Bloomberg Arlington gun control protest
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

From the CCRKBA . . .

A new NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll released Wednesday shows an “alarming disregard by Democrats for the Second Amendment,” the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said.

The poll, conducted May 15 to 18, revealed that “88 percent of Democrats think reining in gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights, while 67 percent of Republicans say protecting gun rights is more important,” according to a report in The Hill.

“This is a stunning revelation,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb. “While we have always advocated for safer communities and have supported citizen initiatives aimed at locking up criminals, it is appalling that such an overwhelming percentage of Democrats are so willing to throw the Second Amendment under a bus to achieve some false sense of security.”

More than 25 years ago, Gottlieb championed both “Three Strikes” and “Hard Time for Armed Crime” initiatives, which received massive public support in Washington State and then became popular nationwide. 

“The idea of putting violent, repeat offenders in prison has always made more sense than penalizing law-abiding citizens who only want to exercise their constitutional rights,” he observed. “The notion that you are somehow going to discourage criminals by disarming their intended victims isn’t just foolish, it’s downright crazy.

(AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli)

“Constitutional rights are not something you vote on,” Gottlieb continued, “nor do you casually give them up in hopes of creating some utopian fantasy. If criminals know people don’t have the means to fight back, they will exploit the situation. That’s why we fight so hard, day after day, to protect the right that makes it possible for us to protect our families, homes and communities.”

Gottlieb said he is equally disappointed that many independents and even some Republican poll respondents were also willing to prioritize controlling crime over protecting individual rights.  


“The right to keep and bear arms is enshrined in our Bill of Rights and most state constitutions for a reason,” Gottlieb noted. “If we don’t protect all of our rights vigorously, pretty soon we will end up with none of them.”


  1. those are the affluent white democrats
    who can afford to live in gated communities
    and dont have to worry about home invasions

    • Mostly they live in safe suburbs. In NYC they live in high rises condos with locked entry doors and security guards.

      • There’s more than a grain of truth in the saying :

        “A conservative is a liberal who was mugged and got their face split open or daughter violently raped”.

        (At least, my version is a bit more stark to the reality of the situation…)

  2. Please take a moment to read and consider what is being done here.
    Advocating for rights may make you a ‘baddie’

    Heritage Foundation
    has uncovered a DHS anti-terrorism program that’s been weaponized against conservatives.

    80 grants & 39.6 million taxpayer dollars later, here’s a look at how
    are outsourcing their efforts to conflate conservatives with terrorists

    See the picture chart of “Far Right Radicalization ”

    • Wow, yet another ‘one-shot-wonder’ autonomous troll hiding like the coward they are behind a fake, made-up name.

      Zero fucking credibility, pal.

      If you want to be taken seriously in TTAG, earn the reputation of identifying who you are when you comment.

      • What a clown!! You post under at best, your first name (and we have NO IDEA whether that is actually your name, as you well know). Then you take that same post to prove you’re a lying, partisan @$$hole. Been taking propaganda lesson from our resident Leftist/fascist propagandist, MajorLiar??

        Go micturate up a cable, you Leftist/fascist clown.

  3. Remember Obama saying the Bill of Rights is flawed because it tells the government what it can’t do?

    The modern day Democrat Party is all about authoritarianism. Liberals don’t believe in individual liberty and responsibility.

    Isn’t it curious that people who believe that the government and the police are racist oppressors want to ensure the government and the police have all the guns?

    • “Remember Obama saying the Bill of Rights is flawed because it tells the government what it can’t do?”

      Oh, yeah, I remember that one real well. If memory serves, he called it a bill of negative rights, not what the government should do.

      There’s a real good reason for that, Obama. It keeps the list down to a manageable level. There would be nothing stopping it from growing monstrously large…

      • All criminals are not Leftists, but all Leftists are criminals. Their regard for individual rights is at best situational.

        Now that all (effectively) democrats are Leftists, it is hard to see why this poll is surprising to anyone, much less a Heritage person.

  4. Need new glasses…

    Read the article title as:

    Marxist Poll Shows Large Majority of Democrats Have No Regard at All for Gun Rights

    I was thinking as I read it…”and what else is new…?”

    • Montana,

      I read it the same way. Of all the things I miss from my twenties, My eyesight is the thing I miss the most.

      • You both read ot that way not because of your age/eyes but because at this point we all understand that:

        Democrat now basically equals Communist and the establishment RINOs kinda do too.

  5. The alarming question to ask a shtlib is how they would feel if every single one of their ideal “gun control” laws were implemented tomorrow and then 30 years from now their family was killed in a mass shooting in a gun-free zone. Their answers are always just god-awful. These people take no responsibility for / ownership of anything whatsoever. They would sooner claim apathy/defeatism and double down on restrictive policy than ever take direct action. absolute yella bellies, the lot of em.

  6. Imagine if the 2nd Amendment said,
    “Dogs being man’s best friend, the right of the people to own dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, and other small pets shall not be infringed.”

