Houston taqueria defensive gun use
Screen capture by Boch via YouTube.

When an alleged armed robber barged into Ranchito #4 Taqueria on Jan. 4, almost every customer froze with fear. But one good Samaritan, an unnamed 46-year-old man, quickly jumped into action to protect himself and his fellow patrons. He used a concealed gun to shoot the alleged perpetrator and returned the stolen cash to the terrified patrons, only later to discover that the firearm the alleged robber used was a fake.

Despite the customer’s heroic actions, he has received nothing but condemnation from corporate media after the alleged thief was declared dead on the scene. Unfortunately, this media treatment is nothing new. Over the past few years, only a few good Samaritans have received any press despite the overwhelming number of these brave individuals jumping into action.

In December, for example, a man stopped an active shooter at an Amazon warehouse parking lot in the Phoenix, Arizona area. The police called the man a “good Samaritan” and credit him with likely preventing further bloodshed. In another case later that month, an active shooter at a Tucson, Arizona bar threatened many people but was “stopped short by a heroic customer with a gun.”

You may not hear about many of these stories outside of local media accounts, but they occur all the time. There are dozens of cases in recent years in which concealed handgun permitholders stopped what, according to police, would have otherwise become mass public shootings. …

My organization, the Crime Prevention Research Center, has found a total of 360 active-shooter incidents from 2014 to 2021. Of these, an armed citizen stopped 124 (more than one-third). We are more confident of the completeness of our data in the most recent years, and 49 percent of active shooting cases in 2021 were stopped by armed civilians. When we exclude shootings in gun-free zones, the figure rises to 58 percent.

In not one of these 124 defensive gun uses did a permit holder accidentally shoot a bystander. Not once did a permit holder get in the way of the police. But anyone who watches entertainment television would have no clue that this is the case.

People can’t escape the political bias in television entertainment. The message from these shows is clear: Don’t use guns for protection. If you do, it will cause much more harm than benefit. It is bad enough that news programs provide just one side of this debate. But the bias has a real effect on the gun control debate and prevents Americans from doing what keeps them safe.


        • In South Vs Maryland 59 US 396 (1855)…… in 7 pages the Court ruled, that NO ONE has standing in court to sue law enforcement should they be a crime victim, for law enforcement is not responsible for the safety of ANYONE!!!!
          This means then, that all person in the jurisdiction of the USA, are responsible for their own safety.
          You are on your own out in public or at home.

  1. Uhhhhmmmm, yeah, all true. But, the example media coverage may not be the best example available. His actions were commendable, with the first four shots. Additional shots are controversial, at best.

  2. People are so wrapped up in Hollywood and MSM that they actually think anything they say is automatic truth and real. Never realizing that movies and tv shows are ‘made up’ fictions. Leonard Nimoy had to publish a book that was titled “I Am Not Spock” because of this craziness. These same people tend to believe whatever they read on the internet and that email is private. It’s these very same groups that will just accept what Pelosi tells them as truth. What’s even worse is that they really think Trump told everyone to drink bleach to cure Covid. This is the very definition of anti-American mental illness. When Biden talks about guns, it’s about disarming everyone. It is not coming from a place of wisdom.

  3. quote————-In not one of these 124 defensive gun uses did a permit holder accidentally shoot a bystander. Not once did a permit holder get in the way of the police. But anyone who watches entertainment television would have no clue that this is the case.——–quote

    The News Media showed the entire room and there was indeed a customer that was right in the line of fire.

    I might add that there have been plenty of people sued over defensive gun use and even if they won they lost thousands of dollars in attorney fees defending themselves in court.

    In one case a homeowner shot a young man who broke into his home but he was unarmed and happened be a local football star. The homeowner ended up in court over a wrongful death suit and spent thousands defending himself.

    In another case a Cleveland man shot a young man who broke into his barn and he went to prison for murder.

    In another case a man was attacked when he stopped at a stop sign and a homeowner mistook him for someone who had done damage to his property. The homeowner yanked open the mans car door and started choking him. The man in the car shot and killed the homeowner and pleaded self defense which it was. But an anti-gun judged did not see it that way and the man was sued for “loss of companionship by the deceased’s wife and the man ended up paying thousands in restitution.

    Even the original Wyatt Earp was taken to court back in the day several times after he shot people as a cop.

