AIWB Appendix Carry IWB Concealed Dangerous CCW

Over the weekend, we ran a video showing a concealed carrier who had just replaced his handgun in his holster. He was carrying AIWB and when he later bent over, the gun fired. 

Besides speculation as to what caused the gun to discharge, the incident prompted plenty of discussion about the advisability — or lack thereof — of appendix carry. With that in mind, here’s a post John Boch wrote earlier on the topic.

I know appendix carry enjoys increasing popularity among younger shooters and not a few hipsters. It’s also the choice of many keyboard commandos who want to be just like their heroes in the gun community. To say nothing of the folks who think they can buy skills in a bubble-pack on aisle three of their local Cabela’s/Bass Pro.

I’m no fan of appendix carry (sometimes called AIWB – appendix inside the waistband) for one reason: it’s unsafe. If you screw up your holstering, you will likely die.

I’ll repeat that for those who speed-read past it the first time: if you mess up while holstering with appendix carry, you will be in serious trouble. At best, you’ll probably blow apart your reproductive parts. Just about as likely, you’ll going poke one or more holes in your femoral artery. At that point, you’ll have the rest of your life to regret your AIWB carry method…which won’t be very long.

AIWB Appendix Carry IWB Dangerous Concealed Carry

Granted, appendix carry offers good concealment and fast presentation. With a good rig and the right body type it can be every bit as comfortable as other carry options. But it won’t work with all body types.

AIWB Appendix Carry Concealed Dangerous CCW

If your skills are minimal or marginal, AIWB is a disaster waiting to happen. If you’re an appendix carry devotee, you can’t practice until you get it right. You better be practicing until you can’t get it wrong.

So you’re an appendix carry aficionado and you say that you’re confident in your reholstering skills, eh? Stuff happens, even to the best of us. Want an example of what can happen to even those with extensive training and experience?

A few years ago, a training school here in Illinois had an instructor development class. These instructors, all highly experienced trainers and shooters, had excellent gun handling skills.  At the end of the day, they “gunned up” for a trip to a more gun-friendly state for dinner.

As they did their thing preparing to go out for some grub, one of the females discharged her firearm as she holstered into her AIWB rig. As I recall, she was talking with another person when her gun fired. “Ah, [bleep]!  I shot myself,” she uttered.  The state-of-the-art hollow-point entered her leg at about the crease at the hip and traveled downward.

These instructors knew more than just how to poke holes in paper. As a group, they had good medical training – indeed some were former military and had at least one tourniquet on her in less than half a minute.

EMTs responded quickly from a nearby station and got her to an ER most riki-tik, pumping fluids into her during the ambulance ride. She went right into surgery and then spent a week or more in intensive care, having ruptured her femoral in three places. She was extremely lucky to have survived.

My question to any appendix carrier (or anyone flirting with trying it):  do you think you’re going to have some medically trained friends nearby to put a CAT tourniquet on you if you screw up your re-holstering? What if you’re out in the sticks at a range by yourself with spotty cellular service and little or no help available?

AIWB Appendix Carry Concealed Dangerous CCW

“I’m cautious and skilled. I’m not worried about an accidental or negligent discharge,” you say.

Maybe you just met Mongo the Mauler in a dark alley and he wanted to do some thoracic surgery on you with his half-rusty Buck knife after you declined to surrender your wallet in a timely enough manner. You just applied some ballistic therapy to end his attack. Do you really think you’re going to be able to flawlessly execute a reholster as you’re shaking like a leaf thanks to that adrenaline dump?

Maybe you’ll actually be able to stay cool as a cucumber. Are you willing to bet your life on it? It would be a shame to survive a violent criminal attack only to do yourself in with an accident upon reholstering.

I’ve heard AIWB practitioners explain away some of these risks. “Well, I take the holster out of my pants to reholster every time.” Sure you do. “Just put the gun down somewhere instead of reholstering after a defensive gun use.” Not a bad plan, but what if you need it again quickly? “It’s safer than other carry methods.” Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that.

Yes, if I make a mistake holstering in my “late afternoon” carry position, at worst I get a new scar across my butt, but I’m not going to die of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. I’ve seriously considered AIWB carry because of its utility, but I just can’t get over the high cost of a mistake. My life’s worth more than that. Ditto for yours.

I’ve donned my asbestos suit as I expect a few flaming arrows for taking on a topic that a lot of people consider a sacred cow. Let’s hear it.


    • I totally disagree. It’s very simple. I don’t reholster a hot weapon if I appendix carry. If I have to reholster it takes a second to pull the holster out, slip the weapon in while pointed in a safe direction, then put holder and weapon back into my pants. *Mic drop*

      • “..pull the holster out, slip the weapon in while pointed in a safe direction, then put holder and weapon back into my pants…” And instantly point/carry it in an UNSAFE direction. *anyone who drops a mic doesn’t own the mic*

        • Ed gets it. That is EXACTLY what I do when I appendix carry, or carry at 4 o’clock. The ONLY time I ever re-holster IWB without removing the holster is at an IDPA event, and then there is ONLY skin, belt and pants. Just flash a LOT of skin when holstering. (Pull the shirt WAY up)

        • That’s why my holster has trigger guard. So that when I’m placing the holster in an “UNSAFE” direction, the trigger is covered. We can make these extreme case scenarios for any scenario. If the bad guy with a rusty buck knife is coming at you and you’re carrying it in the rear, that extra time might mean your life in a knife attack. Accidents can happen no matter the situation. Being cautious with the right equipment is the only safe guard. I carry appendix, I don’t like many aspects of it but all things considered it’s what I’ve gone with. I am always cautious and conscious, that’s all we can do while handling a firearm in any capacity

      • Exactly that works, also the sarcasm and angry rant and name calling suggest the author is a total idiot. I even read one guy saying that Guns go off in holsters in aiwb when you bend over hahaha, if you have a proper kydex holster, how does this happen, guys like the author is just sad really

  1. I have an extra “target” organ in that neighborhood, so no appendix carry for me EVER. My gluteus is much easier to repair.

    • Also a proper hip holster will point the gun away from the body, so if your gun does ND, you’d get a burn, not a bullet wound.

    • No extra organs for me, just the normal number (weirdo), but even then I’ll still not be pointing a loaded gun at my own vitals.
      Heck, the pipsqueak pistol being warmed in my front pocket holster at this moment makes me nervous enough and a snafu with it (at it’s usual angle) would merely nick my calf.

  2. I’m a reformed AIWB carrier, . . . switched to 3 o’clock for the very reasons cited in the article. It’s a “to each his own decision”, but I’ll stick with 3 o’clock.

  3. I have tried AIWB and can’t solve the printing issue. If I stand completely still with a loose shirt, I can do it, but otherwise, I may as well as well wear a sign that says GUN HERE. And sorry, it is just not comfortable except when standing.

