As we reported earlier today, the jihad that’s been undertaken by the civilian disarmament industrial complex and their all-too-willing cheerleaders in the media has taken its toll on the NRA’s public profile. The passage of the multi-faceted gun control bill in Florida — heretofore known as The Gunshine State — should have been sufficient evidence that the speed and intensity of the post-Parkland gun control push took the NRA by surprise.

This afternoon, Wayne LaPierre is out with a new eight minute video that’s obviously intended to calm the troops, many of whom fear the nation’s oldest civil rights organization has gone wobbly, particularly on issues like bump stocks, background checks and the minimum age to buy a firearm.

A few selected quotes, straight from the horse’s mouth:

“Let me be absolutely clear. On the issue of raising the age of the purchase of all firearms to 21, we reject the idea.”

“If the politicians were as eager to punish the authority figures whose dereliction of duty cost innocent lives (at Parkland) as they are to punish innocent, law-abiding young adults, we would make real progress toward a safer country.”

“Let me be absolutely unequivocal. We will never support any scheme that forces the transfer of every firearm, including between law-abiding family member, friends, and neighbors, under the thumb of government bureaucracy. It will quickly become a registry scheme. And history proves that government list-making is not a road to safety. It is a road to tyranny.”

“We will stand and fight against any sure-to-fail form of government gun control. including any form of a ban on semi-automatic rifles, any form of a magazine capacity ban, and any form of a ban on a firearm accessory.”

Wayne then reiterated the NRA’s commitment to passing national concealed carry reciprocity. Here’s the full video:


  1. Eight minutes long?

    If he told the truth the video would be eight seconds long.

    If you watch closely you can hear Wayne gasping for air as his ship sinks under the bloated weight of his lies.

    • Out of the Bill of Rights, only the 6th (speedy public trial), 7th (right to a jury trial), and 10th (state powers) are positive rights. The 2nd Amendment is a decidedly negative right.

  2. Wayne how bout we actually look at your track record of standing and fighting… Uhh yeah we already know you’ll make noise till the fundraising reports start trending downwards then, rather than cut your own exorbitant salary, you’ll stop fighting and compromise. After that, you’ll start having the NRA-ILA send out daily donation blasts. Wayne get real, we know you’re not really gonna fight this too hard but luckily most NRA members will. I guess we agree on one thing, the REAL power of the NRA is in its members because lord knows the lot of you in its management would as soon drop to your knees before the enemy and begin fellating them if it meant you could keep your fat salary.

  3. “We will stand and fight against any sure-to-fail form of government gun control. ”
    Wayne LaPierre (2017, Face the Nation) “The NRA has supported the existing law on fully automatic firearms”
    Wayne LaPierre (1999, testimony before congress) “We think it’s reasonable to provide mandatory instant criminal background checks for every sale at every gun show”
    Wayne LaPierre (1999, NRA convention) “We believe in absolutely zero tolerance safe schools, that means no guns in America’s schools period with the rare exception of law enforcement officers or trained security personnel”
    (All videos can easily be found with a Youtube search. This isn’t even counting the LEOPA and Undetectable Firearms Act which they outright wrote themselves.)

    At this point, the NRA is about as reliable as Paul Ryan when it comes to opposing gun control.

      • The moment that someone puts a belt fed machine gun onto a crowd, you can say good by to gun rights. As it is, a belt fed MCR upper on a bump stock AR lower, will do the job. Vegas showed the way. There is NO way to defend against that kind of attack. The ONLY reason the death toll was not insanely high was the range (.223 doesn’t work too well at 500 yards) and the fact that he did not keep firing. He could have easily gotten off 4 times as many rounds.

        And there is NO way that the NRA, GOA or anyone could stop the gun grabbers if he managed to kill 500-1000 people.

        • Once again, Binder shows that h/k/z/x/d/t/is ignorance knows no bounds. The amount of pure BS in this one post would take pages to set correct. Have you not a trace of decency(or brain cells) left?

        • Your kidding right. He scored a 45% hit ratio. He has a sustained rate of fire with reloads (New York style) for over 300 rounds per minute. Check the room inventory some time. 4-5 thousand rounds ready to go. I have never seen a stack shire fire mags like he had. And he had 10 AR-15s so overheating was not an issue.

          A .556 round has about as much energy as a hot 380 at that range, the wounds are closer to ice picks than rifle rounds. If he was at 300 yards, yikes.