    Democrats would claim this means that women can’t own pets, and that the government can ban all pets except dogs. Because Democrats have no clue what a prefatory clause is (or rather, they lie and pretend they don’t know what it is).

    • According to Thomas Jefferson:
      On every question of construction (of the Constitution) let us carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit of the debates, and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text, or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed.

      Those who have debated the way the Amendment was written do not want us to know the spirit of the debate, whether the 2A or even the 14th.

      I figure TJ ought to know what he was talking about.

  7. “Large Majority of Democrats Have No Regard at All for Gun Rights”

    why is this such a surprise? its not like it’s a secret, they are very open in displaying contempt for rights of others that are not them.

    Overall, Democrats only have regard for what democrats want. They have never ‘played well with others, they are the ‘give me what I want or I will hurt you’ types.

    • .40 cal Booger,

      “… its not like it’s a secret, [Democrats] are very open in displaying contempt for rights of others …”

      On top of that, NPR (National Public Radio–whose listeners are almost exclusively ardent Democrats) conducted the poll. I am just spit-balling here but I think–THINK–there could be a significant selection bias defect with that poll.

      • As soon as I saw NPR mentioned, I thought the same thing. Another Democrat/left wing ploy to slant the figures in their favor to try to make it look like most Americans are in favor of gun control.

    • “This is a stunning revelation,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb.”

      Gimme a break, Alan. As pointed out by Booger, among others, Democrats are not concerned with anyone’s rights, or even opinions, other than their own. And it’s not just guns- it’s where you live, what you drive, what you eat, how you heat your home or cook, what you have the audacity to think or say out loud, and especially if you wish to be independent of the collective or dare show a scintilla of either traditional masculinity or femininity aligned with the body parts that designate one’s gender.

      A “stunning revelation”, Alan? If that’s so, you have no ability to be running SAF, as you’ve been woefully behind the curve for decades if you actually believe your own statement. It sounds to me more like a fund raising pitch…

    • Like Whoopie said, “we gotta get more Republicans on the show to find out what they’re thinking, make sure they’re thinking the RIGHT way”

  8. Not a surprising revelation… The “progressives” have been prodding us toward Kommunism and authoritarian control since the 30s, only recently have their numbers become sufficiently indoctrinated to accelerate the “program” (puppet Bribem is the final phase) it’s the main reason why everyone should be scared shitless of an Article 5 Convention of States, the infiltration is widespread, there are more RINOs “posing” as conservatives than there are true right-wing Republicans… You can’t trust anyone you haven’t known since birth, everyone lies, absolute power is their goal and the Constitution is our only weapon against them… Only the man willing to go too far will know just how far he can go… Prove me wrong…

      An Article V convention of the states would be meaningless. 3/4 of the state legislatures could agree on if it was daylight or not. Nothing will happen.

  9. The Democrats have a long history of not supporting civil rights. Their fearless leader Lyndon Baines Johnson was quite the cross burner in his day.

    • Yet he got the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act passed over strenuous Democratic Party objections.

      • We’d be a hell of a lot closer to the “American Experience” now if even half of today’s democrats were more like those in 1964…


  10. A man, 32-year-old Eric Sandow of Gainesville, Florida, was arrested for having an AK-47 on school property walked up to the CIA Headquarters’ gate in Virginia and allegedly said, “I’m here and I have a gun,” a law enforcement source told CNN.

    “He requested access to the (preschool) building facilities to use the restroom, which was denied by school staff,” Dolley Madison Preschool said in a statement Wednesday. “At no point did he gain physical entrance to the school building.”

    Police officers told the court Sandow “exhibited paranoid behavior, irrational verbal behavior, incoherent statements and had an inability to state a plan or purpose” during his arrest, according to court filings.

    • “Uniformed federal officers turned him away at the gate Tuesday and notified Fairfax County police of his description, the source said Wednesday.”

      Not our problem, said the Feds.

      • They may have been his sponsor if they were part of the Biden DOJ or FBI…

        Just saying…

    • One person acts badly with a tool and your idea is to punish all tool owners.

      Fascism lives in your heart.

  11. RE: “88 percent of Democrats think reining in gun violence is more important than protecting gun rights”

    democRats do not think they reguritate what they have been fed: Gun Control is Good. Second Amendment is Bad.

    And where are most tough guy gun owning Rambo wannabes when it comes to Defining Gun Control for America’s spoon fed public? Nowhere. They prefer not to draw too much attention to themselves by saying something that maybe a little too outside the box. Their silence leaves democRats alone to Define The Second Amedment to their liking…And if your head is not stuck in your behind you can see the polls prove it.

    • “And where are most tough guy gun owning Rambo wannabes when it comes to Defining Gun Control for America’s spoon fed public?”

      Do we have any “tough guy gun owning Rambo wannabes” on the forum?

      Who are they? How can we spot them? Do they self-identify?

    • 8 out of 10 democrats will tell you that Heller got it wrong, and the 2A is a collective right, not an individual right. They say this was “settled” by US v. Miller.

