Elizabeth Rochford, now Illinois Supreme Justice Elizabeth Rochford, appears with Moms Demand Action members during last year's campaign for the Illinois Supreme Court. (Image via Facebook)

This morning, the Illinois Supreme Court overturned a lower court decision that struck down Gov. Pritzker’s new “assault weapons” ban. In a 4-3 ruling, the state’s high court vacated a Macon County ruling and entered a judgement in favor of the state.

Interestingly, three of the four defendants in the case donated over $1.5 million to two of the justices who voted to overturn the lower court ruling, clearing the way for the gun ban. That includes Justice Elizabeth Rochford who authored the majority opinion.

It’s worth noting that this particular lawsuit challenged the law on equal protection grounds, not the Second Amendment. For instance, the gun and “high capacity” magazine ban law exempts locksmiths, prison wardens, and the Paul Blarts of the world from its provisions, treating them differently than ordinary Land of Linclon residents.

From the decision . . .

First, we hold that the exemptions neither deny equal protection nor constitute special legislation because plaintiffs have not sufficiently alleged that they are similarly situated to and treated differently from the exempt classes. Second, plaintiffs expressly waived in the circuit court any independent claim that the restrictions impermissibly infringe the second amendment. Third, plaintiffs’ failure to cross-appeal is a jurisdictional bar to renewing their three-readings claim. Accordingly, we reverse the circuit court and enter judgment for defendants on the equal protection and special legislation claims…

Ahead of the ruling, state Rep. Dan Caulkins, a named plaintiff in the suit, appeared on a Springfield radio program and noted the glaring conflict of interest presented by two of the supreme court judges getting over 20% of their campaign budgets from Gov. Pritzker, Senate President Don Harmon and House Speaker Chris Welch, all of whom were instrumental in getting the ban passed.

Rep. Caulkins has indicated that he may pursue a challenge under the US Supreme Court’s Caperton ruling to the court’s ruling as the two tainted justices didn’t recuse themselves from the case. In short, Caperton demands that judges cannot preside over cases involving the financial interests of campaign donors.

Whether or not Rep. Caulkins can prove that the two justices were tainted under the Caperton ruling, and as such should have recused themselves, remains to be seen.

While the Gun Control Industry is no doubt celebrating, that’s probably premature.

The Second Amendment Foundation wants everyone to know that the law is also being challenged in federal court on Second Amendment infringement grounds. They issued this announcement this afternoon . . .

Friday morning’s narrow ruling by the Illinois State Supreme Court, upholding the state ban on so-called “assault weapons,” does not affect the ongoing federal challenge of the ban by the Second Amendment Foundation.

“While we are disappointed in the state court’s narrow 4-3 decision,” noted SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb, “our federal case remains very much alive and we will continue fighting the Illinois ban.”

SAF is joined in the case, known as Harrel v. Raoul, by the Illinois State Rifle Association, Firearms Policy Coalition, Marengo Guns, the C4 Gun Store and Dane Harrel, for whom the case is known. Gottlieb noted the court consists of five Democrat justices and two Republicans. The majority opinion was delivered by J, whose appearance last October as a speaker at an event for the Illinois Moms Demand Action gun control group caused a stir on social media.

One Democrat, Justice Mary K. O’Brien, dissented, noting, “When we limit people’s rights, even the rights we might not like, we have to do so in a way that honors the constitution.”

“We are still studying the Illinois high court’s ruling,” Gottlieb said, “but we are confident our case will fare better in the federal court system.”

“It is always unfortunate when a Court fails to uphold constitutional rights,” said SAF Executive Director Adam Kraut. “Fortunately for the people of Illinois, our challenge to the state’s ban on so-called ‘assault weapons’ remains pending in federal court. We look forward to vindicating the rights of the People of Illinois.”

SAF and its partners filed the federal challenge earlier this year in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Illinois. They are represented by attorney David Sigale of Wheaton.