    Trying to play gunslinger hero will often get you killed when taking on a robber and get you sued after you shoot and kill or even just injure him. And when you throw in the “race card” you are really in deep shit, just ask George Zimmerman who was almost killed by a street thug.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. I saw the same picture that you did and I don’t see any other customer in the line of fire. Maybe you would like there to have been but… Not to mention the citizen who shot this piece of trash did not hit anyone else. You think he might be a good shot? For your edification< "wrongful death" just happens to be a CIVIL MATTER. Not criminal. These type of cases are brought all the time and usually are either settled or dismissed. You cite three cases out of how many other cases that the shooter shooting and killing or wounding the criminal was NOT prosecuted.
      Your whole post is a BIG SO WHAT!?!?!?!

      • Walter the Beverly Hillbilly

        When you are forced to defend yourself in a criminal or civil trial it costs you money. NOW WHAT PART OF THIS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND GENIUS BOY.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, No Shi&, DUNDERHEAD. Yes, and you also might get killed if you don’t defend yourself. I guess you would rather forfeit your life than defend yourself. Why am I not surprised! Seems your cowardice would overcome one of the most basic human traits. Self Preservation.

        • You’re wasting your time with these Rambos. They will not listen to any commonsense advice. Just like the “Hero” on the subway in Chicago who shot the guy who was trying to rob him, if he had hit a rider by accident he would have been in a much worse world than the loss of his wallet. No cop would have shot a robber in a full subway car unless it was to stop an immediate murder. This guy in TX is as dangerous as the thief. Eight shots in the torso above the waist, and then one in the head? That is maniacal. Imagine if he had had an AR with a thirty round mag in it! I am a CCP and I would never act like a cop unless a life was at stake. Never to stop a robbery or car theft. Property is not worth the hassel if something goes wwrong.

        • Inspector, you have no clue. The guy in Texas knew what he was doing. It is obvious that you are clueless and have no idea of what self defense is all about. You would rather have the innocent civilians killed than one of your precious criminals.
          You might want to check into one of the mental facilities that can help you with your phobias?

    • @dacian

      “The News Media showed the entire room and there was indeed a customer that was right in the line of fire.”


      Actually, there wasn’t a ‘customer’ in the line of fire.

      • T0 Booger Brain

        1st. You are a damn liar a usual

        2nd. Have you also never heard of a ricochet off a concrete floor????? A gun expert you certainly are not. A ricochet could have killed many of the people in the room and even more than one, especially considering how many shots this nut case used.

        • Actually, there wasn’t a ‘customer’ in the line of fire.

          Look closely

          Oh here’s the mysterious invented ricochet thing …. again. An actual old fashion anti-gun argument invention.

          Do you even know what ‘line of fire’ is?

          It means the EXPECTED path of gunfire.

          there wasn’t a ‘customer’ in the line of fire, and there isn’t any mysterious invented ricochet that hit anyone. period.

        • And oh yeah, very obviously, a gun expert you certainly are not.

          And very obviously, an English language expert you certainly are not.

          But don’t worry, you are good at something because very obviously, you are certainly a delusional, lying, constitution hating, ANTIFA piece of excrement.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. The hell he is. The customer was pointing the gun at the perpetrator and no one else is even in the picture. Are you seeing things again? Actually I think you are just lying your arse off.

    • “quote————-In not one of these 124 defensive gun uses did a permit holder accidentally shoot a bystander. Not once did a permit holder get in the way of the police. But anyone who watches entertainment television would have no clue that this is the case.——–quote

      The News Media showed the entire room and there was indeed a customer that was right in the line of fire.”

      Whether that is true or not (beats me) is immaterial. No bystander was shot. If that was actually a reading comprehension error on your part instead of a deliberate misreading for political purposes, please seek remedial reading instruction, as the claim was completely and perfectly clear.

      “I might add that there have been plenty of people sued over defensive gun use and even if they won they lost thousands of dollars in attorney fees defending themselves in court.”

      Yes, that’s true! We have many examples of it, too!

      And it’s almost exclusively BAD. When you defend yourself (see Kyle Rittenhouse, likely the most thoroughly documented case of self-defense in human history, literally), you should not have to defend yourself again in court against frivolous BS.