          Do your do diligence and look up the belt fed MCR upper. The only reason people buy them is to use with a slide fire or binary trigger. Anyone can mail order everything they need other than the lower (and those are real hard to get). And the stupid thing is legal up until you start firing. And with one, you can dump 5000 rounds before burning the barrel (and it has a quick change barrel). And they are EFFECTIVE. Firing from a bipod, you have TOTAL control.

          Replealing the nfa would result in m60s and M240s coming onto the market. how in the hell can you protect a crowd from one. The damn things have an effective range of 800 yards. And you can easily put one in your luggage to take up to your 15 story hotel room.

        • binderp loves to talk about other people’s problems. What it takes to serve is what it takes to stop it.

          The government isn’t protecting you from the lawful citizens, much less the unlawful ones. There’s probably 1,500 -3,000 people (other than our gov’t) security and or gov’t contractors, in the U.S.

          An FFL manufacturer can, with an SOT, convert a brand new SA FN 249 clone to full auto, with some bolt machining, and some other tweeks. FN is coming out with a similarly convertable 240 clone.

          Brazil has some similar gun bans and people manage to churn out some spectacular examples.

          Barrett is in early production of a light weight machined/welded 240 receiver that’ll be doable for a stereo-laser-lithography operator in about 5 years.
          That’s the fiture. That’s what’s coming. Making trigger assemblies and batrells is here now. Don’t let your ahole neighbors who needed a job bind you to a post so that the people, who don’t give a fv<k what those aholes say, can have their way with you with impunity.

        • Demand parity or slavery. Don’t bitch, for the other side, about what parity might entail. We caused neither their need to introduce such weaponry, nor their invented need to keep such weapons from us.

        • Binder – I’m amazed that you have not yet choked to death on all the fecal matter that projects from your mouth. You are full of it – and by “it” I mean Shit 💩

          You truly are a pathetic troll.

        • Explain one thing I said that was wrong.

          Also, yes, most guns can be converted to full auto, but it is NOT easy to convert a close bolt gun. You run into all kinds of timing issues. They require knowledge and skill as well as a considerable about of troubleshooting. WHY THE FUCK DO YOU THINK OPEN BOLT GUNS ARE NOW CLASSIFIED AS FUCKING MACHINE GUNS YOU STUPID FUCKS. Hows that for trolling.

          And there you go, if open bolt guns are machine guns, and a bump stock with a spring IS A MACHINE GUN, how in the hell did they get past the ATF in the first place?

          The truth is, thanks to the bump stock, combined with good 100 round magazines, he managed to flex the AR-15 into a SAW role. Thanks to the bump stock, full blown SAW uppers are now popular. SAWs, or even worse, a GPMG, plus crowd equals no more second amendment.

        • binder: Since you asked for JUST ONE thing you said that was BS, I WILL feed the troll, just this once.
          “the stupid thing is legal up until you start firing. And with one, you can dump 5000 rounds before burning the barrel (and it has a quick change barrel). And they are EFFECTIVE. Firing from a bipod, you have TOTAL control.”
          ARs DO NOT have quick change barrels, barrels do not last 5000 rounds straight before melt down, AND bump stocks do not work from a bipod. They require the gun’s recoil movement to fire the next round.
          This is what I mean by not enough time in the day to correct all your idiocy. This one sentence had BS three deep. And now you will want to argue for a dozen posts that your BS is correct, because you “saw it on CNN”. THIS is why I don’t generally feed you trolls. There is no end. Whatever you make up, you can come up with the BS faster than anyone can correct it.
          This is why I won’t respond to you again.
          It’s good advice, and I will take it.

      • Yeah, but that’s not on video. The Face the Nation video alludes to it, but doesn’t have him say it clearly outright.

  4. If they can’t get anything done with total control of DC and the wind at their backs then what the fuck good are they? They were cruising along at 65, windows down and music blaring then all of a sudden they hit a pothole and don’t just stop the car but put it in reverse.

  5. “The jihad that’s been undertaken by the civilian disarmament industrial complex and their all-too-willing cheerleaders in the media has taken its toll on the NRA’s public profile”

    NO, the NRA’s constant conceding ground to the anti’s is what is hurting them. IF they would listen to their base and not the hunting FUDDS the NRA would be stronger and more powerful than ever. You reap what you sow.

