“One officer fired shots at the pit bull that hurtled out of the mobile home in Southaven, Miss.,” washingtonpost.com reports. “The other officer fired at the person pointing a gun from behind the cracked front door.” Fair enough, right? Only . . .

They had been trying to serve an arrest warrant in an aggravated assault case at a mobile home in the neighborhood before the sudden explosion of gunfire Sunday night. When they surveyed the aftermath, they made a heart-dropping discovery: They were at the wrong home.

According to the official version [via commercialappeal.com], the killer cops didn’t just bust in and start firing at the auto mechanic.

“A man pointed a gun at officers through an open door,” [District Attorney John] Champion said. The officers repeatedly warned [41-year-old Ismael Lopez] to put the gun down before one of them opened fire. He said he believed that one officer shot at the dog, while the other shot at the man.

Fair enough, right? Only . . .

[Family friend, Jordan] Castillo said the slain man’s wife was too upset to talk, but that she’d told him things that contradicted the official account. He said Lopez had two guns: a Glock pistol, which he usually kept in the bedroom, and a .22 caliber rifle, which he usually kept in the front room.

He said Lopez’s wife told him that after the shooting, the rifle was in its usual spot.

And Castillo pointed to a hole in the porch banister and holes in the front door, saying that they indicated the shots had been fired through a closed door. “If you’re shooting through a door in that manner, you don’t know who’s behind that door.”

He said he couldn’t imagine that Lopez would have come out aiming a gun at police. “It don’t make sense at all.”

He also said Lopez spoke good English and would not have misunderstood commands to put down a gun – but he said Lopez’s wife reported not hearing such commands.

There’s no word whether or not the cops announced themselves before the fatal encounter. According to the DA, the Southhaven po-po don’t have body cameras. So . . .

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: a little courtesy from The Boys in Blue goes a long way to preventing these sorts of incidents.

Is it too much to ask cops to knock on a door of a suspected perp? And if a suspect is thought to be violent, why not wait until he or she comes out of their house/workplace before attempting apprehension?


  1. And our collective RESPECT for police officers goes DOWN another notch. If you live in Minneapolis it is nearing zero as the state investigators try their best to blame the latest victim (in pajamas holding a cell phone) for her own death. “She scared them!”

    • “She scared them”
      Gentleman, that’s what you get paid for. If you can’t handle it then get a job as a 911 operator

      • It seems that most folks on TTAG are far more skilled and experienced than cops, makes me wonder why people keep calling 911 (and many here are also probably better than medics and firemen, just an assumption). There are thousands and thousands of cops/civilian interactions every day in this country and obviously we focus on the one gone wrong, not an excuse if they screwed up they screwed up and must be accountable for it, but way too many people here just love to hate cops. I am sure agencies in your area are hiring, complete an application and go out there improve things if you care so much about it.

        • So similarly, if you’ve never been Black and lived in the inner city, you have no right to criticize what goes on on the South Side of Chicago?

          It’s amazing how the laws, and simple common sense to which everyone ELSE are subject, somehow shouldn’t apply to the police.

          I don’t need to be a surgeon to know that somebody who goes into the hospital for a hip replacement shouldn’t get sex reassignment surgery.

          I don’t need to be an IT professional (even though I am one) to know that if somebody takes their computer to Geek Squad to get their DVD drive replaced, their hard drive shouldn’t instead be loaded with child pornography.

          There are two groups today who think they should be ABSOLUTELY immune from the laws which the rest of us MUST obey on pain of imprisonment or DEATH: Black Lives Matter and the police unions.

          Not that many citizens get wrongfully killed by cops? Not that many cops get killed in the line of duty. Does that mean we can just shrug off the ambush murder of the cops in Dallas and the female cop in NYC the way cops and fanbois want to dismiss this man’s (and Kathryn Johnston’s) murder by police? Apparently the ONLY difference is that they believe that cops’ lives have value and the rest of ours DON’T.

