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It’s been gratifying to see how broadly TTAG’s readership has expanded. It’s good to know our mission of telling the truth about guns and making the case for the safety, fun and utility of firearms is reaching a wider audience. Take, for instance, Dallas Archer. She apparently read Jeremy’s recent review of the NAA mini-revolver and was convinced that the gun was the right personal defense choice for her particular needs. Unfortunately, she didn’t exactly come by the pint-sized pistol honestly. And her carry method wasn’t really advisable either . . .

According to the the sleuths at The Smoking Gun, Ms. Archer was pulled over on a recent traffic stop in Kingsport, Tennessee. When she was hauled in because of her suspended license, things got a little more interesting:

The jailer and a female cop then accompanied Archer to a bathroom for further examination, a review that led to the recovery of a “North American Arms 22 LR revolver (loaded) which Ms. Dallas had concealed in her vagina,” according to a Kingsport Police Department report.

A subsequent check revealed that the five-shot mini-revolver–which is four inches in length–had been “stolen from an auto burglary in 2013.”

Of course, that’s the virtue of NAA’s little wonder. It’s small enough that just about anyone can tote it just about anywhere on or about their person. If we were Dallas, we might have chosen that interesting tonsorial arrangement on her head to toss the gun, but that’s just us.

Though we’re sure gun gurus at NAA didn’t envision (nor would they advocate) tucking one into a reproductive organ, it’s nice to know that there’s a carry solution out there for everyone. To be sure, the little SAO revolver is typically as safe as houses, but cramming one into a bodily orifice is an egregious enough violation of Rule #2 that we’ll be sending Dallas some IGOTD hardware. And we really don’t want to know where she intends to stash it.   [h/t Paul McCain]

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  1. So the conversation started with Ms Archer asking the gentleman, ” Is that a gun in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?”… and from there it just took its course…

    • Of course she is. The gun cold have gotten inadvertanly cocked and then be set up for an unintentional discharge.

  2. Missing point here – this is why licensed conceal carry citizens should be able to carry anywhere. Cars, DO get broken into and firearms stolen. Requiring those who carry to keep their firearms in their cars when going into “gun free zones” only leads to this kind of dangerous situation. I can only imagine what could have happened had this woman been able to sneak a firearm past security at the jail. It could have been a much different outcome than this. It could have been worse before this, had this woman used this stolen firearm in a crime and killed someone. I know that I would not want my firearm stolen and then used to kill an innocent. Hopefully we can move to keep the places we cannot carry at a minimum to avoid this in the future.

  3. Is this a “gun as penis substitute” issue? You know, like all us OFWG’s carry because we aren’t well endowed enough. Maybe she was feeling a little less than manly…;-)

  4. She was charged with “introducing contraband into a penal facility”…penal, penis…language is a funny thing!

  5. She’s a real stuck up (your favorite slang term for the female anatomy here.) Seriously, I’m glad there are no photos to go with this.

  6. The real question here is “where did she manage to find .22LR?”
    The inevitable follow-up is “where did she stash the rest of it?”

      • +1. Also reminds of a story about two little boys out in their back yard, making a lot of noise. Their mother said to them, that if they quieted down she would bake them a cake.
        She went ahead and made preparations for the cake but failed to notice several B B’s fell off the shelf, into the cake batter.
        When the cake was done she gave each boy a piece of cake, and reminded them to be quiet. After a while, little Joey came to his mother and said that he had just peed a BB! His mother asked if it hurt and little Joey said no, and went back out played with his little brother.
        A while later, he came back in an was crying. His mother asked if he had peed another BB. He said no but that his brother Johnny was around the corner jerking off, and he SHOT THE DOG!

  7. I read the article earlier this morning and I was hoping it would show up here. The most interesting part of the original story is that the original owner wants it back. I don’t believe in government gun buybacks or buyups, but if that was my gun…

    There’s not enough disinfectant in the world that could persuade me to touch that gun again with bare hands.

  8. I don’t think any rules were broken. Whatever she had the gun pointed at was destroyed long before the gun got to it.

  9. In ’88 I committed paternity precisely once, then had surgery; I now “shoot blanks.”

    She doesn’t…

  10. I knew a girl once who could hide a sawed off double barrel 12 gauge that way.

    Seriously I read this story this morning and figured she would get her 15 minutes of fame here as IGOTD.

  11. Introducing Froglube with penicillin, for that “used” gun that’s seems a little fishy. Crazy ass people…..

  12. Well, we all know that those that carry guns have small penis’
    but does that mean those with no penis
    have small guns, “IN THIER PLACE”

  13. I search in vain for the word “rust” in the responses.

    Stainless steel can only do so much…

  14. I hope (for her safety) she was using a pocket holster.

    I wonder, do they make holsters out of beaver felt?

    Too bad she didn’t buy it ‘New In Box’.

  15. Her draw time couldn’t be very fast. Also, I shot one of those little boogers once and it was hard to get a grip on it dry…

  16. I’m going to be very careful on who I pick up now. Just think, start the romance and you promise everything then bang, now you another Bobit less knife wounds, ouch! Be very careful out there, uh, in there.

  17. I might be wrong but I think this is one of the hit show gypsy sisters daughters I would bet money it is. It’s weird that the girls have the same name and same age and look exactly alike the only difference is the last name

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