  6. Executive Vice President of the NRA Neville Chamberlain knows all about appeasement. I may remain a member but I have serious reservations about renewing my membership.

    • That’s not fair. Chamberlain was buying time to rearm Britain (Only for them to lose most of their guns at Dunkirk…). Wayne genuinely wants tyranny to win so long as he gets paid.

      Call him Wayne LaPierre Laval instead. Much more accurate AND it’s far funnier.

  7. By the way, Fix NICS is in the new budget proposal that started making the rounds last night. Thanks Wayne for all you haven’t done.

  8. “Let me be absolutely unequivocal. We will never support any scheme that forces the transfer of every firearm, including between law-abiding family member, friends, and neighbors, under the thumb of government bureaucracy. It will quickly become a registry scheme. And history proves that government list-making is not a road to safety. It is a road to tyranny.”

    HUH, WHAT, EXCUSE ME? HORSESHIT WTF is I-594 in Washington state where merely handing another person (not a spouse) a firearm is considered a transfer requiring a
    Background check? which is Illegal now in WA. ALL person to person firearms sales and “borrowing/Transferals Must submit to a BG check


  9. “We will never waver… from our desire to compromise and maintain danger to the second amendment so we have a steady income”

    • “We will never waver…in trying to fund raise off of your fear, so we will both support restrictive legislation, and publicly denounce it. Please send us more money”

  10. Kinda off topic but I’ve noticed that the Reservoir Dogs suit seems to be back in style. Mr. LaPierre doesn’t quite get the tie right… but what is with the black suit/white shirt combination making a comeback? Or is it just me?

    • I just bought one to wear for next Halloween, although with my belly these days it will have to be a Blues Brothers suit instead.

  11. I think he is saying, “Blah, blah, blah, the NRA is here to help, with your funding. Blah, blah, blah I want a pay raise so send us more money.” I’m not sure though. I see his mouth moving but I don’t understand what he is saying. Maybe because I’m not fluent in little b!tch.

  12. The NRA chiefs come across as shrill angry cronies. Every time I hear them, or read the political rants in their magazine, I cringe. These are the people supposedly representing me? Their Trump praise is supposed to make me cough up more money? All I wonder is, why is anyone paying you anything to hawk anything, let alone a civil right?

    Charlton Heston at least sounded like a leader. These guys just sound like cronies who couldn’t get an honest job.

    • The NRA chiefs come across as shrill angry cronies. Every time I hear them, or read the political rants in their magazine, I cringe. … Charlton Heston at least sounded like a leader. These guys just sound like cronies who couldn’t get an honest job.


      Who is going to spend 8 minutes listening to Wayne LaPierre say something we haven’t heard a million times before? Who is the marketing and/or PR moron who thinks Wayne LaPierre is effective at persuasion?

      If the NRA is going to do these videos, get somebody more charismatic. Are they not paying Colion Noir enough?

      Even better, get a known celebrity (like Tom Selleck, Bruce Willis, etc.)

  13. Wow, an awful lot of shade being thrown on Wayne and crew. I’m sure glad most of you guys were not around in the 40’s; first sign of trouble and you’re quitting.
    I mean, really?? NRA remains the 800 pound gorilla in the room and if it were not for them, well, none of us would have any guns. And just look at the enemy we are facing; well funded (make that very well funded), hyper organized and they have the full support of the majority of the main stream (or legacy) media. Add to that a very well manipulated social media that is 110% against us.
    Sure, NRA got caught a little flat footed after Parkland and Wayne does look a little haggard these days but there is no doubt that he’s working as hard as he can. So instead of bitching and moaning, get busy and do something.
    Oh, and for Uh-huh, unless you can find a way to keep the locusts from California from moving to Washington, Colorado and now Utah, you can kiss your gun rights goodby in those states too.

    • ” NRA remains the 800 pound gorilla in the room”

      An 800 pound RABID gorilla that has shown quite clearly it is just as willing to attack me as my enemy.

      ” none of us would have any guns”

      Absolutely no basis for this claim. The NRA has voluntarily given away rights right and left. They’ve out right WRITTEN anti-gun legislation on multiple occasions during a Republican majority where there was no actual threat.

      ” And just look at the enemy we are facing; well funded (make that very well funded), hyper organized and they have the full support of the majority of the main stream (or legacy) media. ”

      If the enemy is so threatening, doesn’t that mean we need capable leadership instead of someone that has failed time and again?