  2. What was the need to serve this warrant at 11:30 at night? Why would daylight hours not suffice? Then, the officers might actually see the house numbers, and approach the correct one. Also, the innocent, law-abiding homeowner might be able to see that it is police officers approaching his house.

    This incident exemplifies why qualified immunity should not be a thing.

    • Or surround the house and make a phone call. It’s a trailer. The guy isn’t going anywhere.

      • “Or surround the house and make a phone call. It’s a trailer. The guy isn’t going anywhere.”

        But, but, the guy could have flushed his wife’s incriminating bruises down the toilet and the cops couldn’t arrest him without the evidence of the wife’s beating!


    • Uh, most folks work during the day, they’re more likely to be at home at night.
      Best to put your gun away if the police arrive, whether they are at the correct address or not.
      Being dead right doesn’t do you much good.

      • Maybe he should have just blasted the two morons pointing guns at him FOR NO GOOD REASON!
        Yes, he’d be in jail…but better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

      • Police? They were unidentified strangers in the dark at 11:30pm. It’s easy to Monday Morning QB it in broad daylight the next morning. In hindsight, everyone now knows who’s who. In the dark with strangers creeping around and the dogs barking, I would be armed as I look to see who is there. I would not know, or even think they were police until properly identified as such. I’ve done nothing wrong why would there be police at my door? Apparently he didn’t know either.

        • Inconvenient as all hell to have your co workers hauled out in cuffs. Especially with a small crew during contract work away from the main company.

        • jwm: “Inconvenient as all hell to have your co workers hauled out in cuffs. Especially with a small crew during contract work away from the main company.”

          More inconvenient than having them not show up the next day because they’re dead?

        • Bill. I’ve never had a co worker killed by cops. I have had them arrested right off my crew.

          I’ve had family members killed by cops. My family, dad’s side at least, did not play well with others.

      • And DID he know they were the police? Not that YOU know.

        But then that was the excuse for the Atlanta PD murdering Kathryn Johnston too, wasn’t it?

        But of course that leads us inevitably to, “Civilians(sic) shouldn’t have guns because it endangers cops.”

        There’s NEVER more than one degree of separation between the cop idolators and the anti-gun cultists.

    • +100. Take the hints that Justice Thomas has been dropping and get rid of qualified immunity (which is a judicial creation anyway), and the tort system will swiftly make it uneconomical for local jurisdictions to put up with this kind of sloppiness.

    • The need for doing this at 11:30 at night could be several things.
      Maybe the night shift is staffed by the screw-ups in the department.
      Maybe the department was looking for a headline: “Midnight task force nets x number of felons.” (I’ve noted before how some (many?) departments will make flashy warrant services to make themselves look good.)
      But know this: There was definitely a reason, arrived at in headquarters, to detail those officers, at that time, to make this arrest. It didn’t just work out that way.
      Maybe we’ll find out what the reason was. What we will probably hear is something like, “We felt that the individual would be sleepy and disoriented, making the arrest easier.” What would be left unsaid is something like, “We know our officers would be.”
      I support our LEOs. I also expect them to be able to find an address. Even in the dark.

      • Perhaps a minor point, but in my personal not-so-anectdotal experience (had a troubled teen, lots of distinct separate encounters with LEOs), the fact that they work shifts so they’re “on” 24/7, while I consider myself “off” whenever I’m home, and certainly while I’m asleep, causes a lot of friction. If it’s the midle of the night and they want to talk to you, it doesn’t have to be something time sensitive. They’re gonna call or show up, and you’d better be awake and sharp and happy about it.

      • Correct Address or not, this type of police activity is irresponsible. It gets people, police and the public, killed on a regular basis. The biggest example I can recall was the Branch Dravidian debacle. David Koresh apparently came in to town every week to eat lunch and could have easily been nabbed without indecent. But, as I recall, the ATF thought they had a Ma duce at the compound and they were going to go in and search for that. Now how stupid is that? They have a .50 Cal machine gun and we are going to attack the compound?! Though the ATF got their asses handed to them that day. After a 51 day siege the FBI ended up incinerating 76 men women and children. All because they didn’t want to wait for their guy to show up at the cafe. This is all too common and uncalled for irresponsible action on behalf of our local police and government agencies.

