Moshe Nussbaum (courtesy

John Farnham writes [via]

“Given that some attacks have been stopped by gun-carrying civilians, Israeli Public Security Minister, Gilad Erdan, in October eased citizens’ access to guns, calling gun-owners a ‘force multiplier’ in combating nearly daily Palestinian stabbing and car-ramming attacks,” Moshe Nussbaum [above] reported at Israel Channel 2. Nussbaum went on to point out that Palestinian stabbing and ramming attacks directed toward Jewish citizens that occur in Tel Aviv are usually successful and the attacker escapes. Whereas . . .

when those same attacks occur, or are attempted, in Jerusalem, the attack is typically thwarted or prevented altogether by righteous gunfire emanating from nearby soldiers and armed civilians.

In Jerusalem, there are far more privately-owned and carried guns than in Tel Aviv. So, in Jerusalem, Jews fight back – effectively – and attacks go down. Curiously, when righteous gunfire is saving innocent lives, you don’t hear the phoney, leftist term, “gun-violence,” do you?

After being so shamefully mistreated by the British in the late 1940s, Israelis – like so many others – have since gone on to foolishly imitate their abusers, particularly with regard to the private ownership of guns. It was a stupid national blunder, as they’re just now beginning to admit to themselves.

Indeed, as Erdan has been forced to concede, civilian gun-owners and gun-carriers are in truth an invaluable “force multiplier” in the fight against Islamic terrorism. Armed citizens have always fulfilled that roll, all the way back to our spiritual ancestors in Sparta. How quickly we forget!

About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor John Farnam will urge you, based on your own beliefs, to make up your mind in advance as to what you would do when faced with an imminent and unlawful lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance, if any. Defense Training International wants to make sure that their students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or inactions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to the Planet Earth. Mr Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:


  1. OMG! common sense, say it aint so!
    Israeli’s have taken the hard road, and they have learned.

    • “Not all Israelis are Jews.

      Er, thanks for them being Jews, or for not being Jews?

      • Thanks to the thoughtless and presumptuous for yet another opportunity to ‘correct’ the ‘facts’.

        • Seeing that the author of that comment (and owner of this very blog) is the son of a Holocaust survivor, he gets a pass on considering those living in Israel to be Israelites.

        • Personally, I wouldn’t be insulted if you thought of me as being Jewish because I was an Israeli citizen, however, I would think it thoughtless and presumptuous (particularly as this English person was made a Pagan by nature and a Christian by nurture).

          BTW; the author of that comment is not the owner of this blog.

        • “Personally, I wouldn’t be insulted if you thought of me as being Jewish because I was an Israeli citizen,”

          I couldn’t care less as to what religion or if you’re an atheist.

          My response was to the statement, not to who made it.

          “BTW; the author of that comment is not the owner of this blog.”

          On *that*, I stand corrected… Cheers!

        • Well, since you put it that way; as an atheist, I certainly would have the right to be offended/insulted by someone supposing I was under the influence of what, without any other evidence, may be fairly described as inherited imaginings.

          Jews in Jerusalem aren’t the only ones fighting back.

    • While technically correct

      The terrorists are targeting Jews specifically. And proclaim their desire to kill every single one.

      Those who would get offended by a blanket statement like that tend not to think of themselves as Israelis anyways.

      • More accurately, the ‘intended’ targets may ostensibly be Jewish, but since we’re talking about armed defence, I’m sure you’ll agree it wont only be Jews returning fire.

  2. Well if I lived in the “Alamo” I’d carry TWO guns………..both revolvers…… lol. 🙂

  3. And you can bet the Antis would have no problem with this – after all, those folks are all trained IDF veterans, every last one of them, so they can be trusted with a firearm, not like unskilled degenerate gun nuts in America…


    • Ha! No, they’re war criminals in the eyes of the left, see all the SJW driven “BDS” campaigns at colleges and companies around the US to pressure Israel to cede even more territory to the “Palestinians”.

      These are the same idiots who look down on veterans as being potential terrorists because some have training and experience in infantry tactics and urban warfare, and have publicly and vociferously stated their disdain and disagreement with the current administration.

      Pretty schizophrenic when you think about it; they don’t want veterans having guns, regular citizens having guns, or even cops having guns, except for when they do. Usually those instances are when they’re in fear for their physical safety.

  4. This always goes in cycles. Years back, I recall many Israeli citizen carried firearms.

    Then the left relentlessly pushed for eliminating civilian carry of weapons, making it as onerous a process as possible. Then some brutal attacks happened in Israel.