    • Lack of comfort is a huge issue. Sure, it’s fine when standing, but I sit all day, and when I sit, even a subcompact digs deep into my groin and tries to work its way out of the top of my pants. But 3:30 or so, right behind the top of the femur, works just fine, so I need not tempt fate.

      • The same goes for driving. Appendix carry simply isn’t practical for anyone who is in a car a lot, especially if you are in and out frequently. I’m sure some people will say to simply take the gun out when you get in the car, and holster it again when you get out, but I just don;t see the value in doing that over and over all day.

  4. Not a fan. Funny how guys said on the video thread “let him be him, and you be you”. Yeah well, I haven’t shot myself via appendix carry and he did. So, I’m fine being me

  5. This is why I’m a strong proponent of 3 o’clock OWB carry. It’s still fairly concealable with the right shirt and doesn’t involve pointing your gun at anything you don’t want shot.

      • 8:00 for us sinestrous people. i’m tall and lanky and don’t wear overly loose clothing and even i can make a glock 43 disappear IWB at that position

    • im too fat for AIWB even if I wanted too. Im not a gluttonous monstrosity by any means but its not comfortable. Besides, my duty rig is at 3 o clock so thats where my off duty resides

  6. “…it’s unsafe. If you screw up your holstering, you will likely die.”

    Striker-fired, I agree.

    Looooong, heavy, DAO trigger like the Ruger LCR, not so much…

    • If the offending object in the trigger guard is your finger, yes, a long pull might help you notice in time. If it’s not your finger, the first thing you feel will be the bullet, unless you have a revolver and notice the cylinder turning or the hammer coming back.

      Anyway, try not to be like the female instructor in the article above, or Tex Grebner, for that matter.

      • First off, I feel bad for Tex.

        Anyways –

        ” If it’s not your finger, the first thing you feel will be the bullet, unless you have a revolver and notice the cylinder turning or the hammer coming back.”

        The trigger pull on the LCR is so stinking long and heavy you will not mistake pulling it. You will have to *really* shove HARD while holstering to get it to fire.

        Have you fired an LCR? It’s kinda like an SP-101, which I would also carry Appendix.

        But NEVER a striker-fired pistol…

        • Yeah, pulling the trigger on any DAO pocket pistol is like using a staple gun. I carry a PF9 all the time, but I put it in my pocket and still use a quality Viridian holster that covers the trigger.

      • Or pulling a AIWB with a DA/SA handgun and when you reholster keep your thumb on the hammer so if something gets caught in the trigger guard you’ll know when the hammer starts to come back against your thumb. It’s why some people will only AIWB with DA/SA handguns.

        • Better yet, get a DA/SA with a safety. You can always use a bullet trap (bucket on sand) to drop the hammer at home.

    • Even with a striker fired gun, I think the phrase “If you screw up your holstering, you will likely die” is overstating the threat. It’s potentially lethal, in that there’s a significant probability of hitting a major artery, but “likely die” implies the probability of death from improperly holstering an AIWB gun is over 0.5. I doubt the probability of death from an AIWB ND is over 0.5, and the probability of getting an ND from improperly holstering an AIWB gun is probably under 0.5 as well. It’s definitely dangerous, but overstating danger is still dishonest.

      Also, a striker fired gun with a functional safety, like an XD, is less likely to fire than a DAO gun if the user accidentally puts pressure against the trigger. But if there’s pressure on the trigger, and you get a solid grip on that grip safety, I’m not sure what would happen with that XD. AIWB is bad. Soft holsters are bad. And not ensuring a clear holster when holstering is bad.

      • I think the point is that if you “screw up your holstering” by managing to pull the trigger, the probability of a fatal wound is pretty significant. A femoral artery injury will lead to exsanguination and death in less than 15 minutes without immediate medical attention or prompt application of a tourniquet.

    • I carry a 3″ GP 100 in a clipped IWB hol ster. I hold two fingers on the clip and press it in with my thumb on the back of the hammer. Highly unlikely that I wouldn’t notice the hammer cycling all the way back if there was an obstruction in the trigger well. Still wouldn’t appendix carry though.

  7. I carry a Springfield XDM AIWB. I reholster with my thumb on the cocked striker indicator so the grip safety is not disabled. The risk of self perforation seems negligible to me. Not sure I’d carry a pistol this way that doesn’t have a grip safety.

  8. I am not convinced that AIWB provides any benefits over a 3 or 4 o’clock carry in terms of convenience or speed of presentation. Even if assuming for the sake of argument that it does, the trade-off reminds me of using highly flammable hydrogen in a blimp or dirigible instead of much safer helium.

  9. If you must appendix carry, then only external hammer fired double action semi-automatic pistols should be selected.

    The long, heavy trigger pull, for the first round, combined with the tactile feedback of the external hammer during holstering, makes the hammer fired, double action semi-automatic the only rational choice for appendix carry.

    • I’ve seen “experienced” shooters have ADs with long heavy DA guns. Yes, it’s less likely to happen than with a SA gun……. still happens, especially when someone is excited or briefly not paying attention.

  10. AIWB is fundamentally flawed. It violates one of the 4 gun safety rules-don’t point a firearm at something you’re not willing to destroy. There’s no arguing that occurs with AIWB. It’s a no go.

    • In realistic shooting terms, I agree. Of course, I’m also not willing to destroy my butt either, but here we are.

    • Incorrect. The four rules of gun safety only apply when HANDLING a firearm.

      If not pocket holsters would automatically violate the rules when you sit down. OWB or IWB would violate the rules when bending over or on the second floor. Shoulder rigs would also violate the rules as they are pointing at anyone in back of you.

      In Canada, safety checks use the PROVE method. Take a look at the E

      Point the firearm in a safe direction;
      Remove all ammunition;
      Observe the chamber;
      Verify the feeding path;
      Examine the bore for obstructions.


      • In my opinion you are Incorrect.
        That is only partially true. The gun rules actually ALWAYS apply. The point is, they aren’t just rules, they are in effect Principles. That’s how I teach the safety rules to my students. You look for ways they apply in the “meta” rather than in a black and white way.

        Sure you flag people or yourself on occasion when you carry in any form. However, with AIWB, you CONSTANTLY and CONSISTENTLY and even for longer periods of time, FLAG YOURSELF.

        Your example of flagging people downstairs when you’re upstairs is a bit of a poor example. We are firstly talking about direct, preventative unsafe handling. You said yourself it only applies to handling, if that is true, then you are rarely ever pointing a gun in a 100% safe direction as people exist everywhere and bullets travel for miles. We aren’t looking to split hairs here. We are looking for the most obvious forms of unsafe practices. Constant flagging of yourself literally only inches away from the muzzle is a stupid thing to ignore, just because “you flag people all the time if you’re on the second floor”.

  11. I used to appendix carry daily before loving my current 4 o’clock setup. When I train appendix it’s all dryfire. When I carry appendix it’s gun firmly and absolutely in the holster and then holster in pants. If I should ever have a DGU I won’t be reholstering.