    • An arrest of this nature is most often best served during daylight hours, few reasons come to mind to immediately do this in an urgent manner. A daytime traffic stop is most often the ideal plan.

  3. If you can’t properly read an address and it ends up costing a man his life, you and your whole fucking goon squad should go up for manslaughter. Full stop.

    If I walked into the wrong house and killed the man living there I would never see the light of day.

    • When the system refuses to hold accountable and punish the guilty parties what options do the innocents have left?

    • Manslaughter? Try First Degree Murder and various conspiracy charges. No government employee should have immunity.

      Citizens have the right to bear arms. If the cops were pointing guns, then the citizen has every right to aim right back.

      Disarm the cops.

      • Does that include the citizen in the striped shirt, raccoon mask and holding the bag of money he just robbed from the bank?

        How about the citizen in the grade school with the rifle he murdered his mother to get and is in the process of committing mass murder?

        Is my statement anywhere near as stupid as yours?

        • What makes “cops” more qualified or even available to stop these crimes instead of armed bank and school employees? Customers and parents? Police seldom prevent crimes at all, just take the “reports” and occasionally manage to find the criminals – all after the damage is done.

          Do you carry a gun and plan to take care of yourself, others … or do you first call 911 and wait for cops to come save you?

          I carry a gun, all the time. I really like and appreciate the sheriff and his deputies here… but I’m prepared to take care of things myself, if possible, while I wait for them to arrive. And it is what they expect!

        • Not really on point Mama. Would Chris be happier if a bank guard or school janitor was pointing a gun at the citizen? Chris makes silly statements all the time about disarming the cops. And yet he wants everybody not born here before 1965 deported.

          I guess all those deportees are going to be rounded up by unarmed cops or something.

          Another reason society needs cops is evident in the attitude here about “I only carry my gun to protect me and mine”. Your situation may work for you in back of nowhere Wyoming. But most of us live in big citys or crowded burbs.

          We are a 21st century first world nation. We need a system. Can it work better? Of course. But dumping the system turns us into the Balkans or Somalia.

  4. Is it too much to ask cops to knock on a door of a suspected perp? And if a suspect is thought to be violent, why not wait until he or she comes out of their house/workplace before attempting apprehension?

    Many, perhaps even most police departments have the following mindset:
    (a) Public safety is not worth adding a few hours to arrests.
    (b) They have to uphold their storm trooper (a.k.a. thug) image.

    Therefore, many/most police departments will not knock on the door of a suspected perp, much less stake out a building and wait for a violent suspect to come out.

    • I know you’d rather believe in the stormtrooper mythos but in most cases it’s a fear about evidence being destroyed or the suspect grabbing a weapon.

      I think a lot of departments are moving away from that view, though, and are more willing to let drugs be flushed if that’s what it takes.

      • How is waiting for someone to leave their house risking evidence destruction? If the evidence is in their house then the absolute best way to prevent evidence destruction is to wait til the person is no longer there. Use 2 teams, 1 to do the arrest and 1 to search the house. The arresting team can be a single car with 2 people.

        • In most cases where you’re conducting a search warrant for drugs there’s more than one person involved. In addition to the fact that there is likely still someone there to flush the drugs, it makes for a better case to arrest someone next to the table full of meth.

          Now, like I said, a lot of departments are moving away from this mentality and it’s probably a good thing… but that’s the idea behind it.

        • “You’ve never heard of flushing dope down the toilet ????”

          The guy they were supposed to be arresting was accused of domestic violence.

          Just how is he gonna flush his woman (bruises and all) down the toilet?

      • Hannibal,

        Vhyrus beat me to the punch: wait for the suspect to leave the building and capture him/her somewhere else which actually increases their probability of obtaining the evidence that they are seeking.