    Back and forth, arm and then disarm.

    An ISIS inspired ‘Beslan’ attack on an elementary school with hundreds dead in the US will do more towards cementing 2A rights here in the US than anything else.

    I would be happy for an initial step being a can of 30 foot range bear spray being in a secure biometric access safe in every school classroom, hall, or other assembly area.

    But no, years will pass and attacks will grow infrequent, the left *again* will disarm lawful citizens.

    Lather, rinse, repeat. The cycle repeats…

    • I would be happy for an initial step being a can of 30 foot range bear spray being in a secure biometric access safe in every school classroom, hall, or other assembly area.

      I have a much simpler approach that is every bit as safe and wildly more effective. Mount a secured storage container in most classrooms that holds a break-action single-shot 20 gauge shotgun with one shell in the chamber and no other shells in the classroom. Install a keyed lock on the container to which only staff have keys. And, include two mechanical interlocks that are spaced apart on two walls which students would have to actuate in order for a staff member to use their key to access the container.

      There is so much “win” in that solution. First of all, a staff member cannot access that shotgun without help from other people. That radically reduces the chance that a teacher goes nuts and uses the shotgun to attack anyone. Second, only staff members have keys and that radically reduces the chance that students could ever access the shotgun. Third, even if a teacher or student did manage to access the shotgun and wanted to kill a bunch of people, it is a break-action, single-shot shotgun with only ONE shell. You cannot rack up a body count with one shell. And even if you brought your own additional shells, it is pretty hard to rack up a body count when you have to break the action and manually reload between every shot … not to mention the fact that if you are going to bring your own shells from home, why not just bring your own pump-action shotgun from home?

      And yet, imagine how much more difficult it would be for a spree killer or terrorist to rack up a body count when most classrooms had a single 20 gauge slug aimed at the door? Even if you had four terrorists who are bent on a repeat of the Beslan School massacre, they are most likely going to lose an attacker at each classroom they visit. At that rate, they won’t last very long.

      Of course you could simply let responsible parents and staff bring their own handguns to school as an alternative to all that rigmarole.

      • The fact that there is a gun there makes a tempting theft target.

        The pepper spray is far less likely to be stolen…

        • A break-action, single-shot 20 gauge shotgun … I don’t think that is a high-value theft target. To decrease its attractiveness as a theft target, we could omit a forward grip and use a skeletonized, synthetic butt stock. It would be uglier than sin and NOT fun to shoot. And yet it would be effective in a school attack. It would have no significant street value. In fact the only value I can see on the street would be a simple firearm for trying to rob liquor stores or something. Wouldn’t a thug rather get a cheap handgun instead for robbing stores? Why carry around a bulky single-shot shotgun?

  5. And? Are more Israeli people going to be armed in public in Tel Aviv from this point forward? Will the Israeli government actively encourage Israeli people to be armed in public or continue to prohibit Israeli people from being armed in public?

    What is the saying? A liberal is a conservative who hasn’t been mugged yet? (At least when it comes to firearms anyway.)

    • So far Tel Aviv is not in the list of cities (yishuvim zakayiim) where guns are allowed to general public. Jerusalem is. Thus no more guns in Tel Aviv unless it is added to that infamous list.

  6. “Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest.”

    — Gandhi

    The Brits disarmed India, Palestine, and every other country or territory it occupied because it did not trust the native people. And then the British .gov disarmed its own people because it didn’t trust them either.

    Just like King Hussein is trying to do to us. Funny, ain’t it, that he won’t trust us with guns but we’re supposed to trust him with an army.

  7. Oy vey-we got our own problems. Rammed home TODAY. I support Israel. “Common sense” carry…

  8. Armed citizenry is a beautiful thing, take that from a Canadian who would get in more trouble than the person who committed the crime against them for defending themselves with a firearm. If the Palestinians had weapons they would defend themselves from Israelites too, I’m sure.

    • Thing is, if the “Palestinians” would simply abandon the idea of wiping the Jews (and by extension the state of Israel) from existence and just concentrate on building a better homeland for themselves, the Israelis would fall over themselves to help them.

      In the entire middle east, Israel is one of the few, if not sole nations where persons of all religions are treated equally under the law and in society in general. There’s no jizya tax like Christians have to fork over in majority muslim nations, they’re free to build churches and worship openly, celebrate their own holidays, etc.