      • When they say it is a collective Right, I ask if they know about Thaddeus Stevens, the 14th A and what Congress considered individual rights.

        Most do not know Thaddeus was nor that he was the Republican who championed Civil Rights and was responsible for most of the good of Reconstruction.

        In the debate of the 14th it was asked if the now freed men would be able to bear Arms, it was answered as “yes” because they were Citizens entitled to all the Rights we have.

  12. A man fired shots at his neighbor’s homes in Lemon Grove Thursday, injuring one woman and prompting an hours-long SWAT standoff, according to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department.

    SDSO described the alleged gunman as a former military member who experienced what they described as a mental health crisis on Thursday. That individual, whose name has not been released, remained barricaded as of noon and was armed with an AR-15 rifle.

    • “Family members reported that the man has mental-health challenges …”

      Don’t they have red flag laws in CA? Why, yes — yes they do.

    • Was probably caused by some of the drugs given to him by the V A. Their answer to PTSD is to furnish drugs that commonly cause pychosis.

  13. Thomas Haddix, 77, and employees were involved in a dispute when Haddix produced a handgun and fired in the direction of the employees.

    No one was injured during the shooting, but the employees were able to describe the 77-year-old man and his vehicle, which led police to a business on N. Dixie Highway near Heck Park in Frenchtown Township.

    • Burn the village down. One person may have done wrong so kill them all.

      Wearing your jackboots?

  14. Modern American leftists don’t seem to have much respect for any of the traditional enumerated rights in our constitution. They do care about a lot of newer, highly-dubious rights like “trans rights”, free health care, free college, squatters rights, migrant rights, rights for homeless people to camp/crap/use drugs wherever they want, right to “safe spaces” like entire college campuses where your free speech rights are null and void.

    As for the rights the nation was founded with? Yeah, not so much. Those rights are seen as fascist and white supremacist now.

    We are all in for a Great Fuckening, people. We are headed into the abyss and this nation will fall hard before it ever rises again….if it can rise again at all, in one piece.

  15. Problem is the poll question itself, which adopts the narrative (promoted by the gun ban lobby) that there’s a natural dichotomy between protecting gun rights and reducing violence. So long as much of the publuc is duped into thinking that reducing gun violence necessarily means infringing on gun owners’ rights, a lot of people will be in favor of it. The corrective action is to point out the false dichotomy, not just complain about how awful those people are that they don’t respect gun rights.

    • What’s going against them is the fact that once an anti-gun person experiences a range experience, their attitudes towards guns changes dramatically.

      That’s *why* there’s a constant panic with those folks, they have to constantly drive a mass hysteria…

    • What else would it be when measures like the AWB were shown to have no measurable affect on crime yet the left keeps pushing for it?

  16. “NPR-PBS NewsHour-Marist poll released”

    Pretty sure your spellcheck is broken. It’s NPR-PBS Marxist poll.

  17. On Tuesday, May 16, the Louisiana House Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice advanced a permitless concealed carry law by a vote of 8-1. House Bill 131 is set for a floor debate on May 23. It would allow people who are age 18 to carry without a permit. These gun owners are already allowed to carry openly under the current law.

    • I probably should have said Black Rain Arms “in” Missouri but when I wrote that I was thinking of ‘The Unforgiven.’
      Eastwood starred in a lot of movies themed around Missouri.

  18. The current Dementiacrat Party has no regard for individual rights. Whether that be free speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly, the right to keep and bear arms, the right to own property, the right to be secure in your person, papers or property, the right to be represented by council in court, the right to due process, or even the right to life.
    They have become a cult of indoctrinated, deluded, dependent, despotic Marxists.
    As much as I hate the idea, it is looking more and more like we are headed toward a second civil war.

  19. Dems are happy to throw rights under the bus in the name of “safety.” They’re the ones who use “hate speech,” “triggering,” and “safe space” as excuses to limit the 1A rights of people who hold opposing views. Their contempt for 2A just follows their pattern. I think Benny Franklin had some saying about liberty and safety that applies.

  20. I fid this article to be too true. I don’t know personally of any Democrats who have any regard for the 2nd Amendment.
    One of my clients, a Democrat, asked me if I thought we needed more “gun control”. When I responded a resounding firm NO, she was taken back and made no further comments.
    The pistol licensing officer in this County is a County court Judge who is a Democrat. He has a permanent affliction to issuing a carry permit. You have to practically have some political pull with him to get that carry permit. All of which is a direct violation of Bruen.

  21. I find this article to be too true. I don’t know personally of any Democrats who have any regard for the 2nd Amendment.
    One of my clients, a Democrat, asked me if I thought we needed more “gun control”. When I responded a resounding firm NO, she was taken back and made no further comments.
    The pistol licensing officer in this County is a County court Judge who is a Democrat. He has a permanent affliction to issuing a carry permit. You have to practically have some political pull with him to get that carry permit. All of which is a direct violation of Bruen.

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