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Sunshine State Senator Marco Rubio is busy positioning himself for a run at the Presidency in 2016. If the first generation American’s appearance on Fox & Friends is any indication, Rubio’s trying to portray his support for gun rights as practical; pointing out that none of the President’s proposals would have prevented the Sandy Hook slaughter. His assertion that Mr. Obama isn’t being honest with Americans about his views on the Second Amendment is about as surprising as finding a bunch of slack-jawed convention goers at a booth babe photo fest. But at least Rubio knows the game of politics as she I played. (D’uh.) For longevity’s sake, I wonder if Marco owns a concealed carry firearms;. FL-based Taurus should send him a Taurus 809 in 9mm. FWIW.

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  1. I am going to respectfully disagree with Senator Rubio: Obama hates the entire Constitution, not just the 2nd Amendment. Oh sure, he may have a bit of extra hatred for the 2nd, but the whole “Constitutional limits on Presidential power” thing is something the Bamster really hates.

    • Look at the area of constitutional law with which he was involved at Harvard. It’s anti-constitutional law, even though it’s not called that. The constitution is a barrier to them.

      • Most of the law professors at Ivy League schools, and especially Harvard, think the US Constitution is “obsolete.”

        Why? Because it stands in the way of their notions of utopia.

  2. Being that the 2A enshrines the Egalitarian power-sharing aspect of the Non-State tribes that the Europeans observed and admired when they invaded North America, Obama would hate the 2A; he’s in love with Hierarchy.

    Egalitarian simply means, in the vernacular, Nobody Lording-It-Over Others.

    Obama wants to Lord-It-Over. And so do those who support the Standing Army that enforces Hierarchy.

    If we’d enforce the complete 2A and the 2 year time limit on a raised Army in the Constitution, and emancipate ourselves from the tyranny of our lords, then this cold-war standoff between citizens and the CorpGov elite would be ended.

    “The inhabitants of Switzerland emancipated themselves by the establishment of a militia, which finally delivered them from the tyranny of their lords.” ~Representative Jackson, first U.S. Congress, when it met and turned to defense measures in 1791

  3. Oh my god he actually knows what the true definition of an assault weapon is. And he’s a senator. Color my impressed.

  4. All tyrants hate the 2A. After all, it was designed to give the people the ability to resist dictatorships like the one he wants. No “sporting” or “hunting” about it.

    • The 2A does not mention hunting or sports, even those are fine uses of arms. It also does not mention self-defense or resisting tyranny, even though those too are fine uses of arms that the founders mentioned otherwise.

      It does address a single aspect of arming the people. A “well-regulated militia.”

      It’s our right to live in a nation without a Standing Army, a nation that follows the Constitution by:
      1. limiting funding for any temporarily raised army to a 2 year time limit “no, No, NO! (what part of no don’t you understand?) Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Year”
      2. “organizing, arming, and disciplining” that “well-regulated militia” mentioned in the 2A.

      If there were no Standing Army, there would be no tyranny to resist.

      So why doesn’t the NRA quit bootlicking the Standing Army that everybody is afraid will disarm them?

      • Again with the Standing Army bullsh!t? Go start “” and leave us in peace. Your posts are becoming fingernails on the blackboard annoying.

        • Why do you think the intent of the 2A Militia is bullshit? Do you love long time the “bane of liberty?”

          “What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty….” ~Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, spoken during floor debate over the Second Amendment, I Annals of Congress at 750, August 17, 1789

        • Yep.

          “War is just a racket….I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.” ~Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

        • Simple questions here Ivy Mike, since you are so outspoken on starving the standing army of funds. Do you pay taxes? Do you partake of the benefits of our large military, such as cheap gas? In Europe they pay 8+ dollars a gallon for gas.

          If you are railing against a standing army, but still supporting them and benefitting from them that makes you what?


        • Hey jwm, if you want to talk about European gas prices wouldn’t the high cost of fuel be due to the fact that:

          a) They import almost all their fuel from the Middle East or Russia
          b) Countries like the UK and France impose a 75% tax on petrol (I believe the US average is around 25%)

          According to Forbes, the USA could be a net oil EXPORTER by 2020:

          There’s also the issue of how our Middle Eastern wars have never, ever been about oil, right? I thought our Military is all about exporting freedom, not securing my standard of living. And trust me, my blood flows red on tax day same as yours.

        • benefits of our large military, such as cheap gas

          At least you admit that the Standing Army isn’t about the oft-parroted but still bullshit pretext for it’s existence: defending your freedom.

          “War is just a racket….I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.” ~Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

          P.S. Whether or not I’m a hypocrite, my personal life–which I’m not going to discuss–has ZERO bearing on whether I’m correct or not about the simple intent of the 2A — to “prevent”[1] and be a “substitute”[2] for a standing army, “the greatest mischief.”
          [1] “What, Sir, is the use of a militia? It is to prevent the establishment of a standing army, the bane of liberty….” ~Rep. Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, spoken during floor debate over the Second Amendment, I Annals of Congress at 750, August 17, 1789
          [2] “This [citizen-militia] appears to me the only substitute that can be devised for standing army…” ~Alexander Hamilton, The Federalist, Number 29
          [3] “A standing army is one of the greatest mischief that can possibly happen.” ~James Madison

      • I won’t argue the point with you, you are a pro, but I believe “natural born citizen” means born in the United States to two American citizen parents

        • Rubio’s parents were naturalized as American citizens in 1975, 4 years after Marco was born. Certainly closer to the definition of “natural born citizen” than Barry Soretoro.

  5. Anyone else notice how creepy Joe tried to caress that little girl’s face and she pulled away from him?

  6. Not that I trust politicians in general, but I especially don’t trust Marco Rubio. He came out here to LA about a year ago. I sat there as he gave a 20 minute speech about his philosophy of government. Mentions of the Constitution? Zero. That, and he’s another minion of the Bush clan. Sorry, but I think we can do better.

    • Politicians are elected because of their “cute,” oh-so-adorable faces, which is part of the continued “progress” of neoteny, i.e., juvenilization of a species.

      Don’t expect mature decision making from a large group of permanent juveniles.

      • No doubt these baby-faced NeoCons are actively plotting to increase the size of our standing army.

        • Thanks for the feedback on how my exegesis on the Constitution’s contempt of a standing army living rent-free in your head right now.

  7. It may be obvious to us, but not to everyone. I can’t tell you how many union members swore up and down Obama didn’t want to take their guns. So they voted for him, just like their steward told them to.

  8. Of course it is obvious that Obama hates the second amendment ( and the first, and the 4th, etc.) We need to quit pretending that he is a reasonable man. Kudos to Rubio for saying it on national TV.

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