  12. I’ve been carrying AIWB for over 30 years.
    I’ll continue to do so.
    If you read about me dying because of it, go ahead and point and laugh or shake your head.

    • If you die Tom I’m stealing your body and steal a boat and give you a Viking funeral.

    • Gabe White appendix carries and has done more draws and re-holsters than everyone on this board combined. This was operator error, not the fault of the gun.

      • Only the mouth breathers who use the term “Glock leg” unironically think it was the gun’s fault. The point of the article is that AIWB carry made this guy’s error MUCH worse because it’s fundamentally deeply flawed as a carry method.

      • Quote Dan Zimmerman: “Click on the link to the original post above. Gun and holster ID’d.”

        Geez – it took more effort to tell him to bugger off than it would have to merely say it was a G43 in a GCode INCOG.

        Oh – silly me – it is all about the clicks.

        • Agreed. That was kind of annoying but oh well. Hmm, good gun and good holster. I simply HAVE to know how this happened. It is driving me nuts (no pun intended).

        • I think it was a G43 somewhere in the vicinity of a GCode.
          It looks like he tosses the empty holster on the floor, and then just as the video ends, he pulls the Glock out of his pants.

          So I’m voting for “missed the holster entirely”.

      • He’s wearing an undershirt. I’ve seen undershirts get caught in holsters and trigger guards during the reholstering and called guys on it before they could fully reholster. They just pay attention to the outer shirt. It would also explain why it fired as he bent over. Shirt fabric being drawn tight inside the trigger guard. Maybe not the cause here, but that would be my bet.

        As a total side note: you just shot yourself with what might be (but probably not) a malfunctioning gun, why the hell would you throw that same gun towards 3 other people + fido? But then again, I’m not sure I’d be thinking straight if I’d just shot myself in the weewee parts.

  13. The safest handgun to carry is the DAO revolver. And I would not carry one of those pointed at my junk or femoral artery. Pocket holsters rock.

    That being on your own in the boonies is a thing. Since my retirement I solo hunt during the week. Not a good time to take chances with guns.

    Before cell phones I had a cousin shoot himself in the leg with a .45. Miles from help he had an entry hole in his thigh and an exit hole in his heel. And he had a clutch.

    So no appendix carry and yes on the auto tranny.

  14. You are also removing the ability to grapple and gain control of your weapon as easily. Many fights start as a physical altercation first.

  15. I dont even make it that far. The first time i put a holster on in that position, the extreme discomfort of having a holster dig into my inner thigh and groin was enough to get me to say eff that noise.

  16. Two words: double action. I likelihood of shooting myself in the junk with my 642 or 686 while reholstering in kydex is virtually nil. The likelihood of accidentally exposing my firearm at the 3 or 4 o’clock while getting in or out of my car, bending over at the waist, etc. is considerably greater. Also, for me anyways carrying appendix seems to mitigate the weight of a larger firearm better than at the 3 or 4 o’clock.

    I’ll stick with hipster carry.

    • Personally I like the undershirts with the built in holsters. Can carry all day that way. Only problem is the weapon gets sweat on it. So when back home baby needs a bath.

  17. The odds of a grievous AD with appendix carry seems higher than using the gun in a defensive scenario.

  18. This is one of those topics that always seems to devolve into a battle of anecdotes. If hard statistics were available this topic might be less controversial. Sure an AIWB ND probably has greater risk of fatal injury, but is the rate of AIWB ND significantly higher than other forms of carry? People pick comfort over risk all the time unless the risk is too high to ignore. Tangentially related: I pocket carry a low capacity .380. I know this combo is less effective against a single attacker and I am probably screwed against multiple attackers. But I like being ALWAYS armed and in comfort, which was not always the case when I used IWB holsters. Carry style is all about the compromise and trade offs.

    • CLarson,

      I am aware of another incident where appendix carry and an unintentional discharge had catastrophic results (death) for the carrier.

        • As I recall, Corporal Donald Hoobler of the 502nd PIR died on January 3, 1945. When he place his captured Luger P08 just behind his Front Waist Belt, when the pistol discharged. And the bullet traveled down his Right Pants Leg and Severed the Main Artery in his Right Leg.

      • Heh, I have heard of a few also. But I have heard many IWB and OWB ND stories too. My point was that stories are anecdotal and it’s only after we gathered all the data would we know enough to draw conclusions. For example, we could find out that AIWB NDs are more lethal but happen much less often because people take more care when holstering ergo AIWB is actually safer overall. Looking at data as a whole often reveals counter intuitive truths. Right now we just don’t know and are guessing.

        • The Luger was a very dangerous weapon to the untrained because the sear was exposed above the sideplate. Pressure applied to the exposed part of the sear would release the striker, firing if a cartridge was present in the chamber. There was more than one incident of captured German officers offering their P08 in surrender holding it flat in both palms and at the last minute pressing the sear. Nasty trick.

  19. Great information John. Thank you , I hope people take your advice seriously. I certainly would not want to loose my private parts , nor would I want to hit my femoral artery. Accidents happen to the best of us. Best to avoid any chance of an accident that is easily avoided. As you said , an ass cheek scar trumps a chance of bleeding out due to an accidental frontal fire wound , after all , who points a gun at themselves.

  20. Meh, with the right holster and the right pistol AIWB is just as safe as any other form of carry.

    • Only when reholstering is done wrong. There is a perfectly safe way to do it that does not involve pointing the muzzle at yourself.

      You just don’t see it demonstrated much on the internet.

  21. Uh, you do realize that you never reholster an appendix rig while wearing the holster right? Always holstered off body then the whole rig gets put on. That’s how you do appendix correctly.

    • I see people re-holster in a kydex appendix rig all the time. I would agree with you if it was a collapsible holster, but have you ever seen Gabe White? He carries appendix and is constantly re-holstering.

      • I AIWB 90% of the time, other times 3:00 OWB. I train once a year, live fire once a month and dry fire daily. If I reholster with one in the pipe, i slightly bend my knees and push out my pelvis before holstering, its habit. I also take out the empty kydex holster to reholster.

      • Yes, and if Gabe jumped off a cliff would you be doing that as well? You can bet that Mr. White has had a lot of practice re-holstering with NO AMMO and the same weapon/holster to the point he can do it without thought, on muscle memory alone. Not everyone is capable of performing those tasks that way, so this is a dangerous practice for most people doing concealed carry.

        Unless you recline your car seat back it is also very uncomfortable, not to mention nearly impossible to draw from inside a vehicle.

        I avoid all of that and carry a large acp double-stack DA/SA pistol in a shoulder rig, and I always wear a concealment garment, with a paddle type kydex Safariland retention hip holster. I have no need for IWB or AIWB and have never had the desire to carry in those modes. I can understand some people don’t want to carry a large frame pistol, but I would rather just have this one weapon and be competent with it instead of going smaller in size and with a short sight radius, and not having the weapon securely holstered when in public. I usually wear a t-shirt and wear a long sleeve button up shirt and no one has ever noticed that I am armed – unless they happen to have a magnetometer on them.