      • “Wow, an awful lot of shade being thrown on Wayne and crew. I’m sure glad most of you guys were not around in the 40’s; first sign of trouble and you’re quitting.”

        Nice try paul. But disagreeing with you does not make one a traitor. In fact I believe Adolf used your same tactic back in “the 40’s.

        • Considering the same president the NRA helped disarm the populace would reimplement slavery in the 40s, I think that means I’m right…

    • We are doing something. Join GOA, contact your reps, and participate in pro-rights marches. I’ll always support the NRA’s original mission of promoting firearms safety and marksmenship, but the NRA-ILA are lame ducks. I wish they were the uncompromising super well funded lobbyists the progtards claim they are.

  14. I think we may have crossed the event horizon today. If unelected Citigroup CEOs set public policy by corporate blackmail without even bothering to manipulate the same policies through government via lobbying, if our elected representatives betray us with antigun legislation despite large majorities while denying our interests, and even the advocacy group reps we *pay* to speak for us conspire with the partisan camp against our interests…what else is there?

    • “But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security. “?

  15. I am afraid this issue is spreading way beyond what the NRA is or is not doing. Gun ownership is being turned into something politically and socially unacceptable (like what happened with cigarette smoking).
    Look out below.

  16. Remain calm, yourselves.

    The NRA wasn’t OUR safety net against governmental tyranny and our evil POS (D) fV<kstain neighbors who voted for them.

    It was theirs.

  17. I also will stand and fight on anything sure to fail. I will make comprises on anything that might fail. And I will concede to anything that will fail. I hear yah, NRA

  18. That is nothing but an outright confession that the NRA are sellouts to the founders vision of the right to keep and bear arms for resistance and self-preservation. Notice the lawyerly and misleading vernacular which indicates that they don’t support “bans” of any kind, rather they support “regulations”, (such as bump stocks), which effectively permits the BATF to engage in backdoor gun-control via the Administrative Rulemaking Procedures Act of which operates entirely outside the purview of Congress, but nevertheless, has the full force and effect of law as if Congress passed it.

    The NRA is no different than Obama going on national television alleging that he respects the right to keep and bear arms and is not trying to confiscate arms. Technically he is not lying…but what he is not telling you is the fact that he fully supports “regulating” them virtually out of existence.

    If the NRA’s vision of the right to keep and bear arms runs parallel to your view, well, more power to you and you should join them and let your position be known. However, if you support the founders vision of the right to keep and bear arms, you should run from the NRA and never look back.

    “‘This may be considered as the true palladium of liberty …. The right to self-defence is the first law of nature: in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine the right within the narrowest limits possible. Wherever standing armies are kept up, and the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any colour or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.’” District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S.Ct. 2783, at 2805 (2008) (quoting St. George Tucker’s version of Blackstone).,45

    That is the founders view on the ancient fundamental natural right to keep and bear arms.
    Here is the NRA’s vision: “NRA Supported the National Firearms Act of 1934. In fact, they’ve supported gun rights infringements ‘since…1871’. . . ‘The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871.’”

  19. If Wayne LaPierre had any guts and/or integrity, he would commit the same crime that David Gregory committed on live TV — illegal possession of a box with a spring in it in Washington, DC. And he should do this at every public and TV appearance within the District.

    Yes, there is a risk of getting arrested for violating the district’s ban. But he could — and should — invoke the David Gregory defense.

    Imagine how the current gun-owner control debate would be shaped if Wayne was arrested for the same crime that David was not charged with. It would certainly deflect attention away from the Tide-Pod eating kids currently being used — very effectively — as pawns by the anti-gun lobby.

    Instead, we’re told that “We need guns to fight oppressive tyrannical government . . . but we’re not going to commit any act of civil disobedience that subjects us to the possibility of being arrested”. And the Washington DC Attorney General is already on the record as stating that “a prosecution would not promote public safety in the District of Columbia nor serve the best interests of the people of the District to whom this office owes its trust“.

    Should the District of Columbia actually decide to pursue charges against Wayne for doing what David Gregory did five years ago, the worst that could happen is “Under D.C. Code Section 7-2507.06 [the magazine ban], any person convicted of a violation of this Subsection may be imprisoned for not more than one year, fined not more than $1,000.”