        But this requires two teams: one to follow/arrest the suspect and one to search the home. And it requires a stake out which means the arrest might take an additional several hours.

        When police departments refuse to use a process that provides a greater probability of acquiring evidence and improves public safety, what other explanation could there possibly be?

      • What evidence is there to destroy in a Domestic Violence warrant for an incident that happened elsewhere to begin with?

        • As far as we know this was an arrest warrant and not a search warrant. So we don’t know if they were busting down the door or… just went up and knocked.

      • Fear of evidence destruction is little more than a excuse for poor police work. Proper investigation will provide sufficient evidence – if a bust relies on evidence that is so easily flushed away, then there’s not much of a crime going on. Using this excuse results in situations like this and like the debacle in Killeen a couple of years ago where officer got killed over less than a gram of cocaine

      • You know, it’s not as if toilets are magical disintegration devices that disassemble everything put into them down to the atomic level.

        Here’s a thought … call the city sewer and water services and have them isolate that part of the sewer system for an hour or so. Oh, they have a septic tank? So much the better, those flushes stay right there.

        Oh, the local PD don’t want to go dredging in the sewer looking for evidence? How about pulling a fluid sample and looking for high concentrations of the suspected drugs via mass spectrometry? No? Oh, well, I suppose it’s easier to risk killing innocents.

        • Can’t risk blowing a drug bust just to avoid spilling a little blood. After all, it’s just trailer trash.

        • Some people will simply never accept that the war on drugs has caused far more damage than the drugs themselves ever could have.

  5. This is another in a long line of warrants with lethal outcomes (some of which were no-knock warrants) served at the incorrect address across the country.

    I’ve yet to see LEO’s held accountable for even one instance of this type of incompetence. As far as I’m concerned, because the PD wasn’t holding a valid warrant for this address, their actions constitute anything from manslaughter to second degree murder, depending on the other circumstances surrounding the event, because without a warrant, there should be no sovereign immunity. We don’t pay cops to go up to random addresses and shoot people at their front doors, as such, this was not done in the execution of their duties, therefore no immunity should apply.

  6. Trailer parks are nightmares to navigate looking for an address. Which is why you don’t serve a warrant, especially one that involves entry, without checking the place out and making sure you know what you’re doing. Every search warrant I’ve seen includes photos of the place to be searched, for example.

    But this situation sounds it wasn’t a search warrant or drug bust… more like the cops just showed up to arrest someone for a warrant- maybe even knocked at the door (the WRONG door apparently)- and then things went south quick. I don’t really put much stock in the 2nd/3rd hand accounts about what happened yet but that’s another reason to have body cameras, as much as I hate sticking more weight on.

    “And Castillo pointed to a hole in the porch banister and holes in the front door, saying that they indicated the shots had been fired through a closed door. “If you’re shooting through a door in that manner, you don’t know who’s behind that door.”

    If someone’s using a door for cover to shoot you from, you are probably going to end up shooting the door. But then if this were the correct suspect and house we wouldn’t really be concerned.

    • I also would like to know what bullet holes in a porch banister have to do with firing through a closed door. I’m no builder, but generally that’s the kind of thing that stays in the same place whether the door is open or closed.

      • “I’m no builder, but generally that’s the kind of thing that stays in the same place whether the door is open or closed.”
        It also means the person doing the shooting wasn’t at the door, but off the porch. I would imagine the officers were together, which means they weren’t at the door, but approaching the porch.
        Another thing: These were probably detectives, meaning they were in plain clothes, not uniforms. A guess, but we’ll see, maybe.
        But some things don’t add up to me.

        • All we know from this post is that they approached the wrong address. At which point they may or may not have had a pit bull set upon them and they may or may not have had a gun pointed at them.

          I don’t turn dogs lose or point guns at people for approaching my front door.

          Maybe dude panicked thinking immigration was on to him? All we got right now is a bunch of keyboard commandos second guessing info they haven’t been given.