      The “Palestinians” bring their own trouble upon themselves.They get no sympathy from me.

      • And if that were true, the gov’t would put their foot down on illegal settlements and do more than dog and pony show investigations on murders by the IDF… And allow medical supplies into Gaza…. Etc… I have no sympathy for Israel and only snort when you hear pro-Israeli news depicting stone throwing and knife wielding Palestinians as monsters, when Netanyahu has vowed to wipe Palestine off the map, and is the only side with more than a small resistance force. Israel is only one step of classiness above North Korea for how it conducts itself.

  9. I don’t think Israel’s gun policies are owed to leftism or liberalism, so much as statism, from the whole political spectrum. Israel’s extremely right-wing in a lot of extremely right-wing ways, so I don’t see why leftists would run the show when it comes to guns.

    Israel doesn’t even have a constitution, never mind a 2nd Amendment. Think what the American gov’t would have done here with guns, sans both. We’d be just as disarmed as the Brits or the Aussies.

    Thing is, if the “Palestinians” would simply abandon the idea of wiping the Jews (and by extension the state of Israel) from existence and just concentrate on building a better homeland for themselves, the Israelis would fall over themselves to help them.

    What a load.

    “If them thar blacks would just stop resistin’, stop hatin’ YT,” says the Overseer, *spits*

    The stuff people say in defense of Israelis, that they’d never say in defense of their own kind…

    In the entire middle east, Israel is one of the few, if not sole nations where persons of all religions are treated equally under the law and in society in general. There’s no jizya tax like Christians have to fork over in majority muslim nations, they’re free to build churches and worship openly, celebrate their own holidays, etc.

    Being the best in the MENA is like winning the gold in the special olympics.

    The “Palestinians” bring their own trouble upon themselves.They get no sympathy from me.

    “The ‘blacks’ bring their own trouble upon themselves. They get no sympathy from me.” *spits*

    • Wow it is getting deep in here.

      Muslim leaders across the globe, including some Palestinians, have stated that they want to erase Israel off the map. A confederation of Muslim majority nations tried in 1967.

      The idea that God transformed, or will transform, Jews into apes & pigs is entrenched in Islam as it comes from the Koran itself as well as being found in extra-koranic literature.

      Islamic law is inherently discrimiatory against non-Mulims. The Jizya is real and its found in the Koran. Israel by contrast is a secular society. A non-Jew can sit in a position of authority over a Jew (like a judge); Islam forbids a non-Muslim to hold a authority over a Muslim.

      Israel’s bragging rights extend past the Middle East. They are perennially in the top 3 of most educated nations. The number of scientists they produce rivals that of any western nation . . . not just the dust republics of the middle east.

      Look at how the Palestinians govern themselves. Much of the aid money intended to help the populace gets horded by their leaders like most 3rd world counties do. In the knesset they shout at each other. Fatah vs. Hamas? They kill each other. Palestinian TV frequently talks about killing Jews even on children’s television. When the IDF is accused of misconduct at least they conduct “dog and pony show investigations”. Does Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, or al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades do the same when accused of misconduct?

      I state his all the while knowing that Israel has spied on the U.S., has been soft on going after the persecution of Christians in its borders, and has indeed done some messed up stuff w/ regards to those places referred to as “Palestine”. As such, Israel deserves a degree of respect with loads of suspicion.
      But how many Jewish counties are there? How many Arab nations? Muslim?

      Would you rather be a Jew in Tehran or an Muslim in Tel Aviv? How about a Jew in Ramallah?

      You make Mickey Mouse a kitalist (Farfour google it) then it makes it hard for me to show sympathy.

      • Hi Sam. A lot of Hasbara and self-serving Israel myths have solidified as fact in many American conservative minds.

        Muslim leaders across the globe, including some Palestinians, have stated that they want to erase Israel off the map. A confederation of Muslim majority nations tried in 1967.

        Blacks in America have said some awful things about whites, everything from documenting their serial rapes of white women in the books they publish, to saying we stole western civilization from them, to everything in-between. Many still do. Imagine what they’d be like if, instead of a policy of concession since the fifties, we’d dealt as harshly with them as the Jews have with the Palestinians. We could easily have made necklacing, car-bombing terrorists out of blacks, if we’d taken the Israeli approach. Imagine if we carpet-shelled black neighborhoods, killing thousands of black civilians.