    Unlike most of us, Wayne can afford the best legal representation possible. And I’d bet that Wayne LaPierre wouldn’t even have to spend a penny of his $900,000/year salary to receive the finest legal representation available. I’m pretty sure that Rosa Parks wasn’t making $900,000 a year when she committed her famous act of civil disobedience, displaying more courage than Wayne LaPierre ever did.

    In the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers said something about “we mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor”. They didn’t just sit around making YouTube videos every time their breakfast beverage was taxed.

    If Wayne isn’t willing to risk a $1,000 fine in his so-called fight for freedom, to demonstrate the pointlessness and hypocrisy of certain gun-owner control laws, what is he willing to risk? And what forms of civil disobedience should gun owners be engaging in?

    If Wayne LaPierre is not willing to put his ass on the line, the NRA needs a leader who is.

    • I’m sure he thinks hicap mags make guns fire too quickly, same as bump stocks, but can’t say so publicly.

  20. Fukk that, No ban of firearm accessories then immediately the call to regulate bumpstocks.
    NRA is dead to me, as are the simians that so loudly proclaimed the NRA’s masterful strategy after the Vegas shooting.

  21. >any form of a ban on a firearm accessory

    Bump stocks are a firearm accessory. The current anti-gun flood is a direct consequence of the NRA signalling their willingness to cave on bump stocks.

  22. Maybe Trump is playing 4D chess and the NRA and POTG are the victims and not the beneficiaries.

    Perhaps Trump plans to use manipulation of public opinion to get laws passed to disarm and discredit us so he can take over the Government as a dictator.

    The fools on the left will fight us even if it becomes apparent that Trump was actually trying to take over and we were trying to stop him.

    Just a thought.

  23. The NRA needs to start spending more on bribing, I mean making campaign donations to Congress and State Legislatures. Money talks. If you have enough it screams. That’s about all most of them hear.

    • The NRA has always been about government privileges and not rights. Sometimes the mask slips a little bit and a few NRA members notice. This is nothing new to those of this who have seen the NRA do this time and time again. Fear not, people will forget and the “I am the NRA” drives will roll on. It’s rather disturbing to watch. Supporting the NRA is supporting gun control.

  24. “Wow, when Hillary lost we thought for a second there we were going to lose members, their money and take a hit on all the leaflets we already had printed asking for more because Hilary. Needn’t have worried though. Something, something guns or whatever I’m being paid an insane amount to lobby for or against.”

  25. First they took the Bible out of the public schools.
    Then they took the rifle teams out of the public schools, the Second Amendment education, the responsibilities of a gun owner all removed from the public education system.

    Next they will take the parents influence out of the public education system.
    Those atheists are very successful at what they do.

    • “Next they will take the parents influence out of the public education system.”

      We are already there. It used to be that any member of the community could go to a public school and observe as long as they did not disrupt the educational process. A few years before my last child graduated, there was a man-trap at the door. Anyone visiting had to have an escort with them but usual they just brought whomever to the office to meet; if they were available, which they usually weren’t. To actually get inside the school required a background check and was at the complete discretion of the principal. That is, unless you were part of the local government or those in the inner circle of who’s-who and then you were buzzed right through without question. This was in a small town in rural Ohio.

  26. Actions speak louder than words. You know the NRA ship is sinking when they have to put out videos stating “No, seriously, we are for gun rights.”

    The NRA has finally become just like the gun grabbers. They start every sentence with “I support the second amendment…but…”

    Times are changing, let’s hope an actual pro gun organization can take the leading roll in lobbying power within the next 5 years.

  27. Looks like Wayne’s effort to calm the troops have had the same effect as kicking an ant bed.

  28. Gun grabbers are playing a long game, and they are playing for keeps. Every compromise ratchets the odds in their favor.
    NRA, get serious. Get in the game and make them feel your clout.

    “Common sense” gun control, my ass.

  29. I was a member of the NRA, but then you started to waiver. You want the government to control, regulate and ban bump stocks, you want to go along with “common sense” legislation. Next you will go along with magazine bans, semi-automatic bans and virtually everything else. If you were serious about gun freedoms you would not give one inch and would push back to reverse the Reagan full auto ban of 1986, the gun control act of 1968 and even the National Firearms Act of 1934….but no, you are in bed with dirty politicians and this is nothing more than a money generation club for you under the guise of firearms freedoms

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