SAF filed a motion for a preliminary injunction in this case on Jan. 25.



  1. Those guns don’t simply evaporate when they are banned. They will remain, quietly waiting, until their purpose is revealed.

    • Rest assured the “court” was not advised History Confirms siding with Gun Control amounts to hanging a noose and swastika on the door of the courthouse.

      And exactly whose fault pray tell is that?

    • ???

      “In common use?”

      The AR15 is americas favorite rifle. Seems easy and legit unconstitutional.

    • What MEN will do this?

      The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

      We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

      Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

      The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

      The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

      Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Getting easier to name circuit courts not pending on 2nd amendment cases. Going to be a messy decade.

      • If the Bruen decision is to stand then they’re obligated to. These stupid inbred leftists cant even define what an assault weapon is to begin with much less trying to outlaw something they cant even define. Idiots in the photo that are ALL expendable in their political ambitions. Just vote them out of office.

        • Voting is what put them in office and all the free stuff the Prickster and the Liberal/Progressive democrats are passing out will keep them there.

        • They’re not idiots and we should cease to refer to them as such. The inability to “define the thing” is a feature, not a bug because it introduces ambiguity into the law and that kind of ambiguity is, historically, a source of power for .gov.

          They’d like that feature codified in law and accepted by the court system because then they have a very broad capacity to do whatever-the-hell the like and both the law and the courts will support them in doing so.

          For example, a careful read of many of the proposals in the past 10 years means that an “AWB” opens the door to ban SA rifles, pistols and even revolvers because of the way they define “semiautomatic”.

          Or one can look at their “historical military lineage” rules and realize that applied as written such a law essentially bans everything except some derringers and break-action single shot shotguns because all your semi-autos (rifle or shotgun), lever guns, bolt guns, revolvers and pistols all trace a “substantial” part of their working mechanism back to something like the K98, Gewehr 43, M1911, Luger or A5, hence banning those things and everything downstream from them.

          As an example, oh, your rifle doesn’t go back to the K98? Well, we think the mechanism is designed “substantially” in a way that goes back to the Krag, so fuck you, banned.

          If they can get a court system, which is what they’re going for, that will say “Yes, the 2A but…” and then introduce this kind of ambiguity into the law then they can ban just about anything that matters. And, of course, those bans only apply to people like you because you’re not a dangerous lunatic so sending a team after you is fairly safe. A drug house full of methed out bangers with full auto AKs? They’ll ignore that because enforcement against such people doesn’t advance the actual goals, just like in the USSR, selective enforcement is always an option they like to have.

          And if you think they haven’t made inroads on setting up such a system in the past three years, you’re not paying attention.

        • “If they can get a court system, which is what they’re going for, that will say “Yes, the 2A but…” and then introduce this kind of ambiguity into the law then they can ban just about anything that matters.”

          And that will be ‘Job 1’ when they re-take the High court.

          *Everything* carefully built brick-by-brick by St. Scalia and Justice Thomas will be *gone* when they rule that the 2A is a collective right, not an individual right.

          Just read the dissents in every modern SCotUS 2A case. They lay out in detail how they are gonna do it. And they will… 🙁

        • “They lay out in detail how they are gonna do it. And they will…”

          You could, like, maybe, sorta, kinda, you know… stop them from doing that.

          The path to burying these assholes for 50 years is right in front of Conservatives, they’re just blind to it because they don’t understand… well, honestly, much of anything about what’s going on. Which isn’t a function of being stupid or even being dumb, it’s f function of not paying any fucking attention for 75 years.

        • Pritzker admitted there was a 75% chance.of the law being overturned when he signed it. It’s a chance to harass gun owners for a while, and the state picks up the cost of the legal battle. He gets to claim it as a victory to his antigun constituents, even if it’s ultimately overturned.

        • And see where that went. Simply created 10s of thousands of Felons, unless they willing give up their Constitutional Rights. You deserve the Tyranny…You allow.