          • “All we know from this post is that they approached the wrong address. At which point they may or may not have had a pit bull set upon them and they may or may not have had a gun pointed at them.”

            Well, not quite: “And Castillo pointed to a hole in the porch banister and holes in the front door, saying that they indicated the shots had been fired through a closed door. “If you’re shooting through a door in that manner, you don’t know who’s behind that door.””
            Not from the police report (which we don’t have yet), but the holes are there nonetheless. It’s kind of hard to put holes in a porch banister (railing) if you’re at the door, which is up on the porch.
            I don’t point guns at people who are approaching my front door, either. But then, I don’t often have people in street clothes claiming to have an arrest warrant at my front door, either. And we don’t know if a gun was actually pointed at any police officers. At night, with poor lighting, it’s often hard to see what’s inside a house.
            This was a clusterfu*k on the police’s part. By their own admission.

    • Correct suspect or not, cops shooting up a trailer park is always a concern. Mobile homes are not known as safe backstops. These government thugs should not have been armed to begin with.

    • In this day and age if you are doing busts like this without body cameras then I logically assume you are hiding dirty procedures.

      Don’t F’n try to tell me that your departement can’t afford one GoPro whose cost is probably less than one weeks worth of donuts.

  7. Good dry run though, eh?


    There’s plenty of Fed. water behind the dam hoping we all say ‘chuck the local cops’. I say we don’t.

    And F the evil (D). In case this is my last post.

  8. I’d like more details, but whenever the cops bust into a wrong house killing someone, my first instinct is negligent homicide.

  9. Math er NUMBERS are HARD. There’s that IQ thing again…BTW this BS should be a much bigger story?

  10. This happened because there are still too many GD “cowboy” wannabes wearing badges.

    If you serve an arrest warrant at the wrong damn house, SOMEBODY (a cop) must be held responsible. “Qualified Immunity” be damned.

    • Cowboys are and were useful members of society. Please don’t sully their image by comparing them to cops. Remember, the Earps were known as the “Fighting Pimps”. They were not cowboys.

      • I understand your point, and (grudgingly) accept it in spirit. However, “in the vernacular of the day”…

  11. Someone who has some law enforcement experience speak up and tell everyone how to fix this!!

    Do we change how we pick cops?
    Do we change how we train cops?
    Do we change how we protect cops when they make a mistake?

    Yesterday its was a cop using someone as a human shield, the day before it a guy laying on the ground being shot 30+ times way, way, way after he posed a threat.

    What is happening in this world?

    • Uh, we kept letting people take our responsibilities away from us and then it was too late when they stopped being able to handle that responsibility.

  12. Rubber stampers need to restrict the use of no knock warrants to only when absolutely necessary.

    • Agreed. But, based on the story, that wasn’t what this was. If so the shooting probably wouldn’t have taken place at the door but instead would have been inside the house.

    • “Rubber stampers need to restrict the use of no knock warrants to only when absolutely necessary.”


      As far as I am concerned, if a no-knock warrant needs to be done, call one phone number, and one number only, like the U.S. Marshalls.

      Uniformly train them, and make them personally responsible for the fuckups.

      No more every PD a Hi-Speed, Lo-Drag SWAT team crapola…

  13. When I was serving warrants etc years back we did it in daylight, plainclothes and concealed carry only. Mostly alone due to budget. Politely knocking on door works wonders.

    Also just calling from outside when mobile phones came along made it much easier to find the address in places without street numbers or signs.

    I can assure you from helping plumber clean out pipes (evidence chain) you can not flush kilos of any drug easily.

    • And if it’s an area with a public sewage system you can block anything from being ‘dumped’ if you really want to put some effort in.

      • Aaaaaaargh, didn’t you use the rationale of “they might flush evidence” to justify a no-knock warrant earlier?

        • I said that’s the logic, I didn’t say it was good logic (although it only works with certain systems and can be expensive and difficult to do).

          The same applies to the drug war in general.