        I do not consider soft pocket holsters adequate for carry, nor most front carry types to be safe and reliable. A hard shell plastic OWB or leather shoulder rig are simply more secure and safe to use. I know when I re-holster the weapon where it will be afterwards, and I do not have to look or feel for it – it just goes where it is supposed to.

  22. Had a guy at an advanced shooting course tell me appendix carry was unsafe, then promptly pointed his gun at his pelvis while trying to reholster his 4 o’clock rig. Had to get his shirt out of the way I guess. I mean he certainly couldn’t see his gun go into his holster like I could. Anyway, I smiled and said thanks and promptly drew and shot within the accuracy standard faster than anyone at the course by a wide a noticable margin. How much of that was due to my gear or my practice regimen, I don’t know.

    I am, however, investing in a beretta 92 to replace my glock 17, for reasons discussed here already.

  23. I completely agree for multiple reasons. First off I don’t understand the appeal, I’ve tried it with a variety of weapons and while comfortable standing it absolutely doesn’t work sitting down regardless of how small the gun is. I’m built fairly average as well. The safety issues are obvious, I would be willing to bet that the odds of having an ND while holstering or UNholstering are significantly greater than the odds of actually using your weapon defensively. It doesn’t matter how much a person trains, shit happens. People screw up, NDs happen, your choice to carry is based on acknowledging the tiny chance of needing a gun so you plan for shtf by carrying. Acknowledge the risk of a ND and carry in a way that if you manage to fuck up and give your “glock leg” while shit is going sideways you just get some stitches in your ass and not blow off your junk and die. AIWB is just not a good choice. The only advantage I can see is being able to constantly check that your gun is covered just by looking at your shoes. I actually have a similar issue with shoulder holsters and shooting behind you or yourself in the armpit. Sorry for the long rant.

  24. I appendix carry, and up until reading this article, I felt pretty comfortable with it. I’m left handed, and thought that might not mean much to righties, it means that a lot of times, (think driver’s seat) my range of motion is limited. Appendix carry solved that for me with a Glock 43. However, everything he said in this article makes sense, and, in answer to all of his questions, no I can’t be sure 100% all the time. I don’t have much of a butt anyway, so I’m willing to risk what a little off of what little I have. However, I’m fan of my front bits and i really don’t have any femoral arteries to spare. Crossbreed mini tuck it’s going to have to be from now on. Thanks for the article!

    • As a fellow lefty, I think we have an advantage while driving and carrying strong side. Only one belt in the way instead of the double belt plus buckle

      • For me, it’s more the car door getting in the way. I have to lean way forward and away from the door to access my gun at 3 o’clock or further due to the way my elbow extends. Anyone got a better draw technique or drill? Or do I just need to suck it up?

        • Mine is at 8, the draw is hard to describe, like doing a crunch with my right shoulder going to my right knee and my left shoulder going backwards as I draw. The butt of my gun goes up into my armpit then I present from there. I’m not describing that very well.

    • Also a southpaw and I carry a 3″ 1911 at 11:00. While I do have two external safeties (grip and thumb), I have never had problems in 15 years of daily carry and regular training. With that in mind, I think Matt O has it backwards- lefty driving while carrying is a severe disadvantage. Most likely, you’ll present through the driver’s side window which is almost impossible as a lefty carrying at 8:00-9:00 – it involves bending towards the passenger seat (possibly losing eye contact with target), presenting your side with the firearm to the exposed window, a draw with your arm in tight spaces, etc. Carrying AIWB puts the firearm almost dead center and alleviates most of these issues. FWIW, it mostly boils down to training, training, training.

      • That’s how I’ve always seen it as well, and it’s actually the reason I originally shifted to appendix carry. I think what I’ll just have to start doing is running drills with some snap caps to see just how much of a risk I’m putting myself at. If I can’t get it right, I’ll shift away from AIWB. Thanks for the input!

      • A 1911 is arguably the safest to reholster appendix because you can engage the thumb safety, lift the heel of your hand off of the grip safety and physically restrain the cocked hammer with your thumb.

        Just sayin’

      • I’ve done some live fire practice from a junked car with some friends, my take away was that the seatbelt was in the way for right side draw but once drawn presentation was easy and left side nothing was in the way of the draw but presentation was an act of contortion. Nobody was carrying appendix so I have no data but your logic makes sense. I think having to engage from iwb while buckled up in the car is a bad place to be no matter how you carry

        • I carry a G43 appendix and realized the issues of drawing while seated and strapped into my car. So I have a second option while in my car, a G19 in a sticky holster put between the passenger seat and the center console. I put a ball cap over it when I leave my car and lock it, but it’s always right there. I am right handed but also train with my left. Sounds like you guys need a trip to the next gunshow !
          Just sayin’

  25. 3:00 OWB or 4:00 IWB for me. And if anyone points a gun at my junk, I’m going to shoot him.

  26. “I know appendix carry enjoys increasing popularity among younger shooters and not a few hipsters. It’s also the choice of many keyboard commandos who want to be just like their heroes in the gun community. To say nothing of the folks who think they can buy skills in a bubble-pack on aisle three of their local Cabela’s/Bass Pro.”

    Spoken like the typical know it all condescending dipstick who fears his own unavoidable stupidity, but probably considers himself one of “the Heroes” of the gun community.

    A worthless perspective. Cheers.

    • Yep, you sure know John Boch, don’t you? *rolling eyes*

      I can picture John now in his best C-Mac voice, “Who da fook is that guy…”.

      • I do know a condescending opening remark when I see one and expressing the opinion at the beginning that anyone who isn’t already in agreement with you is somehow inferior or lacking before even stating your case is a bit arrogant and pretentious, regardless of background. I’ll still read his articles, my feelings are certainly not hurt by the strange need to insult people as you introduce your case, but I will express the opinion that it’s kind of counter productive.

        Good of you to come to his defense though, I’m sure I hurt his feelings horribly. Hug it out, it’s gonna be OK.

        • Ah, that’s cute. Your passive-aggressive position (that contributed even less to the topic at hand than the portion that triggered you) notwithstanding, John doesn’t need anyone to defend him, I’m sure. I just call em like I see em, so it’s all good.

          Sounds like you could use the hug, my friend, so give yourself one from me and have a good night.

  27. I don’t see why people can’t just carry on the hip? I think a lot of people freak out way too much about printing. Having carried for years I can tell you no one really notices printing, and if they do? So the Fuck what.

    • People concerned about printing show spend a day open carrying if it’s legal where they live. The only people who are going to notice are cops and people who carry. The simple act of covering your OWB carry system is sufficient

  28. I address this a several ways using my EDC’s which are the 9mm M&P Shield or Sig P238:

    1- the Shield is OWB in a Sneaky Pete
    2- my Shield also has a safety, I won’t own a striker fired handgun without one
    3- the P-238 is carried both in a pocket holster and an OWB holster
    4- the P-238 also has a safety

    The guns are always carried locked and loaded with the safety engaged, I always train disengaging the safety during the draw and before re-holstering.