        • “And see where that went. Simply created 10s of thousands of Felons,…”

          That’s likely going to be to tougher next June when the ‘Rahimi’ SCotUS case (Heard this October?) is handed down next June.

          I predict it will decide only acts of physical violence will preclude someone from their 2A rights. That will put the brakes on expanding making everyone they don’t like a felon, denying them their 2A rights.

          (Then again, with their ‘silence is violence’ bullshit, all bets are off…)

      • Has it even gotten to pretrial for the federal district court yet? Would be a bit early for SCOTUS unless something is very odd.

        • Never forget Democrats are playing the long game, while denying Rights now and making felons out of citizens by simply refusing to abide by the Bill of Rights

        • Darkman, see above my comments above on the ‘Rahimi’ SCotUS case being heard in a few months…

    • This does not stop till lower courts are held responsible for unconstitutional acts. The judges need to be impeached, and or arrested for civil rights violations. The 2nd amendment is after all a constitutional right. When state courts knowingly violate the constitution with full malice of forethought, there should be consequences.

      • That’s NATURAL RIGHTS not ‘civil rights,’ which can be taken by those who grant them.

        The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

        We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

        Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

        The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

        The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

        Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. You know you’re going to get a fair and neutral arbiter when you petition the state the mediate a disagreement between you and the state.

    • “You know you’re going to get a fair and neutral arbiter when you petition the state the mediate a disagreement between you and the state.”

      You have a problem with the ‘Heller’ and ‘Bruen’ decisions?

      • Exception to the rule. In the Heller and Bruen cases the state ruled against the state.

  3. Those seven people shown in the photo with their yummy cookies are seven people who have never been threatened, robbed, or assaulted. They live in a nice world where they have cookies.

    • Sometimes, it takes an innocent cookie being crammed in your mouth to suffocate you before you wake up.

      (Of course, that realization usually happens a few moments before you go unconscious for the last time with the taste of cookie as your last taste… 🙁 )

  4. l bet the judges in this case are outraged by Clarence’s fake Superbowl ring. Just outraged.

  5. Just exactly how many gangbangers on the south & west side will they target first my guess would be none.

  6. all smiles on the above ladies in red Mother shirts Until one of their besties gets mugged,raped,or killed because they could not go armed in one of the most crime riddled states.

    • Bob,

      While their smiles would turn to tears if some scumbag mugged, raped, or murdered them, the greater tragedy is that they would still blame “the easy availability of guns”–even if their attacker did not use a firearm to threaten/harm them.

      On a very serious note: do NOT underestimate how extremely painful (emotionally) it is for the average person to face facts and admit that their mindset was horribly wrong and was a significant contributing factor to some catastrophe that they suffered as a result. Admitting that your mindset was wrong is so painful that many people will cling to their faulty mindset–and lash out at others instead. (Read TTaG commenter Debbie’s comments for proof of this human foible: when confronted with the error of her mindset, she rejects facts and lashes out at anyone who admonishes her.)

  7. I truly detest living in this cr@phole of a state.

    Yes, I know I need to move. Sadly not in the cards at this time.

    • We are moving along moving east. Good luck dude. I’ve lived here for 69 years…and NOT giving up my rifle🙄

    • You have the ability, but not the motivation. Everything you have (job, house, family) are available in every other state, but I know moving is a pain in the ass.

  8. Interesting that it was the carve outs that started the wheels in motion – I’ve been on the upside of gun control carve outs (never used my state-granted “privilege”) and find them absolutely contrary to what used to be our traditional rule of law heritage.

  9. i feel sorry for the next mass shooter ‘roun’ these parts. he’s gonna be in a extra hot mess o’ trouble.

    • @tsbhoa.p.jr

      “next mass shooter…” Given that today is Friday, it’s August, the weather is hot and sultry and we ARE talking about Chicago…my SWAG is: tonight by 0200 hours local time there will be another “mass shooting” in the traditional crime ridden areas of ChiTown…it’s a weekend Tradition.