  14. It strikes me that we have seen many incidents where if one officer starts shooting, all the others start shooting too. So here, one officer shot at a dog, and the other officer, assuming the first cop was shooting at the “suspect,” opened fire on him instead of the dog.

    • That sounds like the most reasonable explanation.

      Not that I’m saying that shooting the dog was reasonable. I used to live in a small town where sheriff deputies would kill at least 3 neighborhood dogs a year, sometimes while still chained up in their own yard.

  15. nearly the same thing happened to a classmate of mine–exception the death!

    during the hot time of the drug wars in LA/cali the cops busted into her home at 2 am and ripped the whole, and I mean WHOLE front door off the house. Plus SEVERAL feet of wall on each side of it! Then stomped into the house, ripping everything up.
    Her dad almost shot the cops and her grandma was taken to the hospital! In a near heart attack, they destroyed the inside of the whole house and barely asked a question??
    When they finally did? her dad asked for this “drug warrant!” and they showed it to him, he read it and then looked at the cop in the eye—-this is 200 north ‘that street’—your warrant is for 200 south ‘that street’ MORON! you got the wrong address!

    yep off by a few blocks and the undercover guys who signed the warrant, not on the ‘breech team’ and at home sleeping!

    Her father sure did look good in that new caddy the city bought for him and the very new home they paid for too!

  16. With respect to all law enforcement officers who are the best of the best,please weed out of your ranks those who are propagating this dumb ass stuff. Close only counts in war and horse shoes, not in a free and unoccupied America.
    The worst example of complacent behavior in my hood was November 21, 2006 when Atlanta police murdered Ms. Kathryn Johnston.

  17. I see the usual TTAG police apologists, and statists are out in full force to further the goal of Authoritarianism…Come on ! No proper chain of command. Wrong raid warrants, trigger happy police officers-“equal opportunity shootings BLM.” Israeli police commando training, and mind-set…Let the US Constitutional-Bill of Rights be damned….Also, this behavior is totally incompatible (with the the 2nd amendment. As well, as others…) I’m certainly NOT going to open my door for any armed paramilitaries claiming a warrant to enter my dwelling. Once these guys get in, they find out THEIR not supposed to be there…THEIR going to be looking for ” incrementing evidence” that YOUR a bad guy anyway because THEIR in the wrong! This why there needs to be ” Full independent Civilian review boards of all rank and file Police officers nationwide, for public accountability! And a ban on police Unions.

    • “I see the usual TTAG police apologists, and statists are out in full force to further the goal of Authoritarianism”

      What comment section have you been reading? The above comments I just read have been anything but police apologist in nature.

  18. This is not the first time this has happen. I like the police. But I totally support shooting the police in the face when they can’t seem to check the correct address of a home they plan on raiding.

    Cops Raid Wrong House, Arrest Family, Post Pictures on Snapchat
    Merry Christmas from the NYPD


    From Tennessee, Aug 2016

    Man Dies in Police Raid on Wrong House. This government crime was just 70 miles from my house. I remember it very well. And I’m still angry about it. I will not hold my breath waiting for the Left to complain because they, really do like, and prefer the police, because they want only the government to have guns.

    You will never hear the words “qualified immunity” come out of the mouth of Bernie Sanders, or any socialist.

  19. “He said he believed that one officer shot at the dog, while the other shot at the man.”

    The dog had it comin’.

  20. They use a SWAT team with all the cool guy toys at 11:30 at night because they have to qualify the purchase and maintenance of such teams and items. You can’t get free .gov surplus night vision and set them on the shelf. Every now and then you have to dust them off and go kicking in doors to arrest the local dime bag salesman instead of routinely arresting him as he leaves his house.

  21. They attacked the home of an innocent man, and then killed him and his dog. There is no excuse for that, and these officers should be in jail. One for animal cruelty, the other for manslaughter at the least.