      “But an anti-gun judged did not see it that way and the man was sued for “loss of companionship by the deceased’s wife and the man ended up paying thousands in restitution. ”

      Your response to this is “don’t use guns”, which would result in that case in severe injury and possibly death. Our response is “throw out that horrible judge for not following the law” and “make laws to prevent those kinds of abuses”.

    • first off, your wrong and line of fire as the guy was shooting atva upwards angle.

      but it’s nice that you anti-gun people actually admit that George z was being attacked and nearly killed making his self defense shooting without a doubt legitimate.

    • In Indiana Mall, the armed citizen who from over 50 yards away, took out an armed criminal…
      with a handgun.
      Even if the man had not hit the criminal, when you hear gunshots, you stop and try to identify who else is shooting.
      That gives time for people to escape/ take cover.

      But the Supreme Court in 1855 ruled, that law enforcement is not obligated to protect anyone from crime and that all persons must provide their own protection.

  4. Carry. Everywhere you can. Be polite. Be friendly. Treat everyone with respect. Stay sober. But carry. Be prepared to defend yourselves and others.

  5. Don’t make me stand up for the guy in the taqueria until it gets sorted. Dr. Lott did not include that he *appeared* to execute the armed robber after picking up his weapon, and then after he returned everyone’s money he went home instead of waiting for law enforcement.

    As he did mention, there are plenty of other defensive shooters who are vilified by large media outlets every day. People who took action and did everything right they could, despite the risks and the trouble they might face.

    • “Dr. Lott did not include that he *appeared* to execute the armed robber after picking up his weapon, and then after he returned everyone’s money he went home instead of waiting for law enforcement.”

      Go watch the video again. When the last shot is fired, the good samaritan jumps rather noticeably (much more than earlier shots).

      This very strongly suggests either A) an accidental discharge while recovering the weapon (he’s reaching for the weapon at the time), or B) the jump is in response to perceived motion from the perp.

      In either case, the only real question is “Is the pointing of the weapon at the perp at the time of the discharge reasonable?” And the answer to that is “ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY”.

      For a cop in the same position, if the perp was white, the cop would be free. If the perp was black, there would likely be violent riots at this point with a side of open and public threats of vigilante action against him if the state doesn’t find a way to get him found guilty, with or without that last shot.

  6. All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party – Mao Zedong

  7. My/our president told us gunms are bad and are nothing but weapons of war and an AR goes five times faster then any other weapon of war and nobody needs 8 bullet rounds or high capacity 30 round magazines to deer hunt. And that’s what the Second Amendment is about, deer hunting.
    My/ our president is commander in chief, and 84million people voted for him, and he knows what he’s talking about.
    ‘How to become Michael Jackson in 10 Easy Gallons’, by Donald Trump

    • If that’s your president, you got the wrong one. Your president will lead you to enslavement as a “non-citizen” with no rights. Just look at what he’s doing re: state security–open the flood gates to anyone who wants to sneak in. Giving American support to dictators. Not my president.

  8. I miss the days when news was just another packaged product sold for a profit.

    Now that the networks and papers all belong to a handful of people richer than God the news is all about nudging popular opinion to a consolidation of world power for this small group.

    After a while money gets boring so you move onto war and enslavement to get your jollies. Getting the idiots to clamour for a war that will kill them all and authority that will enslave them all is the icing on the cake. Much better than forcing it on them and more likely to last for the long run.

    • I miss the days when the news department was a guaranteed money-loser.

      Edward R. Murrow decried the commercialism of television news in a speech to the RTNDA in 1958. He has since been proven to be correct.

  9. People suffering a terminal case of the “dumbs” always outnumber the rest of the population.

    The gun control mafia doesn’t really care who gets shot, gets dead; so long as it isn’t themselves.

    • “The gun control mafia doesn’t really care who gets shot, gets dead; so long as it isn’t themselves.”

      let me fix that for you…

      The gun control mafia doesn’t really care who gets shot, gets dead; so long as its someone else preferably a gun owner.

  10. You mean like in a recent episode of The Rookie where a civilian carrier pushed aside a plain clothes detective because she wasn’t running into the line of fire and ended up getting shot himself? Yep, that’s the false impression the media loves to put out there. Then look at the scene above. Waited for just the right tactical moment and put the bad guy down.

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