      (The FBI defines a “mass shooting” as any incident in which at least four people are murdered with a gun.)

      • Chicago is one continuous mass shooting.

        If any of the shooters are ever caught, you can bet if the perp is in the same gang as the judges and prosecutors, there won’t be any “extra hot mess o’ trouble”.

      • Heck, I was wrong…sorta. Five total homicides…but, not all in the same incident. No official “mass shootings” weekend of 08/11 – 08/13 in Chicago.

  10. “First, we hold that the exemptions NEITHER DENY EQUAL PROTECTION nor constitute
    special legislation because plaintiffs have not sufficiently alleged that they are
    similarly situated to and treated differently from THE EXEMPT CLASSES. ……” (emphasis mine)

    Uh… is it just me, or did the judges just outright contradict themselves in their own ruling? The mere existence of such a concept as an ‘exempt class’ would seem BY DEFINITION to be a violation of equal protection under the law, because it means different people are being arbitrarily treated differently under otherwise identical circumstances.

    • It was a kamalaesque word salad and they knew it and just don’t care. Basically saying wut you gonna do about it?

  11. It appears that this anti-gun/anti2A disease is propagating like cancerous cells. As optimistic as I am trying to be in general, I don’t see anything good happening to neither the sport of shooting (USPSA, IDPA, whatever), nor people who just want to have a grandfather’s revolver in their night stand. Everything is being chipped off our rights piece by piece, starting with the use of lead, to “high” capacity magazines, to anything that is shooting smokeless powder.

    Not sure what will we see in 5-10 years from now…

      • Are they “gun owners” or are the POTG?

        It’s a serious question. The former are basically useless and, statistically, well be well over 50% Fudds. The latter are highly useful.

        Better is not relying on a special status but rather inculcating a general respect for actual civil rights in the general citizenry. Multiple birds with one stone and no need for the majority to attain a special status with regard to each right either.

        As much as I can avoid it, I prefer to avoid trying to cobble together 1A people with 2A people with 4/5A people because that will produce infighting. It’s easier, faster and just generally better to get people on board with civil rights for citizens overall.

        The real stumbling block to that with the Right is that there are goodly portions of the Right that, if we’re honest, don’t actually believe in civil rights. They believe that what they like should be legal and what they don’t like should be illegal with the severity of punishment commensurate with the strength of their dislike for the action in question. Which, by the by, is no different from the Left except in terms of preferences.

  12. i moved to southern wisconsin
    from northern illinois in 2012
    because by then
    all this and more
    was already written on the wall

  13. another thing:
    this hurts black people more than anybody
    they live in the areas most governed by democrats
    – by definition –
    are the areas where the most violent crime happens

  14. You deserve the Tyranny…You Allow. Free citizens with all the Rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights or Subject with Rights at the bequest of your Betters. Your Choice.

  15. There’s going to be a lot of new locksmiths in Illinois.

    I was a locksmith for a while. I’m not in Illinois so I don’t need to be again, but if you can disassemble, clean, and reassemble your gun, (especially if it’s an older Ruger 22/45) you too could be a locksmith.

  16. Darkman August 11, 2023 At 18:04
    “Voting is what put them in office and all the free stuff the Prickster and the Liberal/Progressive democrats are passing out will keep them there.”

    You need to stay focused on the fact these TURDSS you speak of STEAL ELECTIONS. For example; the current investigation/lawsuit over voter fraud in Harris County, Texas has returned that approx. 32,000 unlawful or otherwise fraudulent votes were cast in the 2022 local election alone, with approx. 10,000 of these being cast from the Harris County jail. Numerous were cast from the same address as the Harris County (rainbow and once illegal alien from Colombia) Judge Leftist Lina Hidalgo’s apartment. Interestingly she has recently left town after announcing she was “seeking treatment for clinical depression”, of course right after such numbers were published (i.e. … the little corrupt racist bitch is running and hiding). Leftist La Raza Lina first got in to office in 2018 when VERY interestingly the county experienced a mysterious “blue wave of Democrat victories” that took ALL elections, some from incumbent Republicans whom were basically impossible to upset.