        As for erasing Israel off the map, I’ve never quite known what the fuss is about those statements. I can take any map I like into Photoshop and wipe any country I like off of it with a few minutes’ work. I doubt it would cause anyone any pain or suffering. “Wipe off the map” is a pretty ambiguous statement that can be interpreted a number of ways. The World Wars wiped several countries off the map; bye-bye, Austria-Hungary (or whatever they called it) – doesn’t mean everyone who lived there was exterminated.

        If they really mean business, why are all of these would-be Muslim Hitlers using such wishy-washy language? “We intend to kill every Jew on Earth.” < That's how it's done. Hard to misinterpret that, am I right? Is that really so hard to say? (P.S., Memri are former Mossad, I trust them about as far as I can throw them)

        As for 1967:

        ‘NYT’ perpetuates myth Israel was ‘fighting for its very survival’ during 1967 war

        PM Menachem Begin, in June 1967:

        “In June 1967, we again had a choice. The Egyptian Army concentrations in the Sinai approaches do not prove that Nasser was really about to attack us. We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack him.”

        General Matti Peled, one of the 12 members of the Israeli Army’s general staff in 1967:

        “I am convinced that our General Staff never told the government [of Levi Eshkol] that there was any substance to the Egyptian military threat to Israel, or that we were not capable of crushing Nasser’s army which had exposed itself, with unprecedented foolishness, to the devastating strikes of our forces…. While we proceeded towards the full mobilization of our forces, no person in his right mind could believe that all this force was necessary for our ‘defense’ against the Egyptian threat….To pretend that the Egyptian forces concentrated on our borders were capable of threatening Israel’s existence not only insults the intelligence of any person capable of analyzing this kind of situation, but is primarily an insult to Zahal [the Israeli Army].”

        The article’s very interesting, goes on to quote Israeli source after Israeli source pouring cold water on the myth of the existential 1967 threat.

        More on 1967:

        Why a false understanding of the ‘Six Day War’ still matters

        The idea that God transformed, or will transform, Jews into apes & pigs is entrenched in Islam as it comes from the Koran itself as well as being found in extra-koranic literature.

        Islamic law is inherently discrimiatory against non-Mulims. The Jizya is real and its found in the Koran. Israel by contrast is a secular society. A non-Jew can sit in a position of authority over a Jew (like a judge); Islam forbids a non-Muslim to hold a authority over a Muslim.

        That’s all very interesting, but I find scripture only vaguely relevant. Christianity, Islam, Judaism, they all have their decidedly un-PC passages and doctrines. If the Pakistanis really believed what you seem to think they do, they should’ve nuked Israel by now. As for discrimination, the Jews do a pretty good number on the Arabs in Israel, and a really good number on the Palestinians. Shelling neighborhoods is way up there on the discrimination meter, IMO.

        Look at how the Palestinians govern themselves.

        Look at how blacks govern themselves. Try telling it to a diaspora Jew (80% vote Dem, support Israel, and are on Team Black Grievance). He’ll probably call you a racist.

        But how many Jewish counties are there?

        One. How many white countries are there? Zero. Now go ask a diaspora Jew how he’d feel about moving the white countries into the “1” column. How he’d feel about whites in America or Europe having for themselves what Jews have for themselves in Israel.

        Would you rather be a Jew in Tehran or an Muslim in Tel Aviv? How about a Jew in Ramallah?

        I’d rather be a Jew in Tehran. Jews do okay in Iran. But I’d much rather be a Jew in the US than a Christian in Israel.

  10. I think Moshe Nussbaum (pictured) could have a Glock 19 concealed under that toupee. Could we get a thread on UTH (Under The Hairpiece) carry?

    And what’s the deal with the guy behind him bowing with a “2” stuck to the back of his head? A subtle omage to the Second Amendment? Hmmm…

  11. It seems the civilian white jews will be able to get firearms for personal protection soon. It is about time. Now will the dark skin citizens of Israel also be able to get guns for personal protection as well?

    In the Cave of the Patriarchs Massacre back in the 1994, over 150 Arab men women and children were shot and blown up by one isreal soldier. He had almost 200 rounds of ammunition and several hand grenades.
    It is illegal for Arab civilians or any civilians in Israel to have firearms.
    Will the dark skin people of Israel be allowed to have guns also????

    Never forget the Jewish left also keeps people disarmed as well.

  12. Even though I can get citizenship in Israel fairly easy, I don’t think I would ever consider moving there. I’d rather live in the ghettoes of Houston with the right to carry than live in relatively comfortable environs and be disarmed and open to attack.

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