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In other videos on his channel, cokeman2423 begins his firearms-related stupidity with a simple instruction: DON’T DO THIS . . . FAGGOT. The unnecessary epithet indicates the level of intellect in play. cokeman2423’s being ironically PC. He clearly doesn’t care that his “work” encourages impressionable gun owners to replicate or one-up his “experiments.” Gun safety is everyone’s responsibility. If you’re going to show off, it should be done in a safe setting under controlled conditions. Not just for your sake, but for the sake of your viewers. In other words, gun safety is an idea. Anyone who does dangerous things with a gun in public is denigrating that idea and helping spread another one: the average person is too stupid to keep and bear arms. They aren’t, but cokeman2423 is. In that sense, his “humor” hurts us all.

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  1. Mom’s going to be pissed when she finds her books shot up in the basement/”swinging bachelor pad.” This is what happens when you can’t get a girlfriend but mom says you’re special-a few too many times…

  2. Wow…is there any way for me to get back the 5 mins and 26 seconds I just wasted watching that video? At least he mentioned ear protection…

  3. I’m thinking he should spend more time reading those books instead of blasting holes in them.

  4. It’s a good thing idiots like this are only a stereotype invented by the news and entertainment media and don’t really exist.

  5. Lmfao. “I’m a professional, so I can do what I want.” Funny guy.

  6. funny that he felt the need to dry fire his pistol to “safety check” it before opening the book. this guy is one is a real gem, are rape and f****t the two biggest words in his vocabulary?

  7. Cokeman is also a well known Youtube Troll. So better not feed him.
    Am I pushing it when I call this a ND?

  8. I had to stop watching before I lost too many brain cells. That video is the worst video to watch for your health since the Ring tape.

  9. Carry a book, it may save your life. I bet his mom is going to be really mad when she see’s this.

  10. I’m guessing that either the Playboy channel got scrambled again or the shop vac broke. Finding his normal free time activity hindered, he looked to you tube…

  11. I’m shocked at the stupidity. I really am. I cannot express my disgust with this nitiwt.

    • Come to the dark side, Brother, I’ll help you on your path to Busey style release…

  12. I nailed it! At 0:14 he says “my room” clear as day, and I still bet it’s a basement room for Mommy’s little man. “Yes, I want Cheesie Poofs!”

  13. Not a good idea… I think that he talks like that more for the camera than anything else… and the type of gun he is shooting does have very limited penetration; he knows this and a stack of books would be adequate to stop such a bullet… would I try it? No. But hey, he can do what he wants; it has no ill effect on you or me… unless you are a easily influenced nitwit. You can’t say that this reflects poorly on gun owners in general. this is one person doing what he want in his home, if he gets hurt or hurts someone else… that would be tragic and and it would be 100% his fault and fall on his shoulders; he would get what he deserved. There are much bigger issues to argue about than some dumbass kid doing something irresponsible.

  14. “nitiwit” you are stupid. He has some crazy fun with guns, so what? It’s fun to watch and laugh, also has some relevant gun info, fags

  15. He is a good friend of mine, and he is a really funny fuy, he acts like a retard for the camera and it really pisses off the neighbors firing indoors, do it any chance you get

  16. It’s funny because if any of you idiots bothered to read Cokeman’s channel description, you would know that he is not the “Irresponsible Gun Owner” you think he is. But still, it’s funny to see you people bitch about gun safety. Be sure to watch the video under the name of “LOL FOR GLOCKTALK”. Stupid FAGGOTS!

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