefarious.

  15. It’s done to plant an incorrect recollection of the facts in peoples memory. Don’t be surprised if at some point there is a conspiracy theory put forth about it (the S/H weapon) having been a full auto but covered up by the evil NRA. Lies that are believed are hard to fight. The ultimate weapon of snipes and protagonists. These people are truly nefarious.

  16. It’s done to plant an incorrect recollection of the facts in peoples memory. Don’t be surprised if at some point there is a conspiracy theory put forth about it (the S/H weapon) having been a full auto but covered up by the evil NRA. Lies that are believed are hard to fight. The ultimate weapon of snipes and protagonists. These people are truly nefarious.

  17. Umm hi… So we can drop the ban and “common sense” gun control and just focus on repealing the NFA now right?

  18. Well dang. I had a hat tip on this post then it was edited out before I could comment and thank you for the H/T.

  19. Well dang. I had a hat tip on this post then it was edited out before I could comment and thank you for the H/T.

  20. This dope using, lawyer license losing, organized crime associated asshole needs to be impeached. God help our country with this POS at the wheel.

  21. Sad Dan takes you that long to discover fascist pigs lack intelligence they just want POWER?? that’s sad Dan time to wake up!

  22. Took you that long to realize Fascist PIGs IE Democratic party are brainless idiots who want power not fact. That’s sad Dan.

  23. It falls short of the “shoulder thing that goes up” for stupidity, but will certainly fool plenty of the gun-ignorant by conflating the modern sporting rifle AR-15 with the assault rifle M-16. They have been running that cute little deception under the radar for years.
    I’ve come across some who won’t be corrected, because they have found some dictionary definition where “assault rifle” includes the “semi-auto only” category.

  24. I can’t be the only one who thinks his little slip up was intentional.

    I’m going to go “full tin-foil hat” here, so be warned and feel free to ignore me, and this is just my own opinion, but there are still a lot of unanswered questions about Sandy Hook, a lot. From the parents who seem strangely calm and well-adjusted while being interviewed by the media considering their children’s heads had just been blown off by a madman, to the lack of video/photo evidence being produced by the authorities.

    I also don’t think that a man who could order a drone strike from the safety and comfort of the White House, killing God-Only-Knows how many innocent women and children from 10,000+ miles away via live satellite feed would have any problem with getting his hands dirtier closer to home with innocent children in a school to ultimately serve his own political ends.

    Yes, I know how crazy that sounds, but that’s just my opinion.

  25. I know this is a gun blog, so apologies in advance, but the fact is that even if he is losing the gun debate, Obama is winning by not talking about the “wreckovery” and the pathetic employment numbers. It used to be the GOP who was all about God, Guns and Gays. Now its the Dems who are all in on triple-G – or anything else – that will take the focus of jobs and food stamps.

  26. I’ll just go ahead and put my tinfoil hat on and say, he knows something about the Sandyhook shooting that we don’t.

  27. Dear Mainstream Press: Look, he can keep the Nobel Prize, because it’s clearly not worth much to start with if he got one, but can we please, please revoke this asshole’s “Smartest Prez EVAR!!” badge already?

  28. What a piece of work this guy is, his willful ignorance is stunning (and very smooth). He’s become the pied piper of stupid…

    “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
    ― Plato

  29. What a piece of work this guy is, his willful ignorance is stunning (and very smooth). He’s become the pied piper of stupid…

    “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
    ― Plato

  30. Playing with words, changing facts-the tried and true way of the anti-2A crowd is not to be wavered from. Why change a time proven tactic? Josh Sugarman currently from The Violence Policy Center stated way back in 1988:

    “The semi-automatic weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons”

    So to see el presidente attempt to capitalize on the fact that when it comes to firearms most politicians as well as most citizens are woefully uneducated is simply par for the course. His wishes for a particular outcome in this debate are not to be achieved by utilizing facts, the truth therefore would be a hindrance. We must remember that irrespective of the man’s office-he is a politician. He achieved his office through what many would call weaving of words. Why would he stop now?

