Let’s move past the lack of a proper backstop and the rather reckless way the guy with an AK fired off the last round before he disappeared camera left. What made me legitimately scared for the lives of the people in this video was when the guy with the AK started firing, unaimed, into the ground directly in front of the guy on the firing line. Like, three feet away from where he was sitting. While the shooter was yards behind the firing line.
Some people may say we’re a little overly sensitive about the application of the Four Rules around here. And in some cases, they may be right. But if one of my friends started firing a gun while they were yards behind the established firing line, not only would I immediately kick them off the range and never talk to them again, but I would very seriously consider whether that constituted a valid situation for a DGU (defensive gun use) on my part. There’s a reason I always carry concealed on the firing line . . . [h/t Reddit]
To me that is cause enough for a DGU!
Seriously. “My friend and I were aerating his back yard when he suddenly tried to aerate my feet with his AK. Please send my deepest sympathies to his family.”
Someone needs a fist sammich!
He needs to be butt stroked.
Why would you want to break his fingers? Why not just blow them off with his gun? If you look closely, you will notice the idiots with the guns are barely old enough to own guns, they are just kids in my opinion. Kids for the most part are stupid. But stupidity is not a crime yet. Smashing in peoples teeth, breaking thier fingers etc.. just for being stupid kids IS a CRIME. They are being foolish in thier handling of deadly wepons, but where did this stupidity take place? Maybe they actually made sure no one but themselves was in danger of being shot. Who’s to say, how do you know? There are several responses to this video which include references to committing violent acts upon these dummies. and these comments trouble me more than these morons do. Violence is Violence these young dumb-asses are not committing any violent acts in this video. Instead of wishing them harm, maybe you should hope they don’t have to learn the hard way. That is if you really truely are such peace loving persons. The real truth about GUNS is that without them you would not have a computer. This website would not exist and you would probably be living on what you could kill with a rock or maybe a stick.
Yup, DGU time.
Worse than this by far were some guys from Jersey who posted a video of themselves taking their guns to a range in PA. The certainly broke the public range rules about the number of rounds you can load up at one time (slows down wear and tear on the publicly funded target backers), but did really stupid stuff like firing at each other’s feet.
Their response: the unsafe things they were doing were actually a combination of blanks and other effects and the “ground hits” were squibs they placed ahead of time. Yeah right….
If it wasn’t for the negative political overtones and the potential for innocent bystanders getting harmed;
I’d say that the problem of having groups of men-boys acting irresponsibly with firearms has the inevitable outcome doubling as the most effective solution.
Idiots. But the other 99.9% of us are responsible adults. Oh well, hopefully they’ll remove themselves from the gene pool before they knock some other idiot up. If they do knock some girl up the taxpayer will be stuck raising the spawn. Anybody dumb enough to breed with this pair is too dumb to raise a child.
WOW! All I can say is WOW!
Stupid is as stupid does!
Facepalm. All day.
Clear and secure your weapons (minus your CC), grab his rifle, wedge the barrel under that bench and bend it until it’s useless. Explain why you did this, pack your gear, and never speak with him again. Then let the LEOs sort it out if he’s stupid enough to call.
I think grabbing the rifle and butt-stroking the hell out of him with it is what’s called for. It’s not the rifle’s fault its owner is an idiot. Hell, he might not even be the owner of it!
I don’t want to be anywhere near this proposed “butt-stroking”!
I prefer the phrase:
“Rapid onset attitude adjustment facilitated through the mechanism of rapid acceleration of rifle stock followed by violent deceleration as a reaction to forceful contact with face.”
My initial reaction was a stock strike, but common sense kicked in and reminded me that assault isn’t something I want on my record. Granted, I might get out of it under these circumstances, but I’d rather err on the side of caution.
That could have ended very badly for the Chuckleheads.
Sadly it didn’t. There used to be a day when doing extremely stupid things like this got you killed and you didn’t get to breed. It was better for society that way.
this guy is a lunatic, if there was ever an instance for the 2a communiuty to self police, this is it, this (along with the self shooting dea agent video) used as example of what never ever to do.
criminal negligence.
Future mall shooter.
That’s what my initial thought was.
Whoa. That’s just a hunka hunka burnin’ stoopid right there.
Well, they both survived, as far as we know.
I guess our only hope now is low sperm counts.
I would break both of his index fingers with the butt of that AK. Keep a copy of the video to be used in my defense.
Why would you want to break his fingers? Why not just blow them off with his gun? If you look closely, you will notice the idiots with the guns are barely old enough to own guns, they are just kids in my opinion. Kids for the most part are stupid. But stupidity is not a crime yet. Smashing in peoples teeth, breaking thier fingers etc.. just for being stupid kids IS a CRIME. They are being foolish in thier handling of deadly wepons, but where did this stpidity take place? Maybe they actually made sure no one but themselves was in danger of being shot. Who’s to say, how do you know? There are several responses to this video which include references to committing violent acts upon these dummies. and these comments trouble me more than these morons do. Violence is Violence these young dumb-asses are not committing any violent acts in this video. Instead of wishing them harm, maybe you should hope they don’t have to learn the hard way. That is if you really truely are such peace loving persons. The real truth about GUNS is that without them you would not have a computer. This website would not exist and you would probably be living on what you could kill with a rock or maybe a stick.
At the very least, I would have smashed his teeth in with the butt of the rifle while he was laughing.
And now we know why MikeyB is so afraid of guns!!!!
They go off by themselves and shoot at your feet!!
I would have beat the holy living crap out of that guy…
I don’t see any reason to wish a low sperm count on the second dude. He doesn’t seem irresponsible with his firearm. If picking friends unwisely deserved a low sperm count, this country would have 10% of the current population.
What you said got me to thinking about what if the population was only 10% of current numbers, might be a positive thing. So how are we going to tell the other 90% they gotta go? (LOL) As to these 2 clowns shooting? The one fella definitely needs a SERIOUS talking to about range safety, and what an idiot he is, possible punctuated with a couple of smacks upside his head.
I can just see the news article… “A local boy is in critical condition after a high-powered AK-47 assault rifle discharged while being cleaned by his friend…”
I wonder if any charges can be filed on him? I doubt his friend will press charges but I wonder if the local DA can?
Its dumb kids like that that give anti gun scum like Jeff Gieonola on TV the ammo they use to attack us.
Did anyone else notice the guy with the ar-15 had his eotech on backwards?
I’m going to guess Subaru didn’t endorse this.
If you think Adam`s story is impossible,, last week my aunt’s step son basically made the small fortune of $7111 workin a fifteen hour week in their apartment and there roomate’s mother`s neighbour has been doing this for nine months and easily made more than $7111 part-time On there laptop. use the instructions at this site, Great70 dot com
Ginger, wrong site for that crap. We don’t believe in Nigerian Prince’s here.
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