  29. Ugh. AIWB isn’t to blame for someone’s carelessness or poor choices.

    I carry appendix because it is the only mode of carry that works for my physiology. I only carry with a TDA pistol so that I have the ability to cover the hammer with my thumb when reholstering AND the pistol is always reholstered in DA mode with the hammer down.

    Dudes carrying AIWB with what are essentially SA pistols without grip or thumb safeties are crazy… but that isn’t AIWB’s fault.

    I also get a kick out of all the strong side carriers at the range who muzzle themselves and others to and from the holster – some even aiming the gun at their torso to reholster in their hybrid holsters. But, yeah, sure… that’s safer. :eyeroll:

  30. Tried AIWB with an outside “pager” for in-court carry back in the late 90’s. No good. Despite a 33″ waist, and a small gun ( Kel-Tec P-11) it was mighty uncomfortable sitting down. Can’t understand it’s popularity today.
    I much prefer a DeSantis fanny pack for casual carry. For dress up, a DeSantis OWB molded leather thumbreak holster is just fine.

  31. I agree with on all that but sum it up as follows:
    A gun pointed at my balls, all day, everyday? No thank you.

    I’d stop carrying before I’d appendix carry.

  32. I appendix carry, in a simple sticky holster and it’s great. That being said, I’m sketchy about it for a very different reason. in the car, my lap belt presses against it. In the event Of a high speed collision and lockup, the lap belt will press the gun forcefully against my pelvis, creating a pressure point that will probably break it. Therefore, I remove the gun from my waistband when driving. Hence, the sticky holder for it’s easy removal while still in the holster.

  33. Brain farts can and do happen. Even to smart people. Best to prepare accordingly.

  34. If I carry it’s in my pocket in a Nemesis. I may get a Sneaky Pete or similar…been at this for 7 years and DO NOT understand pointing a pistol at your penis😩😖😢Guess I’m not operating operationally…

  35. I AIWB all the time. It’s the most comfortable for me and the most concealable. It works driving or on my motorcycle. I think it is an absolutely safe practice provided you pay absolute attention every time you handle the firearm and the holster. Frankly, to me, I think you should be paying absolute attention every time you handle any firearm and holster – “experienced shooters” who shoot themselves have let familiarity lead to complacency and that is where disasters happen.

    No – I never reholster in place.

    Holster is removed (either a Kydex standard style or a Raven Vanguard), pistol reholstered, holster placed in AIWB position.

    If I’ve just had a defensive gun use why on God’s green earth would I be in a hurry to reholster? Bad guy is down so I may go to a low ready/sul position, and when the police arrive I place the firearm on the deck, hands up, step back from the gun for all to see. I’m not going to drop a mag or manipulate it to clear the action – the last thing I need is for responding units to see someone in the street manipulating a firearm with a body nearby.

    I think that AIWB is no different from making the choice to carry a heavy DA revolver, or a striker fired pistol with safety, or a striker with no safety – each has a “safety factor” built in that you work around given your skill level and your comfort level with firearms.

    Is AIWB with my Glock potentially more dangerous than a 3 o’clock belt holster with a revolver? Are people each time, every time, sweeping all cover and undergarments clear of that outside belt holster and visualizing the entire reholster process to ensure nothing interferes?

    Plenty of negligent discharges occur with other carry methods. I think you don’t hear about AIWB issues as much because not as many people carry that way and 99% of the people that do are anal-retentive about safety.

  36. The writers arrogance in his opening regarding keyboard comandos is not the way to get people to come around to his point of view. I appendix carry cause its confortable for me, easy to protect, east to see if a shirt is riding high and exposing it, easy draw. As noted previously Gabe White, Eric Langdon, Caleb Giddings and countless others AIWB, and incredibly they aren’t dead. You have an exponentially greater risk of dying while driving than carring appendix. But I guess if dumping on other gun peoples choices makes you feel better then go nuts. But you would be an idiot, and you should feel bad.

    • just because “countless” others get away with doing something unsafe safely, doesn’t mean its now “safe”. Countless kids have jumped off their roof into their pool and didn’t get hurt, so by your logic that’s now a safe recreational activity. see how that DOESN’T work?

      if one way tends to be more prone to accidents then others, why use the accident prone method??? just to say you can? buck the system?

      You’re gonna have a hard time convincing anyone that a gun shoved into your crotch is more comfortable than any other method. that just shows your stubbornness.

      • “Only a Sith deals in absolutes!” – Obi-Wan Kenobi

        “Do or do not, there is no try.” – Yoda

        (now that I’ve thoroughly blown your mind):

        It’s gonna be ok. You do you, boo. You do you.

  37. All Ignorant White Boyz, a pistol shoved down the front of your pants is only safe if your a gangbanger or Philippino assassin

  38. I find IWB in any position uncomfortable and the only gun I use it is a XD 9mm sub compact in the 3 o’clock position. I don’t see how people shove a 1911 down their pants. The amount of time you will save in a draw is insignificant. If you have put yourself in a situation where a 10th of a second means your survival you have done more than enough wrong to get yourself killed.

  39. yes. anyone who AIWB carries is an idiot and i avoid them at all costs.

    its just beyond stupid. the same person will sit and tell you how important the 4 gun rules are, all while ignoring the “know what you are pointing at and whats behind it” as the barrel stares at his nuts.

    i think guys do it just so they can talk about doing it and then people eyeball their groin.

    AIWB = colossal moron

    • That’s like saying we shouldn’t use sharp knives to cut our steak because it might cut our finger instead.

      When you grow up, you can come sit at the big kid table and use sharp knives too.

    • The only moron here is you. I’ve been carrying AIWB with a Glock for over 20 years. Most of the top trainers in the industry also carry a Glock AIWB. Self proclaimed experts like yourself are usually some fat slob who thinks a Kel-Tec in a uncle mikes holster is considered well armed. People have been carrying AIWB probably longer than any other method. Check your history. I’m sure there are pictures that even someone with a pea brain like yourself can comprehend.

  40. If you’re sitting in a Wheelchair all day! The only thing you’re going to accomplish is to Cut Off Blood Circulation to the Lower Body.

  41. Around 1990 I bought a Mitch Rosen “Tito’s Revenge” holster to carry a 3″ 1911 on the belly. Before that it had always been J-frames in pockets or shoulder rigs for CI work (and 1911s or N-frames in river holsters for everything else).

    The AIWB carry was punishing, especially when driving or riding a motorcycle, but I persisted because that holster cost a bunch and I’d waited months to get it. Now I’m older, fatter and more careful with my junk, and carry OWB strongside 16 hours a day.

    Not gonna tell anyone else what to do. Fads come and go, particularly in the firearms world, and this too will pass.