  22. Unnecesary violence. Should Zimmerman have followed Martin? I’m not disagreeing with Z-man’s aquittal, or tryna dredge anything up, but hindsight being 20/20 it would be better if he hadn’t followed Martin. Oh well. Law enforcement should be held to a higher standard. They planned this, are supposed to be professionals.

  23. And people are surprised when someone kills random cops assassination style? Hell those people probably see it as a war. I’m sure gefreiter Heinrich didn’t personally harm Grandpa Jones during the war, but gefreiter Heinrich was complacent by being a member of a group who tried to harm grampy Jones, therefore being a war, he had no problem killing Heinrich. As Heinrich was liable to have killed him or others he held dear and killing Heinrich insured that Heinrich couldn’t kill Grampy Jones’ fellow squad members. I see parallels that make it seem as of the police (or at least a large percentage of them) are at war with the citizens. 1776 happened over less. That is for damn sure.

  24. Of course they don’t wear body cameras. But in this day and age why not?

    And this wasn’t for a big drug bust, it was for a simple domestic charge.

    • No cop will ever be convicted of murder, second degree, in an official “officer-involved” shooting. The Blue Line fiercely protects its worst. BE AFRAID citizen, VERY afraid.

      • It’s happened before in “third times the charm” case I know about. I can’t remember the cops name, but he killed three people in “questionable” circumstances before being convicted.

      • That’s because words like ‘murder’ have a specific legal meaning which is differentiated from crimes like ‘manslaughter’ by premeditation. None of the killings we talk about here are premeditated in a legal sense of the word. Premeditation is when you buy life insurance on your husband, get some poison and put it in his coffee.

        • Second degree murder does NOT have a premeditation element. But it does have an intention of death requirement.

          Manslaughter has only a recklessness (or gross negligence element) regarding the death.

          I thought this was the Internet not the eritig of a formal Indictment.

        • Premeditation can occur in moments. A few seconds is more than enough time to premeditate.

  25. SCOTUS recently ruled 8-0 to nullify the provocation doctrine. These pigsters will get a paid vacation and nothing more.

  26. why is it tht bodycams are not required to be on by law? if a cop doesn’t have his body camera on, he should be fined big money.

    body cams go a good ways towards protecting good cops and revealing bad cops.

    • Are you going to pay for them? Someone has to. It’s not the cameras themselves that are the cost, it’s the data-processing and storage that tends to be a budgetary nightmare for smaller or rural departments where the taxpayer base is not affluent.

      • Hannibal: “Are you going to pay for them? Someone has to. It’s not the cameras themselves that are the cost, it’s the data-processing and storage that tends to be a budgetary nightmare for smaller or rural departments where the taxpayer base is not affluent.”

        I will continue to say this: If we are going to use the “We can’t afford it” excuse when talking about law enforcement, then we have lost. Our entire way of life has been lost.
        If we can afford to use government (read: taxpayers’) money to research the sex habits of lizards, we can afford body cams that are on the entire shift.
        The excuse that we can’t afford it is a sham, used to allow taxpayers’ money to be used for a whole host of less important things, like sponsoring gun “buybacks,” or any number of social engineering schemes, or expensive “destination” meetings, or any of thousands other expenditures that don’t directly benefit the people.
        Can’t afford it, my ass. If the feds can afford to give away Bradleys, they can afford to give away some hard drives.

      • Funny how these broke rural sheriffs departments still manage to come up with the money to train a “SWAT team” (read: joe bubba and all his friends).

  27. Thus underscoring the importance of failure to stop drills. When you are woken up by your front door being kicked in the middle of the night and investigate with a gun in hand, the police will do their damnedest to kill you.

  28. Cue the usual bullshit about how murderous thugs in blue are “brave heroes” and that innocent deaths don’t matter, only that the government thugs weren’t harmed.

    • Well, you are comment #109 here, and no one yet has mentioned “brave heroes.”

      I guess someone missed his cue.

  29. Similar to Jose Guerena.

    These cops are murderers, terrorists and incompetent ones at that. Try and convict them.

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