    I have no faith in voting like I used to but these current conservative patriots are NOT currently up for doing what is obviously necessary to save the nation from the mess it’s in. Like somebody has said; “You get the tyranny you allow, therefore deserve”.

  17. The Supreme Court is going to be very busy with gun cases for the next few years with all these stupid laws the gun control freaks keep pushing.

  18. The Illinois Supreme Court seems to enjoy backing the State of Illinois.

    In other states they don’t march in such lockstep, like out here in Colorado where the state Supreme Court has handed Boulder its ass several times over this sort of thing.

    Makes me wonder how does one end up on the Illinois Supreme Court and how secure is that position? Incentives may be the key to why this court acts as it does.

    • “Incentives?”

      “…three of the four defendants in the case donated over $1.5 million to two of the justices who voted to overturn the lower court ruling…”


      • Donated it how, as in to what exactly and under what circumstances, is my point.

        I don’t really give a enough of a fuck about Illinois to bother looking up the state’s SC’s rules but some states appoint and others elect state SC judges. In the later case which this article suggests Illinois is an example of, there are states where a judge has to run repeatedly to keep the seat. In others you get elected and serve some period of time and then you’re out, unable to take the position again. Others do an election and then a “vote to retain” which is automatic. Another election only occurs if a “vote to retain” doesn’t pass and the judge is removed.

        If SC judges in Illinois have to run to retain their seat, then a reward for a “donation” makes sense. If they don’t, then it makes a lot less sense.

        To simply say “…defendants in the case donated…” and then later obliquely mention “campaign donors” doesn’t mean anything to someone who doesn’t know how those donations worked without an explanation of how Illinois [mis]manages its court system.

        Such an explanation would be a nice addition to such an article so that a reader can determine if these donations are likely to be simply a legal bribe or if the situation is more nuanced than that.

        While “buying” two seats on a state supreme court might sound enticing, considering that this was a 4-3 ruling, one might wonder exactly WTF is going on here within the larger context of Illinois and the state’s judicial system.

        • “The state is divided into five judicial districts, with three justices elected from the first district (Cook County) and one justice elected from each of the other four districts. Justices are elected in partisan elections for 10 years and may be retained in office for additional terms of 10 years. A chief justice is elected by the other justices for a term of three years.”

          Rochford was elected in 2022 — this is “payback.”


          Caperton v. A. T. Massey Coal Co., 556 U.S. 868 (2009) — “A judge cannot hear a case that centers on the financial interests of someone who supported him substantially in his campaign for election.”


        • So it’s a longer term than many with a single reelection option. Thanks for that.

          It will be interesting to see if the ruling in question applies. I kinda doubt it until you’re higher in the federal court system.

          Assuming that the politicians mentioned within the article are the defendants in question (since that’s not actually stated outright who is what) they will clearly argue that Caperton doesn’t apply because the ruling centers on financial interests which don’t come into play here because this was moving money intraparty during an election and that they are not private interests or making money off this thing in the classic sense.

          An interesting place for the SCOTUS to expand the previous ruling should they choose to do it.

  19. If a court found that equal protection applied to gun laws (and other laws) regarding profession, there would have to be a LOT of changes in laws.

    It would be a good thing, but it won’t happen easily.

  20. Our country has fallen so far. The Judicial branch has merged with the Executive branch. There was a reason the three branches were separate.

  21. The case shows you how corrupt the U.S. Court system is. Naturally the Supreme Court will decline to hear the case which will throw the blame on the lower courts.

    Also in the news the FBI was correct once again when it ruled that Far Right Nut cases are the biggest danger to American Democracy. A Far Right Nut Case was shot dead by the FBI for threatening to shoot President Biden.


    • “The case shows you how corrupt the U.S. Illinois Court system is.”