  42. Don’t like it? Scared you’ll shoot yourself? Then don’t do it. If you are careful and deliberate, you won’t blow your dick off. Clear your holster and keep your bugar-hook off the pew-lever and out of its home and you’ll be Kosher come passover.

    Mistakes can be made, don’t make me dig out the “I just shot myself! Son of a bitch!” video where a dude carrying @ kidney puts one into the back of his thigh while practicing his draw & fire.

    I carry appendix because it prints the least (i.e. conceals the best) even with a basic T-shirt. I carry everywhere I go and it makes me stand out the least. I don’t like wearing “shoot-me-first” pants or hats or attire. I wear jeans and a tshirt and a beat-to-hell old nike hat. I prefer not looking the part.

    I also appendix carry because I *know* the risks and am very OCD about clearing the holster with each insertion (heh…”insertion”).

    To each their own, but as we used to say, “Handle your shit, so nobody else has to.”

  43. Some don’t have much at stake, but I somewhat do. Agree with this article wholeheartedly.

  44. I’ve always thought that as well. I’ve never had an ND (knocks on wood) but if I were to ever have one, I don’t want it in the general vicinity of my other “gun”.

    Common sense goes a long way in this situation. Even in the Marine Corps, I was trained to not expose the femoral artery when kneeling and shooting. Will it likely ever matter? No, but shit happens.

  45. So no mention of the dozens and dozens of top instructors who use and recommend the method? I’m not saying you have to agree with them, I’m saying this isn’t a one-sided issue where anyone on one side is a moron (to be fair this is more directed to some comments than the article, but it does gloss over this point). If everyone who carries AIWB is an idiot, you are ignoring many people who are very worth listening to.

    Also, “you will likely die.” Nope. It’s entirely possible to reholster in such a way that in the event of an ND, the round will hit the ground in front of you. There are plenty of instructors’ videos demonstrating this, but the best is probably John Johnston’s where he uses a simunitions gun to prove the point. Long story short, use a holster with a wedge and lean back when holstering. This is in addition to other safety measures, like appropriate holsters, keeping your finger off the trigger, etc.

    Not to mention that terrible things still happen if you ND with other method, especially if reholstering involves finding the mouth of the holster with the muzzle, which a surprising number of people do, pointing the gun at their kidneys. Safer reholstering is safer, stupid reholstering is stupid, regardless of carry position.

    AIWB has plenty of advantages. For some of us, it’s the only way to comfortably carry a full size gun, or even any gun. For everyone, it’s objectively faster than other concealment methods. It’s objectively easier to protect the gun from grabs or people bumping into it and noticing it. You don’t have to do it, but it’s entirely reasonable for someone to choose it if they’re aware of the risks and the right way to go about it.

    So with the caliber war over, can we please not replace it with another endless argument where we insult each others’ intelligence for reasonable personal defense choices that we just don’t personally agree with?

  46. All the best to those who appendix carry. If it works for you, do it. I just never got comfortable with a loaded gun, be it mine or somebody else’s, pointed at those particular body parts. It’s probably all in my head (the one on my shoulders), but I’ll stick with IWB at 3:30.

  47. I got an idea, how about you carry your shit the way you want, and I’ll carry mine the way I want. If you dont like my way you can mind your own business. What ever happened to any gun is better than no gun? Y’all are like a bunch of old lady busy bodies.

  48. God how stupid. “At best, you’ll probably blow apart your reproductive parts.” Can you even reference a case where that actually happened?

    And besides, who says you have to holster the weapon while it’s on your person? There’s no reason why anyone can’t carry AIWB safely. This is just click bait immature BS.

    • “Can you even reference a case”… uh, maybe the video embedded in this very article?

  49. This is just myself,however I won’t carry a striker fired anything appendix.

  50. I firmly believe that in a few years, we will view appendix carry the same way we now view the Blackhawk Serpa. Inherently dangerous, irreconcilably flawed, but still hyper-aggressively defended by a small cadre of people desperate to justify a bad purchase decision.

  51. I don’t appendix carry. It is uncomfortable to especially while driving, the muzzle digs into my leg and the though of “if something went wrong it’s either my dicknballs or my fem, either way that’s game over” keeps popping in and out of my mind. In my opinion I like 4-5oclock

    • I’m glad somebody posted this and I hope John Bosch and others who apparently know everything take a few minutes to watch it.

      In particular, there is a strong bias about AIWB that you are breaking a cardinal rule by muzzling yourself that doesn’t exist with strong side IWB or even OWB carry.

      The video has some nice information that completely disproves that…. you are in fact muzzling yourself when carrying at 3-5 o’clock and negligent discharges and holstering mistakes have caused plenty of ER visits when carrying in those positions as well.

      I never knew that Bosch and so many others here were FUDDs about a carry method practiced by tens of thousands of responsible gun owners and taught by numerous professional trainers, but, here we are.

  52. I have been carrying 12 o clock for the last 10 years and have gone through numerous guns and holsters with no issues. My newest combo allows me to carry a Steyr L9A1 with a 17+1 mag comfortably with limited printing if the holster is orientated correctly. Like others have said, never reholster on your body and be careful when putting the gun back on.

    Pros of AIWB:
    1. Comfort for some (me)
    2. Arguably the fastest draw
    3. You can carry an enormous handgun with almost no drama (L9A1)
    4. Limited printing

    My rig sits pretty high near my stomach but my brother just showed me his new one that sits so low the barrel is actually lower than your junk, guaranteeing an AD will just go in the floor. It was a super hard and slow draw though…

  53. My main problem with AIWB carry is illustrated in the 4th picture. It doesn’t mix well with dunlops.

  54. So I am not stupid. I have plenty of firearm training and practice how I carry on a regular basis. I am a very large fat man. I carry appendix for the simple reason that I can protect the gun and it is comfortable for me. I have been a competitive shooter for 7 years (not that it matters other then the following) and have seen two people shoot themselves at the range. Both incidents where in reholstering the gun and they did not follow proper reholstering methods in both cases.

    So John is entitled to his opinion but it is just opinion. Setting up straw man arguments about how under x or y conditions something will happen is not a good argument in my opinion. People can shoot themselves in the same places in any type of holster it happens all the time. I dont object to anyone having or stating their opinion just dont appreciate being told I am untrained or stupid for having a different one.

  55. The example listed in the story is one too many, but I wonder if there are any stats on carry accidents, particularly reholstering (not pulling the trigger because you dropped your gun and tried to catch it in the air).

    I mean, there’s a certain amount of risk in just carrying a gun, and if we really want to minimize the possibility of an injury, wouldn’t we all carry revolvers in ankle holsters?

  56. I appendix carry my Ruger LCR all the time, no worries.

    I also do not remove it from the holster and then re-holster. I remove the gun and holster together when disarming and keep the gun in the holster when arming.

