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“Though I have not had to use [a gun] for self defense, I am happy to know I have one. When I moved out on my own in college, I never worried about lack of a security system because I know how to use a firearm. It was a very empowering experience to know I can protect myself.” – Taylor Giardina in Why Are Millennial Women Buying Guns? A Surge In “Female Carry” Products Is Making People Wonder [via]

IMI-Israeli Ammo

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  1. My mother. My grandmothers. Their grand mothers never questioned the need of a firearm to protect themselves or their kids. Or their chickens. Or their pigs. Or their cows.

    Millennials. Patting themselves on the back for discovering the wheel.

    • “Millennials. Patting themselves on the back for discovering the wheel.”

      JWM wins the Intertubez today!

      • I think they’re convinced they discovered vinyl LPs.

        Which I would just like to remind everyone that vinyl sucks.

        • “Which I would just like to remind everyone that vinyl sucks.”

          Not *completely*, just mostly.

          Bitrate is now high enough to be indistinguishable, and the silky-smoothness of zero surface noise is nice. And the cost of storage continues to plummet. Little in my library is MP3, except a few, everything else is lossless…

    • At least we can be happy that some of them are finally breaking through the indoctrination they’ve been spoon-fed for the last few decades. I don’t expect them all to come all the way over to the side of freedom, but I’d say it’s at least a small win that they aren’t buying the “guns are evil” argument anymore.

      • “… I’d say it’s at least a small win that they aren’t buying the “guns are evil” argument anymore.”

        That’s no small win, it’s a massive one. That leads to the next step, when they wonder “What else have they *lied* to me about?”

  2. I’m interested to see what this does for gun control as a Democrat platform staple down the line.
    My most optimistic and naive hope is that gun control ceases to be a political issue. My most pessimistic and likely realistic guess is that partisanship wins the day and all the (D) voters who have become gun owners figure it’s worth giving up their own rights if it means others have to give up their as well or they figure they’re special and any gun control enacted won’t apply to them because snowflakes.

    • As a hope for the best, prepare for the worst kind of guy, I agree that partisanship most likely wins the day. I think D gun-owners are far more likely to only have one gun and will happily agree with gun control platforms. At best, they’ll be like the stereotypical Fuddish 1911 owner, “if you need more than 7 or 8 shots, you’re dead anyway.” They’ll go right along with a cap at 10 rounds and no MSR’s.

      As to why more Millennial women are buying guns…who cares? I know plenty who are doing so because they fear left-wing violence and others who fear right-wing violence and still more who just fear violence, regardless of origin. The recent election, for a variety of reasons has shaken many people up.

    • The numbers show that it is number two. The Democrats aren’t stupid and have shown they can adjust to the shifting trends. For example, Oregon’s recent bill is crafted to appeal to women because it leaves them with the assumption the State will disarm the “evil men” when it is a broad confiscation law that targets citizens in general.

      • I live in Oregon, Yeah, it’s nice to know my wife can have all my firearms taken away the next time we get into an argument. All she’s gotta do is say I pointed a gun at her, or that I threatened her, or anything else she can come up with that would make it look like I’m a nut job.

    • “My most optimistic and naive hope is that gun control ceases to be a political issue.”

      If the Left dropped guns as an issue, they would be un-stoppable as a political force.

      “I’m gonna give you free stuff” is irresistible to the stupid. Thank God they are *welded* to gun control…

  3. i don’t even know how to converse with someone who asks questions like “why is the (insert demograph) buying guys?”
    so much bias in a statement like that and it usually comes from the left.

  4. A millennial buying a gun today isn’t an investment in the 2018 midterm or the 2020 presidential race. It’s an investment in the 2028 presidential race when Trump, Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, McCain, and most of our current Congress has been retired and the next wave of Democrats is playing the same old tired identity politics and trying to restrict the same freedoms.

    This is because millennials are young, idealistic, and viewing the world through a lens offered by people twice their age. 10, 15, 20 years from now they will be less idealistic and the lens will have changed.

    • When Trump, Schumer, Pelosi, Sanders, McCain, and most of our current Congress has been retired…

      I REALLY like the sound of that. Unfortunately, the next wave of politicians will still be politicians, so it was only a fleeting joy. Nevertheless, it was a nice moment.

      • At this point I’m pretty sure the next wave of “Leaders” will be “Skynet” or “Colossus: The Forbin Project”

        Even so, it’s nice to see younger folks willing to take on the responsibility and burden for themselves.

  5. And from my 1980’s vocabulary, I say “Awesome!” The US may still have home of surviving the leftists latest attempt at usurping the Constitution.

  6. But I thought gun ownership was on the decline and all the guns being sold were to super owners or some such nonsense.

  7. In this era of dangerous alt-right KKK thugs and neo-Nazi fanatics running around loose, minorities, especially, would do well to be armed at all times. It may sound cliche but to be black in America is like being a Jew in 1930s Germany. That’s the reality, whether one likes to hear it or not.

    • (looks around, doesn’t see trains or busses hauling blacks off to concentration camps)
      Uh, D?
      That was sarcasm, yes?

    • “In this era of dangerous alt-right KKK thugs and neo-Nazi fanatics running around loose, minorities, especially, would do well to be armed at all times.”

      Dude, it’s the alt-leftist Antifa thugs that are murdering police, violently attacking the peacefully-protesting conservatives, and burning and looting when they didn’t get what they want.

      Remember when Obama won re-election and the right started burning and looting?

      It didn’t happen…

    • LOL. Proactive Black people making the prudent choice to arm themselves aren’t stupid. They know full well that non law abiding people in their own neighborhoods are the realistic threat to worry about. Also being a Jew in Europe today is rapidly becoming like being a Jew in 1930’s Europe due to the ascendancy of Islam not some mythical 4th Reich boogyman.

    • Black people kill more black people in a day than all the “alt-right KKK thugs and neo-Nazi fanatics” kill in a year. Or ten.

      • Thanks to the history of racist gun control laws, and the Welfare Industrial Complex, the blacks killing blacks problem all was created by the Democrat party. BTW the Klu Klux Klan was an employee of the democrat party.

  8. Culturally, it’s generally a good thing for more people to familiarize themselves with firearms, own them, and take responsibility for their personal security.

    That said, in the case of millenials (read: selfish, self-absorbed, self-important, liberal-voting brats), they’re more apt to use their firearms ownership as the basis for street cred when they support infringements on firearms freedom, than as a jumping off point toward liberty. “As a gunowner, even I support [insert typical, liberal litany of infringements here].”

    That kind of peer pressure is powerful among these pseudo-individual, ultra conformists. So I wouldn’t necessarily rate this as an unqualified win. For goodness sakes, anybody who finds that perimeter security measures are moot, because they have a gun as a first and last line of defense, isn’t exactly all that bright and clear thinking to begin with.

    • “That said, in the case of millenials (read: selfish, self-absorbed, self-important, liberal-voting brats).” I thought that was the baby-boomers.

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