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From SAF’s comes news of a new documentary effort from filmmaker Kris Koenig and Dead Patriot Films. The flick, titled Assaulted – The Fight to Bear Arms, has launched a Kickstarter fundraising effort to scrape up enough jack to get production under way. “The film will take a critical look at the original goals of the current laws in contrast with crime and murder statistics before and since their implementation; contrast these laws to those of the adjacent states; look at how product safety is used as indirect gun control; and show the ingenuity of gun owners to keep and bear their favorite firearms.” Wanna see the movie? You can toss as little as a dollar into the hat to get them closer to their $65,000 goal.  [h/t Bruce Krafft]

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  1. They need $60K in 28 days. If every TTAG viewer contributed $10 we could actually see it get made. I put in my $10 and I am not even from CA

    • Excellent JTPhilly!

      Hope others do as well. At $10 it is cheaper than going to the movies and something many TTAG would want to watch. Better than the stuff hollywood is putting out.

  2. “The film will take a critical look at the original goals of the current laws in contrast with crime and murder statistics before and since their implementation; contrast these laws to those of the adjacent states; look at how product safety is used as indirect gun control; and show the ingenuity of gun owners to keep and bear their favorite firearms.”

    How about adding “take a critical look at the original goals of the current laws in place and whether they met the objective under which they were enacted”. IE, did the AWB reduce violent crime? According to the CDC (who are AFAIK not “gun nuts”) the answer is no.

    This sounds like a goodproject, and sure, we as gun enthusiasts will probably enjoy it. But the antis will undoubtedly do their normal dance when faced with facts. Becuase you cannot have an honest discussion using facts with a person who is emotionally driven and ignores any/all facts that do not support their position.

  3. I really like Senator Lee’s claim that denial of rights need “No Debate, No Question”, ala Al Gore

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