  31. Using truth would be anathema to a politician, lies and half truths are the stock and trade of those who strive for or achieve political office. When it comes to people of the anti-2A persuasion the apple falls from the same tree. Swapping semi and full auto is not a mistake it is a tried and true strategy, ask Josh Sugarmann currently with the Violence Policy Center who in 1988 stated:

    “The semi-automatic weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons”

    Politicians get into office by sweet talking voters with half truths, why would they change their Modus Operandi simply because they are speaking amongst their own? The end product is what is truly of import, get the listeners to agree with your position. When one knows they are speaking to others who are not savvy to the issue at hand, that is the best time to bait and switch.

  32. Definitely intentional. No matter what was said before, tons of liberals will all believe automatic weapons were involved.

    My question is, so what if they were? An automatic rifle still holds 30 rounds. He’d still have to reload after every 30. In fact, he’d probably spend more time reloading than shooting if he had a FA weapon.

    If you can trust me not to go on a rampage with a semi-auto, you can trust me not to do so with a full-auto. There’s no mystical power imbued by a selector switch that turns people into Bonnie and Clyde.

  33. Suggested rewrite of heading:\
    “More stunning lack…from those who would regulate you

    But… they have a very competent knowledge of the political system, and enough people working for them who are very competent with firearms.

  34. This lack of knowledge on any number of issues by any politician should
    come as a surprise to anyone.

    After all the government is comprised of the same low grade morons
    that used to just be voters.

  35. Consider the government is made up of plain old citizens who may or may not be morons is their continuation of their lack of knowledge on any number of issues really a surprise to anyone?

  36. *sigh* I loathe saying this because it violates so much of my beliefs, but damn…when it comes to this moron, this is one instance abortion-on-demand would have not been such a bad thing.

  37. The intent is obvious enough; Dis-arm America and there is no-one on the planet left to stand against the wolves

  38. This guy sells willful ignorance like no other I’ve ever seen. He’s the pied piper of stupidity…

    “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
    ― Plato

  39. This guy sells willful ignorance like no one I’ve ever seen. He’s the pied piper…

    “We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.”
    ― Plato

  40. Sigh…..who cares what he actually said. To many people of the Gun get hung up on lame stuff. I dont care if he said laser blaster you know what he meant. Focusing on the correct syntax is EXACTLY what they want you to do.

    Semi-Auto, Full-Auto, clip, mag……blah….blah. You waste your time correcting them. It makes you look stupid. It distracts you. Also I absolutely hate when people of the Gun say stupid shiteeee like “mag capacity does not matter I can change my mags is 1.2 seconds I am that good!!!!”. I am happy for you but all that statement does is help the gun grabbers say “Ok so then a mag limit wont be a problem for you then”. You PLAY right into their game. You make their point.

    We should unite behind simple statements like….”Its our right in the BILL OF RIGHTS”, “An AR is my best option for the defense of my family” , “I need normal capacity magazines to properly defend against multiple bad guys” or “If the police can have an AR with a 30 rounds magazine so can I”.

    Dont brag, dont correct, DEFEND YOUR RIGHTS. DONT let them side track us.

  41. From what I’ve heard, the weapons used in this murder case have changed several times.
    Barrack needs to lay off his presidential time machine.

  42. John Lott encounter with Obama at University of Chicago.
    Aprx’., 1:30
    Lott introduces himself.
    Obama to Lott, “Oh you’re the gun guy”
    Lott, “ Yeah, I guess so.”
    Obama to Lott, “I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.”

    While you’re at Youtube:

  43. Apparently your brother is less dead if he’s stabbed to death instead of shot.

    Why don’t you take issue with the violence instead of the tools used in commission thereof?

  44. Wow what is up with the comments? It brings to mind some lyrics from a song….

    I repeat myself when under stress.
    I repeat myself when under stress.
    I repeat myself when under stress.
    I repeat myself when under stress.
    I repeat..
    The more I look at it,
    the more I like it.
    I do think it’s good.
    The fact is..
    no matter how closely I study it,
    no matter how I take it apart,
    no matter how I break it down,
    It remains consistant.
    I wish you were here to see it.

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