  57. I prefer to carry AIWB. I have the body type that fits it well, and for most the year in Texas, it is what I go to when the weather demands less clothing. A couple of thoughts. In the video, the guy that gets shot was using an ICOG index holster. These are quality holsters and have a built in cant that naturally points the firearm away from the body. I have used one for several years with no issues. That said, during the times of the year I carry AIWB, I carry DA/SA Sigs, both with de-cockers and hammer down. As an NRA certified instructor, I just could not get comfortable with striker fired pistols in AIWB. They require more training but add that extra safety factor.

  58. My Marine First Sgt carried a Snub nose Combat Magnum no holster cross draw appendix carry in What he said was a Mexican style.
    Never shot himself, Top toted that revolver religiously.
    Personally I find the appendix carry unsuitable to painful and prefer Side hip IWB with a holster, though I have carried a 1911A1 Colt Mexican style as well. Never shot myself in over 48 years. A man just got to know his limitations.

  59. Agree with you, John. I don’t think it’s a safe carry method. Besides that, quite frankly it’s not at all comfortable and I’m fit with no gut to worry about. It’s especially impractical when you’re driving a car, and I’m in my car all day. If I carry a subcompact it’s in a pocket holster, anything larger is at 4 0-clock.

  60. If you carry high quality revolvers or well respected DAO hammer-fired self-loaders, there is absolutely no more danger in carrying AIWB than in any other position. You can feel safe if your holster is good — you spent a little extra money to get this quality item that completely covers the trigger guard and is rigid enough to stand up to wear. You needn’t worry because you know only a long, deliberate squeezing of the trigger will make that firing pin contact a primer. It seems to me that to think otherwise is to indulge superstition and unreasonable fears. Hammer fired DAO weapons do have one drawback, and one only: They demand a lot more practice to use effectively, i.e. to hit targets where you want consistently. But practice does remedy this problem, and at the same time it makes you much more familiar with your gun, something we should all strive for anyway. But again, hammer-fired DAO weapons are inherently safer than other types. (I suppose you could also add DA/SA semi-autos here too. They demand that same long and heavier trigger travel for the first shot. The problem with them comes at reholstering time when they are effectively SA till the decocker is engaged….if the user remembers to use it.)

    What increases danger greatly is to carry striker-fired or 1911 style guns in AIWB or any other position. Many of them are excellent weapons, but they are inherently more prone to accidents because of their design. The fellow in the video was carrying, I believe, a Glock, a brand notorious for this kind of AD. (I know many Americans like Glock pistols, and I grant they are well-made and reliable, but they are on the extreme end of the “unsafe” meter since they have no manual safety beyond that ridiculous and worthless trigger device added by Gaston & associates to help defend against lawsuits. I also suspect that the idiot FBI agent who recently became infamous for his dancing & shooting skills was armed with a Glock.)

    • As is usually the case, waaaaay too many self proclaimed experts out here that know zero about weapons and the use of them. That “worthless” safety device in the face of the trigger is part of a system of safeties. That worthless device is what prevents the weapon from firing if dropped. Unlike the sig 320 debacle. These things were designed for a reason. All you safety Sallys out there that refuse to carry AIWB or refuse to carry a weapon that doesn’t have 14 manual safeties, perhaps you aren’t as trained as well as you think you are.

  61. I agree 100%. Here’s why: I’ve carried Appendix (AIWB) (the 12, 1, or 2 O’clock). I’ve carried at the 3, 4, and 5 O’clock positions. I’ve carried at the 11 O’clock position too (not sure if that really qualifies as “appendix” as it’s on the other side from there, with the gun barrel pointed at my left leg, not at my “junk”.) I shoot regularly (I have my own range). I carry daily, no matter where I go (very gun friendly state). I always carry IWB, no matter what position. Of all the possible positions, I’ve found that the 5 O’clock is actually the best position (for right handed people – for lefties it would be the 7 O’clock).

    Here’s why: Let’s say you find yourself in a DGU (Defensive Gun Use) situation. During the situation, something happens, and you find that you are unable to use your strong arm, or your hand is useless due to nerve damage, or anything else, and you are unable to draw your weapon with the hand you normally would. If you carry in any other position, besides somewhere in the 5-7 O’clock, you will find it’s nearly impossible to draw with the weak hand.

    Go ahead, try. Immobilize your strong hand, any way you want. No cheating. Just put your strong hand in your pocket, or inside you pants. Now try to draw, quickly, easily, and smoothly with your weak hand. If your gun is in any position besides the 5, 6, or 7 O’clock position, you will have difficulty drawing. While you won’t have “optimum” draw even in the 5, 6, or 7 O’clock, it will at least be doable. Practice, will make it easy.

    Some will say that you shouldn’t ever be caught unaware or get shot in your strong arm… yeah, keep your head in the sand then. It happens. Sh*t happens. Maybe you mis-step, and fall, and break your arm, or you get slammed into a door as your exiting a business and pinned… What if you lose your whole strong arm (or hand) in an accident? I have a buddy who did… Got hit by a driver while riding his motorcycle. Accidents HAPPEN. Regardless, if you suddenly need to draw with your weak hand, you’ll be wishing that just once, you’d thought this through, and placed the weapon in a position on your body where you could draw it with the weak hand, and practiced. No, it’s not the most comfortable, position, but the point is, comfort is not what carrying is about. Being able to draw your weapon, no matter what happens, when you need it, is what is important.

    Some will also say “Well, if I carry open like that, it will make it easier for bad guys to steal it from me.” – So carry concealed! Or if you think you should never be “unaware”, then why are you worried about them sneaking up on you? “But now I have to pay for the class!” – yeah? Well you bought a $350+ gun… quit being cheap, get your CCW, and carry. The ONLY excuse is if your state is ass backwards and doesn’t allow CCW, but does allow open carry… I’d still have to seriously consider carrying in the 5 O’clock, and I probably would.

    Just my thoughts.

    • Ughhhh. 5-7 o’clock is the easiest to draw from with weak hand?! One of the advantages of appendix carry is the ability to draw with either hand. THERE IS NO EASIER POSITION TO DRAW FROM, PERIOD. 5-7 o’clock is no where near as easy to draw using weak hand as is 1 or 11 o’clock. I wanna see you draw from 5-7 o’clock concealed with your weak hand faster than appendix. Really, I could use a good laugh. (Facepalm)

      • Just exactly how is either 5 and/or 7-o’clock an “Appendix” carry, when both locations are neither close to where the Appendix is…

        • It’s not. That’s my point. It is physiologically impossible for weak hand draw to be easier from 5 or 7 o’clock than it is from appendix carry which is either 1 o’clock for righties or 11 o’clock for lefties. There’s a whole lot of stupid in the comments section. And in the main article.

    • A simpler solution is to carry your main gun in your preferred spot (for me it is OWB at 4 PM) and then have a back up subcompact in the opposite pocket (i.e. I carry a Glock 26 or VP9SK in my left front pocket). This way, I’m covered regardless of which of my arms becomes unusable.