      State courts are not part of the federal judiciary, asshole.

      “Naturally the Supreme Court will decline to hear the case …”

      It hasn’t been brought before the SCOTUS — yet. Of course, I’ll follow commentaries from knowledgeable posters such as LKB who has actually worked in the legal system, more than I’d ever trust anything that you say about it, liar.

      “Also in the news the FBI was correct once again when it ruled …”

      The FBI can’t “rule” because it’s not a court, asshole.

      “A Far Right Nut Case citizen exercising his right to free speech was shot dead by the FBI …”

      From the article that you linked:

      Several neighbors have spoken to the media about the kind of person Robertson was.

      “There’s no way that he was driving from here to Salt Lake City, setting up a rifle, and taking a shot at the president — 100% no way,” said neighbor Andrew Maunder in an interview with POLITICO.

      “He definitely had his political views, which he was very public about on Facebook,” Maunder told The Salt Lake Tribune (SLT) in a separate statement. “But I think deep down, he was just a cranky old guy who was harmless.”

      Connor Bunch, another neighbor, said he’d walk around church wearing a Trump hat and that he was “generally well-liked.”

      “He seemed like kind of a weird old guy … but everyone knows a weird old guy,” he said. “You wouldn’t imagine that the FBI would come and shoot him.”

      “Further comment on the murder of Craig Robertson, Provo, Utah. This goes against every SOP I’ve ever heard of. This was done intentionally. But unfortunately, the media will bury this story. The FBI must be broken up into 1000 pieces and scattered into the windows. …” pic.twitter.com/v3SjhLywEh— Special Agent Chris Hastings U.S.C.S/DEA (@hastingchris4) August 10, 2023

      • Try again Man with no brains

        If he was nice old man then why did he not surrender to the FBI. Obviously the Feds did not just walk up and shoot the old man for no reason.

        • “If he was nice old man then why did he not surrender to the FBI.”

          Was he given the chance to surrender? You don’t know, asshole.

          Why didn’t the FBI just wait for the guy to make his daily trip to his mailbox and intercept him outside of his home unarmed? Why did the FBI pull a full SWATing on the guy for a few statements he made on the ‘net? As far as him being a “nice old man,” I’d think that his neighbors who interacted with him over years, often on a daily basis, would have better knowledge of the personality of the murdered man.

          “Obviously the Feds did not just walk up and shoot the old man for no reason.”

          Assuming facts not in evidence. But you do that often, because you’re stupid.

        • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD. First, we don’t know what evidence the Bureau had against this “nice old man”.
          Second, we do not know if he resisted arrest and/or to what extent.
          Third, as he is alleged to have said that he was ready to use his ,45 on the FBi, it places him in not such a good light.
          I’m waiting for the Inspection Division’s Report on the raid.

    • dacian the DUNDERHEAD, Thanks but I will wait for the review of the Inspection Division of the FBI.
      As usual, you are trying desperately to split us up.

  22. “The majority opinion was delivered by J, whose appearance last October…”

    How about proofreading your articles?

  23. How did we get from ‘SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED’ to this EVIL????

    The problem is simple: We’re not hanging our domestic enemies, our greatest enemies.

    We’re winning the gun battle(sort of) and losing the war. We have 400 mil. guns and NO MEN to use them.

    Why is western civilization being intentionally collapsed and who or what profits from this?

    The commie globalist trash want us disarmed so we can’t hunt and exterminate them as should have been done generations ago.

    The SECOND AMENDMENT was written as a statement of MILITARY purpose to ACKNOWLEDGE our NATURAL BORN right to possess ARMS SUPERIOR to those carried by the standing army our Founders rightly feared. But we have NO MEN to enforce this.

    Why don’t we have an engraved in granite copy of the Bill of Rights and the Bill of Rights of that state in front of EVERY govt. building beside a granite gallows to be used on the demonscat and republicrat trash that breaks their Oath as soon as they take it?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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