  62. Clearly, none of you bother to read. I never said the 5 or 7 O’clock is “Appendix”. I did say that I have carried at the 11-O’Clock, but didn’t thin that really qualified as “appendix” – mainly because your appendix is on your right side of your body. As for being able to draw from the 1 or 2 O’clock (or 11 O’Clock) weak hand? Really? You think it’s easier? You have to REVERSE your weak hand – basically forcing it into an unnatural position, and then lift your shirt (remember, this is under the assumption you can’t USE your STRONG HAND AT ALL), then reverse your hand to grip the pistol properly, and draw it, without an ND! SO YES, drawing CONCEALED from the 5 or 6 O’Clock IS EASIER than drawing concealed from any “appendix” carry position – and this is doubly so if you carry a spare tire. The only reason anyone would think drawing appendix is easier is because they’ve never really practiced drawing from the 5 or 7 O’clock with their weak hand and then tried with it at appendix and timed both after practicing – again, NO USE OF YOUR STRONG HAND AT ALL! If you don’t agree, fine – to each his own, but I challenge you to try this without blowing your nuts off and then try the 5, 6, or 7 O’clock regularly. Clearly many of you can’t think without insulting someone who thinks differently from you and that’s whats so screwed up in this country now – so screw off if all you can do is throw insults because you think my reasoning is flawed. Most of you are just wanna-be-posers who have no real experience anyway and are just trolling. All I’m trying to do is give some valid points as to why I think appendix is bad, and small of the back is better. I don’t have time for morons anyway.

    • The Appendix “Isn’t” anywhere near the 1 o’clock position, it’s barely 5-minutes out from the 12 o’clock position…

    • Anyone who carries in the small of the back, is the moron. I don’t have a spare tire, I stay in shape and workout regularly, unlike 98% that frequents this forum. Even for me reaching around my body to access a gun carried at 4-5 o’clock is a stretch. And so using only your weak hand, how is it that you get the concealment garment out of the way? It’s all more natural carrying appendix.

  63. John….

    I agree with most of what you said. Here’s my take.

    1) If you shoot yoursel in the Femoral Artery you will die.

    2) Appendix carry is not for the unskilled

    3) Appendix carry is not for unknowledgeable

    4) Appendix carry is not for the individual who believes a pistol can go “Bang” all by itself

    5) If a person holsters the pistol improperly (something wedged/caught inside the trigger guard) and then bends over and the pistol goes off I much rather they shoot them self’s then a adult or child standing behind them (for those who carry on the hip). I much rather that the pistol never goes off.

    6) I do carry appendix using a a MIC holster (it a trigger guard). With the pistol in front of me pointing at the ground I snap the MIC securely over the trigger guard. (The MIC is attached to my belt loop via a para cord that is attached to the MIC.

    I now place the pistol inside my waist band at 2 o’clock with the trigger guard fully enclosed. Also the MIC has enough retention that I can hold the para cord and dangle the pistol in front of me tugging up and down and the MIC stays on. When you draw the MIC does not come off until the pistol is snapped up and forward in front of you.

    My pistol of choice is a Springfield XD mod 2 4” (much better pistol than a Glock 😉 sorry Glock fans) which has a grip safety. This is an added safety feature. When I am using appendix carry I make sure I do not disengage the grip safety while holstering at 2 o’clock. Keeping my thumb on the back of the slide accomplishes this. The same thing when I am required to use a holster at IDPA & USPSA matches.

  64. For AIWB + Glock :

    Cominolli makes an excellent, super reliable after market thumb safety (1911 style) that much reduces the chance of a ND or accidental discharge when carrying appendix or any other style. I have had it on my G21 for almost 10 years. It does not void the warranty either, and some law enforcement agencies have them in their issued firearms.

    I know I’ll get a lot of flack for this because many are against after market safety mods, but the safety is an option for those who would rather have a thumb safety in their carry pistol and don’t have access to any firearm other than a Glock

  65. Damn, you started a fire. Does anyone get a muzzle to the testicles when they sit in aiwb position, or is it just me. damned uncomfortable, if not excruciating. Stupidest of ideas I’ve had carrying.

  66. Waist Hip carry when you bend is aimed at your femoral and shoulder carry is aimed at the person behind you. A proper holster and draw technique is what makes it safe. We are acting like guns go off on their own all the time and thats totally against the safety we are touting as gun owners. I am a thin athletic built guy and the only place I can carry is AIWB because anywhere else my Glock 43 and Sig P238 look like I am carrying a cannon. How many recorded incidents are there with AIWB carry or unintended discharges? I am sure you will find many AIWB incidents come from improper drawing or a holster without a trigger guard.

  67. I carry AIWB most of the time. I’ve had my shoulder repaired and my flexibility to reach my hip is somewhat limited. I can and do occasionally carry 3 o’clock but can’t comfortably reach back to 4 or 5 without extra effort. That being said, I carry a 4″ 1911 Range Officer Compact with a manual and grip safety and feel comfortable with that setup. I don’t like the striker fired pistols for appendix carry for the reasons in the article. It is a dicey thing and one little mistake can be catastrophic. However, each of us have to know our limitations and training and make the intelligent choice, just like we do when deciding to carry in the first place.

    • That’s an old fashion rule that no longer makes any sense because it would preclude me from doing something I saw a guy do on youtube!

  68. Haven’t read all the comments so someone else may have brought this up. Try this exercise: Sit. Anywhere. In your car, in a booth in a restaurant or in your easy chair at home. While appendix carrying, draw your firearm *without* flagging a body part with the muzzle of a loaded weapon in a stress situation.

    Case closed.

    • No, you don’t understand. People who AIWB carry have covered all those issues with “yeah, but..” Clearly you have not thought this out as well as they have. As you get older, you realize that you would not necessarily take advice from a 10-20 year younger version of yourself. Until people think about their “experienced” opinions in that way, they will continue to make poor decisions without realizing it. Also, don’t discount the mindset of, “It hasn’t happened to me or anyone I know or care about, therefore it’s safe.”

  69. This is one of the worst takes I have ever read in my entire life hahahahahahaha good lord please tell me this author has been fired

  70. Ha! Ha! Ha! It is great to see snowflakes melt! The excuses the Super Troopers makes are awesome! Darwin loves these people… and more are needed to cut the over population of dumb humans destroying the world.

  71. They behave as though millions of people have not been carrying handguns for decades. I want to be different, like all my friends, and carry in a way that almost nobody preferred before now. Because they like, had never thought of it, or something. Yeah, or something is the answer. But if it gets people to finally pull their pants up and wear a belt properly, it may just be worth it for that alone.

  72. John must be fat – only fat people don’t like appendix carry; its more comfortable in every position, i can actually sit with without printing and jabbing myself, and its easier to conceal in every other position as well… unless you are fat.

    So no, appendix carry won’t work if you fat disgusting bear gut.

  73. Aromatic hydrocarbons dripping onto your balls is a good way to get testicular cancer. To me, that’s an even bigger “no way” to AIWB carry than a quick accidental death if I screw up reholstering. Plus I’m too fat, but even if I lost the weight, I would never do it.

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